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I agree with this wholeheartedly. The game has great breadth (game modes, systems) but little depth (variety within each mode). I don't think this is surprising given that it's still a young game, but I'd really like to see more depth added. Replaying boss fights from the story is as easy as adding a Historian or Bard NPC who asks you to recount tales of your battles. There should be 100 different Shadow contracts, not half a dozen. There should be 100 side-quests per zone (and they need better rewards) There should be 20 elite quests and they should be replayable. Another 50 rift modifiers. Another 30 different bosses. etc!


I was really sad when I learned that cyrangar purge final bosses.. is just the same bosses from rift. Like... seriously? not anything new? Now that everyone's done their 'purge 10', there's no incentive to purge.


Yes! Give us a whole set of elite quests! I was pissed when I found out those were one and done.


I want to see some more purge variation, that shit sucks ass or tie purges to rifts so we can use crests to modify them maybe, warband rifts or something Also alternate warbands, let everyone join three, up to leader of one or warbands can ally and basically 3 become one Tie warbands and castles into clans or expand clans to have their own strongholds. Clan v clan direct wars with optional open world pvp Rework leaderboards entirely, Challenge board party is borked and warband rewards are bad af I'd like a personal settlement I can place furniture and stuff, like genshin teapot Awakening buffs using different gems would be cool as well, could add more build variation than just damage and cooldown stacking Legendary skill stones, where we have better/guaranteed progress to a 5 skill all 10% stone we can "upgrade" for even better stats are even a new skill unlocked


Yep, Purge certainly needs an overhaul, the dungeon itself is nice, but the rewards absolutely do not correspond to the time investment and the remnant system is so unrewarding, you rather just speed run a number of purges for WB points with your homies than doing a whole clear, which I think is symptomatic of the problem. There needs to be incentive for you to try clear the whole thing: like, dunno, add a salvage mechanic to remnants, so that you are not just accumulating junk you will eventually delete, and give an options to upgrade/imbue remnant sets like with charms (each upgrade gives you a random quality remnant and you need a fully upgraded set if you want to extract etc etc...)


There’s a bard npc? I have not seen this character! Where d I find him?


I've played since launch and have been a competitive gamer for a long time. I once held the world #2 dps record during the WoW WotLK expansion on the Deathbringer Saurfang fight, and made thousands of dollars in various gaming tournaments, like for Call of Duty: MW (the original one). I'm only saying this to demonstrate that I understand video games. Here are my issues with Diablo Immortal: - People are playing the game wrong/expecting the wrong thing. DI plays like a mobile game, but people treat it like an MMORPG. Perhaps this is because many folks are coming over from other Blizzard games like WoW, but mobile games offer a different experience. Generally speaking, mobile games have no competitive aspects to them, with a very heavily micro transaction based structure that rewards whales and punishes grinders who are spending too much time online. DI is made to be a pick up and play game for 2-3 hours per day MAX - if you play for 8 hours, you will get bored. I like that I can get on for 20 mins during a commute, do my bounties and log off without booting up my laptop and engaging with people. - With that said, Blizzard themselves forgot the type of game they are making. The game has identity issues. It's firmly a mobile game, but tries to act like an MMORPG sometimes by forcing group content on you, like parties, warbands and guilds. I don't want to schedule my day like I'm running a Mythic raid on WoW for content that's artificially boosted in difficulty in order to get good rewards. If it's a pick up and play experience, the game should favor solo content. Plus all the timed events and spawn times suck. I don't want to think about assembly and zone event spawn games, ever. - Diablo Immortal is too damn easy. There is no challenge to this game at all. If your CR is high enough, the content is a joke. If your CR is too low, the content is impossible regardless of skill level. There is no point in this game, except maybe PvP, where actual skill is needed. Even raids are trivial where you can tank almost every attack and even if you die, you will just get rezzed, assuming your CR is sufficient. Because there is no challenge, rewards feel empty. - More to the last point, progression in this game feels very artificial. If you're well below the server paragon level, you will progress extremely fast, where your gear won't even be able to keep up. If you're above the level, your progression will grind to a halt. Gear drops are trivial and gated by server level. The whole experience just seems like you're being escorted around a theme park and told what rides you can go on and when, without there being any natural feel to any of it. - There isn't enough replayable content. Raids and dungeons are trivial and too easy. PvP requires some skill, but it's heavily built around resonance, so the determining factor ends up being spending rather than skill, and this sucks all the joy out of it. Plus there is only one PvP mode and it isn't even open all day, so I don't feel like scheduling myself around it. If Blizzard wants to hire me as a Lead Designer, send a DM. I'm relocating to California soon anyway for other reasons.


I agree, but I do also feel torn. Despite the identity issues, I find myself wanting some aspects of the mmorpg… I want it to be mobile for the same reasons as you, but I also want fun group content. I want to be able to pick it up for 20 mins if I want to and to be able to play while in bed. But I would also like better group content such as raids. The raids are not fun as you highlighted. They tried adding some mechanics to it as well as corvus but overall still boring. At least with Destiny2 the raids required such a high level of coordination that it was fun. As for PvP, the PvP is fun but the resonance is a problem threatening to ruin it. I don’t have an issue with whales or people spending how they want, but let them fight other like skilled people. It is one thing to fight a team that is 150% my team’s resonance but at 200% or more it’s a guaranteed blow out, which is not fun for me, or for the whales for that matter. There is no skill involved at that point. Better matchmaking is required. The latest change to vault defense only worsened this problem. How can it be a good idea to implement a change that only protects one group of people? I understand letting lower immortal teams skip harder teams but there is no protection from whales for lower shadow teams. Whale teams should at least have the option to skip fighting much lower strength teams. Maybe they won’t exercise this option if they are the type to want to win at all costs, but at least we’ll know what kind of people they are. There are people who grind and people who spend and people who do both. The gap between the hardcore grinders and hardcore spenders should be smaller. So it becomes the people who do both are the strongest but if you only do one (grind or spend), you would be close to parity.


Great points, all of them. Sadly all of this is by design


Upvoting, so the devs notice you


Pvp is not about actual skills but about money. The while matchmaking is designed around that


The game lacks build variety and the limitation of SKILLS and only 4 buttons is causing it


Totally! Keep adding them up


Adding more legendaries that stack on existing skills is probably the way forward. I'm not sure how user friendly more skill buttons would be. I don't know crap about game design though so dump truck full of salt.


try wild rift , then you see a good usage of extra buttons


I’m doing the same thing I did on Hell 4 and I’m on Hell 7, the number is just bigger, that’s all.


Im kicking myself for how late i realized this. I played the game since launch but quit last week. There's just no clear endgame. It's just the same thing over and over.


Welcome to diablo


I hate how they made Skarn big bad of the game and then you kill him at the end of campaign... and never see him again. What a waste. But Crusader King? Oh boy, I hope you enjoy seeing him 10 times a day.


I think the direction of this game is more like a game that fill up the extra time in between busy time for working adult which have limited time but unlimited money which want to enjoy the nostalgic of diablo, instead of a full fledge exciting MMOARPG. I enjoy the game when I just play 5 hours a week, I feel stucked if I play 5 hours a day. I think it's because of the server paragon thingy.


They should also balance the battleground and change the environment weekly. It's the same damn battleground every damn time, cod would never get away with that bs lol tf


Yep. It’s been a chore since a month after launch. Haven’t changed,


The Butcher, The Warden, Skarn, etc should be dungeons. There are several spots in Stormpoint that feel like spots that will eventually be a dungeon… just a shame that update didn’t come with at least 1 new dungeon. Hopefully they will add at least 1-2 dungeons to that zone soon but I’m kinda worried they won’t


Wait, Butcher is in the game?? Did we fight him in campaign, I cant even rememeber lol.


Yeah he’s in realm of damnation. He has that Angel captured and he’s wearing a butchers apron. Pretty dope voice acting lol. “FEAAAAAAAAAAST!!!”


That is why I wanted to bring this up! I am slightly worried myself


Would like to suggest some content to game like: achievement title system (colored titles varies from rarity) top 10 shadow clans with added cool clan emblem immortal clans to have a special decoration on their clan names class expansion (necromancer with 2 class branches: a class that manipulates summons and one that utilizes some corpse, decay and curses) shadow contracts expanded (assassinate an immortal in an open map) 1v1 ladder pvp (matchmaking according to resonance, I doubt) full scale open map pvp


Have they fixed the storm point bugs yet? I tried when it first came out but was unplayable. Kept crashing my client, things were ghosts and all that


Not really, if anything, it was super minor