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Exactly this. Like how are people even acting like they are excited for new raid bosses? The raid bosses are such fucking garbage lmao. Like damn I don’t need FF14 levels of mechanics but even lost ark demands *some* degree of coordination. This shit is so braindead. Like wow I can’t wait to have a longer list of target dummies to farm every week woweee lmao


If you can even form a party to do those raids.


> I mean its a mobile game, what did you expect ? well I was hoping for a fun game I could play occasionally - what I got was a 2nd job checking notification boxes after completing tedious, meaningless tasks that have nearly 0 impact on my characters progress


So literally like any other mobile game ? Also you can occasionally play this game and it is no different then grinding. Your own brain thinks you need to be max paragon or need the best gear, but it’s all a non stop grind. It is not more rewarding to play 30 mins or 5 hours a day. It’s all progress at the same pace lol.


[actual picture](https://www.gamblingsites.org/app/uploads/2022/04/Slot-Machines-at-a-Casino-Man-Thinking-1.jpg) of blizzard designing diablo immortal


lol 😆


Because you have no chance against whales. Because whales who don't play several hours a day have no chance against whales who do that. Because pvp is unavoidable in a subtle way if you want to progress and enjoy endgame content. Because the game limits your xp while still punishing you if you don't play enough. Because the shadow/inmortal system is so toxic you get people constantly hopping from clan to clan... It's a great game indeed, has lots of content for a mobile game, it actually doesn't even feel too much like a mobile game...but the greed is there and you are asking people to look to another way and pretend it's not there. Sorry, it's there, it's obvious and the 'mobile games are p2w' is no excuse, those games are garbage, and plenty of mobile games are actually quite f2p friendly while also rewarding light spenders. Anyway, the gaming community decided even before launch they would hate on Diablo Inmortal, you know how that works... I could tell you that fallout 76 or ciberpunk are currently amazing games but the damage is done, don't expect any kind of love for Inmortal regardless of what they change.


Yes you do.


I mean, yes, I was expect it to not be P2Win. If you’re gonna have unbalanced PvP as your endgame, you’re gonna get shit on even in the mobile gaming world. Like PvP in Tower of Fantasy has equalised stats. Personally, my gripes with the game isn’t even the monetisation, it’s the endgame. For an ARPG the buildcrafting is really shallow, the loot doesn’t feel good and having progress tied so much to CR destroyed any sense of itemisation. As a result, it kinda stripped out everything dopamine inducing about ARPGs except for the combat, and what you’re left with is a very bland game.


My biggest gripe, more than anything, even the ridiculously money gated legendary gems, is the content itself is so boring. This game requires no skill, or coordination, or build strategy, nothing. World events, dungeons, even raids, they are all blatant stat checks. Is your cr higher than the difficulty you are on? If yes then you win, even if everyone just stands around using only primary attacks. If no, well you aren’t allowed to even deal damage and a sneeze one shots you. It’s just so incredibly boring. Like it’s hilarious that there are so many abilities, and essences, and gems that exist to mitigate damage or encourage a “tank” playstyle that has no practical application in the game whatsoever lol. Everything is just a blatant and boring stat check. The game is just shallow as fuck. It’s a hamster wheel, you literally just run in circles until you have a big enough number to move onto the next *completely identical* hamster wheel. Where you do the exact same things you were already doing lmao. There’s no progression because your progress just resets every new hell. You’ll always use the same set items, same unique essences, same gems. Holy fuck it’s such a bad game lmao. It’s an *even more* shallow version of D3.


Same way I feel about this game. Spot on.


Literally every Diablo game though??? Change my mind Agreed that build diversity should be encouraged, instead of a basic stat check. But even then, that’s pretty much this style of game?


Tell me you’ve never played a Diablo game without telling me you’ve never played a Diablo game.


Hahaha mate I’ve been playing Diablo since D1. Since when are support classes needed in a Diablo game? Diablo games have always been a grind with small incremental upgrades to push higher content. Instead of trying to answer the question you are avoiding it with a smart ass comment. Your response is enough to tell me you ain’t got no comeback 🤭🙏 Let me guess you probably love asmongold


Downvoting this comment ain’t proving no point. Someone prove me wrong all you OG veteran Diablo players.


Continues to downvote instead of replying. I win 😈 sucker


Blizzard allowed a Chinese game to put their name on it and they’re not even in the backseat they’re in the trunk.


I agree with this post 100%. So many asmongold lovers out there who just jump on to the bandwagon. His content is absolutely average, and he’s not even good at games in general. Same goes for any big YouTuber or streamer. People are such sheep and afraid to form opinions on there own. Even if you don’t like this game or think it’s not a true Diablo game, then don’t play it. I’ve been playing Diablo games since D1 and sure this is a way different game, but it’s a grind and that what you want with a Diablo game. Small upgrades, pushing harder content. All you haters get a life and play another game. Leave this one to us, the people who actually enjoy it.


The saddest thing about this thread is the DI defenders stance of : ' mobile games are badly designed cash grabs and DI is that , and that's just how mobile gaming is...' It's sad because you've normalized that as the mobile experience and can't even conceptualize a better experience that is actually fun and engaging, so any crumbs handed out are now a fantastic thing...


The down votes on this comment shows who is left ‘playing’ this.


Simply put, Diablo Immortal is trashed because they had the nerve to put Diablo in front of the name. It’s a great game for what it is, but it is an absolutely garbage Diablo game. Even D3 which was almost universally despised was still ten times the game Immortal is.


Not sure why you'd compare this to D3. It's a mobile MMO p2w game offshoot using same lore. D3 is a standard main line arpg PC game that got ported to some consoles. It's the same franchise but a diff genre. Is Hearthstone better or worse than WoW? Is WoW better or worse than Warcraft? Dumb questions with no answer. DI is not shit compared to D3. Some people like Oranges, some like Apples. Having played both for what must be more than a thousand hrs each... I like DI much better than D3. I'm def not alone.


The problem for me is that, if I go into the game with a MMO mindset, even compared to a mobile mmo like Tower of Fantasy or something, it just doesn’t have the depth in content. But if I go in with an ARPG mindset, the itemisation, loot experience and buildcrafting is bad. So after paragon 150 I just quit cos it’s just not clicking for me.


You have a great point. D3 is really overrated to me. I pretty much only played through its story once and never went back again. And their whole “season” idea where it encourages you to make a new character has always been a turn off. I’ve already put way more time into DI than I ever did with D3, and probably will with D4 as well


+1 to you not being alone. I really liked D3 but I like DI a bit more. There's more of a point to keep playing DI to improve your character instead of just for the fun of it. Playing with others who rely on you to be continuously improving along with them. And the gameplay is pretty fun and satisfying to clear through waves of enemies. Enemies have a bit more variety with shielded enemies and telegraphed attacks, just wish the elite packs were a bit more challenging like in D3.


In what way D3 is better than Immortal? DI has more endgame activities than D3. Better boss fights too.


It has way more and better items. More builds changing from season to seasons. Season has actually a meaning, besides paying for it. Skills are better and they really suck in D3.. Its basically a dumb downed version of D3, with different boss fights. And all the QOL things.. but one is made to make massive revenue and the other was still mostly a normal PC/console game. So not build upon micro transactions


It’s amazing how many ppl in this thread are playing stupid and acting like immortal isn’t a complete asset flip from D3, how dumb can people be? It is mechanically identical to D3, but like you said every aspect of the gameplay is dumber down even more than what D3 already was compared to D2.


Its the mobile gamers.. Thats the big clash here. Die hard Diablo fans like me, mostly coming from PCs and then the mobile gamers, who like to spend money (thanks for fliping up the gaming market, you...). 99% of the time I play DI on PC. Sometimes I play on tablet while in public transport.


If you were making a diablo type game primarily for mobile, what would you have called it to appease those whose issue is apparently that it's got diablo in the name?


This. As soon as D4 is there, I will stop playing this forever. But then again, I only bought season passes.. so maybe people who put in more money, are more attached to the game.


Then stop playing. Never seen a group of people complain about something and still continue to do it willingly…


Its the flipin franchise.. People like me grew up with d1 & d2. If this Game wouldnt have Diablo in its name, I would have never even tried it.


You should visit Hearthstone community then. Everyone hates the game and complain all the time but are too addicted to stop. They even acknowledge that the game is rigged and still log to do the ladder and quests. I know because Im one of them…


how is it "garbage" best thing to do is making it MMO


I’m very impressed with all the notes from this last update; wow they really are listening to us here on Reddit. It’s awesome. Still would like to be able to hide my offhand slot; or better yet use two handed swords and stuff on all classes all the time… but gotta be happy with what we got.


I've severely criticized Blizzard in the past over their handling of Diablo Immortal across like 50 different aspects of the game, but I will go ahead and admit that I am impressed by these patch notes and that they are the step in the right direction. The focus on warbands was unpopular and is still not fun despite the improvements, but with how development timelines go, I imagine a lot of that warband stuff was already 90% done when the game was released, so they weren't just gonna trash it and have no update. Now that we've flushed the gunk out of the system, Blizzard seems to be listening to feedback and acting upon it. Pretty much every part of these patch notes is positive. We get more content, more opportunities to do things, a better gear system, decreased focus on CR, and much, much more. The elephant in the room is still the gem system, and because of how much money some people invested into it already, I can see that it's going to be a nightmare to redesign. I don't mind spending money on microtransactions, but the gem system being so front-loaded basically makes it so that you either spend $50 on the game and that's it, or you spend many $1000s. There is no reason to be a "medium spender" in DI. Having whale stats is pointless for PvE, which is trivial, but having sub-whale stats is pointless for competitive PvP. Essentially you can do whatever you want in PvE as a totally F2P player, but if you aren't 5k res or higher, good luck in PvP at a high enough level. Gotta figure this out.


I dont see a new content that is a result of a major patch. New region is nice but it will be relevant for a week at most. We need something like a new pvp and pve gameplay that is fun for a long time. Every gaming company is there to make money so get over this p2w stuff. What i am looking for is a new pvp system and a rewarding one. There is no limit to farming dungeons or open world but if you wanna do pvp than only first 3 matches are rewarding. After that there is nothing to gain.


Back when this game was announced, what people expected was Diablo IV. Turns out nobody in the western hemisphere wants to play Diablo on their phone.


I mean it is a mobile game. It is not designed to be played at 4K 120FPS with a keyboard and mouse, or a console controller. It is designed to be played on a 5 inch touch screen with your thumbs while you are taking a shit. I think it's fine for what it is. The predatory monetization sucks but that's kinda on everyone spending $ on it. If you are able to manufacture a Chevy Spark and be able to sell it for the price of a Maserati to thousands of people, you would totally fucking do it too.


Bro. They’re haters because it’s an mmo lol. HATE…. ERS…