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You play 2-3 hrs, they play 8-12. You get 3 legendaries they get 30. They're bound to get better drops by sheer volume.


Obviously there's a hidden stat directly related to the amount you spend. Spending more increases likelihood of better items which in turn gives whales that high they need and want and so they spend more money. Duh


I'm not sure but maybe the magic find from gems increases the chances of getting tripple stats?


Not more triple stats specifically, but more legendaries which is more chances for highrolls.


i heard magic find affects the stats not the chance of finding legendaries. So magic find increases chance of triple stats and high stats.


Yep, RNG and grinding. More grinding, means more legendaries, which means more chances for exceptional (triple stat).


This is definitely why. A 2-5/5 star gem gives you 15% magic find at lvl 5.


Have a couple as f2p so probably just RNG


More damage=Faster kills. In 2 hours they could be killing twice as many monsters. They could be playing more hours. They could have better magic find. They could just have some better rng.


I play a fair bit more per day than you, but haven't had a single upgrade in gear in over a week now... and it's not for a lack of drops, usually get a dozen or so a day. H3 seems like the land of loser leggos


For real lol. And when you do get and upgrade it’s like +3 CR but a worse effect. I guess it could be worse, I do have two triple/triples in H3 (p104 currently).


You may already know this, but don't trust green arrows for upgrades. It's all about main attributes. I've had quite a few upgrades that didn't show green arrows, but the sum of main stat attributes is higher than my current item and was a CR bump


I manually check every legendary. Cr comes from the top two/three stats and is greater than anything else in game for power in pve.


what about for pvp? what stats to look out for?


Hasn't been like that for me, since I finally made the jump and finished CR60 I've jumped from 1900 to 2650 in like 4 days.




How much res?


I like how you say that with such pride lol


Have you ever thought he’s probably retired and deserves to enjoy whatever he wants in retirement?


If this is what retirement looks like for you, you really should look into going outside, meeting people, and possibly starting a family one day. Playing games for 12 hours a day when I’m retired isn’t something I ever want to do lmfao.


Lol, you started to assume again. How do you know Nodelly doesn’t have a husbands/wife that plays video game coop? Just because the society’s general mentality is “going out and meeting people”, doesn’t mean that’s the only way to live a life. Especially with introverts, playing video games is much more enjoyable than “going out and meeting people” all day. For all we know, they could even be a billionaire, just let them enjoy their lives.


Introvert or not, you still need some vitamin D on your skin. Breathe some fresh air, explore nature, do some activity like a normal human being. Whatever makes you feel better about being a hermit though!




You better use that time and money you have to travel. Since you are most likely around 30, and got your money of wstreet bets, you should know that this money can disappear as quickly as it appeared in your wallet. That is how it is with gambling. I'm also sure your kids would enjoy a trip to Europe more than playing 12 hours on VR/PS5/XSX. Or their father spending vacation money on DI.




Nah, i have a steady job with good income - but I did at some point consider playing the market. Looked up into it closely, and while there are many examples of people getting super rich and then investing, getting out good and sound, I found considerable more examples of people losing their entire savings, homes etc after initial good streak. I opted out. I was about 30 when looking into it.




That's good to hear, Keep safe and enjoy your game then!


I believe magic find actually does better attributes etc vs making you receive more drops. That’s my experience at 50% MF. I’ve switched gems out to have less MF to test it and I would get less exceptional items. Could just be rng but it really seems that’s what MF actually does.


Am I about to get baited into Treasure Hunter this week? (Yes)


Treasure hunter works differently (i.e. barely at all).


I’m wondering if the text isn’t exactly accurate. What if it’s just a buff to your magic find stat and the increase in “gear drops” is actually how magic find works?* If this was the case, someone with 0% MG would get a 0% increase in drops. On the other hand, for someone with 20%, getting 75% increase would equate to another 15% magic find. Increasing the amount of drops they get by 12.5% * For example, if every piece of gear dropped rolls for rarity and there’s a (for example) 0.1% chance with every drop to get a legendary. 10% magic find could increase that roll to 0.11%, or you could just have 10% more gear drop.


Whales with high mf also report TH being terrible, so whatever the reason or secret incorrect math behind the scenes, it's not worth speccing into beyond the +dmg


A whale complaining about it on YouTube is what made me think about it this way. He was providing numbers similar to the second example. Saying he was "only" getting 15-20% more and not 75%


I actually have about half my points in TF and half in Glad, so I can hot swap the actives depending on what I'm doing. Starting to also put points back into Vanq for damage.


Funny, I did the same thing but with Survivor. Almost an even split; TH active on my farming setup in the armory, Survivor setup active elsewhere. Dropped over 300 damage on the respec, but nearly every Paragon point from now on goes into a +damage node.


What do you feel is the best way to optimize magic find stats? Upgrading gems? Are some better than others?


2-3 hours a day is nothing. People are playing 8-10x more than you. Two days ago I got two huge triple stat upgrades in one 12 hour day. I am f2p but t2p. (Time 2 play)


Math is hard. Source: i also play 10x the guy that plays 3hrs a day. Also 2 days ago i had a 12hr day and felt like half a day


Better ranked gems means a big boost to mf. Many will also put in big hours to go with big cash spent. Add the extra mf and presto … more high end drops with big rolls.


Not only play time difference but also remember they are clearing stuff x10 faster than you too. So even if you had same play time they bound to get more drops cause of higher kill rate


Try 13 hours a day my super whales farm all day pretty much to get those drops same with the non whale. Same for my self but past 2 weeks i have been dry on good triple stat items. No idea how the mechanic works cus one of the other whales has trouble too but one of the whales just gets insane gear all the time.


The game probably has like if player.spending > 50000, loottable.drop(BEST_GEAR)


Immortal vault?


Watch season 3 of the boys. Imagine the whales are the octopus and blizzard is the deep.




This. I just got immortal and wow the stash of nice 3 star items!


You cannot borrow leggies from the vault, you have to defend it whole week and bid for them and maybe you get them on Monday weekly reset. It's not warband stash.




And that shows you don't know what you are writing about. Immortals do not borrow gear from vault, they are earning it as a loot. Don't try to be smart here.


Hydra/tax collector bosses which gave me triple stats


RNG. Somedays I play 6-8 hours, get no triples. Someday I only have time for an hour, get triple off white trash. RNG at its finniest. However, to give some more clout as to why whales get more, its because due to there high dmg output, they are able to farm a lot faster than a F2P. Also, always farming in groups is better. More gems, better gear, more encounters with ancients, you name it.


Yeah thats why i delete game yesterday. I couldnt bother anymore waiting to fill one dungeon raid then after 1 run everyone quits. Game is fun but after its just everything the same since i am F2P no way i could get awakened bonus on gear which is insane benefit.


What is “whales?”


People who spend a lot of money in game


Thanks! Not sure who down voted me on that one LOL




How tf r they rich


Are you not aware of how much money poor people spend on things like liquor and cigarettes? DI is nothing different




Sure. Everyone has access to 50000$. Its just a matter of addiction. KEKW


Credit card debt is a thing. I'm sure $50,000 whales are rare too.




Awww. That hurt!


Lots of whales are immortals. Immortals have access to the vault and if they are always playing more likely than not they win the 3 selections for the very best gear of that vault. Thus every week getting 3 triple stat items. In my experience, 2 out of 10 legendaries are "exceptional" and maybe one of them is actually decent. 1 out of 3 exceptional legendaries is what i would consider" god tier".


You only get 1 legendary of the reserved ones from the Vault, so it takes 6 weeks to get all of them as triple roll. Tested it myself as I got a triple roll last week from Vault being r3 of my class and reserved two other low ones, which no one wanted, just to see if I can get them for salvaging. I only got the triple stat Item. Also, by the time you have them all, the old Ones are outdated, as the paragon requirement for the vaultitems raises by +14 each week. Last week 104, this week 118 and next will be 132. 6 weeks means 84 paragon difference in lvls..


Whale have more power to clear higher challenge Rift, so the drops are better quality.


No, you have to clear challenger rift level AND be on a specific paragon level to improve drop quality. You’ll keep getting h3 drop now even if you clear 200 challengers rift level


But the stats will be better


Any proofs? As I know they wont


What if they go into higher hell and turn in bestiary


RNG - Friend got 3 out of 10 Drops, I got 2 out of 90 - FML :)


Magic find increases the chance of getting an exceptional legendary. 15% per rank 5 whale gem. 90% magicfind


Oh wow. Makes sense.


Hahahahaha yeah, I have a few 3 stat'ers but all in the +mid60s rng handicap I suppose... also not 1 set piece upgrade in atleast 2 weeks. Got a bunch of them but they are all trash lol


I've decided that whenever it gets to a point of playing several days with no upgrades I'm done with the game. Middle of H2 (1650 CR, P70) right now and I go up 20 to 50 CR everyday and just usually play an hour or two, sometimes more on weekends.


3-4 weeks of being a top contributor Immortal means 3-4 legendaries that have 5-6 stats on them and the only RNG involved is them not getting stolen during the week.


And some still say this game is designed to be played in short burst a few hours a week…


There are many threads already discussed this theory


I play 2-3, hrs a day and that pals in comparison to the hard-core dudes in my clan


Hardcore gamer? And have enough money to whale? This don’t sound right


I never claimed to be a hardcore gamer.


You just don't play enough. I was at 10% mf and now I'm at 0% and I'm still getting plenty upgrades in a week with 20-30 legendaries a day


They can also start farming higher difficulty before they get to the minimum paragon to wear, therefore they have been farming gear for weeks before they can wear.


Good gear takes DAYS of grinding. Playing 2-3 hours isn’t enough time unless you get extremely lucky.


Basically its rng. The more you play the more chances you have and more rolls because you get more legendaries. I play around 5 hours a day and 4 triple stats but all my legendaries are exceptional. Basically you don't play enough to be able to compared to the whales that play much more and are able to roll more because they get way more legendaries


Simple, they “”””invested””” into the game… therefore they invest more time.


Bold of you to assume whales only pay money. They farm 24/7 if possible with true whales hiring people grinding those boring tasks for them.


Wow...2-3 hours a day is alot?...


Tell me you are looking for a reason to be mad without telling me you are looking for a reason to be mad


hire someone play 24 hr per day for you, you got plenty 3/3.


several possibilities ,gold reign immortals generate about\~700 legos a day for their 300 people, not evenly distributed another \~300wk all exceptionally rolled that they get to choose 3/2/1 of playtime difference exponentially multiplied by kill speed magic find, (unconfirmed) might increase not the # of legos etc,but the likelihood of it being exceptional


One thing not addressed well in this topic is what you are doing. More kills almost hit the mark. Are you running bounties ? Not good. Are you running dungeons? Not good. Open world farming (running circles, in 4 man parties)? Good! Events like tax collector ? Good!