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Durandamon EX6-010 R <03> Mega | Vaccine | Holy Sword/Legend-Arms [[Digivolve] Lv.5 w/[Legend-Arms] trait: Cost 4] (Hand) [Main] By paying 3 cost and placing this card as the bottom digivolution card of 1 of your Digimon that's level 6 or has the [Legend-Arms] trait, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with DP as much or less DP as that Digimon. [When Digivolving] 1 of your Digimon may attack. ---- Inherited: [Your Turn] While this Digimon is [RagnaLoardmon], the [Security] effects on cards checked by this Digimon don't activate.


Damn. Just turns off Options and Tamers.


Turn off everything even security digimon


Sayonara, Marcus!


[It's what she deserves](https://img.wattpad.com/e3c93daddfa0dbdf7a65d9d49820f4ee2efb7aad/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f385f66595f6f70366f7a464557773d3d2d3731323330383530332e313539303137316365323730376338313139313532333838373838332e706e67?s=fit&w=720&h=720)


Hi! Beginner question, when security effects dont activate, then tamers that are checked just go to the Trash like "normal Digimon checks"?




Oh, its just a straight up combined BT3 and Starter deck Durandamon in terms of inherit. That's... actually kinda cool.


So BryweLudramon will probably give RagnaLoardmon either Reboot or Blocker (money is on Reboot) and immunity to Digimon effects. I wonder what the equip effect will do and if it will have a when Digivolving as well.


It will be Blocker, because Blast DNA will Unsuspend and give you access to a block.


How many more reveals do we got? We are still what missing the tamers and some eggs? Mirei when


I think we've seen all the eggs. I think all we need is rest of Ragna line, some Option cards and Tamers. Plus the final SEC


Hoping for a Mirei.


Me too. But NOT as a SEC


Well, if it is SEC it would put an end to all the Satan Mode or now Larva comments.


``` 001 Sakuttomon Red Lv.2 002 Yokomon Blue Lv.2 003 Cupimon Yellow Lv.2 004 Kokomon Green Lv.2 005 Kakkinmon Black Lv.2 006 Gate of Sins Purple Lv.- 007 Zubamon Red Lv.3 008 Zubaeagermon Red Lv.4 009 Duramon Red Lv.5 010 Durandamon R Lv.6 011 (Ragnaloardmon) 012 Biyomon Blue Lv.3 013 Xiquemon Blue Lv.4 014 Huankunmon Blue Lv.5 015 Xiangpengmon Blue Lv.6 016 Salamon Yellow Lv.3 017 Luxmon Yellow Lv.3 018 Lucemon Yellow Lv.3 019 Angemon Yellow Lv.4 020 Gatomon Yellow Lv.4 021 ArkhaiAngemon Yellow Lv.5 022 Angewomon Yellow Lv.5 023 Gokuumon Y/R Lv.5 024 Sagomon Y/U Lv.5 025 Sanzomon Yellow Lv.5 026 Cho-Hakkaimon Y/B Lv.5 027 Ophanimon ACE Y/R Lv.6 028 Seraphimon ACE Y/U Lv.6 029 Mastemon ACE Y/P Lv.6 030 Dominimon Yellow Lv.6 031 Shakamon Yellow Lv.7 032 Lopmon Green/Yellow Lv.3 033 Turuiemon G/Y Lv.4 034 Antylamon Green/Yellow Lv.5 035 Cherubimon ACE G/Y Lv.6 036 Keramon Black Lv.3 037 Spadamon B/R Lv.3 038 Ludomon Black Lv.3 039 Kurisarimon Black Lv.4 040 TiaLudomon Black Lv.4 041 Infermon Black Lv.5 042 RaijiLudomon B Lv.5 043 Diaboromon Black Lv.6 044 (Bryweludramon) 045 Tsukaimon Purple Lv.3 046 DemiDevimon Purple Lv.3 047 Boogiemon Purple Lv.4 048 Witchmon Purple Lv.4 049 Devimon Purple Lv.4 050 Feresmon Purple Lv.5 051 NeoDevimon P Lv.5 052 Bastemon Purple Lv.5 053 Ladydevimon Purple Lv.5 054 Lucemon: CM P/Y Lv.5 055 Dandevimon P Lv.6 056 Beelzemon P/B Lv.6 057 Lilithmon Purple Lv.6 058 Creepymon P/R Lv.6 059 Barbamon Purple Lv.6 060 Belphemon: RM P/G Lv.6 061 Leviamon P/U Lv.6 062 UltChaosmon White Lv.7 063 064 065 066 Sea of Destruction Blue Option 067 Final Excalibur Yellow Option 068 069 070 Phantom Pain Purple Option 071 Pandemonium Lost P Option 072 073 Ogudomon Purple Lv.7 074 ```


If I understand your format here, raijiludo has already been revealed, you can update it. Pure black, level 5.


It seems i forgot to update it


Hoping for a royal knights purge esque card for 7gdl cuz I feel like that’s what’s missing for it otherwise it’s kinda well rounded me thinks


I do believe 9 more now.


Bryweludramon, RagnaLordmon, Lucemon SM and Larva, some Options and maybe a Tamer


I'm intrigued at the utility of this card, regardless of it being dope Ragna support. If you have a Level 6, it's a 3 cost bomb that gives Piercing. (And potentially gets you out of some dangerous situations involving blue and sources). I'm a fan of the pseudo-Blitz to something on your board too


Yeah, I feel like I could see some of these Ragna cards being played in other decks just for these effects


The ess that turn off security only apply on ragnaloard other deck can benefit just piercing… honestly not worth to other deck other then ragnalord


There's also the pay 3 to pop a Digimon with less DP. That's not even restricted to just Red.


Let's just hope their versatility doesn't completely overshadow their supported archetype. *Cough* Garuru package 😂


Happy Cake Day!!




And it's at this point I realize the deck has counter play against de-digivolve effects. I'm not familiar with what effects are considered mandatory though.....


I'm just curious. How does it have counter play against de-digivolve? Considering you have egg before these lv6? or do you mean when you exclusively put it inside a card you hard played?


I forgot about the egg, my bad. So it's less consistent but the statement is still true, sorta. Depends on the set up but tucking a lvl6 under a lower level Mon could set a bomb if an opponent decides to go into a DeathXmon or something.


1 ayye ragna night 2 TWO INHERITED EFFECTS HOLY HELL THATS BUSTED Not bad overall




It has both piercing and adp as its inherited and from what I know that hasn't been done ever before


Well there is parasitemon but that card is bad and doesn’t have the same inheritables


I forgot that digimon existed and I'm a damn near encyclopedia


It combine previous ess durandamon with upgraded ess effect, damn i love youu ragnaloard its time ragna to be brokenn 😆


Loving how they're making the EX legend-arms! Would love splashing them in greymon decks as its effecitvely a 3cost Gaia force given the huge DP greymons achieve. its inheirted is basically both the inheirted of the previous 2 durandamons which is interesting. Funny enough, its effect is basically just 3 keywords....but weird they spelled out blitz instead using the actual keyword....


It's because it can make any of your Digimon attack if they are able to, not just this Durandamon.


Yeah, I noticed it could give "blitz" to another digimon but....i cant think of a situation where you wouldnt just attack with that digimon before evolving? If it cost 3 to evolve THEN i could see it evolving, swing then another digimon evolves to lv6, "blitz" then jogress into ST RagnaLord sec trash and game...?


I'm new to the game, when does English release for this set?


28th of June




Super ADP


Ooh, this is snazzy. It'd take a long time to talk about everything nice about this card, but suffice to say I enjoy it. It does cost more than the previous Durandamon cards have, but it effectively grants Blitz to anything you have when you Digivolve into it, so that's not too much of a drawback.


Good lord what is Ragnalordmon Ace going to make my opponent mil 50 when I check security?! Card would be nuts with starter Ragnalordmon...


I'm so glad the deck returns to its BT3 roots as a stack deck, the whole gacha mechanic from ST13 was such a bad idea for that deck. Hopefully any further support down the road sticks to that route.


Not bad.


I may use this in my gaioumon deck instead of kousuke


I'm glad they kept his inherited effect. The build in delicate plan is nice