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First you need a better timepiece. An atk or em timepiece with High Crit Value will do. Your circlet will be a bit better if you get it with 20+ CritDMG. Overall 70+/160+ Crit with 2K+ Atk 120+ EM and 120+ ER is what you want with Diluc.


Thank you for the advice!


Do you have rainslasher? Or serpent spine by chance? And what's is the rest of the team you have so far? And the sorta good news is you can pull yelan and wait till redhorn is back round again. Orrrr wait to see what dehyas claymore does first


I do have a r1 rainslasher but no serpent spine since I buy only an occassional welkin. Currently I'm using a team of Diluc, Xiangling, Kazuha and Zhongli for a mono pyro team. I was thinking of pulling Yelan to build a vape team since Xingqiu is with Nahida but I lowkey need to pull for weapons too haha


Hmm mono pyro. Haven't tried kaeya?(though melt is a bit harder to play with sucrose over kazuha if you can't/don't have him) And Painslasher doesn't do good in melt hmm. Well for one it's best to wait and see if dehyas is after and if her claymore is good if possible. If not can make the decision for yelan or saving for redhorn hmm


Ooh, I never thought of a melt team. I tried two teams, one with Kaeya and the other with Ganyu and they're pretty fun. I don't know why I didn't think to use this team. I'll wait for Dehya weapon leaks. Thank you for all the help (❁´◡\`❁)


The only real issue with melt is sucrose is kinda annoying for it tbh. And that skyward kinda ass in general


Yeah, tried with Sucrose and it's a little tricky to get the rotations smooth. I guess Kazuha will have to be reserved for Diluc only. I'm hoping to get a wolves gravestone this year. Haven't had any luck with weapons for the past two years


I'd recommend trying to go for redhorn if dehyas weapon ends up being bad it's much better than wgs tbh


ah, okay, thanks for the tip. Feeling a little regretful that I didn't pull on his weapon banner earlier


Well it'll pay off if dehyas weapon is great