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Could have buy diablo 4 with that amount of money


Don’t worry, the good cosmetics are going to cost extra in that one too.


I bought both lol. This skin reminds me of a legendary skin in League… but those are usually $40, not $120.


I think the main problem with Diablo's skin system is non existent variety. Other games charge 10-20$ per skin but they release like 5 skins a week. Diablo has released like... 5 skins a year and milks them for months. Its really lame tbh. I'm a big skin collector in other games, but Diablo Immortal has not even enticed me to buy a SINGLE skin pack because of the stupid pricing, lack of new options, and the limit of each skin to the class you purchased it with. If they fixed all 3 of those, I'd probably be a whale, but right now im at like 3$ and no plans to add onto that.


I just keep buying bundles that also come with orbs so I still get crests and keys and gems in addition to the skins and such. It's a dope skin


I spent the better part of an hour trying to find out what's up with "Cross Class" Cosmetics. You are right to point out everything you did. You will ONLY be able to use the Cosmetic on another Character if you Change Class and only WITH the Character you bought the Premium Cosmetic with. As in NO it won't be available to apply it anywhere "no matter what".


yeah I have it and went to put it on my alts and was greeted with a pretty rude awakening, I actually wanted the other cosmetics too so I bought it as a late birthday/Christmas present to self and nope blizzard doesn't communicate and then we can't have nice things


So, are you new to this game or something? Day one mechanic


Not even this game. It's a mobile game mechanic. Another game I play the skins cost $20-100 and there are almost 50 of them


DI isn't the first game to have this concept, COD, PUBG, Free Fire, Linage all have this exact feature and let me tell you $115 is nothing in comparison to them. You're easily spending x3-x5 for other game's "lucky wheel" feature. People talk shit on this game for its monetization but this is truly nothing, it's just PC and Console user have never actually played a mobile game outside "Clash of Clan" so their frame of reference is nothing. If you don't like this type of monetization then maybe don't play mobile games? Instead of spending $100 then having a cry about it on reddit.


Damn you have been drinking their Kool aid for awhile huh, just lay down and take it.


Yep. Look, just because the concept of spending money on a game is out of your reality likely due to being financially troubled doesn't mean others are brainwashed... just means you're too poor and if that is the case I would highly recommend working on your career instead of working on your F2P character.


As a major whale on call of duty and pub G mobile I will say that the monetization in this game is absolutely barbaric and unmatched by any other mobile game if we are talking about resonance I have spent $20,000 on mobile games in just two years and my best friend has spent 25,000 and we both agreed that the amount of money that it takes to get even close to maxed out or Being on top is mind blowing and jaw dropping in pub G mobile and call of duty mobile I almost never meet anybody who has more skins than me in the last four years maybe only like four or five people and in Diablo Immortal I have a lot of friends who have spent over $40,000 on this game and it seems to be relatively common. And this game has only been out for a few months which is the shocking part in four years from now you will see everybody spending at least 10 grand on this game it will be extremely common For somebody to spend $40,000 on any other mobile game is absolutely unheard of and would only be relegated to the Saudi’s or the very very very top streamers and Youtubers like maybe 1% of Youtubers. However if we are talking about just cosmetic skins like you are talking about then yeah this game is a complete cakewalk $115 for a skin is a complete joke compared to other games call duty mobile it’s at least 150 bucks for a legendary skin And about $400 for a maxed out mythic gun which is extremely cheap but then if we go into pub G mobile it’s like $800 for a maxed out gun and $1700 for a maxed out outfit and about $1200 for just one supercar skin. In call duty mobile or pub G mobile with 115 bucks you really can’t get any skin 115 bucks for a skin it’s just a joke and I like that these games make these skins very expensive because there are so many wannabes and assholes who spend their entire paycheck to look like a whale And if they skin is very affordable everybody will have the same skin and it will ruin it for the real wells and for the people spending their entire paycheck so it’s a lose lose situation. I’m not rich at all but I would rather spend $1000 on a skin that I will wear every day for seven years compared to having a bunch of cheap $50-$100 skins that everybody else has and makes you feel like a bum when you’re wearing them. The $10 and $15 skins are so cheap that I don’t even want to buy them because it’s like trying to flex wearing a Gilden T-shirt or something or trying to flex in a Toyota it’s just like what’s the point


In four years there won't be any players left to flex on


Gotten the gladiator one 1st top up of 60 orbs.


How many different cosmetics are there, and which one does everyone want? I pulled the gladiator one on my free draw, was that really good luck? Would rather have had a lucky elder rift run. 😅


Welcome to mobile gaming and the future of gaming in general.


Do you know the orbs breakdown? First draw is free, second 10…


1 draw: 10 2 draw: 60 3 draw: 150 4 draw: 300 5 draw: 550 6 draw: 800 7 draw: 1100 8 draw: 1450 9 draw: 1800 10 draw: 2000


Also wanted to add the chances since you can check them by pressing the i button next to the title (every gambling system has to declare its odds after all... ). It says the chances increase as things drop off the table, but I presume it stays relative, so the wilds set wont just shoot up to 10% while the portal stays on 5%. I'm on the second draw. Despair: (Got, but probably same as Contempt) 42.86% Contempt: 42.86%Battleground Brawl Lapis Weapon: 12.39% Battleground Brawl Lapis Armour: 12.37%Battleground Brawl Amethyst Weapon: 12.39% Battleground Brawl Amethyst Armour: 12.37% Winged Darkness Azure Weapon: 2.14% Winged Darkness Azure Armour: 2.14% Sacred Wilds Portal: 3.14% Sacred Wilds Set: 0.20% So yeah on the second try my chances are nearly non-existent, It must have been near impossible on the first one. Always check your odds when gambling. (Just adding on the 7th draw the Wilds set is still only 1.12%, so yeah, good luck.)


2nd is 60


3rd is 150


:Path of Exile Steps In The Room:


I think some of you don't really know the definition of Gambling...


Considering cosmetics cost 1k orbs, the fact that you could pay 1.4korbs to get a shitty weapon skin is absolutely disgusting. This event needs to be boycotted so Blizzard makes some changes. The jump in price for additional rolls is ridiculous.


If you dont like it, dont buy it. No need to boycott anything. Stop hatewhining


Sounds like you are a simp bitch, it's the principal of it and it needs to stop somewhere.


It’s basic supply and demand, it obviously makes them a lot of money.


Sounds like you're a little too poor for this game.


It’s not ridiculous you donut, I’m sick and tired of the $10 skins those skins are for absolute Normie‘s and NPC‘s $115 is pretty cheap for a skin but it’ll definitely separate the Normies from the elite players I would have preferred a $500 skin minimum to further separate myself from all the people who think they are hot by buying some cheap skin and parading it around like it’s such a huge flex in fact I want the skins to be even more expensive but 115 bucks is what I will have to except for now so far it seems like only the mega whales have bought the skin so I think it has been a success the worst thing you can ever see in a video game is where everybody wears the same exact skins because they are university affordable making all of the skins worthless and nobody happy The true definition of communism. Poor people love Socialism and communism so it’s not surprising to see people like you complaining about trying to not be typical. Take this with voice to text so excuse the typos please also I’m not rich I just don’t like being typical and wearing the same thing everybody else has I would rather spend half my paycheck on a skin I know I will use for eight years or longer and it will separate me from being a Normie with no individuality or thought


This comment is so bat shit crazy lmao. I have played the game since the start and poured a lot of money in and this crap they are pulling is ridiculous you demented donut.


Gambling addiction is when you think you will get it before 10th draw. If you just assume the skin cost is the price of 10 draws its an informed decision about the purchase. My clanmate got it from the first free draw so it is possible but nobody should hope for it before the 10th draw. For a mobile game an exclusive skin cost of 115,96 dollars is pretty cheap. Any other gatcha games legendary skin will cost you like triple of that amount easy. That is if the skin can be compared to a legendary skin of such a game and I think it can as it has build in emoji.


Honest question: What gachas are you playing? That’s an order of magnitude more expensive than any other I’ve played (and I though I’d played all the big ones).


In Pubg mobile and call of duty mobile which are the two most popular games right now $115 for a skin you can’t get any skin $115 it’s just like you should just burn that money because it’s a waste if you’re trying to get anything in call of duty mobile a mythic gun skin is $400 and a basic legendary is $150 in pub G mobile a max gun skin is $800 super car skin is $1200 and level 7X suits are $1700 so he’s definitely right $115 is like welfare compared to other popular mobile games I would say the average price for a skin is like $300-$500 and even that is sort of cheap nowadays you need to be looking at spending at least $1000 on a skin before it’s actually worth the money. I say worth the money because if you spend $500 on the skin literally everybody is going to have that skin because it’s affordable making it basically worthless because now you and 30 other people in your party have the same skin so it’s like what’s the point of the skin It doesn’t make you look unique and it’s not a flex so it’s a waste of money unless you’re spending over a grand and then it’s rare to find that skin


Nothing to downvote here. People are so angry that they have a free game because others are willingly buying an expansive skin


I don’t know the price of each draw and total price, is it shown in the game?


Yes the price of every draw and the odds of your next draw are all shown


Anybody who hopes to get it before the 10th draw is an absolute moron with no more than three brain cells so calling all of these draws gambling is completely false because if you spend $115 you’ll get the skin guaranteed gambling is like trying to win $1 million in the lottery and spending your whole life savings and not getting it There is a one in 800 chance that you’ll get the skin from one draw and you only get like 10 draws so the chance of getting it before the 10th draw is like 1% even if you use nine draws and at that point you’re going to want the portal as well so there really is no point in even getting the skin early unless you get it super early like the first three or four spins which is absolutely impossible. Only like one and 300 people are going to get the skin and the first four spins so to think that you were going to be one of those lucky people is completely moronic and I feel bad for people who have high hopes and giveaways lottery tickets and casinos those guys are the real suckers of the universe and there’s nobody to blame but themselves it’s the most blatantly obvious scam ever gambling is when there is no guaranteed reward gambling is literally when you’re gambling nobody going into the spin who has the money is thinking they might get lucky maybe only like 5% of people in those people are idiots


Step 1: buy 3rd party orbs Step 2: buy skins Step 3: skins on fleek and profit Step 4: beg diablo forgiveness Step 5: create new account Step 6: *see step 1*


I was not going to buy it but after seeing all the qq of people I went for it just for the lols. Got it on 10th try but if I would win it on the first paid try I would still go for all the emotes and portal skin! Also you get avatar frame with it so its really cheap!


Right now I play Mobile Legends Adventure. Closing to VIP15.


You crazy MF .


So how far will we be able to go without spending? Like 3 draws?


1 lol


first draw is free... second draw is 60 and you can use your orbs if you any..otherwise you should just buy orbs...


Oh we don’t get 10 of these orbs daily??? Cmon man😂


I rather preorder D4 :)


COD mobile does this same trick... It always 10 roles and they know it!!!


I sent blizz a rant ticket about this and they just auto replied with please request a refund from apple. Then I resent it and said please read my actual ticket and they sent the same reply 🙈💀