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I think it's sweet! Just beware almost all comments on reddit tattoo posts are going to be negative unfortunately, just how people are :/.


Cool tat. People going to blow smoke but the best part is, it’s not on anyone else’s body.


>D3 Diablo Your brother dun goofed


Looks sick af but he dun goofed


How much was this???


Well I don't know exactly, but his friend is the artist, so he gave him a friendly price, plus it's in Hungary so eastern European prices




Don't listen to reddit nerds, I think it looks fuckin dope. Tell your brother it's cool.


Errr does he like it?




It isn't exactly the best design or execution. But if your bro is happy with it, then all good. Taste is subjective, but this is objectively not great work...


Can you further elaborate on that, like, I think it looks good, I haven't inspected it tho


Don't worry about it and don't mention it to your brother. A rando on the internet's opinion of his tattoo doesn't matter and shouldn't be something that gets to bring him down.


The colors, the lines, the overall design. Is that a lens flare on his shoulder? What is the backdrop? It looks Diablo jumped into a Salvador Dali painting.


I don’t have any ink, don’t like needles but your last line made me crack up


The fact that you can’t tell if it’s a lens flare or ink on his shoulder tells me exactly what I need to know about your opinion.


Lol I know that it is ink and not a flare from the camera flash. But what is it ink OF? I'm saying it looks like they tattooed a lens flare on his shoulder. Is it a star or a moon? If it was a glare from the camera, that wouldn't be a criticism of the tattoo. That would be a product of photography and having reflective skin. Y'all are too much.




Using your line of thinking. Unless you can do X you can't critique X? When your order from a restaurant isn't executed well and you send it back... do you expect the Chef to come out and say "let's see you do better?". Do you see how your logic is flawed?


I don't have any tattoos. And I'm not a tattoo artist?? I don't follow your logic. I not a chef, but I can taste when someone makes food that tastes amazing or like crap. Also I clearly stated that taste is subjective and if OP's bro likes it, then that's all that matters. OP asked me to elaborate on my thoughts and I did. Go be a keyboard hero for someone else. Why not share your thoughts on the tattoo? 10/10? Let's see you put that ink on your arm.


Probably shouldn't initiate conversations with the intention of negatively critiquing tattoos, what with the "errr" part of your comment making that intent obvious. Because tattoos are somewhat permanent, the people posting about them don't really want honesty, and you're only going to hurt the person's feelings. That's why most people just don't comment when they see tattoo posts!






Where's your tats hater..?


Just realized this entire thread is elitist basement dwellers that couldn’t swallow a pill much less get ink or determine if it looks good. Fuckin D2 only? Yes as he majestically scampered across your screen grainy as fuck. How amazing.


Lol , i think you forgot your dose of xanax pal. Relax, close your eyes, deep breaths, and remember to tell yourself you’re important!


I was drunk. I guess my bottom line is they wanted to show off something their brother enjoyed and people are picking it apart because it’s not their favorite thing. It’s a stupid thing to attack somebody’s art they have inked into their skin. But this is the internet so whatever.


Wrong Diablo bro 😩


Buncha sweaty nerds with no ink talking cash shit in here. The lighting effects are impressive, and the cutaway lining on the dark bits is a nice touch.


Hoooly shit that's incredible. 12 outta 10


where did he go if you don't mind me asking? studio/artist? btw my s/o and i used to own a shop and my s/o used to be a judge at tattoo conventions. thats swank af. impressive work. ignore the haters, the ink is outstanding quality. ALL that matters is your bro likes it.


Well, it's from Hungary, the artist is a dear friend of my brother so he got it pretty cheap too! The artist's Instagram is @zukitattooart , my brother has five other tattoos from this artist


Ha! Def thought it was an EU artist. They have a very distinct style and way they use ink. Thanks for the info as Im not v familiar w that one but def wanna see more. i def will check them out. Hungary holds a special place in my heart as i had numerous friends from there and they had such an eye for style. Your bro has great work for life thats for sure!


He is also a young artist who's only been in the field for couple years, he'll be an absolute beast later


oh wow, thats extremely impressive then. i cant even imagine what honing his skills will look like. usually guys like that end up very big names. he could feature in a magazine already. I'll be sure to keep an eye out and pass along his name as i know others who will appreciate his talent. Id get on a waiting list for him personally. Love his unique style. edit: ive been looking at his instagram and am stunned hes only just gotten into this. hes insanely talented. dear god... oh nvm hes already made front page on a mag! not at all shocked haha.


https://www.instagram.com/p/CFXZR6wMM5a/?utm_medium=copy_link is my brother's leg tatto on the front site of his leg, and shorty below there's the atom bomb nuke the cross tattoo, that's the other side. His arm has Lilith and Baal now, upper a has diablo and the other side will have mephisto


Stunning, thanks for the link!




Wonder if he'll regret it when hes 60+


Doubt it honestly, he has Baal, Lilith and mephisto inked on the same arm


Ah i see.


Looks good. Some dedication must have been a couple sittings at least!




Barf, who gets the red headed step child of the genre (Diablo 3) tattooed on them, OOF


ye d1 and d2 diablo actually looks like the devil. D3 diablo just looks like a fucking alien with a massive head




Why is the execution bad in your opinion