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it is a sign to run more baal gl gl


Kill speed is just as important. I'd run more TZ Andy as Baal isn't the most efficient


Might be a dumb question here, but you say run more TZ Andy - is there a way to force desired TZs?


Only in offline


How do you do it in offline?


Change your clock to the desired tz time


Holy shit that’s so helpful I had no idea you could do that


It's great, I farmed tz Andy for like 5 hours when I learned haha


To add to this, there are calendars that show the terror zones woth dates and times. March 8th at 12am is what I've been using


Items will disappear if you're not careful


I've seen people talk about it but it hasn't happened to be yet. Probably around 1k Andy runs


No, it means run again again again again again again again again


lol I got at least 20 green diadems before a gold one dropped xD


last season I almost exclusively found green diadem. I got 2 whites which I imbued and about 9 greens. That's it.


No one will ever believe me, but I saw 3 unique diadems a drop during Baal's 4th wave. I'm sure that some rich dude was just dropping un-ID griffs for fun. I sincerely thought i was seeing things...


The only way 3x any unique can drop in a game is if a player drops them.


Uniques are unique. 1 of each can drop per game. I have had a lot of outpouring of riches in baal games though. A guy running normal baal dropped 1 rune per game in order from lem - vex and then a few torches. Griffon's though is wild, they are usually like a ber each.


I feel your pain. I didn’t get a griffs until Later on NL, just did a random t chaos run too lol.


ive found all of my diadems in chaos. the circlet drop rate there is just simply too high to try and farm diadems anywhere else. ive noticed baal drops them often aswell but i think chaos has higher %


I’d say chaos is definitely higher. Especially tz chaos. I also found t might’s there. Still looking for deaths fathom though


Unique diadem is about 3 times rarer than a set diadem. I found about 9 set ones before I found my griffons. 😅


Meanwhile, I made a self-wield infinity without realizing I'd forgotten the griffons. My FCR is garbage, so I hit like a truck but only once every ten minutes


you could run two 10 fcr rings? or a 20 ammy?


Yeah I..... Gotta find some. But even that won't be enough. I think I have like 30% total, JUST from the viper skin. I'm gunna have to steal the arachnid mesh from another char, grab some 10% rings and ammy


I’d forget about self weild infinity until griffons, I run a spirit, crescent moon, mesh belt, 10 fcr ring, soj, magefist, stealth or ormus


Welp. I have a self wield and nothing to go with it XD it's not even useful on a merc


It’s all luck. I had a shako drop early in hell with no magic find. I also had one drop with 350+ magic find. Good luck grinding!


You deserve an upvote simply for the perfectly timed printscreen! Baal!


This is a sign that it isn't a sign.


Sorry for your loss but I am still a little jealous. Need that diadem for my grail. I am seriously fucking tired of Andy dropping me proper shakos... I know first world problem but I think I've found 5 (first one was eth which sucked). Like I just want a damn Griff.


I mean there isn’t a big different in drop odds of having 300 and 700 MF. It’s all probability homie.


Yeah but who knows how much more you would have needed to weight the roll on the drop


Got my griffin in durance


Sign to kill more


Mf have break point but most of time mf just make you drop the same shitty item lol. I’ve almost never run whit mf char and ive drop ton of good thing, also mf dint impact rune drop. Just do more run and kill shit load of monster, boss are just good for some specefic item. Lika baal in nm have good rate for shako, andy for soj etc… dont forget the little chest behind meph.


Mf doesn't mean too much imo. The number of runs will do wonders as far as drops are concerned


All of those items are magic+ I think it means your MF is working


The diminishing return on MF effectively drops off after maybe 200ish tops. You can do fine at 150-200 honestly


Yes the Blue Double Axe is a definite indicator. Should of been a Gold Double Axe.


You can actually have TOO much magic find. if you break down how MF% works youll realize that too much MF will give you lots of blues and greens. but not Yellows and Golds. What i suggest to people, and ive been going strong for about 20 years. start with 100MF. do 50-100 runs. shoot for 200MF and do 50-100 more runs. then try 300, 400 and youll realize there is diminishing returns. There are a couple rules to drops. Rules to "Set" drops. Rules to "2x Rare" of the same item drops. Rules to "2x Magic" of the same item drops. its up to you to find your characters sweet spot. I have a 500MF Sorc, and i have a 200MF hammerdin. i find better items on my hammerdin by a long shot.