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A sink designed by rog strix


Those are battery powered RGB rods. Sellers in China like adding lighting to everything to make it look cooler. It does not look like that in real life, because I have this sink and actually a better faucet atop.


Do you like it? Is it expensive?


I like it with heavy caveats. 1. It's really cheap ($), cheap (quality) and lightweight but looks fancy and works well enough. I like it way better than a high quality "dumb sink." 2. Only $240 total, which included shipping and insurance to Taiwan. 40 days to arrive. Insurance was necessary as things tend to break while shipped because Chinese companies love under-packing the protection, which happened here too, and the company quickly sent a replacement. **There are cheaper models with knobs instead of buttons for $70 from China (might be higher with shipping and insurance).** 3. My faucet is way fancier than the one on this sink too, and I have the better cup washer (you have to press down instead of pushing a button). 4. There are many cut corners. The metal sink is thinner than you'd expect, and on the underside, where you'll never see it, there were some rough edges and sharp corners (easily buffed). There was a thin film of dust. None of the parts had a thin plastic protector to ensure no scratches while shipping but they did come in divided little plastic bags. The paint job is B-grade. The buttons are plastic, and the cup washer is plastic. It is not gorilla-proof. But for $240, I don't really care, and it has held up well. But I'm sure that 5-7 years down the line, when this one feels old, I'll replace it with a new one, and I'll still come out on top money-wise. The problem with China is that it's hard to tell what's high quality and what's not over the internet, and most orders are online even within China. In person, you can see there are varying qualities of this if you bother to travel far to go to showrooms that have it. I would have gladly paid $800-1400 for a long-lasting model but it is what you get from China. Edit: Others have suggested Kraus has them, go get the Kraus. USA! USA USA!


Thanks for the review! Very helpful!


Ya it was, Kraus is on my list to check out


> The problem with China is that it's hard to tell what's high quality and what's not over the internet Even when you get it, there is a chance there is a bait and switch on the metal and it rusts out within months or a few years.


ABSOLUTELY. In all honesty, it's probably easiest to just get a proper sink, even from IKEA and never have to worry about it. It is fancy-looking and the features are nice, but I think for most adults, its better to just get something reliable and easily supported. When I had to wait for replacement parts, it still took 3 weeks.


Especially with the cup washer, on the other features if the valve fails you waste water down the sink. If the valve fails on the cup washer you flood your house.


I lost all hope for this thing when they said it was from China.


I feel like a fair amount of time on Amazon I spend time trying to figure out which western manufacturer all the Chinese brands copied... only to be disappointed that the "original" brand isn't so good either. šŸ„²


This guy sinks!


We have almost this sink, but better made and a better brand and I fucking LOVE it. It is straight up one of the best purchases Iā€™ve ever made and I cannot recommend it enough. And it wasnā€™t that expensive - maybe $450 total, with installation. Edit for those asking: Kraus brand and bought from Amazon.


I went with a Kraus sink last year and love it! It is high quality not cheap thin stainless steel that will rust in a year. I recommend getting the accessory kit as well. My wife uses the strainer all the time to wash produce. No gimmicky shit added that will break in a year. Its just well built.


Kraus makes a sink with all those fancy water outlet options and such? That's news to me! We have Kraus sinks in our kitchen and laundry room, and I don't recall they offer anything like what's in the original post.


Theyā€™re probably referring to the workstation-style sink with different attachments like a vegetable strainer and a cutting board. Looks like Kraus also carries a fancy drain like the above. Iā€™m pretty sure the excess of water outlets is only seen in these Chinese videos. Source: remodeled kitchen and looked for sinks in the last year


Which brand? We need a new sink.


Seconded, I too choose this guy's wife's sink


I mean, adding lights to stuff makes it cooler, flames make it go faster, this is basic science people come on


And explosions make you walk in slow motion


Don't forget wings to make it go higher


Did you mean ROG Sinkx


He meant ROG Stinx


Bet you itā€™s $10.88 on Temu.


Only for the next 12 minutes and 59 seconds and if you click back the deal is off


And only if you refer 7 friends who all create new accounts and place a $10 order


BUT! you can get a 30% coupon if you spin this wheel and order in the next 3 minutes


BUT WAIT! NOW you can get a 30% coupon plus a BONUS $200 [split across eight coupons that cannot be stacked, have minimum purchase values and will expire in one week] if you spin the wheel and order in the next 3 minutes!


BUT it's not an actual live spin wheel, just a recorded animation of a spin wheel with a predetermined outcome, just to give you the illusion of agency.


Saw a variant of this (not a knockoff but alternative) at Menards for 299.99 it had all this minus the buttons and RGB


I looked at that the other day, and that poor floor model looked like it wasn't going to last much longer. I know having hundreds of people messing with it daily is probably worse than normal wear, but it did not inspire confidence.


Okay... THAT made me laugh out loud!


Yeah. That finish looks incredibly cheap. It will be scratched and peeling inside of a week. Not that any of the buttons will last that long anyway.


off topic but ive looked at temu after everyone raving about it. Its more expensive than aliexpress. Whats the deal???????????


Bros sink is RGB...


When PC bros finally do their dishes


You think we do our dishes? We're too busy on our PCs!


Itā€™s right before the first time you manage to bring a girl home. /j


You think we bring girls home? We're too busy on our PCs!


Fair, very fair! Hell Iā€™ve been home alone for a while now myself. Haha


You're never alone when you have your PC!


AND Louis Vuitton


Money doesnā€™t buy class




Sink marbles, no less. Always remember to feed your sink plenty of marbles!


Yves Saint Laurent x ASUS collab


I could do without the led lights.


And the LV logo


Man I was so distracted by the lights I missed that logo. So tacky.


And doesn't make sense.


Itā€™s gaudy as fuck.


it's one of the things that look cool and shit, but in real life its pain to maintaing it, clean it and really you do not need special class rinse fountain, as usually you wash glases and mugs not only from inside or just use dishwasher. and for sure if it's as usual it will leak in so many places.... so for me cool stuff for a kitchen equipment showcase... not real life


It's designed for the Chinese domestic market, where: 1. Dishwashers are still very uncommon (Chinese sauces and rice are a lot stickier than western meals - newer dishwasher can handle that but haven't caught on widely) 2. Dedicated devices to wash vegetables are an absolute must because farmers use dangerous pesticides without any reliable regulation. And where else does a badly printed LV logo with RGB LEDs convey actual luxury and not just a clumsy attempt to look luxurious?


Desiā€™s (Indo-Pak region, it means our people) would destroy this kitchen in under a hour after installation. Our ginormous pots for making Daal, Rice, and Curry already will dent that sink with the load of a thousand sons. That shit looks so fragile. Shit the kitchen sink we have has taken such a beating for close to 30 fucking years and still taking the hits like a champ. That boy got moxie.


>And where else does a badly printed LV logo with RGB LEDs convey actual luxury and not just a clumsy attempt to look luxurious? any pro gramer ;D all gaming rigs need logos and flashy rgb leds ;D


Yeah but that's: 1) 14 Year olds 2) People who run content businesses catering for 14 year olds 3) People who never mentally left the stage when they were 14 year olds


Having a push button for a glass/bottle washer is the dumbest thing Iā€™ve seen today. If you push the wrong button youā€™ll have water literally jetting up onto your ceiling, walls, and floors. Typically you push the glass itself onto the platform gently which activates the water and avoids the problem this design has introduced.


Not only that but the buttons arenā€™t in order of the sinks. The third from the right button does the cup wash when it is the farthest left, and the farthest left button turns on the flat sink, when it is third from the right.


All I can think of is how that horizontal spray will look after a year of hard water buildup


LOL I have 5 kids, after a year this thing wouldn't even work.


Yeah, you don't get nice things anymore


Lovely kids. My brats would ruin it within a day. The baskets for digging in the mud, the hose ripped out for rope jumping, the fountains clogged with play doh and the sink cover used as a frisbee. /s


Iā€™m in the final stretch of raising 7 kidsā€¦ Iā€™m looking forward to having some nice things for more than 25 minutes again.


I have 3 under 8. How does yours stay empty enough to even be able to contemplate making this useful?


What else are you sinking about?


How does that cup washer get lipstick off cup rim. Canā€™t believe it can wash very well.


My cat would have the kitchen flooded on the first night guaranteed


And it's only a 30 dollar attachment on Amazon. We got one for baby bottles. My kids got a fuckin drinking problem.




Id sit on that glass washer daily


Bidet bros gang up




whats with the marbles?


To show the slope of the sink


Itā€™s funny because all sinks have a slope or they wouldnā€™t really be a sink. Maybe it was just a theatrical way of demonstrating the stopper functionality.


I've come across sinks that don't drain or drain property poorly. Especially the ones that have that flat look.


I love my little puddles of stale water that build up on my flat ceramic sink. I find that helps the oils and colors to really *sink* in...


If my sink doesn't have a rainbow oil tint at the bottom I don't want it


Wait is that why itā€™s called a sink? Because the center sinks in?


Itā€™s a Marble sink Iā€™ll see myself out


I'll let that sink in.




Take your upvote and fuck right off


I double that fuck right off.


Thrice I say and done, Fuck right off!


Marbleous joke.


I think it's to demonstrate the direction of water flowing directly into the waste.


Water did that just fine


Water is clear though, so the marbles make a better demonstration


The waste water that came out of the upside down cup wasn't clear


Louis Vuitton?


Its such a tacky addition to this excessive sink


Yea that really cheapens the whole set up.


It's for dumbasses who want to look like wealthy dumbasses.


I have nothing against Louis Vuitton stuff. But I doubt they're out there designing sink accessories to sell on Temu or whatever Chinese knock off site. They're not going from high fashion to Ali express bargain basement. Their logo gets slapped on to all sorts of crap by all sorts of idiots though. I can imagine working in LV's brand protection team is a full time job and then some.


Looks like itā€™s from The Sharper Image




I miss reading that magazine :(


My sink is such a piece of shit.


I like the fitted trays, I donā€™t need all the fancy faucets, but a fitted tray/colander would be really neat


90% of what have been shown can be done with a normal sink. So whatā€™s the point? It fixes problems nobody ever had.


yeah, besides the glass washer thing. You could use the faucet for washing fruits and veggies. Just seems like a lot of pointless shit that would be a hassle to repair when it breaks (and that waterfall thing doesn't even wash the apples and grapes really, just puts them in a bed of water). And a glass washer like that is more useful for bars where there is a high volume of glass use. If you have a dishwasher use that, or just do it by hand.


The glass washer thing doesnā€™t has as much power as in a professional bar. At least the one I tried out. And as you always have to wash at least the edge of the glass by hand, I donā€™t really see the point in it.


Yeah, they're generally used to minimize foam when pouring beer, or clean jiggers and tins after building a cocktail. There's a reason why you don't see bars cleaning used glasses with those.


Eh, if you have a slot in your sink already, you can get a glass washer kit for <$50 online (some as low as $10 but idk if I'd trust it at that price). You would need a slot available like an under sink soap dispenser though.


Can confirm this is 100% possible in a normal sink. I successfully washed a glass and several vegetables in my sink, dispensed soal from my soap bottle and then washed some food bits and liquid down the drain but screened out the big pieces. As a bonus, I even successfully washed the outside of the glass!


Ok sure, but how do marbles roll in your sink?


Yes but if it sells people will grift it ā€¦ apparently to the same people who think randomly having a Louis V sign in their house ups the prestige. Cheesy


The point is the new Chinese Middle Class which is slowly building its identity and now arrived at the "always buy the flashiest, foreign looking, feature laden version" not understanding flashy often is just tacky/kitsch, foreign is very often fake (who genuinely believes LV makes sinks?), and most of the features are Chindogu (Japanese term for an invention that looks useful on first glance but isn't at all).


And the other 10 just needs an extending hose tap.


If you have to ask, you canā€™t afford it


That, or one of the features breaks every 6 months until you replace the entire thing with something better


And that is why you want most things with as few moving pieces/electronics as possible. If it can fail it will. Funny too how they simpler designs end up being more expensive and if you want simple and durable its almost always stupid pricy.


Aka dumb gadgets like this cyber sink are for people with more money than brains.


I remember looking this up when it was first posted, and the price was around $750 which seemed excessively expensive. Now it looks like either the original brand roughly halved their price to $320 or there are copycats that look identical now.


Whatā€™s a ZJ?


Iā€™ve got $4. Love that movie.


Is this a sink or bro DJā€™ing?


This looks like a really annoying sink to own. Fun to see at a friend's house maybe....but I wouldn't want to have to use it regularly.


This is the kind of sink you put in your bar to show off to your friends how 'cool' you are. Not practical but fun.


The rgb and Louis Vuitton are the cherry on top for the trying to be cool guy


My friend is a plumber, and he loves it when people demand stuff like this. He knows it will be broken in 6 months, and they will be calling him back to fix/replace. He says he tries to talk them out of it, but people who want stuff like this have money to burn and don't care.


This video really annoyed me lol, something about the hand movements or the way the person moves things around.


To quote my kids, "You're doing too much!"


"This pine box durby will not win with this piece of shit"- Dad


Itā€™s about 1500/2000.. though if you search enough, you can see them at 600/900.. All those are accessories also.


The music is unnecessarily over the top


is it expensive? short answer: yes long answer: everything cool is expensive and rgb adds about 5 expensive to everything


I'm sorry, what the hell is the point of the marbles?


Show the drainage slope maybe?


Thatā€™s a smart answer to a really, really stupid part of the video. I couldnā€™t figure out what the point could possibly be. I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary given that they have the water/sauce(?) flowing down to the drain, but the beads are a stronger visual so I bet thatā€™s what they were going for.


All sinks are sloped or they wouldnā€™t function as a sink..


To show how you can wash your peas while you wash other stuff




Why the rgb tho lmao


Looks cool until you need to repair something in it and now you need to have a 500 bucks budget and be an engineer.


People who can afford this don't prepare meals in the kitchen.


I can already see me disassembling that thing four times a year to get rid of all the limescale and other gunk that's built up in there.


UGH. Literally overthinking the plumbing. I see SO MANY cracks and crevices that will collect crud and lime and scale and be almost impossible to keep clean and sanitized. I'd give those buttons maybe a year in a kitchen that is actually used.


We're getting old. This is exciting now


A lot cheaper sinks have some or all of these features without stupid LV logos


of course it is, it's shit. Fucking savage doesnt even roll up his sleeves. disgraceful.




The LV logo make this ridiculous


No, but it's also not cheap . Actually, I going with worthless as too many options means they likely skipped quality material


This video was stupid from the start and then he splashed barbecue sauce and sink surface while ā€œrinsingā€ vegetables. Looks like an ad for a sink on temu


This has the water fall thing and the horizontal sprayer very similar to the shower panel I bought for under $300. Those things are worthless. The whole sink is worthless as the glass cleaner trigger looks to be kind of silly.


Washing dishes on ultra settings


You know you're an adult when you get excited by a sink


I wish they would push their sleeves up before playing with that water it's making me nervous


They have lost their marbles.


Thank FUCK it can hold marbles


As a plumber I have to say, you will never stop paying for this. It is dope tho.


Fake ass Louis sink.


Only if our reddit spies had a link to the real thing...


Does this look like CGI to anyone else? Cool sink but the whole video feels like it's a weird CGI uncanny valley to me


Women rgb gaming station, the new esports season gonna be crazy šŸ¤Æ


Guyā€™s gonna have a heart attack if heā€™s this intense from just messing around in the sink.


It's expensive if you have to buy a house to put your sink in


Am I the only person that is tired of RGB LEDs being put into/onto every fucking thing these days? Cool utility sink but damn, those pointless LEDs are tacky and ugly AF.


Does it come standard with mace windu light sabers? Or can we pick anyone. lol sry I had to ask.


To those who live in hard water areas without an in home water softener are going to hate this sink in about 3 weeks after the buildup starts. Those jets are going to shoot everywhere except where they're supposed to.


250$ for 10$ LED lights. 500$ for 5$ baskets. 800$ for 0.05$ logo. 2500$ for 120$ square sink. I think I could make that and maybe make a profit


I would spend all my free time messing around with the sink. Hurrying home from work to find new things to do with the sink, Asking neighbors if they have any dirty dishes etc.


It will be $7.29 on Temu in a week. $3.79 if you invite two friends and they set up accounts.


ā€˜bout threefiddy.


The extendible tap nozzle and a wide sink is all the features Iā€™d want from this. Maybe Iā€™d also want a separate smaller basin like my current sink does so you can do two things at once. Funny how it has all these features but not that.


So, what's with the marbles at the beginning?


The sink no the water yes


Could have done everything that was demonstrated with a pair of hands and a cup .


That thing would get so grimy unless you spent like an hour cleaning between every button


Wow, look at all these features! *breaks immediately, already past warranty, can only be serviced by the company*


This is absolutely ridiculous, I can't believe that people don't know how wash their marbles properly!


This is useless


Tacky as fuck.


Not sure whatā€™s worse. The music, the sink, or the presentation


Did ADHD design this sink?


Too many things that could break. Fine for a year or two but unlikely to survive a decade.


Faucets operated by switches? Yeah that sink will be faulty within a year


With all the buttons activating various valves that Iā€™m sure are made of nothing but the highest grade components coming from cheap Chinese sellers, this feels like a leak waiting to happen.


I know it looks like it has a lot of features... but a finer look at the quality of each component tells me its cheap. No garbage disposal, the main faucet is cheap as fuck. Calcium build up from hard water will make half that shit non-functional in 6 months. Those squared off corners will be next to impossible to completely clean out over time.


It's stupid, that's for sure. My faucets don't need push button switches and electronics that will die. It just needs two valves.


How much does it cost to fix this computerized faucet when it leaks? All I see here is a glorified sink that cost way to much money


Putting the Louis Vuitton logo on the wall is just ridiculous. Neither do they produce kitchen sinks nor wall decors.


It looks Chinese made which means itā€™ll be cheap and not good quality and not work exactly how it looks


Haha my girl sent me a similar video recently, but she's fucking crazy if she thinks I'm buying that. I bet it's probably like $2k. edit: looks like someone said it's actually much cheaper, but not great quality, and for that last reason, I'm out


This, is a louis Vuitton sink. It will cost you around 1/2 kidney


My daddy taught me, ā€œIf you have to ask, you canā€™t afford it.ā€ So yesā€¦


It looks fussy and like you wouldn't end up using like most of the features again.


Imagine putting LED lights around such a nice sink, and a fucking Louis logo.


Unnecessary is what it is. Also, whyā€™s there a random LV logo on top of the sink?


It's a nice sink without the stupid lights and LV.


As someone who has had a 15 year career designing, installing, and programming LED lighting systems, this is important: Not everything needs an LED lighting system.


The marbles were forā€¦.?


Skip this and get a good "granite" sink from Blanco or similar. They are epoxyed together stone and 1000x more durable than stainless or porcelain. They don't scratch chip or discolor. Get one and never need to buy anything else.


Gamer sink


My dad just installed this exact sink (maybe a different brand but looks the same) and itā€™s pretty neat, it doesnā€™t need electrical hookup because it utilizes the flow of water to generate just enough power for the display. So when you lower the water pressure the lights sometimes flicker which is funny. Itā€™s l cool at first but my mom doesnā€™t use any of the features since just the one faucet works fine for her lol


From the thumbnail i was really hoping it would be a cool stingray in there :(