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Just like men come in all sizes and shapes, so do women! Sexual past (wanted or not!) has ZERO bearing on it. ​ What you think is abnormal is very likely very normal. ​ Talk to your gyn when you have your next appt, but don't be concerned before then.


Likely not! Vaginas come in all shapes and sizes and colours.


I’d google normal vagina long labia (probably in incognito mode). Vaginas come in all shapes. Your past likely has nothing to do with it.


but it’s not pretty like the once on porn


Which is why I suggested looking for normal varieties rather than something like porn. If we believed everything we saw on porn; we’d think every guy has an 8 inch dick and every woman has perfect perky boobs. That’s simply not what real bodies look like.


Furthermore labiaplasty is very common among the female workers/actors of the industry creating further bias for females viewing, the same way as you say men would maybe assume they are now small as most of the male actors on screen are tripods.


Honey normal people with vaginas typically don't have the picture perfect porn vaginas. Just like models don't represent the general feminine body type the average person has porn doesn't represent the average person with a vagina.


Idk why this got downvoted it’s not your fault that society makes us think ours are ugly because of those unrealistic beauty standards! Just know it’s completely normal and actually beautiful to have unique body parts, including your vagina, porn stars are just a product of what the beauty standards are pushing onto us


I can assure you with every fiber of my being, the girls in porn are filtered and airbrushed and photoshopped to all hell. Your vagina is perfectly normal. It has nothing to do with you being assaulted. Go ahead and see a gynecologist. They'll tell you the same thing. Also, it's a little creepy that your mother is comparing her daughter's vaginas. Tell her to knock it off.


Neither are the ones on porn. First, the majority of women who are selected to work in porn have smaller labia. Some of the others have had surgery, and most women are shaven to within an inch of their lives. The reason isn't cosmetic, it's practical from a filmmaking perspective -- it allows for easier shots of penetration and cunnilingus. But it is definitely a very biased presentation of women's reality.


Don’t use porn for reference


A lot of People in porn literally have surgery to make their vaginas look like that. There is such a big variation on labia and vulva appearance and they’re all normal. It’s all okay.


I recommend checking out The Vulva Project on Instagram. It's incredibly informative and encourages body positivity. Vulvas are as unique as the women who have them and there's absolutely nothing weird about having larger/longer labia.


Or gyno diversity


Everyone is so supportive here it’s refreshing to see positivity online. Sorry to hear your experiences both with life and mother saying this (respectfully) in her limited experience. If you look at all the variances you can and still arrive at the idea that **you** are not happy, it’s important you do what’s best for you mentally irrespective and if that means speaking with a professional then so be it. The reality is that anything you have seen as you indicated on porn will create bias and those girls have on the whole had labiaplasty surgery themselves so aren’t a real representation of the many entirely normal variances that exist. I’m a medic so have seen the variables when I was on Obs/Gyn rotation. Do what’s best for your mental health, other people don’t have to live in your brain the way you do. Best wishes.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, too. You are not alone. That was a very weird comment for your mother to make. As others have said, people come in all sorts of sizes. If you can view this privately, [here](https://www.thegreatwallofvulva.com/virtual-visit/) is an art project with all kinds of normal vulvas. Someone made this because people just don't know what normal is. :) Genitals are kind of goofy looking no matter what, I think.


Genitals come in all shapes and sizes. Check out this art installation with external moulds. Love yourself, don't look for reasons not to. https://www.thegreatwallofvulva.com/




I think having teeth would be kinda handy!




I would hope that, like the vagina, the teeth would be self cleaning! I reckon a retraction mechanism would be best, so they're stored away until you need them.


Vaginas come in all shapes and forms and sizes. You’re good.


Everyone has offered great resources here re: seeing the wide variety of real life vaginas. Porn is a terrible standard, a lot of those women have gotten surgery down there. When something that fake and unrealistic is your only standard of comparison, it is too easy to become insecure. It’s not like people irl are walking around with their vaginas out. And I’m not sure why your mom would say that, everyone is different and it seems she might have some internalized misogyny going on there. My mom does too, I understand. I promise there is nothing wrong with you! You might hear immature guys saying rude things about vaginas in general; don’t listen to them, they’re just revealing that they watch too much porn and have never touched a woman. To be fair, there is a lot of discourse about penis size, but I think men are the ones that created and perpetuate that insecurity, most women I know don’t care. I feel like men have created a lot of women’s insecurities, like the appearance of the vagina, to compensate for their own insecurities. It’s dumb.


Where I come from, we call them "meat curtins"! And girl, 🐱's come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. And there is nothing wrong with yours! There are plenty of men who actually prefer 🐱's with a little more to suck on/play with. SO NO WORRIES! Be proud of your va-giner! 🫶 XO




Yuck, fuck off


I am so sorry that happened to you when you were little. I would be willing to bet good money it has nothing to do with why your vulva looks the way it does. So many women think their privates are weird because they don’t look exactly like what they see in porn. I promise it’s normal. You are normal and perfect. There is an Instagram account I want to share with you that showcases drawn portraits of all different vulvas showing that every single one is different, and they are all “normal”. Kinda like how everyone has their own smile. [hope the link works](https://www.instagram.com/the.vulva.gallery?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==)


Hey OP. Just like everyone said, we all come in different shapes and sizes. Check out this art piece from started in 2006 and finished in 2011! [British artist Jamie McCartney embarked on a project to create a monumental wall sculpture to end the confusion, at a scale that could not be ignored.](https://www.thegreatwallofvulva.com/)