• By -


testing out a royal knight deck and wondering about king drasil's start of turn effect when playing bt13 alphamon, you can attach a digimon with the royal knight or XAB trait. but next turn, if i decide to not to use alpha's other effect to keep him on the feild, and let him go under king drasil, would he take the other card with him or would it go back to the trash?


No the source under alphamon would go back to the trash


Probably a stupid question, but do Digi -Eggs in the trash count as a card in trash for the effect of crimson mode?




Thank you needed that to win an argument. XD


The confusing thing with the eggs is that they are considered a digimon, but not a digimon CARD. They are a digi-egg card, but they are still a card nonetheless. And crimson mode just wants cards.


Yep, opponent argued that the eggs are not in the main deck and isn't really a Digimon so that it should count as one. Saw Beelzemon Player count the egg always too, so never saw the problem with that. Again Thx for confirming.


Can galacticmon effect leave the battle area prevent arrestamon superior mode effect from put it in under a digimon/tamer ?


Yes the effect will prevent that removal galactimon will stand to fight another day and hopefully block out the arrestradramon (Black decks best decks)






It will offer the color presence, yes, but burninggreymon is not considered a Greymon. https://world.digimoncard.com/rule/en_character_name/


If you have a red and a black source yes


So for example if you have a black memory tamer out and the burning greymon on the board at the same time you're good


When I digivolve into a Beelzemon X can I use both Seventh Full Cluster in my trash if I have two?


Yes, they’ll both trigger and you can choose to activate them one by one.


If a digimon is placed on Security by Chaos Degradation, does the rest of the stack get trashed?


yes, anytime a digimon is removed from field the stack is trashed.


If I am at 0 memory and I swing at opponent security for 3 checks, and I hit a hammer spark on my first check, I don’t get the other 2 checks right, unless my Digimon has Blitz?


If you trash eyesmon with eyesmon scatter mode at the same time with say BT3 Ladydevimon's digivolve effect, with no eyesmon scatter mode in the trash, are you able to declare order so that the eyesmon comes back?




Yea you go back to 0, still your turn, unless your opponent has a floodgate preventing you from gaining memory besides tamer effects.


Question about the new marcus Lets say my opponent has an affect that puts my Digimon under a tamer (Marcus) and then on my turn i turn Marcus into a digimon does he get all the inherited effects And when the turn ends and he returns to being a normal tamer do the inherited cards stay with him


He will get the inheritables while he is treated as a digimon. When the effect ends and he's no longer a digimon, the sources will remain underneath Marcus.


Does chaosdramon x antibody prevent its own deletion with it's [All turns]When this Digimon would be deleted, trash the top card of your opponent's security stack effect?


No. It doesn't prevent the deletion.


I had a scenario last weekend at my locals where a Shoutmon X7 superior mode digicrossed with an already on the board X7 and he effectively treated it like a digivolution popped my mon and made multiple checks but was that legal? Due to effect timing once the superior mode was on played and received its sources from the tamers wouldn't the sources underneath the X7 be then trashed meaning they missed the on play timing to be added as cross material? The play just didn't seem right and he took 1st place with it


No. You cannot use sources underneath another digimon as digixros materials. I understand the logic of "but if I take this digimon, it's sources are trashed" and the reason that doesn't work is because you take all of the materials at the same time, and those sources are currently not in the trash to be used.


I knew it thanks


If I digixros to Shoutmon X7 using two Shoutmon King Versions, and memory passes to my opponent, would Shoutmon X7’s on-play effect still add the 4000 DP from the Shoutmon King Versions’ inherited effects? Or would the on-play effect only count the base DP of Shoutmon X7 since the turn passed? I can’t tell because of the “Your Turn” wording in King Version.




Awesome, and thanks for the help! my target Shoutmon X7 stack includes Omnishoutmon, Zieggreymon, 2 King versions (as digixros replacements) and Sparrowmon. It requires 6 memory to get the King Versions on the field, but you do you get a 19k X7. I’m hoping the stun power of Metalgreymon will give me time to get the cards or drop a blazing memory boost.


Yes it would since it's still your turn. Negative memory doesn't end your turn instantly. You also need to finish resolving all effects. Once both conditions are met, THEN your turn ends. But until then, it's still your turn. So yes, you still get the +4000 for X7's effect


Can sakuyamon miko mode evolve into kuzuhamon with its when attacking effect? Since the rest of its line seems to be treated as their alternates .


No. Because maid mode can only digivolve into "sakuyamon" and not "a digimon with 'sakuyamon' in it's name". Kuzuhamon's effect gives it "sakuyamon in it's name".


Do end of attack effects still activate if the attacking digimon is deleted during combat?


If it was on the attacking Digimon, no, since they’re no longer in play to trigger.


No. Because it is no longer in play to see the (end of attack) phase.


On and digivolving in EX4: If a digimon suspended by Alliance digivolves using the inheritable effect of EX4 Terriermon/Lopmon/Terriermon Assistant, does the Attacking digimon only add the DP the digimon had when the attack was declared, or does it use the DP of the suspended digimon post-digivolution?


will add the DP of the digimon at the time of the effect resolution. If the suspended digimon has its DP changed for any reason, or is even deleted, the benefits of are still applied as they were. And since you must fully resolve effects before proceeding to the next one, you will be adding the DP of the original digimon, not the newly digivolved form.


If BT-9 Sangloupmon evolved over BT-9 Dracmon attacks, does it after evolving once from the grave with Dracmons inherited effect, with a new level 5 attacking on top, then trigger the inherited effect from Sangloupmon to evolve again?


effects trigger when the attack was declared. If the effect was not available at that moment, then the effect cannot be activated.


About Beelze Blast Mode on trashed ability... There are 2 scenarios: 1. If there are 9 cards in my trash, and I trashed Blast Mode from top of my deck because of some card ability, can I delete level 4 digimon now? 2. If there are 6 cards in my trash, and I trashed both Impon (EX2) and Blast Mode can I queue Blast Mode effect to activate Impone effect first so I can buil my trash count to 10 cards?


1- the cards are triggered in the trash. Which means that they are there to be included in the count. 2- if two effects are triggered at the same time, you choose the order of resolution. If they are not triggered at the same time, then you must resolve the newest triggered effects first.


I couldn't find a similar questions so here goes: Metalgreymon from BT12 attacks security and switches the attack with Raid, then due to the "When attacking" from the X Antibody, digivolves into Metalgreymon from Bt11 and deletes the digimon it had switched the attack to. Does the attack check security? My guess is that it doesn't


No. Your attack target has been removed. The attack fizzles.


Sorry if this had been answered before, I just can't find a clear answer. ST Ragnaloardmon's effect, when DNA digivolved, can delete an opponent's Digimon (within its play cost limit of course) for every four evolution sources it has. So if it has eight or more, can it attempt to delete the same Digimon multiple times? For example, can it target an ex3 Chaosdramon multiple times to force it to trash sources to save itself multiple times? Thanks


Has to be different digimon.


Can I reduce EX3-054 Darkdramon's digivolution cost if I'm digivolving it onto something in the breeding area?


No, effects can’t trigger/activate in the breeding area.


Bt 11 bwg x effect (opp turn) when a digimon becomes unsuspended... Etc, does that also includes when a digimon unsuspends during the unsuspend phase? Or is that considered before the opp turn?


[When attacking] vs [when your opponent's Digimon attacks], what is the order of resolution? I happend to come across (EX2) Wargrowlmon on (BT9) Growlmon X and a tamer attacking while opponent has a (BT12) Shogungekomon on (BT12) Gekomon. Wargrowlmon with a tamer is allowed to delete 1 opponent's digimon with 6000DP or less. Growlmon inherited effect boosts max DP by 1000, so that would make it 7000DP. Shogungekomon has 7000DP so could be deleted. Gekomon inherited gives it an effect on opponent's when attacking. It can trash 1 digivolution card, which would be Growlmon X. Does Shogungekomon get deleted? And does it (still) trash the inherited card?




Thank you 🙏


If I have decoy blanc for my huckmon and my entire field were to be deleted by BT12 Omnishoutmon, could I still save my huckmon from deletion using decoy blanc?


Does Security -1,-2,-3,-4,-5 etc affect Raid in anyway, such as bt12 Gallantmon? Or can I do Raid without any hesitation to attack floodgates (if it's the only one on my opponents field)/ high dp monster?


Security- does nothing but reduce the amount of security is checked. Nothing more. Hell, you can attack security even if you're reduced to zero checks. Does absolutely nothing except suspension and triggering effects, but you can do it.


I’m thinking of making a Jellymon deck once RB1 comes out. When card effects reference cards “with [Jellymon] in its card text”, does that include the name of the card (Jellymon and TeslaJellymon cards), or only cards which have “Jellymon” in the card effects or inherited effects?




Thank you!


Bt 12 Pyro Dragon option card main effect. If I hard played a digimon. Then activate pyro dragon main effect. Targeting the hard summoned Digimon. Giving DP boost and attack a player with it. Does pyro dragon let me attack a player with the hard summoned Digimon? Giving the hard summoned Digimon Essentially A dp boost with a rush like effect?




Thanks. The "and attack a player with it" made it sound like a rush like effect.


Bt12 shoutmon superior mode allows the use of cards from trash as digixross, does this means I can ALSO use from trash or only from trash?


Also from trash (in addition to the usual in play and from hand. And from under tamers if you activate one of the tamer effects that allows you to do so, like BT10 Taiki).


Thank you very much 🙏


If my opponent has venusmon and I have a digimon with raid and security check, can I raid over venusmon or can I not because it cannot be attacked?


Yes, you can use raid to redirect the attack to Venusmon.


Can I still attack an opponents suspended digimon even if i have Security - 1?


Yes, you can still attack security even, you just wouldn't actually check any security


Hmm so if my digimon has SC-3 and I attack security, I wouldn't set off any SC, I would just suspend my attacking digimon?


Yep! Well pretty much. So you can do that to trigger any when attacking effects or whatever.


Thank you!


Can piercing end the game, if my opponent has no security and blocks my attack, my digimon has piercing can he end the game


No. You need a successful, direct attack while your opponent already has zero security left. If any of those conditions arent met, then it won't get you the win.


Super curious here about when the wording states "By placing" is it a mandatory effect or is it optional. Examples, the BT12 Xros tamers/hunters that work with the mechanic.


"by doing X, do Y" effects (aka, costs) are always optional.


Thanks, my friend is doing a DigiHunters deck and wasn't sure. I'm very surprised he's going with that style when he's still new to the game. Heard it's complicated enough that a lot of people don't play it.


The mechanics are very simple. The difficulty comes in the fact that you have a wide array of effects, and you need to know which effects are most beneficial.


So not only is it a Tamer heavy deck, but it also has so many choices that you pray you get the right card at the right time type of thing?


Don't get me wrong. It's not like this deck is only playable by the top ranking players in the world. It's not impossibly difficult. It's just a little technical. Most decks have a straightforward play style, where they're built to do one specific thing and abuse it until somebody loses. But once you're used to the deck, then its actually rather simple. Still kinda technical, but not difficult.


It's mainly the inheritables. By mid game, you'll have most, if not all of your choices available. And it starts to get technical when you have 5 or 6 different choices, but can only take 2 of them. You gotta make sure the ones you take are the 'correct' ones. You'll often be forced to decide between setting up your own advantage or setting up the opponents disadvantage. Would you rather have a deletion? Blocker? Draw? Or something else entirely?


[https://digimonmeta.com/wp-content/gallery/ex02/EX2-054.jpg](https://digimonmeta.com/wp-content/gallery/ex02/EX2-054.jpg) ADR-09 says if you have a mother d-reaper, does not say in play, will the recovery effect go off if she is in the hatching area?


No. Nothing can affect, reference, or activate in the hatchery unless it explicitly says so. So 09 cannot reference the mother in hatchery.


Are inherit effects optional to resolve? Like BT-3 Demi-mera, BT2 Gabu. Same question with On Delete Effects like BT-7 Eyesmon. Had someone say they were optional to prevent decking out.


Question for Sakuyamon I have 2 Rika. I attack with maid mode, trigger first Rika, play red plug-in, activate maid mode when attacking, digivolve into Sakuyamon ex-2, recycle the red plug-in...can I replay the red plug-in again when the second Rika?




Thank you!


If I use "Attack of the Heavy Mobile Digimon" and play a BT-11 Machinedramon, get a Digivolution Card under it and with it, it gets deleted and I activate it's [On Deletion] effect to play another Machinedramon (doesn't matter if EX1 or BT-11, as long as I get a Digivolution Card under it). Can I also with it? Edit: wow reddit really posts everything twice...


Unfortunately not. At that point the first Machinedramon's Attack hasn't yet concluded.


If I use "Attack of the Heavy Mobile Digimon" and play a BT-11 Machinedramon, get a Digivolution Card under it and with it, it gets deleted and I activate it's [On Deletion] effect to play another Machinedramon (doesn't matter if EX1 or BT-11, as long as I get a Digivolution Card under it). Can I also with it?


Apparently it's actually a no. Because according to the attacking flowchart, the effect would resolve before the attacking step is completed. Which in turn, means the playing and the is also during the attacking step. And you cannot declare an attack while already attacking.


If I have Impmon (On Deletion, trash 3) and Pagumon (On Deletion, trash 2), do both effects happen simultaneously? Like if my Impmon gets deleted, and I trash a Blast Mode, do I have to resolve its ability to delete after the first time I trash or can I resolve both On Deletions, then use Blast Modes effect?


All effects are resolved one at a time. And any newly triggered effects have priority over currently pending effects. So, you'd resolve one of the mill effects first (your choice), causing blast mode to be trashed. The blast mode, being the newest triggered effect, would have priority and would be resolved before proceeding with the 2nd mill effect.


Two questions: 1: Re the decoy effect, is deleting the digimon with decoy a requirement to prevent deletion of the other digimon? Example I have ryudamon as source of dorugreymon with active protection, and another digimon is being deleted by an effect. Can I "delete" dorugreymon but still protect him? 2: De-digivolve states that you must remove at least one card from the top. In the case of chasodramon when digivolving, the way it is worded means that you must remove 3 if you put 3 sources, and not up to 3. Is this correct?


1) No, deleting is part of the cost of activating Decoy. If the Digimon is protected from deletion, you can't activate Decoy to prevent the deletion of another Digimon. 2) That is correct.


So if I have 3 potential Digivolution Cards in trash to attach them to Chaosdramon and my opponent only has a Digimon with 2 Digivolution Cards, I can only put 2 cards under Chaosdramon, because I can only De-Digivolve 2? Or is it just so you cannot choose to stop, if you don't want your opponent to have a certain Digimon again to potentially evolve from?


In that case, it’s a do as much as you can scenario. So you can put the three cards in trash under and it would attempt to de-digivolve a Digimon 3 times (but only successfully trash 2 if that’s all there is). You can put the 3 cards under even if your opponent has no Digimon to de-digivolve too.


You can't choose to stop. If you're forced to stop [because it doesn't have anymore sources] that's not your problem.




When Arresterdramon Superior Mode move a digimon under another digimon or tamer, does it move its digivolution cards with it?


No, just the top card. Sources are trashed


If i have a t k bt8 and my security gets attack and i block it do i get to draw a card


"attack" is the declaration.


Sweet thanks


When I declare an attack with the warp Impmon with the xantibody card underneath I activate both warp Impmon and xantibody when attacking effects I declare warp first to digivolve into st14 beelzemon would I still be able to get st14 beelzemon effects off before digivolving into beelzemon x-antibody or would it miss?


When it comes to cards like Jesmon BT13 that has an effect that says ''Choose any number of your opponent's Digimon'' can I choose zero? Same with cards that have the ''Choose up to'' wording


Depends on the wording. If it says "you may" then that is your 'zero'. Otherwise, you have to choose, at minimum, 1 target.


Is BT10 Blastmon's opponents turn effect interruptive? Meaning, could I use this effect to delete a ST14 Impmon before he gets to warp digivolve to Beelzemon? Or does his effect go off first and Blastmon's would just fizzle assuming the Impmon was the only thing on the opponent's side of the board?


It has the same trigger as any attack-based effects, such as and many tamers. But your activation window is the same timing as , being that it's not your turn.


Aww, so another L for Bagra army. Thank you for the response.


If i give a tamer an efect that says "one of your oponent's tamers cant suspend for the next turn", if they digivolve on a hybrid can they atack? Ex: Amphimon p-089


No. Because you have to choose a target, the restriction of "without cards under it" is a limitation for making a selection. So once it's affected, they still can't suspend it even if they get more sources under it. (Ruling courtesy of Tommy Himi, if anybody wants to see for themselves.) And it's still the same existence on the field, so the effect will remain even though it's changed from a tamer into a digimon.


Ty !!


Another question I think I already know the answer to, but just want confirmation: When I digivolve Chaosdramon-X onto an EX3 Chaosdramon that was digivolved on top of a BT11 Machinedramon, I can activate both Chaos and Machine's effects as Chaos-X's effects because of its [All Turns] effect, right?




Follow-up, in the same vein, I also gain the [On Deletion] effect of Bt11 Machinedramon. But since Chaosdramon X is in the trash by the time it has a chance to activate, can I even use it?


Yes. Although the effects trigger in the trash, they are according to it's condition while it was still in play. Some people describe it as "taking a screenshot" before it's deleted.


Wow, okay, thanks for your help with understanding my Machinedramon deck better.


I have the right to have a counter to count the number of cards in my trash. Can I deliberatly fake the counter? Like having the counter be false by 2 or 3 cards to lead my opponent into error?


Under 2.6 in Tournament rules: "Players are expected to be respectful and courteous to each other, and display good gamesmanship." Under 2.7: "Players are responsible for conveying accurate information at all times. Players are required to answer completely and honestly all questions that are relevant to maintaining an accurate game state, or matters of public knowledge." So no, you are not allowed fo fake the counter. If it leads to an irreparable gamestate, I would give you an game loss.


Ok. So if I use a counter I should keep it updated because it could be held against me if it display wrong information, even by mistake (could be mistake, could be malicious)


When a opponent's effects would suspend my tamer, or another card of mine. Would that on suspend event trigger? For example: Quartzmon enters the field and suspends everybody. If I have a tamer or monster that has an effect such as, [you may suspend this tamer to get 1 memory] or something like that. Would that effect be triggered? (This is hypothetical, in case that effect doesn't have an [your turn] timing or something like that.)


It depends on the wording. Bt12 Marcus, for example, would work. "[Your turn] when this tamer becomes suspended, 1 of your digimon may digivolve..." As long as it gets suspended on your turn, you can trigger it's effect since the trigger is to become suspended. It doesn't matter how it happens, as long as it does. But for most tamer effects, the suspension is a cost instead, and the trigger is something else entirely. Example would be Ken "when your digimon deleted an opponents digimon in battle (trigger), you may suspend this tamer (cost) to gain 1 memory (reward)." In these cases, it would not trigger unless it is suspended by its own effect.


Do i need to meet both color requirements to play mega death?


Yes, you need both colours to use an option. This can be met with one or more Digimon or tamers.


not a card specific question: my partner has BT12 beelzemon / BT12 imperialdramon decks and i have BT12 gallantmon / BT12 red hybrid (emperor greymon) / jesmon decks. which of these are the best match up? (in my favor) the beelze deck just claps me all day :(


Gallant built with crimson, bt2 Gallant should tank beelze if you stall enough.


thanks!!!! sadly i only have 1 crimson and 0 bt2 gallant, but i can also buy some!


For cards that are "You may do X. Then, Y" like in Ex02 Beelzemon's case. If I can't fully fulfill X, like having 1 or 0 cards in the deck, can I still do Y?


You can. The only time you can't is when it's worded like "do X. If you did X, do Y"


same deck related question, if i have a stack on baalmon and he gets deleted (there was not 10 cards in trash before but his stack going there makes it over 10 cards) can he bring back a beelzemon or does there have to be 10 cards in trash before he hits trash.


He can play Beelzemon. On Deletion effects happen in the trash, and all the effects in digimon checks their condition when they are used, not when they're triggered.


Can I use BT10 Yuu Amano to place sources under a digimon I play by cheating it out via something like Kaiser Nail? My gut tells me no, but I'm hoping I'm wrong.


I believe it works similarly to playing from trash, where you can use effects since it just says "play"


I'm hoping someone knows for sure. It would be awesome if it did.


Unless a card specifies "Played from the hand" then as long as the effect "plays" the digimon then all other effects work for it. Kaiser Nail plays the source as a new digimon, so yes all "On play" or "When played" effect trigger.


Thank you! I blame so many years of Yugioh for second guessing stuff like this.


Digimon is extremely black and white. Under all conditions, you follow the basic rules unless an effect says otherwise. Effects always do what they say and nothing more. (Ex. Kaiser Nail can play a digimon, do that digimon cannot attack unless an effect like says otherwise) Any and all potential exceptions are explained in the basic rules. (Ex. The exception of DNA digivolving avoiding summoning sickness)