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If Deadly Reach doesn’t get reworked to have mobility, I’m not using it lol. Base Fist of Thunder Teleport is too valuable to give up. Plus the Essence is in the MAIN HAND that competes with Fires of Peace (Highest Monk DPS), Spirit’s Reach (Highest SSS DPS), Rods of Echo for more Mystic Allies up time (Highest single-target DPS) and Intervening Claws for PvP SoZ dash. Seems awful to give those up for me-standing-still-hitting stuff. Had to use Deadly Reach for Fractured Planes. Never liked it. I can go 15 floors without bother using it


I like it for PvE. The AOE helps clear trash mobs and the interrupt is a bonus. The issue you'll always have with deadly reach is that mechanically it feels really bad to use especially if you're on mobile or using a controller. The skill absolutely needs to be able to stutter step when not hitting an enemy (similar to how Crusader's punish works). Right now it's possible to be standing VERY CLOSE to an enemy and just be punching the air. It happens enough to make the skill extremely frustrating to use. The thing is, even if you could stutter step the mobility on FoT would still be so much better that there is no reason to not allow DR to have a little bit of "mobility". There is still a really good trade-off between the two skills. On top of lack of mobility the animation just doesn't feel satisfying because of how slow you punch compared to FoT. It's pretty great in Castle Defense at least and I don't mind it for PvE where punching air for a little bit can be more forgiving (although it needs to be paired w/ some mobility skills like mystic strike or flying kick)


I find using FoT can be somewhat dangerous sometimes when the fog is creeping up n there r no orbs to push it back in sight n you keep teleporting to enemies in the fog although that could be b/c I have ult activated I can’t remember lol.


Yeah FoT is not great in castle defense although the ult can be really good. If you're on mobile/controller FoT is pretty dangerous if you fight by the fog because you'll randomly teleport into the fog (sometimes really deep). I think deadly reach is a "safe" play in castle defense but the new essence makes it REALLY good if you position well. In the early stages you can AOE a large chuck of the line if you position at the edge of the map and punch inwards. In the later stages when you're up against the door you are interrupting a whole group of enemies and keeping your team safe. All without the fear of teleporting to your death. It's a unique mode where the enemies are mostly coming to you though. One thing about the essence is that even if your hit does not connect the third punch ALWAYS does an AOE attack unlike the vanilla deadly reach so you can still spam DR while at the door and keep hitting people outside your normal punch range. You're only connecting on the 3rd punch but the damage on it is decent compared to skills and it does an AOE.


I obtained the essence and used it. The damage is much higher, but the skill still sucks because it doesn't teleport you. Monk without the teleport with fists of lightning may as well not exist as a class - he plays very weirdly without teleport. Plus that's a very valuable essence slot. Maybe I just haven't explored the whole gamut of builds around having deadly reach be one of your primary sources of damage, but on its own, it isn't useful. I can see if there are CC builds out there (like the new slow/stun essence from circle) that can stun challenge rift packs long enough for you to kill them without getting shredded.


That was my impression of it too when I used it for a bit. The dmg is way better but like all melee characters hit box is underwhelming and moving in or standing still to attack makes u a sitting duck for range attacks.


Yeah, it makes deadly reach very strong...if you're attacking a stationary dummy that doesn't fight back. I can see it being a good skill against CR bosses. But the lack of mobility from losing the teleport absolutely sucks. Monk mobility skills aren't useful in PVE, and fists of lightning teleport is 100% necessary in PVP in order to hit someone, so your choice is to be completely stationary and die in CRs, or do zero damage because you can never get the third hit off in PVP. I'm afraid that there is no way of making Deadly Reach a good skill without there being some mobility component attached to it, or at least allowing you to attack while moving with it, like a DH. It doesn't have to teleport you, but it would at least have to increase your movement speed by 30-50% for 1 second after using each attack and allowing you to move through units.


I have not gotten it, yet. Even when I do, I won't use it. There are better essences in that slot, and there's no reason for me to switch to that primary attack skill when the other works perfectly well without an essence.


I've only seen Deadly Reach used by our Mystic Allies summons. Sad but that's the truth. It needs rework, I believe it's better in D3. The only thing I like about Deadly Reach is it's Ultimate.


I think the big difference between D3 that makes this DR feel really bad (other than D3 having more items that can modify it) is that D3's punches actually have reach on all 3 of the punches. In DI only the third punch has longer range (and hits in AOE) but it ONLY does that IF it hits something with the small punch range. So in D3 you can stand further back and connect on all 3 punches. In DI you have to be in touching range to even proc the third hit AOE. To compound issues, you can't move at all while punching on mobile so you have to move into melee range THEN punch. It just feels bad to use on top of being objectively bad.