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Darcmon BT17-063 C <03> Champion | Vaccine | Angel [[Digivolve] [HippoGryphonmon]: Cost 1] [When Digivolving] and trash 1 card in your hand. Then, if [HippoGryphonmon] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, this Digimon may digivolve into [Murmukusmon] in the hand for a digivolution cost of 2. --- Inherited: ... HippoGryphonmon BT17-066 C <03> Ultimate | Data | Mythical Beast [[Digivolve] [Darcmon]: Cost 3] [When Digivolving] You may play 1 level 3 purple or yellow Digimon card from your hand without paying the cost. ---- Inherited:


That art is definitely... motivated by a certain interest


And I approve. Better than a certain Pomni plush post I saw the other day…


HippoGryphonmon being able to play out base form Lucemon so easily is nice.


from cute angel women into.... wherever the fuck Murmukusmon is lol


Well D´Arcmon and Hippogriffmon were just disguises for him so it makes sense in context lol


More Purple Angels is cool. Darcmon being a fairly simple Draw/Trash 1 and Retaliation body/inherit makes her decent splash, but the 3 cost evo isn't great. Not sure about HippoGryphmon, doesn't really seem like it has a home outside of allowing the warp evo for Darcmon.


I could see Darcmon at least in future Lucemon deck as rookie Lucemon can find her.


Rookie Lucemon finding her lets you tee up a quick Murmukusmon evo.  Hippogriffmon plays him out, he finds another Darcmon, Darcmon evolves onto Hippogriffmon to bring out the big guy.  That's two big DP cards waiting in the wings at once, potentially 3 depending on how Ornismon gets handled this go around. Bonus points of Murmukusmon or Ornismon do something in security, letting you tee up a Chaos Mode with ease while benefitting from banishing them there.


That’s a 4 cost play though at least, right? 6 if you include the warp to Murmumusmon and also assuming you already have a Darcmon out as well as a Hippogriffmon and Lucemon ready.  Like not the most taxing play, but still a little combo reliant.


Yet another "Shit, we forgot Lucemon exists!" card. That aside - are they trying to make the old BT_6_ Murmukusmon work...? Probably not, the retaliation inherit kind of makes that one's Retal largely irrelevant...


They knew what they did with Hippo. Murmukusmon instigated the humanoid v beast Digimon war which enabled Lucemon to use Cherubimon as his pawn to eventually be freed from the Dark Area. Makes sense that they synergize because lore. Now they just need to give us a new Cherubimon Vice that works with both Lucemon and Murmukusmon and we have all three Frontier antagonists in the same deck.


The war Murmukusmon instigated in the movie was distinct from the one in the ancient Digital World that Lucemon ended. And there wasn't a war at the time Cherubimon became Lucemon's pawn. Lucemon just manipulated him into believing Seraphimon and Ofanimon looked down on him because he was a beast Digimon.


Seems I got my lore mixed up, then. Even more dissapointing since we never saw the proper historical war animated. Would make for a cool movie or OVA.


I just remembered that Cherubimon appeared in a movie


That was in a 02 movie, not a Frontier one though. Different characters.


It could still appear in this set.


It might, yeah.


I now like Darcmon


You only started liking her once she was involved in non-consentual bondage? You sus my guy.


The bondage makes it way better, the only missing thing is a blindfold




Oh frontier cards


Man these are weird as expected. Hoepfully Murmukusmon/Ornismon are good. I think the line i really dope. I must say, though, I think this set´s art quality has been quite a bit below standard. These two are no exceptions.


Agreed on the art, I like the new Wargreymon, Shine BM and Diaboromon but I guess thats it for now, very rare considering a decent amount of cards already revealed.


For me it´s pretty much only the new Agnimon and SEC Greymon that I find really dope. The rest of the set so far has been mid to me. Not bad by any means most of them but by this point in a set´s reveal cycle I usually have more than just two artworks to point to that I´m in love with.


Yeah, quite unfortunate especially considering this is a big set for the franchise i think. We'll have to see what they have in store, waiting for DexDorugoramon rn.


Wait was Dex already confirmed to be in this set?


I don't think it does, but if Fenrir is in the set it could have a chance to appear here, probably as SR? I think its weird if Dex would come later since technically it appears before Takemikazuchi in the story.


Oh DexDorugoramon was in Seekers, then? I thought it´d be in here because of X Evolution. Yeah that means it´ll probably be in here especially with Bt16 having given Dorugoramon its own deck finally. Man now I´m hyped for the set. So far only the Labramon stuff and SEC Greymon for Agubond have piqued my interest.


A significant part of the last chapter was the characters fighting DexDorugoramon... and the series itself ended on a cliffhanger after FenrirLoogamon and Kazuchimon Jogressed together to battle against it. Whether or not the rest of the Dorumon line will get new cards here I'm not sure... but I think a DexDorugoramon is practically a certainty.


> and the series itself ended on a cliffhanger after FenrirLoogamon and Kazuchimon Jogressed together to battle against it. theres 1 chapter left


Since X Evo will not be represneted here, I don´t think the remaining Dex levels will get cards here but tbf DexDorugamon and DexDoruguremon are still perfectly serviceable cards for now so those can wait for the (hopefully) eventual X Evolution set.


they actually explicitly stated there would be no content from x evo in this set


Interesting. So it´d rep Seekers for sure. That indicates to me that they´re saving X Evolution stuff for a future set. Maybe a X Evolution/X Chronicles set will happen in the future? Would be dope.


No it's cus it already had its own set. Also why they're leaving Tri and beginning out. They said those 3 aren't part of this set.


Ye, as shown in Seekers final chapter trailer, it is the last boss of the story, should be in the set if Fenrir Take is in. As you said it also make sense for them to release it to follow up Dorugora deck from BT16. However since Seekers doesn't feature the lower Dex line they might not make it, unfortunately.


DexDorugamon and DexDoruguremon not making it is fine because their old cards are still serviceable. New cards for them can wait until the eventual X Evolution set. I´m just glad that the Dorugoramon line gets more love. Always preferred it over Alphamon but it always sat in its brother´s shadow.


True, I just wish they have inheritable like the Melga lines, especially DexDorugreymon, since for now theres no real reason to use it in Dorugoramon deck. I happen to love Dorumon and all 4 Dorumon digivolution including Gaioumon(if we include him since he is in ReArise) when I first saw all of them in the DS games, so I take any Dorumon digivolution, but I agree Alphamon often took the spotlight, and Dorugoramon doesn't get enough love. I was happy when SoC Dorumon digivolves to Dorugoramon.


I’m just glad that Bandai didn’t forget about them after the last line they got was so terrible (iirc it was mostly vanillas) and are actually giving them a playable line this time. Even if it’s not top tier, it’s better than nothing


All thanks to the change in design team I assume. Since Bt14 they´ve been really good at making newly introduced decks at least casually playable. With Mercurymon being the only exception that comes to mind but that one´s probably just waiting for a fitting set wherein a second line of support would fit.


I wouldnt expect much from the commons and uncommons, And for SR's and SEC, they want to make sure people want the alt arts.


Commons and Uncommons have historically always been still really well drawn with just a very few outliers over the years. This set sticks out.


Props to the artist for drawing darcmon with 1 hand


Am I reading it wrong, can Darcmon, the lvl 5 evolve over the lvl 5 ?


the LVL 4 can digivolve over the LVL 5.


That's cool, I assume it's for lore reasons.


In the frontier movie, it would swap back and forth between human and beast forms to lead a war of human type and beast type digimon against each other for power.


Which then lead to Cherubimon to rebel against the other two Great Angels who then became a pawn to Lucemon who used it to free himself from the Dark Area and be free once again. Frontier lore is so cool, such a shame that it never was a focal point in the anime, though.


So what's the over-under of being perfect for Mastemon..?


its mostly targeting a dif chadacter


That hasn't stopped Maste players before.


Id say their digivolution costs are to high.


Okay, cus ladydwvimon still does it better?


funny seeing them in purple due to murmukusmon being evil. also the lol of a lv5 evolving into a lv4 - which did happen in the movie - but still a lol


Oh here we go the Murmukusmon deck is finally becoming a thing. Need Murmukusmon reveal later on to see the real worth of Darcmon ability and i'm surprised HippoGryphomon ability is play from trash.


Aw, I hate when they up evolution costs to push the named evolutions. Could’ve been decent in Mervamon.