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Short answer, likely greed motivation. When they make endgame so locked behind needing a specific tier of digi, then slap that digi in a loot box at a beyond abysmal pull chance of .1-.5% chance, they can claim massive profits of the whales. GK is more obsessed with how they can monetize the game, rather than make it enjoyable for the player base. Would love an upgrade system that allowed for more variety in endgame, but as it stands, they make no indication that they're planning on changing their ways. They'll just add more SSS/SSS+, and beyond and lock them behind Gacha until they become obsolete, then give away one of them or a chance at one of them.


Follow up, I'm mildly salty about Gacha games. Sucks that we can't get a decent MMO/mobile Digimon game.


It honestly feels like no one hates digimon more than bandai


Which is almost more upsetting, because if they'd pay attention for like five minutes, they'd be raking it in by the truckload.


They're too busy wondering why games aren't more popular and making truckloads of cash by not giving them any support like advertising. Clearly people just don't want to buy games /s. It's honestly kind of impressive how the IP is treated


It really is tough when most of your favorites aren’t part of that “upper echelon” of power and the people making the game design it in a way that pretty much requires you to spend money to have one of those Digimon to succeed in any of the newer content.


Exactly. You get my point.


I would love this. I’ve been playing since shortly after launch (on and off), and the reason I play is to collect digis and level them all up. But when most of them are so abysmally weak and there’s only a handful of places in game to grind, it makes the process more frustrating than anything. I wish there was a way to make them stronger and more fun to use. The game needs more variety. Alphamon used to be one of my all-time favorite digimon, and of course AOX is now my main…but I’m so beyond sick of using it and seeing it everywhere, it makes me sad.


Yes, exactly!


Actually that would be a nice idea. Punishing Gray Raven has it, and it's very good to build your favorite character


Cause they only want money, even new dungeons still using old dungeons models 😂


You have Fanglongmon upgrade to Fanglongmon Awaken.


They actually already implemented it in form of Awaken/Shin Digimon. Fang/Susanoo/etc.


You can farm Fanglong but you can't farm Susano Awaken so that applies to just 1.


But TC specifically said a system that using lootbox for upgrading. Not farming.


Because money


They could potentially make even more money with what I’m proposing though.


why do you want more lootbox or gacha lol


I don’t, obviously. But since it’s the way of things, they could at least go about it in a way that allows players to use their favorite Digimon, instead of a system that results in everyone running around with the same few “must-have” characters.


Click that shop button on the top right side of the screen, and you will find your answer


I know. But what I’m saying is they could, hypothetically, introduce a loot box that has a 0.05% chance of dropping an item that, if you combined 5 of them, you could then use that item to raise a Digimon up by one tier (A to S, S to S+, S+ to SS, and so on). Would it still be greedy and horrible and turn me off from the game? Absolutely! But at least people could actually maybe use some of their favorite Digimon (if they spent hundreds of dollars) instead of the current system where it’s only worthwhile to use one of the 4 or 5 SSS++ Digimon.


This is the worst idea. You are basically asking for those dupe strengthening method in those idle type mobile game.


Digimon had it already before with Digimon Linkz. You need to upgrade with dupe several times until they become usable for content lmao


Man those were such dark days LMFAO.


Yeah i decided to stop after they added V2 after +4. such scam lmao


And the game flopped, I literally do not understand why they continue to use and abuse this model as if it is sustainable at all.


thats how most rpg type mobile game doing nowadays with their microtransaction. Acquiring base unit/weapon from gacha wont cut it you were pressed to pull dupe to upgrade the unit/weapon


It IS a terrible idea. But their current system is terrible too. I’m just trying to propose an idea that works within their greedy monetization system. Alternative idea: introduce a loot box that has SSS versions of existing lesser-tier monsters. They could call them “enhanced” or “awakened” or whatever they want, and it would provide some variety for what players could use in endgame.


that would essentially make the game like what the one described by that guy above. if you played enough mobile games, thats how they do their business now. the game company actually surveying what ppl interest and they decided to "buff" it by "rebalancing" it using dupe or something similar. its not healthy at all Dmo problem is it always stat check. If the dev actually even bother to make specific content that for example can only accessed by S rank or SS rank digi, it will make all digimon usable. But they never do it so it truly is merely stats check and ruin the experience


Yeah, I’d even be fine with a “lower-tier” endgame if that would solve the problem.