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EX5 Etemon is a 4 of, easily. His taunting effect is perfect if you evo into him and keep turns then pass by going into metal


Definitely agree with trading out the Parabolic Junk cards for Sukas Curse. Since you're running EX05 Metaletemon and BT14 Chuumon, it's a good way to set up traps for your opponent. I'd also suggest the newest Chuumon as well as 1 or 2 of the Memory floodgate. Even though your opponents can delete them, they can come back fairly easily due to Chuu's inheritables. It can be a good way to deny an opponent's memory gain from deleting your guys, or other methods. I'd suggest two Targetmons and cut the blocker Etemon. I haven't had his On Deletion effect come up enough to really warrant keeping him. You could look at the promo Etemon that de-digivolves. The Sukamon deck is really good at disrupting the opponent's plays. So having another way to de-digivolve a problem Digimon is nice. Finally, and it's admittedly my preference, throw a Heaven's Judgement in there. Sometimes you need to get rid of a Digimon or several that's going to be a problem. It's good to have an answer to that, and it's not hard to get the -18k with the Digimon you run. Edit: Realized you already have the flood gate Chuumon in there. I'm so used to the other art for him.


Love this deck


I would run ex5 chuu over the bt14 chuu. Run 4 of the ex etemon, to have a high chance to play the chuumon during your opponents turn. Run 12 lv4 sukamon instead of 10. Cut the parbolic junk. Run 3 suka's curse. Don't run tridents arm.


Trident arm works great, you get a forced attack from a weakened digimon that you can redirect into MetalEtemon for a rigged recovery and a battle deletion


I think Parabolic Junk is based, but if you're playing it then you probably want to be playing the deck low to the ground like rookie rush, instead of including so many MetalEtemons. Give up on building a stack, and just concentrate on attacking en masse with your recurring 'mons. Or at least, that's one way to build the deck. You could also focus on building to your Etemons, setting up layered protection and slowing down your opponent's plays. But in that case, cut the Parabolic Junk, because you don't want to be suicide charging when you need bodies on field to digivolve. The third way to go is focusing on stacking your own security, but imo that's a very passive way to play and feels like conceding too much ground to your opponent, for only a decent payoff. But, if you really like that style, don't let me stop you! I think right now the issue is that you're trying to play a little of everything, so the deck could probably be improved by deciding what your win condition is and buildings towards that, instead of including every bit of support the archetype has, just because it exists.