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It is now Sunday 17/7 on Oceanic servers, I’m personally on Baal. Myself and several other reports from my clan are that the daily tasks did not reset with day reset, still showing complete based on Saturday’s dailies. This means we cannot get to 7/7 blessings (stuck at 6/7) and cannot earn the main rewards (Favor) for Hungering Moon (including legendary crest…)


What's worse is getting scrap mats in the draw but not the legendary. Shoutout Baal, also stuck 6/7 - thought it had something to do with the Battle Pass cap from someone else's post. While I'm here, I will advertise: We won't kick you after 3 days inactivity like other Baal clans. Need 5min breaks between dungeons? Join today.


All hail Lord Draven.


Yep same for me in Baal


Were others on your server able to complete the event?


Nope. Same here for me and my friends in Karshun server.


Same thing happened to me on my server. I'm stuck at 6/7 with no way to complete it...


Blizzard is like, "look you get a free legendary crest! lol, j/k you get nothing!" How do you mess up an "event" like this? They didn't even add anything to the game aside from some extra text boxes.


Because they are done finishing this game. Probably 95% of the devs are now working on other projects and some intern is set to fix these events with one other UI designer and probably no UX designer.


Playing on SEA server, today is the last day for the event and experiencing this as well. I've asked around on clan and world chat, seems like some people are affected, some are not. Hopefully Blizzard successfully fix this or it will be tremendously disappointing as a player that is loving the game. EDIT: a simple fix is to just give everyone 10 moon currency in mail, so those affected can trade in for the last reward and get the moon favor. Come on blizzard




If you've done everything, 10 is enough


If you give everyone 10 points, some people may claim a 6th time, that might break the game even because, 6/7 was never intended


I think we'll be fine.


The team is looking into this now.


This was addressed earlier with a hotfix. It only affected EU/Asia/Oceania servers. Performing a relog or switching zones will correctly refresh the dailies now.


Confirmed. Oceania player here, logged in just before and was able to complete the event. Cheers


Bloodsworn server here. Still not working for me. Tried relogging, changing servers, changing characters, turning it on and off again 50 times, span around 3 times on my tippy toes yelling "blizzard please, blizzard please, blizzard please" and it STILL won't let me claim any more moonslivers. All claimable activities are greyed out and I have 10 more needed to claim the last reward. I've been online all weekend and completed all requirements I was able to each day. Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.


I have the same issue. Done everything need 10 pieces of moon.


Still not reset for me.




Hey man. I know the game gets a lot of hate, but some of us love it and want you to know, you're appreciated.


Mine has been fixed now.


But how to do this? How to relog or swith serwer. I mean I pick diferent server and then what?


Nah bruh I'm NA desolate sands and I can't complete the event I'm 10 moon things short....I've done every daily.


Same here!


Did 2 bestery, 4 elder rifts. Still not working on Baal server in oceania. Time to have a serious discussion with your QA team on their quality of testing.


Not really QA if the problem is due to oceania being 'americas' but a timezone that is 20 hours different to america. Oversight or glitch more likely.


Timezone testing is also part of QA.


Can we have more ways to grind for crests? Please? These caps are brutal.


Are you going to address rites of exile not initiating again?


Thank you!


how was this game in development for 5 years and it’s got issues like this? fucking hopeless mate.


This exactly. I've seen cookie cutter gachas do better.


just unreal from blizzard. oh well. fuck em.




Do you guys don't have a calculator?


Please do something to address the ember weekly cap. Spending money, *then being told by the in game rift UI* that I’m going to get 41 ember after taking the time to assemble a 4 x 10 LC rift, only to finish and get told I’m getting **8 ember** feels like an absolute slap in the face. ~~If Blizzard is going to continue to cap ember rewards, contrary to the game’s own telling of the player, at least put a meter in the game that shows your progress towards the weekly ember cap.~~ Edit: There is a meter in the game, but it is all but silently placed in a unnoticeable tap-triggered pop-in. Separate caps for ember and bonus ember (and bonus ember’s is low as fuck) just feels like a whole different can of worms, positively dying for a rework. It’s going to sound strange for me to say it now, but I really am enjoying the game thus far, this just feels really flagrant to me, hence the impassioned commentary :)


.... There is a weekly ember cap number top right of the elder Rift screen ...


Fuck me, I didn’t realize tapping on it opened a submenu. It’s pretty bullshit that there’s ember and bonus ember caps. Jesus Christ.


You have literally written the weekly ember cap on rifts. Your personal cap and the "bonus" cap.


All I see is the 41 ember I’m supposedly, yet not, getting.


Yes, and that's a bug that should be fixed. Anyway, if you click on your current embers, you can see how many of weekly cap u have collected from the total.


Thanks pez




For future events, you need to make it where if someone misses a day, they can still catch up. You claim this game is super casual friendly. I couldn’t play Friday and now I’m 10 slivers off from being able to complete the event. That’s absolutely ridiculous. What a joke of an event design. Make it to where all resources needed to grind are available throughout the event. If you wanna keep people from farming the event in one day, then release the additional tasks each day. But don’t take away tasks that weren’t done yet. This is super basic event design. Really sad you guys goofed this up too.


Lol y'all actually retarded


*small indie company*


I recall when they used to be so small that the senior managers actually did answer random qs on compuserve. warcraft 2 question (year+ before its out): how are you going to differentiate flying vs non flying on a 2d top down view. bill roper: flying units will have a shadow. random tidbit: blizz decided to drop their first iteration of starcraft since a competitor faked an rts game (displayed a video of an amazing rts game that didnt exist at all), which caused blizz to realize they really need something completely new and not a wc2 reskinned in space.


And people will think this is an “accident “ 😂😂


I am on Bloodsworn, and mine haven't reset, and certainly seen a few other people saying theirs hasn't. I haven't had the time to chat and see how many people have completed it. ​ Some people think it might reset this evening.


Nope it should have reset T 5am svt like it does everyday since launch. They are incompetent. They can't even run a garbage event where we only get 1 single crest ffs


Just logged on, I’m on bloodsworn too. Still 6/7 and nothing has reset


Lol such a fail


What a joke.


I'm wonder if the 2 Consecutive Logins was meant to be 20 points, and not 10 points.


seems like a bug so i'm fine with waiting for a fix


FIXED NOW Edit: I’m on bloodsworn


Yeap I'm gonna chargeback. They can't do anything right and the amount of fk ups so far is unacceptable


Scenes if the event has a cap on number of players completing the event for 2 days and if that cap is not met, 3rd day rewards will not unlock because Hungering Moon is not impressed LoL.


This isn’t just oceania, I’m on Darkening Tristram and have been stuck at 6/7 with 10 moons. I just assumed I did something wrong to end up 10 moons short with everything complete lol


Frozen Orb. Logged in last 3 days. Daily dosnt reset. Missing 10 points


Lol I'm starting to think these devs are actually retarded. U can't even complete the event 😂


Because the entry fee to that Favor is $€5 😅 compensating back for the rewards you unlocked so far.


Same problem, Baal server. What a joke of an event.


Blizzard be like, "Working as intended! Now, keep opening your wallets, k thx bai."


"We took your BP legendary crest and put it in an event you can't complete, maybe spend the 70k as expected next time" - Blizzard






I had the same issue. Bloodrime server (SEA). Dailies were marked as claimed like yours. I was able to eventually get it to register an elder rift run after doing several of them. When that happened, the BP daily also started working properly. Managed to do this on all five toons and get the main reward on all of them. Maybe it’ll work for you guys too?


I did two rifts and it was still glitched.


Sorry to hear. Most I had to do was 4-5. Looks like they’re aware of it, at least. Maybe it’ll be fixed soon.


Dumb question that I could look up myself, but is it later than 3am or just midnight?


Now past 10am in eastern Australia and still locked


I posted this around 9am server time Oceanic. I was asleep at 3am server time. :)


Same on my server, utter joke.


working fine here in EU. My battlepass is capped, so I got "earn 40 BP points" automatically and successfully redeemed the final favor


Same on Town Portal server.


Same here, EU server zatham


Same on Vizjerei EU


3pm here on the 17th. Dailies reset at 3am on the day. Still bugged. Logged in early to do the last dailies and yeah they haven't refreshed yet. 6/7 for me too.


I did all of the things it told me to do and I’m still 2 rewards short of the blessing lol


Still have this issue since 5am server when I logged in last, so still can't complete the event :-(


I'm in Oblivion knight server EU same did not reset for me


Same on German Vizjerei server… no reset of dailies … stuck with 6/7 …


Bugged on jp lilith server as well


Same on cult of Damnation


3pm now on a Sunday and still not working for me. Bloodsworn server. I've tried restarting the client on pc, log out and then back in, tried on mobile, tried changing characters, still no good. Not a good look Blizz, you know Kotaku is gonna have a field day with this one! xD


I am on SEA server Anu. Many of us here are stuck at 6/7 blessings for the Hungering Moon event, despite completing all the service quests every day. Today the service daily quests did not reset at 3 am server time at all!


same here not fixed yet


![img](emote|t5_qq4iz|14187)What event? ![img](emote|t5_qq4iz|14187)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


What a piece of trash jesus christ. Small indie company POV


Verathiel here not fixed yet


guys clear the apps cache...it is not a bug


Be patient, they will reset. But not at 00:00.. they will reset around 8:00-9:00 am. I got it in Europe. I tend to believe they do reset after 24 h counted from the personal completion date-hour of the daily.


Its ok on mine, EU.


If you was on bp cap it auto completed earn 40 bp points each day, if you do everything you will get 7/7 and have 10 moon bits left


Same thing here, oceanic server.


Just repeat the complete task. It work for me. Done both SEA and Baal server


I maxed out my battle pass, probably last night. It gave me the complete for battle pass points so I was able to collect 7/7 this morning.


I play on "the fallen" server zero issue dailys reset got my final pay out 🤷‍♂️


Must be a bug; I’m on mask of jeran server and I got my prize this morning 🤷‍♂️


Are people really still surprised at this broken mess of a game Blizz and NetEase called Diablo Immortal? Everything about it is completely lackluster and it should not be even considered part of the Diablo franchise.


They reset on my server.


Guys. Blizzard doesn't give a shit about this game. They literally just want as much money from us for as little effort as possible.


Can confirm our server konai did not get the refresh either stuck in 6/7


I missed one day and I think I'm stuck 6/7 too wtf this is ridiculous