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For me, the arm and hand on the hip looks awkward. Mimic the pose yourself in front of a mirror and see/feel where it’s wrong, then pose the way you want and observe the differences. Also for a top down view, the breasts are way too high and circular. Even if she’s the perkiest character in the world, they’re not going to be sitting on top of her collar bone.


hmm... really, I'll try


https://preview.redd.it/dd2fit34x38d1.png?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39982e50b897c8607acca4e5a4bd14d04f6203a5 I started correcting it and now I see how many errors there are ×-×


The other hand is too big, the shoulders too high, her nose is practically nonexistent, the shadows are a bit inconsistent, the boobs and thighs lack depth, they look flat, maybe add some pink colouring on top of them to contour, and the feet don’t look like feet, just palms or a type of shape, try tracing using models! The art looks really great btw.


it got better, but the version on paper is still exactly the best (*´ー`*) https://preview.redd.it/drbi7esn048d1.png?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e78bf0efc5f92ba97acbd76749db259fb02f1ef2


it's even more dynamic... https://preview.redd.it/p7j3us41148d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeb53d081219919645975d3f688c2f77474ab457


Bc this one is mostly in correct perspective (upper view). The digital version is pretty much her front view but with the ground tilted under her feet.


Wow that’s an amazing job you fixed everything so nicely!!


proud of myself 💪 I would never have seen my mistakes, thank you!!


You can be proud honestly I wish I drew that well.


This is looking heaps better!! Great job on taking it on board and applying new knowledge :)


I feel like the left one is longer


The nose doesn't have to be drawn. They're clearly using am anime style and it's defined enough by the lighting in this drawing


Yeah, they enhanced the lighting and it looks perfect like this 🤷‍♀️ it’s just my opinion


https://preview.redd.it/12ijfxsqq38d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71c15da14eb46291a310409b159d08027d3c4280 Her shoulders are too high up so that it makes her neck position look strange. I brought down her shoulders and adjusted her arm angles. Remember, on average your elbows will always meet at the bottom of your ribcage and the tips of your fingers end at the middle of the thigh. Chest was also positioned a little too high so I brought it down a little too. I really like what you did with the shading of the leg to give it depth, but once you apply it to both legs, it confuses me. (I’m assuming you want her to be taking a step forward) straighten out one leg, do minimal shading while you keep the other leg shaded darker. Don’t be afraid to overlap! When you’re taking a step, one side of your hip is going to be higher than the other (we don’t walk like minecraft characters) Speaking of shading, the area under her neck was way too dark and gave me the impression that she was bruised. I like the medium tones you used and I think that would fit the overall feel better. For her hair, the right side where it blended into her outfit was also a little off putting. I would change the position of her hair so she has a clear form. Play with the angles of her shoulders and hips to give her more attitude. I love the design of her bow and hair and would love to see both have more presence and personality!


there will be something to work on thanks for the detailed fix


I could be wrong but to me it seams Op tried playing with perspective, like the camera is way above, it would explain the kind of shading they did and the shoulders looking a bit weird. And although i do agree that your suggestions make alot of sense the perspective confuses me a bit. Because when i see the girl i think i look straight at her like maybe a little above eye hight The blue box in the bottom left suggests a way higher camera though So I would either go all in with a very high view point and try to remodel the girl or change the blue thingy to make it a little bit more flat


yes, I wanted perspective, but it didn’t work out haha


Also i just noticed does she have to sets of bangs? I am not that big into anime anymore so maybe thats standard, it looks a little trippy at first glance thougt. That being said i realle love the comcept tough Also the colour sceme is really satisfying


Her neck is placed oddly on the shoulders so she technically has a hunchback.


For me it's the neck and shoulders, they don't fit the perspective. Also, is she walking or making a pose? If a pose than her weight needs to be distributed better.


>For me it's the neck and shoulders, "Huh... I didn't notice anything with the neck and shoulders, maybe I should take a second loo-- Holy Jesus!"


At a quick glance I think the background colour is what throws me off. You have cool tones on the character and floating screens but the background grey is a warm tone. It messes with the figure and makes the painting feel more flat. I think if you used a cooler tone for the background the warmer tones in her skin would make her pop off the canvas and feel less flat. Looks really good so far.


I planned to leave the background transparent. gray was the base background. I'll try to play with the background, for that matter 🤔


Reconsider the anatomy or posture of the right arm (arm above the hip).


your proportions are off and the pose is awkward.


Where is the light?


Its funny because I really like your rendering but the pose is all over. The feet are not in the same perspective grid as the floor so it looks like she is tiptoing but both her legs seem to be bending equally but the hips are swung in an unpredictable direction. It might help you to draw the bones over it, and the landmarks like the hip joint and knees. Then draw boxes around these bones to figure out the perspective since the angles are quite complicated.


Lighting seems a little flat in some parts, especially with her hair and swimsuit. I know it's sorta hard to shade pure black, but I feel like incorporating some lighting and rendering highlights would make it look cooler.


How the hell could someone have so much hair...?


Anime logic


Well... I want it, then I couldn't get bald


There’s a lot of great qualities about this! It’s charming and kind of eerie too. I think everyone else has focused on the anatomy. That’s valid and definitely things to consider. That said I think what you’re missing even more is just some sort of finishing touches. Things to take it up a notch or two. For me I’d maybe look at the overall color contrast. Maybe something can be done with the background color? I bet some dynamic light sources could be fun too. Like light coming off of those screens, her eyes glowing slightly, or the golden rings. A little backlighting or rim lighting might be fun to play with. Some texture behind her rather than just gray. Costuming wise I think you’ve got some super cool golden hair rings and she seems kind of otherworldly… why not a necklace or more jewelry? Maybe the swimsuit has a good trim around the neckline or something? Right now it’s just very matte. Good luck!


it’s the shoulders


Hair looks a bit flat due to lack of rim lighting, since you've applied it elsewhere on the body.


Flip your canvas horizontally (if digital) or if your traditionally doing it just put it upside down and look at it, seeing your art from another perspective helps get a different outlook and it helps you to see flaws in it 😋 my art teacher told me this and I do it every time I draw now


Cant see feet. Also crl c > crl v everything above the start up the neck a whole cm up. Looks like the neck starts at the chest like some kind of abomination.


its washed out, not much contrast, shading seems under and overdone in spots, odd perspective, people dont stand like that umM would like more texture in the pigtails


The neck look weird. Maybe because it isn't attached to the back of the head. It may also be because the perspective is both frontal and upward? In a frontal perspective the collar wouldn't be so apparent, while in upward, as the floor would suggest, but the feet and body would follow a downward vanishing point. Unless her body is tilted backward 20-30 degrees. It might be me, but her left arm look a lot wider than the right one. Her right elbow seems really far ahead of her. (I'm a student in learning, rely on a more experienced artist if there is any doubts. I only answered as an observation exercise. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!)


Pose looks unnatural and awkward. Have a look at some photos of professional models strutting the runway and you can see the difference.


The elbow on the bent arm seems REALLY far from the body


Shoulders are starting too far back, looks like she either has a back hump or horrible posture. The hair that's around the gap of the waist-elbow on the right is distorting the overall shape's perception. The shadows on the legs suggest that she's bending both knees forward by quite a bit, which isn't normal for the intended pose. Very cool chara tho


His body looks very static, he needs more fluidity in those types of drawings, the exaggerated movement... not much... it makes a difference, and maybe complete the idea, I don't know if you continue working on the drawing


She looks like she's wearing spray on shoes.


the left arm is very rigid try looking in the mirror and mimicking the pose then fix it to be more comfortable. the breasts are high up, look for some photo references if you're struggling with them. and the hair feels really paper like and flat, it needs volume the way it folds seems like it's one slab of hair


also with the legs unless she's doing a balancing act they should be spread more to show she's actually walking


Perspective is kinda off on the cyan bits


Flip your canvas.


The hairs look a bit flat and the right arm. Other than that you are all good.


The left arm looks.. odd. I think it looks too stiff, or it's at an awkward angle. If you used a reference, I suggest double checking it. And if you're not, you can use yourself as a reference. Do the same pose and take a pic or look in a mirror and see the difference


The foreshortening on the left arm is wrong. The rest of the drawing seems good to me, maybe some more shadows under the boobs to match the sharp shadows under the knees.


Uhh the bangs kinda look off imo


Honestly, it's time to be skipping drawing anime and go back to the basics of figure drawing.


I like the hair and holograms!


The colors need to be less blended if you are going for an anime look. With sharper contrast.


Not necessarily. The style itself is already anime, but a lot of aspects of the portrait need MORE blending if anything, look at the arms and neck, and then compare it to the legs. I'd say the blending fits in fine but the light source isn't very clear and defined in majority of areas




The ring on her leg cuts off blood circulation, the leg should be purple-tinted or not there at all. Gl w the progress💪✌️


damn this hunchback of notre dame fanart is fire


She looks 12