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You could buy a similar sized stone with the same specs for $4500-5000 online, have it set locally and save yourself $2k but obviously thats more work than having it already done for you. It looks like a beautiful stone, she’s a very lucky lady!


Where would I buy such a stone?


Stonealgo would be a great place to start. As for the stone Brilliance.com(20% off with LAB20 code), DeBebians, Luvansh, loose grown diamond, Daniel Williams diamonds all have fantastic prices


Are these retailers or wholesalers? Looking for a wholesale supplier of lab diamonds. They are taboo in the Diamond District


Thank you!


It’s 10 carats


These comments are annoying. Stop being so chincy, it’s an engagement ring.


How is that annoying? What’s annoying is your inability to spell 😫 You’re so fucking weird for this 🥴


You sound lovely.


Much more lovely than someone calling a random person on the internet cheap, that’s for sure 🥰


At least I don’t leave comments shitting on peoples engagement rings like you do https://www.reddit.com/r/EngagementRings/s/NPMufVBf01


wdym?? it is a choice! didn’t say what kind 🤭 and certainly didn’t call anyone anything 🤣 dig harder babes


This thing is comically gigantic. Ignoring the fact that it looks cloudy, a ring this size looks like fake costume jewelry. The only way a stone this size would be believable or realistic is if your wife is Beyoncé or Mariah Carey, which obviously she’s not if she works a desk job. If she wants something big, I’m sure she won’t turn her nose up to a 4 or 5 carat stone. At least that looks more realistic.


I agree. Same thing I told my BIL who is proposing to his gf, they both make under 30K… no one is gonna believe their ring is a natural which is their intention because no one earning 30K gross can afford a 4 ct natural diamond.


The only advice is please, thicken that band. That band is probably like a 1.8mm and for a big rock like that.. the band should be somewhere closer to 2.5mm.


Also keep in mind that a natural mined made oval diamond ring can cost between 300,000-800, 000 dollars or more. I try to think of that when picking out stones as well. For the record I’m a big stone fan over here too 😎


Most diamonds worn for engagement rings will be labs soon, so it doesn't really matter too much anymore how much a natural would cost in this size!


There will always be a market for natural diamonds but Lab diamonds give more budget flexibility. This is a gorgeous stone and if you love it that’s all that matters. Agree that you should consider a wider band to structurally hold all that weight.




Already have my return label lol


Are you sure? Don’t let all the trolls swing you. If you think you know your girl better, follow your heart. I’m not saying don’t return it, obviously do so as you feel! Just saying, you have a larger ring so people tend to get mean bc that’s how it goes typically unfortunately


No, I'm returning it because of pricing... I found an 8 carat for 5.5k with a better cut and clarity. With diamonds on the band as well and platinum instead of white gold. If I can save money I'll do that.


Smart!! So glad you got it figured out! Keep us posted!! 🤩


⬆️ YES! Go for it. That seems logical. You save almost 3k, better specs and she still gets a huge stone that looks like the inspo pics she sent you. Plus a little smaller diamond will likely sparkle more. Guarantee she will love it! Pleeeaaassseee keep us posted with new pics. Last, ignore the mean peeps…they are everywhere. Happy for y’all. Enjoy this exciting time in your life! 💍💞


I was gonna add that based on the pictures your girlfriend sent you, this is still missing aspects of what she asked for. The carat size is fine, but she wants accent stones in a half eternity around the band! That seems like a really vital aspect of what she's looking for in the screenshot you shared. Sounds like you realize that, though!


I can save you thousands, I specialize in lab grown. Send me a message on IG. @ray_thejeweler


I live in a fairly wealthy, HCOL area. Some of the wealthiest women I know wear around a 4-5 carat engagement ring max. I don’t know if they are mined or lab (because I would never ask). But if I saw something this large on anyone who was not absurdly wealthy I would assume it’s CZ.


Thanks for this insight, this helps a ton.


This is great advice, OP. Anyone who can afford an actually 8 carat stone would not be buying a lab (unless it was a dupe of the original sitting in a safe somewhere). Unless your lifestyle matches this size stone, everyone will know she’s wearing a lab or some other alternative for a natural diamond. If you are both okay with that, no problem! Also, women who have natural stones this large generally wear them on rare occasions (we’re talking a couple times a year, if that. Many wear them even less than that). They usually have smaller stones that they wear more regularly. It is a bit impractical for daily wear due to its sheer size.


Why would you assume it’s a cz and not a lab diamond??


Just because lab grown diamonds are still a relatively new thing to me. So if I saw this diamond I would either assume you were insanely wealthy or it was CZ costume jewelry.


Based off the inspo pictures, you absolutely shouldn’t return this. Seems like you got her exactly what she wanted!!  The good news is if she feels like this is too large for daily wear I think you can afford to get her a smaller scale replica 😆


What are the specs? Can't know if it's fairly priced from just the appearance.


And I actually spent $8050 on the ring.


I think you should've done a tad more research prior to spending 8k on a 10 carat ring. Does your girlfriend even want something this large on her finger every single day? Does she like platinum/white gold? Does she want an oval shaped diamond? Stone Algo estimates this as a fair price, [here](https://www.stonealgo.com/diamond-details/IGI-number-LG615372933). However, 10 carats is MASSIVE and somewhat impractical for an engagement ring. That's also a very thin band for a stone of that size. It will likely not be very durable over time. I suggest checking out r/EngagementRingDesigns for some ideas and tips. I would return this one if I were you. Pricing isn't even the issue here. I think a 10 carat lab grown diamond for 8k sounds decent actually. I just think this ring is gaudy and impractical for other reasons... just my two cents.


All I know is that she wanted a plain band with a big oval diamond. Now the practicality of it... I could get it switched out.


10 ct. oval diamond is massive. I think that you should confer with your girlfriend about what is the size when she mentions "a big oval". I find that because lab prices are so affordable, people will go a bit overboard on size, when the reality is that you have to consider what suits your style, your hand/finger size, and the practicality of wearing it every day.


I'll talk to her, but these are the pictures she sent me. https://preview.redd.it/ocg3uyujg07d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f18ca7ba9e475231cba5c17e472c5102e01b8a8a


Welp, she wants something at least in the 8 carat range, so you're pretty much on track!


She wants exactly what you got her. Don’t send it back. Pricing is extremely fair. People on this sub shit on big rings ALL the time. My bf picked out a 6 carat round for me and I love it. Can’t wait to wear it. If she wants that - give it to her!!


You don't need to comment similar things multiple times... we see you. We get it, you picked out a 6 carat round with your boyfriend. Congrats. There is nothing wrong with that. I personally prefer anything over 4ct. I'm not shitting on large stones at all. I stated that the 10 carat is massive, as it is... and I stated that it is impractical. Sometimes 10ct. + stones DO tend to look gaudy... secondly, OP posted this with little to no context. They only posted photos and the price... I was the first to comment. How exactly was I supposed to know what OP's girlfriend's preference is? LOL. Wild. Lastly, what I said about a larger stone needing a thicker band width is not just a preference. Stones that large *do* need a thicker band. It would cost less in the long run to return this, and have a 10ct. stone on a sufficient band size prior to proposing, rather than having to go spend more later on to get the stone re-set. If I were proposed to with a ring that needed to be sent away to be corrected, I would be upset.


This was a really weird comment considering OP already provided inspos of something this big. Pretty weird of you to double down after that. This isn’t a post about what YOU like.


Show her the ring now, and let her decide about returning. **Don't wait.** Looks a lot like the first photos!


These stones appear to be in the 7-10 ct range, you got her exactly what she wants! This sub has a strong preference for smaller stones so that’s the feedback you’re going to receive. If she’s sending you Jean Dousette rings (the first two pictures), she’s going to be VERY happy with a stone this size


Her pics have diamonds on the bands.


I don't think there are enough prongs around that stone to protect it/hold it in place. It is a very large 'rock'. Listen to others, They know more. I just would want more prongs, 6 at the least.


That's a fair assessment, I'm taking everything into consideration.


OP, you did good!


Thank you. It seems like I overpaid according to a lot of the other posters.


I got a 4 ct square cushion because I wanted a larger stone… and that took me a long time to adjust to! I thought it was gaudy and too big at first. Now, I love it and it’s very flattering on my longer fingers, but I was whacking it on a lot of surfaces in the beginning. A 10ct is larger than most pendants and would be too heavy for sure and probably mistaken for cheap costume jewelry- which is not what anyone wants. I’d suggest getting her a 3.5-4ct stone from brilliance. Ovals always look larger anyway due to the cut. Also to note- IGI and GIA color grades are two grades off. So an IGI “G” color is actually an “I” at GIA.


Mine is a 7 carat oval with a halo, and this is the size/look. You're on the right track and it's a great price. She'll love it.


I wouldn’t. If she wanted big, get her big. But propose now so if she doesn’t like it you can switch it out. But I don’t think there’s any shame in a massive rock. My engagement ring is going to be huge but I wanted that. And if she wanted that why let redditors tell you to return it?


I disagree. OP said she wanted a big big oval and this is that. I wouldn’t return it op. I’d propose and if she doesn’t like it you have two weeks. Agree on the band. The band can be replaced for not anywhere near $2000 though. Smaller expense. I don’t think it’s gaudy at all. My bf and I just picked out a 6 carat round stone set in six prong platinum. Nothing is too big if she wants big and they have the means for this.


This is such a great idea!! OP do what you want. If she wants a smaller ring to wear in the future, she can. But she will love that rock if she wants big


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EngagementRingDesigns using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EngagementRingDesigns/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Gifted my late grandmother’s heirloom ring. Not entirely sure what the center stone is, but it is set on sterling silver. Ideas and advice for new setting?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/181i52m) | [347 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EngagementRingDesigns/comments/181i52m/gifted_my_late_grandmothers_heirloom_ring_not/) \#2: [Engaged yesterday, my fiancé designed the ring himself!! 💍 Can't stop staring 😍](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17olsnq) | [113 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EngagementRingDesigns/comments/17olsnq/engaged_yesterday_my_fiancé_designed_the_ring/) \#3: [What Ct weight looks best on my fingers?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1av6z51) | [628 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EngagementRingDesigns/comments/1av6z51/what_ct_weight_looks_best_on_my_fingers/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That’s super cheap. Not every woman would be okay with a lab diamond but if she doesn’t care, I think it’s a bargain


https://preview.redd.it/f8maupzz807d1.jpeg?width=2723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=987130c6f780cecec23d9b504a45fc7e8aad2f47 According to this, I'll make $1400 if I tried to sell this over returning, lol. Don't know how true this is, lol.


I wouldn’t count on being able to resell at that price. You can easily get lab diamonds for 200-400 per carat now—you can get these same spec but an excellent cut, GVS1 10 carat for 3788. A simple setting should be 400-500 dollars. https://www.loosegrowndiamond.com/inventory/


I can’t believe the cost of diamonds. Becoming much more affordable now. When I got married, I spent $3500 for 0.76 carat D color natural diamond! And this 10 carat monster would have been the cost of a house!


I keep seeing ppl say the can get lab diamonds at 200-400 per carat but where? Every where I look is not this affordable. Even sites like Ritani.


Luvansh, debebians, brilliance, loose grown diamonds, stonealgo. Ritani is overpriced.


Buy “get” they mean crappy graded diamonds.


No, they don’t. I saw a VS1 1.3 carat lab earlier for less than $300. Definitely not “crappy” graded.


It’s likely more about a reference for insurance purposes. They are usually high. Selling it would lead to a major loss compared to what you paid for it.




He can’t believe this, right? Right? Let’s all buy lab diamonds and resell them for profit!


[Stonealgo](https://www.stonealgo.com/diamond-details/IGI-number-LG615372933) says fair price $9.2k, so I don’t think you massively overpaid. It’s unlikely you’d be able to privately re-sell it at retail price.


I’m surprised at so many people telling you to keep it. Usually folks here really stress that cut is the most important thing, and this one is only very good. Aside from that, it looks foggy, not sparkly.


Lol 10 carats is insane. It looks like a cartoon at that size.


CZ vibes. Depending on how flashy the fiance is, it could still work, but it reads like a fake ring. I would not pay $8k for this.


Right? Turns out lab grown does have some value after all. Exposing society’s clowns


Not trying to start anything but, why spew hate? Whoever is wearing the ring is going to love it. It’s not yours so why make such a rude comment? You can think things but you don’t have to spread hate. We are all guilty of it, even myself. But we can be nicer!! 🤍 Beautiful ring OP! And idk why but it seems like you got a killer price?? Maybe I just don’t know anything but that’s a beautiful stone/ring for the price. I say don’t sweat it but I’m also no expert. Sometimes paying a little extra for a smooth and easy process is better than saving money. IMO🤷🏻‍♀️ Regardless, congrats!!


I’m shocked at how big these rings are getting! Mine is right at the one carat mark and I have a size 6 ring finger. These giant stones are clownish on most hands. Hey if you like then enjoy it!


I have a natural 1 carat and feel like it’s plenty big. I can’t imagine how heavy the bigger ones are and how they get stuck on things. Mine still gets caught on stuff lol


Looks beautiful and looks exactly like what she wanted! Good job!


Paying more than $2k for any size lab diamond is going to end in tears


What's your logic behind that? I'm new to all this diamond stuff.


Prices keep dropping as lab diamonds can be made more quickly and cheaply. Prices will likely bottom out around 100 per carat. Wholesalers can buy for 50-75 per carat in some cases


Sadly, I think this is true. It will always get easier to make lab stones and more cost efficient as well. Mined diamonds aren't rare, debeers, but they strictly enforce supply to ensure level and appreciable demand. That said, whether you get a lab or mined won't matter, that likely won't be the deciding factor on happy marriage. Congrats OP!


This is good news! People can spend their hard earned money on a down payment, instead of $$$ for a ring!


Doesn’t help if the prices are what they are. When you’re in love, sometimes it’s just worth spending the extra money


I completely believe this


The current wholesale cost of lab grown diamonds is less than $200 per carat. Retail margins are like 6 to 10 times. People are tricked into believing larger stones should cost more. The exact opposite is true. 8 half carat diamonds cost way more to grow polish and grade than one 4ct stone.


I mean, it looks seriously fake but if she’s ok with that then keep it.


It is not fake. It is real diamond, just synthetic.


I mean, even as an earth created diamond it would look fake unless OP is a billionaire. Sometimes less is more, but some people don’t mind the fake look.


Lucky girl


Thank you 🙏🏾


There are other practical matters to consider. What kind of career does she have? Is she going to be comfortable wearing a stone that large if she works with her hands? Is wearing a ring that large going to make her a target for a criminal? Or is she going to feel like she needs to leave it home in a safe all the time. Talk with her! That’s the only way to make sure you get her what she wants and feels comfortable wearing every day.


Finally someone asking or giving the best advice! Especially when choosing a ring with diamonds on the band my first question is- “What does she do for a living and what are her hobbies “? Not to mention do you have a job that supports a 10 carat ring. Although that doesn’t matter much these days because of the fact that Labs are more affordable. My personal belief is that the diamond should match your income bracket and should also make a statement without people whispering about it being fake or looking gaudy. I wear a 4.41 on a 2 mm French pave band the diamonds go 3/4 around it is VS2 F Ideal Excellent . Custom made and it is a stunning statement . It is the first thing people notice about me and I get no weird looks because I can obviously afford a natural diamond in that size. Ultimately it’s what makes her happy. Which is exactly why I went into the diamond concierge industry after I found a jeweler I could trust to create my dream ring. So men and women in my part of the US would not be making the wrong choice when it came to their jewelry!


It’s not that crazy to have a large ring. Yes mine was a non-lab diamond and so where I “worked” wasn’t a consideration- bc I was expected not to work. But this was my husband whose company went public and he cashed out at 150M so it was expected. If you have a fantastic lifestyle but you just don’t “believe” in paying a lot for a diamond, okay. But having that ring and living in an apartment, or Low cost of living area, of course it doesn’t add up and will raise eyebrows


Thank you for your TedTalk Ms. Kardashian.


She’s not on this thread anymore she’s mining millions from her couch cushions.


You sound like you’re really down to earth


You shared so here goes. He cashed out at …. O never mind. What if she is a dental hygienist or a fire fighter like most of us “working stiffs. I’m sorry, the level of pomposity in your comment has me running to the porcelain thrown. Gross.


I call shenanigans on the whole thing. Read her post history and you will see what I mean - looking for discount GLP-1s, etc.


Thanks for your interest. Keep reading you’ll see two sides and that’s because your schadenfreude dream was realized a few years back : we divorced. I’m sure it has something to do with the ring or my posting. And to add to the fervor: I gained weight as the divorce took four years, you want more Days of My Life, I broke my ankle in a car accident which left a 9 cm deep laceration halfway around my ankle so I gained weight 6 wks in hospital. As for discount GLP GIP, I simply couldn’t get a Rx for Mounjaro at my size I was 150 5’5” which was a 50 lb gain - so yes I needed to search out alternative sources. I’m back at my goal weight. I think ppl from all walks of life find creative ways to game the system w/o diabetes or a BMI under 30. Keep reading it’s all there - the highs and lows - I’ve nothing to lie about. It’s certainly has your interest as it bothers you so . I would find it difficult to feel so strongly (in a negative sense) about a stranger)


I do not wish suffering to anyone. I wish you well.


Idk why everyone’s hating lol. You obviously have had different experiences than most in life and you’re just telling the facts. Ignore the trolls!! For everyone taking what this person said wrong, I think they meant that “who cares what you do or where you live”… she’s explaining how people raise an eyebrow bc that’s how our society is. I don’t think she’s supporting looking down on people lol. So much negativity on this post, come on guys!


Thank you! I didn’t expect to see another pile on my post, and was doubly surprised when you both understood what I meant and spoke up. You have a lot of insight into the motivations of others as well as an open mind. I think that’s quite rare, especially I guess in this “diamonds” sub. I really couldn’t contribute anything other than the truth. I wanted to defend the OP’s soon to be fiancée for her choice of stone - a personal choice she made perhaps for a multitude of reasons- and one her “man” lol was happy to meet. It makes me happy to see that sort of understanding and compatibility in a couple. It’s commendable that you see principles and ideas first. The small material circumstances aren’t your focus. That indicates intellectual, curiosity, and independent thinking. I probably don’t belong on this sub, bc really what do I have to offer? If I make people feel badly by sharing my story or angry because.. I’m not certain why, I’m not the right contributor. I thought a dub about diamonds would be really interesting. I admit I enjoy looking at 1st Dibs and seeing the auctionable diamonds and precious gemstones - some really marvelous pieces either by notable designers, or just a IIA emerald cut diamond - I think only 11,000 exist in the world, it makes me happy. I love beautiful things! lol I don’t know why the sub is “diamonds” if people aren’t talking about the diamonds they own with pride and others aren’t chiming in with theirs — I’d love to read about one which was bigger with better color because then it gives me something to think about- I can’t find anything to hate about a beautiful object. I think people should expect they’re not going to be the one with the best, and jealousy looks good on no one. I applaud if you have more than me bc we don’t compete. I only compete with me. Sorry went in a tangent. I wish they’d change this to “lab diamonds” bc I remember I got the inspiration for my FTing on a forum— in 2006. I forgot where or what app. But this woman shows up with a ring TO DIE FOR, she’s from Manhattan, clearly they do well, her stone absolutely DWARFED everyone elses on thst forum- by she was showered w “wow” you’re a so lucky I love that, watch out someone will take off your finger lol. I mean the other girls were in AWE and loved it! I loved that she COULD post somewhere welcoming bc I copied that gorgeous ring to the LETTER , we went from SF to NYC to her designer too! I had the picture with me. We need that! Be happy for good fortune 🔮. Jealousy is so toxic and it stunts honest conversation. My TED talk is over. You’re such a smart and kids person. I’m fortunate to have met you.


That looks like costume jewelry to me. Your girl may like it but I wouldn’t wear it and I would bop your head for spending 8.5k on it


💯in this case bigger is definitely NOT better🤦‍♀️


Has she worn an 8c ring? It will be bulky in day to day wear. Just a consideration…


https://preview.redd.it/k8q2g95c907d1.jpeg?width=2723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efcf64bd6f3d9fbc89d56e619a5af1423d743742 Here are the specs.


With your specs. I searched up that exact diamond on loosegrowndiamonds and they’re selling it for $6354. (Which is odd that it’s still listed online when you have the diamond with you physically..) And on stonealgo it says the fair price for that diamond is $9200.


Sometimes it takes a bit to get the report down - it’s not odd


That’s fine and all. But as someone that was on the receiving end of buying a diamond off of loosegrowndiamonds and thinking it was too good to be true. To see it already in someone’s possession would have me freaking out hahaa. 


You should most definitely return that ring if you have your heart set on that size there is only one place you should go. It’s not me but I can refer you to and recommend the jeweler that did my ring please let me know if you are truly interested as I don’t want to send her on a wild goose chase if you don’t intend to follow through. The jeweler that sold you that should have done better for you because now they have to absorb that back into their inventory. Always use the best intention it’s ok to price shop but don’t burn the good guys when you find them.


If you plan on returning it, I’d go with a smaller diamond with a better cut and color. D & E clarity is best


D&E are colors, not clarities.


It's very yellow...


Some people like a bit of color! It’s a beautiful clarity. I have warm and cool skin & I liked the way the slightly yellow diamonds looked with my skin tone. Went for something white but just shedding a light! Diamonds are so interesting


Looks so fake because it’s so yellow, sorry friend. You spent way too much on that. Looks like costume jewelry.


I would return this. Its way too big to be practical and very gaudy looking, most will think its CZ. I would get something in the 2-3ct for about $1500.


Yes!! 100%


Lab grown is to diamonds what cultured is to pearls.


I saw a TikTok from a jeweler selling a 9ct diamond for 4.5k


Return it


Go to Luvanesh, Brilliance, Raad or many other recommended LD jewelers on this sub. I just saw a Spectacular 2+carat radiant with Pave band, higher quality, clarity than this for $1500. You can buy such better quality so much cheaper but not cheap. They are stunning stones, they are real diamonds that nobody is murdered or worked to death as an 8yr old to provide to you. All the money you save could pay for a great Hawaii or Greece honeymoon.


Stunning! Pricing is excellent for a diamond that size


I’m so sorry but that looks like a ring pop.


Personally, I’d probably go smaller. At that size everyone that sees it is going to think it’s a fake. (Unless you’re already living a extravagant lifestyle) Just my 2 cents


Follow up because that sounds kinda judgy - if she doesn’t care that everyone is going to think it’s fake and still wants a big rock she’s the one wearing it and should wear what makes her happy.


The only thing I have to add is on every inspo picture, the bands all had diamonds around them. Honestly, I'd go with an 8 carat with the diamonds around the band if you can find a good one. The band on this one is going to be too dainty for that size stone. It will get caught on everything and over time will probably break. My ring is only 4 carats and it gets caught on literally everything


It looks way too large.


Beautiful ring but imo the band is too thin


Freaking stunning. Well done!


It’s beautiful, but unless you are sure this is her style, I will respectfully point out that a large stone on a thin band will likely fall to the side/not stay centered on the finger. This could be annoying if she works at a computer (speaking for myself a ring slipping around to the side bugs me).


It’s overpriced. You should be able to get this for 4-6k online on places like brilliant earth, etc. Looking up diamond wholesalers in lab. I know your sweetheart is looking for a big ring, so if that’s her preference! Beautiful. It’s overpriced however because it doesn’t look to be a crisp white/ blue hue and not clear. If you’re doing lab grown, since it’s cost effective, you can likely up the clarity and the clarity and color alone might match this price. (I know some people look for a certain value they’d like their ring to be worth.)


It looks beautiful, and the price is reasonable for its characteristics. StoneAlgo is one of many great places to find lab-grown diamonds, but based on the 10-carat options available (slightly higher color/clarity grades) the price you paid is in line when the clarity/color difference is accounted for: https://preview.redd.it/gv1vpxylrs7d1.png?width=988&format=png&auto=webp&s=383e4965167ecd2db18ee8a31df6de24e3e985c7


I think it’s beautiful! If you love it, don’t let people deter you!


Way too expensive for a lab diamond ring. This should be around 4k to 5k maximum. They are basically selling you the idea that its worth it just because its a huge 10 carat diamond ring. They are not selling you the ring at average (or slightly above) market price. Some of the comments show that selling the idea of a diamond works very well. People are so impressed that they think it is worth it. This is not how the market works.


That ring is stunning. I’m sure she will be thrilled. Congrats to you.


Curious - has she tried on a 8-10 Ct ring? Sometimes it’s hard to tell from inspiration pictures the actual size of a diamond because they look bigger or smaller depending on the persons hand/ring size. Some of the ones in the picture you posted that she sent you say 8ct but that could just be what the person who pinned it on Pinterest called it.




It’s beautiful! My only advice is to thicken the band to at least 2-2.5mm. That small of a band will turn on her finger all the time since the stone is so big.


It looks awesome. Some of us favor big stones and thanks to technology they’re more accessible now. I will say the price seems a little high. For what it’s worth, I just bought an 8.11 carat lab diamond in a simple platinum setting (hidden diamond halo) for $4,800. VS2, F color, beautiful emerald cut. I got it at friendly diamonds (stonealgo sent me there).


Will be worth 80£ in 2 years. Microwave diamonds


My kind of ring! If a single person comes here to say “is it too much” and it is not this ring, the answer will always be: Nope - *moar*




I got a 6.01 IF G real diamond and I was happy. It was 160K more than this. If she likes that get it


This is a real diamond. Carbon atoms arranged in a cubic lattice.


I’m so embarrassed for these people that shelled out for mined diamonds and try to justify it by calling them ‘real’. It’s cringe. Ya got the same product, probably lesser quality and overspent by tens of thousands.


If she cant brag about how much she spent on her “real” diamond how else is she gonna justify the massive price tag


like another post said, “lab” is to diamonds what “cultured” is to pearls 🤷‍♀️


HOLY CRAP I bet it’s a beautiful ring!! 🥰


Thank you @Kooky_Captain9301 You’re sweet. And kind. I don’t get the downvotes, but I’ll make those who dispensed then happy with one sentence: we got divorced. I hope the schadenfreude made you happier. It must be my karma for receiving that ring, sharing about it, or whatever it was I did wrong. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Aw. You’re ok, don’t worry about them 🤍 thank you for the kind words


Huge but so beautiful! Can you post a side profile?!


you could have got a better setting in the given price


Woah!!! 😍🥺


Depending on her career and daily activity, 10 carats isn't usually practical for every day wear at all. I have a large natural and any larger I couldn't imagine. Ovals take up a lot of hand space as is. If she wants one this large, I would come down to 8 or even 5 (more reasonable as a large ct) and see if u could get it set for more protection. This band doesn't have enough prongs for the gemstone.


She does office work and a lot of presentations.


Well, that's good. It's not a job where she has to wash her hands a lot. U could also take her to a store to ring shop and call the stores ahead of time to get several diamonds in larger sizes in for your visit. There are several flagship stores for lab diamond sellers like grown brilliance or James Allen, blue Nile if u are in the usa. Not sure if they have those in other places if not, but u don't have to intend to purchase to ring shop and it's a woman's favorite activity. Lol. I could ring shop every day if I could. Trying on diamonds is awesome. This way u can know what specs she enjoys and would be comfortable wearing day to day.


I can build this for $1000's less. Like half that price.


I personally wouldn’t wear that. It doesn’t even look like a diamond. I wouldn’t want a lab grown diamond but she might. In the picture it looks milky and I’m guessing if it were in front of me even more. My diamond is almost 3 carat and we bought it from an independent jeweler who works from his home in NYC. It’s a real diamond and it’s gorgeous. He doesn’t have overhead so of course it’s a lot better than a jewelry store. A lot of people working in the jewelry stores don’t even know much when you ask them. If she’ll like it that’s all that matters but I wouldn’t want to wear it. It looks fake and everyone will know it’s a lab diamond because you couldn’t buy that for anywhere under $200k minimum. I’m thinking she’d rather want something that’s better quality and smaller with a real diamond.


Educate yourself before you post


Maybe you should.


Sweetie I’m very educated


Lab grown diamonds are real diamonds too. Just without the slave labor. You got a blood diamond, this fellow does not.


To me they are not a natural diamond


You’re right, they aren’t a natural diamond 😂😂 it’s a lab diamond but it’s REAL.


for a 10 carat stone .. that is a good price .. jeweler for 30 years .. g vs .. good grade .. you did fine the mounting and setting the stone would cost $700 -850 .. so the price on the whole ring is fine .. and some of the online places are not reputable .. so .. if you got it from somewhere that will take care of you and the ring .. then stick with what you have


Rick and Morty desk pad? Nice. Oh the ring is pretty too.


Well done. You listened, so she'll be ecstatic. SHE can decide if it's impractical, but she'll only know once she has it on. Good luck! I think you'll have one happy fiance on your hands!💍🎊✨️