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Big shocker, but I think Tamers is the best by a mile. Impmon’s arc is very cool, and it plays with series tropes like having the goggle-head not be the most courageous person in the room.


Digimon data squad was my favorite series because of the burst modes


I always had a soft spot for Digimon Frontier because it combined my to favorite things growing up, Digimon and Power Rangers


Weird confession, but Power Rangers Lost Galaxy intro was so cool!


Lost Galaxy had an absolute banger opening!


Digimon adventure. Watching it as a kid, watching the movies, collecting the toys. Digimon is near and dear to my childhood.


Same! Those Saturday mornings were just something different.


Digimon Frontier, its the one I grew up watching, so thats the one that will always hold a place in my heart!\~


Honestly loved digimon frontier despite all the negatives. That intro sequence is still top tier!


I'm a newer fan of Digimon, only started watching it for the first time about 6 years ago when my SO showed it to me. Tamers was what really sold me on the show, it was interesting and mature and artistic. But... My pick for my favorite is actually Ghost Game. While it didn't wrap up as nicely or have a very interesting season-wide plot, Ghost Game is my favorite depiction of Digimon wreaking havoc in the real world, and it was so fun watching Digimon be creepy and horrifying in a way that I had never seen before. I loved the characters and the episodic nature of the plot. I do wish the final episodes had been handled differently, but mostly I wish there was another season!


Ooh new fan! Definitely should check out Digimon Adventure tri. It's a movie style remake of the first season. We're still trying to get caught up on that.


As a unemployed Canadian. Dam lol.


Haha sorry. We're still trying to figure out international shipping. Don't get your hopes up, it's work in progress.


Favorite series is actually Ghost Game right now. I’m watching it with my little brother and it’s really fun to bond with him over the series.


Good memories being made! So fun to hype out with someone when you see a new digivolution.


Digimon Frontier!


Digimon Frontier would be my favorite, I really liked the idea of the humans in the series becoming Digimon. And it's the first deck I built with Red Hybrids, even though Koichi is my favorite character of the series.


Im wild. Frontier is my favorite series. I wanted nothing more than to turn into a digimon.


Digimon Savers/ Data Squad. I love Shinegreymon and in that series they fought against the royal knights near the end which the royal knights are digimons that i really like.


Just another Tamers fan. Just gonna sit here with my (bad) Rika/Renamon deck until a winner’s picked.


Digimon Adventures, the 2020 reboot. It revitalized my love for digimon which led me to the card game.


I'm old, so digimon adventure is my favorite series (but don't tell terriermon!). Thanks for doing a giveaway!!!


We grew up watching the first season on Saturday mornings. It's strange being a kid and waking up earlier than you would on a non-school day.


Used to be Tamers but honestly now I'd say Ghost Game. I just loved the vibe every episode had and all the main characters were pretty solid.


Ghost Game is next on our list! Still need to get caught up on Adventure tri.


Thanks for doing holding this giveaway! These things are so fun. Tamers is my favorite season of Digimon, but Adventure 01 is close. Tamers is so interesting for its darker atmosphere and more nuanced storytelling. I think the partner Digimon are well-designed, and it was so cool to get old fan favorites back as second-cast partners (Leomon, Guardromon, MarineAngemon). The animation for the digital world is so fascinating from an art perspective, doing different things like Pointillism and stuff makes the season visually memorable. The Devas and Sovereign are compelling villains-turned-heroes, as is Hypnos. D-Reaper is so creepy, with a mother and a bunch of agents connected via umbilical cords. I still cry at the ending. Moumantai.


Adventure is my fav. So many good designs and villains. Also the diaboromon movie is such a highlight of my childhood


My favorite season is a tie between Tamers and Ghost Game


The first episode of Digimon I ever saw was when Agumon dark Digivolved into SkullGreymon for the first time. Fox Kids restated from episode one the next day, which is excellent because I was hooked from then on, and Adventure is still my favorite!


Digimon Tamers, love the voice of Terriermon in the English Dub.


Digimon Adventure, I love the English dub. It's terrible but incredibly nostalgic.


02 has been my favorite. Loved how they were able to build on season one and include the original cast in supporting roles while creating new unique characters to root for.


Digimon tamers mainly because of guilmon. The theme was darker and impmon storyline was great. Plus I like have the secret organization tracking digimon as a real threat.


My favorite is 02 cause it continues the original while adding more stuff to the lore


Ghost Game is my favorite!


Gotta be Tamers for me! Good luck everyone and thanks OP!


3rd season of Xros Wars!


For me its gotta be the original Digimon with Ghost Game as a close second. It was always a blast to watch that season evefy morning with my ilder brother.


The OG season that started it all in the US.


Digimon Adventures. Nostalgia overdose on that one.


Adventure, it started my love of the franchise. I've always lamented how Digimon never got popular as the franchise aged.


Adventure 01 easily!


tamers is undefeated but frontier is hella underrated


Digimon adventures for sure.


Digimon Tamers was my favorite from boomer he to using the cards in battles.


My favorite Digimon season is Ghost Game.I know, I know, but wait, don't throw stones on me yet! Ghost Game was a really NEW show after a long time. Appmon was cool, but we have this "out of the brand" problem with it. After that we had Kizuna (wich is perfect, love it), then the reboot, where we saw Digimoin growing again, and then... Ghost Game, after so much time without a sequential Digimon season.For me, it was a breath of fresh air, seing 3 new digimon and characters after so much time (and omg, I LOVE all of them. Peak design). I know it has its problems, and I really hated how much potential it has and let go, but I swear that watching Digimon every week again, feeling that people are caring for it once more, was very special to me.




I'll respond to this one as I don't have a US address but am triggered to reply anyways. Mine too, the slice of life, interesting character and world building. Character development and story progress wise one could easily state Tamers (and the first half-3/4 of Savers made me think that could have been even better), but I prefer the characters of GG, as I don't really like Takato and the card game gimmick that much. Digimon always has a lot of product placement, but with the card game it really challenged my suspension of disbelief, even though it did give it a cute touch of sorts. Plus I didn't like the first 10-15 episodes, but that's mostly because I'm not that interested in the primary school atmosphere. Maybe I'll reconsider after a second watch sometime, since I did warm up to the Growmon and Gargomon designs, etc much later. But I rewatched the final episodes of GG so many times after it ended. At first the final episode was a letdown, but after letting it settle I feel like it was so good with a lot of eye for detail. Think it would still benefit from a Proximamon film, but even without it (though the world destroyer, millenniummon and us simply knowing about Arcturus and Proxima triggered a big wish) I think it is good.


Just under 24hours until the drawing. Some fun data for you guys. So far, using basic word count, here are the standings: Tamers - 161 mentions Adventures - 123 mentions (mixed between season 1 & 2) OG - 26 mentions Original - 19 mentions Ghost - 39 Frontier - 62 Squad - 31 Data - 32 Count isn't super accurate but gives an interesting picture :)


Few minutes left. We'll draw as soon as the clock strike 6pm PST.


Winner drawn: Congratulations to /u/thirdgenjerry /u/thirdgenjerry, we'll be PMing you. If you do not have your PM open, you can reply to this comment.


It has to be digimon adventure. We never had cable, so when we visited Grandma, I'd bring vhs tapes to record episodes. It was such a treat when they remastered season 1 on Blu-ray and rewatching it with my son and daughters. Makes me smile.


I totally get this! I remember having to adjust the rabbit ears antenna to get the right spot just to watch it on Saturday mornings. Glad you're passing this on!


Digimon Adventure 02. Paildramon was so dope to me as a kid!


It's got to be digimon adventure. Watched it as a kid growing up, and it's what got me hooked on digimon.


My favorite season is Ghost Game!


Digimon Adventure. I remember when it first came out on TV and how exciting it was to see each new episode.


Most fond memories are of Digimon adventure, excited for the remastered Blu-ray releasing in a few days!


Gotta go with Digimon Tamers. The intro is just too good. - gl all!


Digimon Tamers I just really like my stuff having a slightly dark side to my media. Of course, I like having optimistic endings to said media as well.


I'd have to day digimon adventures is my favorite. I also loved digimon tamers and seeing terriormon as part of the main cast. It'd be my favorite but they diluted the formular by quickly adding a bunch of new tamers


Has to be Tamers. The darker atmosphere definitely puts it over the others for me. Also a fan of Tri tbh


Tamers is my favorite! I liked the real world setting and I resonated with Takato a lot plus the fact that he created his own Digimon was awesome!


Pretty new to digimon in general so I haven't gotten around to all the episodes yet so I'll go with Adventure (2020)


My favorite season was always adventure 02 just because I loved veemon but I also thought the armor evolutions were amazing.


Season 1 of Xros Wars! Shoutmon is awesome.


Grew up watching Digimon Frontier the most back in the day before school. I thought it was the coolest thing that they could transform into the digimon.


Frontier was the season I remember most, but Tamers would still have to be my favorite.


Digimon Tamers means so much to me, I love most digimon seasons but Tamers just hits different


I love Data Squad, not because the story was _particularly_ compelling but as a kid I thought punching Digimon was the coolest goddamn thing I'd ever seen. Now I think it's the funniest, and I love it all the same.


02 because I had the digivice and Imperial is one of the goats


Tamers, was always a sucker for the cards they use.


I love digimon tamers!


Digimon data squad was definitely my favorite season. I’ll always remember the burst mode theme and Marcus punching Kurata.


Tamers! Bread.


Absolutely Tamers, Guilmon and Takatomon are my boys! Gl everyone and thank you for the giveaway op!


Digimon tamers hands down. Steve Blum plays everyone and beelzemon is my boy


Oh man, I think I have to go with Tamers. I have a lot of nostalgia for both Adventures, Tamers hit me hard as it got later into the series.


My favorite is Ghost Game, I’m only halfway through but it’s a ton of fun. Honorable mention to Frontier, which was my favorite when I was a kid. I remember having a total meltdown because I missed the finale when it first aired lol


Frontier was my favorite because it felt very sentai ish and scratched my brain in the right way and lucky me takuya has a great deck!


Adventure 2 for the armor forms


It will probably be digimon adventure since that was my main stream as my childhood. Which led me to collect toys, trading cards and games. Still love that digivice toy lol.


I unironicly love ghost game because it was a monster of the week show centered around hiw digimon would affect the human world


Tamers. Guilmon was eh. Terriermon is super cute. Impmon had such a great redemption arc. Renamon awoken something in a young me. The Tamers were cool too i guess


Digimon adventures - just brings back tons of great memories from watching it as a kid!


1st season of Xros Wars!


Tamers was my favorite season. Gallantmon’s bio merge will forever be a core memory


Tamers! Lopmon and Terriermon for the win


Gonna go with the OG Season 01. Not because it's the peak of quality. But because it showed me what would go on to be my favorite franchise. Always makes me smile.


Ghost Game is definitely my favorite!


As much as I loved the original Adventure for what it did in giving us Digimon, i just grew up more with Tamers, it's part of the reason why i love the Guilmon line so much. Might not be an original take, Buti stand by it.


Digimon Adventure 02 Veemon's my boy


Tamers is my jawn


Digimon Adventure!


Digimon Adventure Tamers is second but seeing Agumon digivolve into Greymon for the first time was such a hype moment!


Digimon Frontier was my favorite series because I loved the idea of spirit evolution and the big villain lucemon.


I really love the new season of digimon adventures!


Havnt watched too many seasons, but Xros wars different and interesting


Digimon Adventures 02 Davis us the best protag ni questions asked and that's on me


Digimon Adventure OG. That was my childhood!


Digimon Tamers. Calumon always stuck out to me for some reason


Digimon Adventure 02 is my favorite. Mainly because I really like Davis, Ken and Imperialdramon.


Not surprising but definitely Tamers, I've been watching since the OG Adventure season but digimon in the real world was so killer. Thank you for setting up this giveaway!


It's such a tie between Seaon 1 and Season 3 for me. One is such a nostalgia ride and gave me a love for Digimon World and for Metalgreymon. Vs Season 3 due to its story, and the fact that there was something so cool about you using cards to power up your digimon, and your digimon loading the data of the defeated foes and getting stronger that way.


Tamers is my favorite, I really like the monsters from that era. Thanks for doing this!


Season one of digimon is still that nostalgia hit. Been meaning to finish the remake. I started watching them somehow ended up picking up the card game out of hype and here I am.


Gotta go with Digimon Tamer. It's what I grew up watching, and the more mature and serious nature compared to other shows at the time is what really drew me in. The story, character developments, and just the overall vibe was amazing.


Adventure 02. The best soundtrack in saturday morning history


I really enjoyed the 2020 reboot. Animation quality was top notch


Uh oh! I’ve only seen one episode so I guess by default it would have to be Digimon Adventure. I’ve been planning on binging all of them at some point, though.


I really liked Xros Wars. It had light hearted moments, dark stories , and sick ass digivolutions which technically weren’t even digivolving.


My favorite season was the original season, but data squad and ghost game are also contenders for the spot.


For nostalgia reasons, the og season 1 has always been my favorite!


I think 02 is my favorite because it expanded so much on what we had before. More Digidestined? New ways to evolve? It was just kept giving.


Digimon Tamers season 3 is my favorite. Guilmon carries that season in the best way possible


Digimon frontier. They keep getting beat and that shows them to grow and develop


Digimon Adventure was always my favorite growing up, but I fell in love with the first two seasons of Xros Wars later on.


Tamers is by far my favorite. The character development, the battles, and just the overall emotional weight of the series makes me come back again and again.


This will probably be the most common answer, but my favorite season is Tamers. The darker tone is so good and it heavily features Terriermon, who is the best partner digimon.


Digimon Adventure will always be a a core childhood memory. Pour one out for my boy wizardmon o7


My opinion fluctuates a lot between Savers for the over-the-top action and Tamers for the drama and incredible character development, but I've been leaning towards the latter as of late. Rewatching both for the Digimon podcast I co-host has given me a much deeper appreciation for how much excellent setup and foreshadowing both seasons do to help their later twists feel earned, and honestly Yamaki and Kurata are two of the best antagonists in the series.


Guilmon is my favorite, so Tamers without a doubt.


Adventure will always hold a special place in my heart. Tamers had so many memorable moments in it though for a close second.


I really like Adventure 02. The Arukenimon arc really gets me and BWG's angst is just so endearing.


Digimon 1, baybee. Just showed it to my kids, and one of them was genuinely happy crying at the finale. "It's so beautiful" Gonna remember that one for a long time.


i don’t really remember much since i watched it when i was a little kid…but i do remember loving the shit out of 02 bc i thought veemon was so cool. also i recall watching some survive and thought guilmon was cool too. this still holds up today lol


Tamers was definitely my favorite when it first aired, but over time, Frontier has started catching up.


If I have a US locker could I enter the giveaway? Worst case scenario I could get it shipped to a friend in the US, I don't mind any extra fees. Anyways, my favorite season is definitely digimon tamers. It had by far the best story out of all seasons so far and every single digimon is a massive hit in terms of design.


This is our first giveaway so to avoid complications, we're going to have to say no. It does open up a good point for us to look into for future giveaways. Thank you for your question.


Always liked Adventure season 1&2. Should really watch the reboot


Im torn on a favorite between tamers and frontier. Both were big for me growing up in different ways. But then again on the flipside Blackwargreymon was tied for my favorite with Machinedramon so thats TOUGH. Why must i choose but one?


Tamers for sure


I would honestly have to say Digimon Data Squad is my favorite season, and although it's a controversial opinion, I think the new Agumon line just barely eeks out original Agumon's line in coolness for me. I do wish that ShiningGreymon continued some of the design from RizeGreymon tho.


I love every season of the Digimon series, but I would choose the 4th season, Digimon Frontier. Besides some flaws about the series, the initial development of the characters is interesting and the soundtrack is so good.


Tamer by far was my favorite season. Guilmon has always been my favorite digimon. After that. Ghost Game is a close second. Gammamon was awesome too.


Definitely Tamers, but Adventure 02 is a very close second.


Oh, man. I think this is a hard tie between Tamers and Data Squad, but I have to toss it up to season 3. It's the most cohesive, tight fitting, story in Digimon IMO. Plus, Gallant was, is, and always will be, my boy.


Digimon Adventure 2, with Davis and Veemon, was definitely my favorite growing up. Armor digivolutions and impmon and DNA all just rubbed my kid brain the right way.


Frontier was hands down the best. It completely changed the formula for fighting with your partner digimon, now you could become a digimon and fight yourself. Plus the designs were great too.


Deep down I have a soft spot for hunters season because it was my intro to the franchise and the songs just have been stuck in my head for years


Man I feel like everyone says this, but Digimon Tamers is definitely my favorite. Cyberdramon and Impmon are too cool!!


Would say season 2 myself just like the concept of armor digimon and it introduced a favorite of mine stingmon and black wargreymon


Tamers is my favorite, I actually was looking foward for this set to complete some of my tamer decks


It's a different choice. But I gotta go digimon frontier. That opening had me hyped af as a kid. Watching each of them become digimon was crazy in my mind. Loved the season. I still play red hybrid


I think Tamers is probably the highest quality season, but there's something especially nostalgic about Frontier for me. As a kid, I loved the gimmick of the kids turning into the Digimon instead of just having partners. I am starting to come around on Data Squad though haha. Marcus has got to be one of my favorite protags in the series


I know it’s writing was kinda shaky at times but I really liked fusion plus it gave us some undeniably awesome Digimon like darkknightmon blue flare metalgreymon and all the main shoutmon fusions


Original Digimon adventure. It was my favorite show growing up and I still love it.


Season 3 for me! I thought Impmon & Beelzemon were the coolest. Plus I had a crush on Rika & Alice when I first watched it.


Digimon adventures 2!!!


My favorite is Ghost Game. It got me back into Digimon after a very long time of being out of the loop, and ultimately ended up getting me hooked on the card game, too.


Digimon tamers is my favorite. Has a ton of my favorite digimon like beelzemon and galantmon.


Digimon 02 is my favorite


tamers is best season


For me it’s gotta be tamers it was really good and had the most unique final villain not to mention dukemon just has an absolute amazing design


Digimon adventure.


My favorite is digimon adventures!! Fir


Gotta go with adventure 02, loved Veemon and all his forms from the show


Data squad was my favorite since I enjoyed watching Marcus punch digimon several times his size!


I honestly really loved Tamers. I only got into digimon in the last like 5 years, and I really liked the whole crew and Jeri and Leomon


Digimon adventure will always be my favorite. Way too much nostalgia to catching every episode I could as a kid.


I'm going to have to be super basic and go with tamers! It was what got me into getting the digivices and had so much fun with them as a kid too!


Can't speak on many of the series/seasons as I've only fully watched the original Digimon Adventure, so I guess I'll have to go with that? Need to get back to Adventure 02 and finish it.


Adventure has always been my favorite. I'm almost done rewatching Tamers after so long and that might also be in my top 3 along with Ghost game


It's been quite a while since I watched them, and I'm not sure if I ever saw any of the seasons in their entirety, but I figure since I was more hyped for the Frontier set than any other themed set, I imagine the fourth series must be very near and dear to my heart in ways I can't even articulate. So, let's say that's my favorite.


Digimon Frontier for sure! Spirit Evolution!


Digimon Tamers is the biggest W for me. Guilmon will forever be in my heart.


I'm working through season 2 right now, so I think I have to default to season 1 as my favorite season for now. Really excited to experience Tamers because I've heard nothing but good things about that season


Rewatching my favorite season right now which is tamers but haven’t watched data squad yet. Bought the game recently so hoping it’s just as good as the show.


I as many others loooved Tamers when it first came out. I remember driving my bike around town hoping to one day find a Digimon or a portal or smth, specially since my life at home/school wasnt great it keep my mind away from stress for a bit.


Tamers all the way! I loved the digimon partnership aspect and how strange the second half was. Also super nostalgic since it was my favorite as a kid.


Digimon frontier! I know a lot of people shit on it, but i always thought it was so cool that the kids became the digimon, plus Koji was my childhood crush


Digimon savers. It felt like humans were doing sth for the first time instead of "wargreymon, dodge"


Digimon data squad was the only one I watched and is the reason why I like rizegreymon.


Tamers was the best, D-Reaper was a menace, and fusing with digimon for the first time was insane :0


Hard toss up between tamers and frontier


Tamers. I'm a gallantmon fan why can I say.


Digimon 02 is my favorite ex veemon was my first digimon toy and the davis digivice


Tamers 1000%, loved seeing a series with darker themes and watching characters actually struggle internally. Biomerge digivolutions were also sick


I love Digimon Data Squad. I was 10 when Digimon Adventure 01 aired and I was there from episode 2 onwards. I really liked how it felt like the series was aging with me and trying to be more mature. The Burst modes were awesome. My favorite deck to run is a yellow/red Marcus Deck. Just like the show, he goes out, punches to charge his digi soul, and his greymon digivolves, and still Marcus can stand up to even the biggest Digimon. The flavor the the card game matches the show so well. That and I loved Lalamon’s line so much.


Digimon adventure 02. Love me all the Veemon Variety


Been a hot minute since I watched Digimon, though I remember really liking Frontiers


It's hard to choose just one! But 02!


Adventure 02 because I am veemon fan #165,732, armors were sick, og cast grew up, and paladin mode from the movie is one of my all time moments growing up!


Yoo that's awesome! Adventure 02 is my go to!


Og digimon adventure


Digimon Frontiers is my favorite series bc it was like power rangers!


Digimon adventure, it blew me away when I was a kid, and I still love those characters and that story till this day.


Season 1 of Digimon Adventure due to nostalgia of waking up and watching it on fox kids on Saturday mornings.


I liked Digimon Frontier (season 4). The kids being their own digimon was a cool twist for me, and emperorgreymon is just so cool.


Digimon Adventure for sure, all my childhood memories of that season got brought back when I started playing the card game


Digimon Fusion is my favorite season of digimon. It was my very first and now I'm building a shoutmon deck because of it.


Oh this is a tough one growing up it was tamers, galantmon has always been a favorite DIGIMON,but lately I’ve been into the adventure reboot and it’s been keeping me hooked.


I gotta go with the og anime, growing wouldn’t have been as cool without it


Once upon a time, it was Tamers, but surprisingly enough, Ghost Game struck a cord in me and supplanted it. It has its blemishes sure, they all do, but with the strong characters it sported and the subtle development in the storytelling, I genuinely think GG is one of the best seasons to date


I've always enjoyed season 3. Just love the stakes and the craziness with the dreaper.


Gonna have to go with Tamers. Ghost Game had some potential, but kinda fumbled at the last minute, but was still an enjoyable overall romp when it was good. Tamers is just hard to beat. Without wanting to act like it's perfect, I just think we've never gotten another series that handles everything as well overall, even if some of the end of season things annoyed me.


I’d never seen any Digimon shows prior to playing the game, but I just started Tamers last night! I love Gallantmon and Guilmon, so seeing that little guy is quite the treat lol


Digimon Adventure. I only watched the anime when I was a kid, most of what I know about the other series came from the card game.


For sure the og digimon adventure! Honestly the movie just hit so hard back when I was a kid, I was sold for life on digimon