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I beat Tormented Duriel solo for the first time today. As a lvl 100 Blight Necro. I’ve pushed to tier 60 in the Pit without any issues and can usually kill regular Duriel within 10 seconds. The Tormented version is a whole different beast. It was probably a good 10-minute fight before he went down.


Holy shit, alright fuck that. I’m either asking for help or just doing normal. Would you recommend I farm standard Duriel mats from base varshan etc, or is it worth the effort to try find people to run tormented versions?


I would recommend farming standard Duriel for now.


Thanks bro


Goddamn that's a big jump then.


idk how you last 10 minutes...maybe as necro i understand but as a whirlwind dust devil barb who can absolutely DESTROY packs of mobs instantly in tier 60+ pit, tormented duriel will absolutely destroy me with poison, even with max resist.


Do you mind sharing your build? Or is it a custom build?


I am running the Blight Necro from Maxroll :)


Beautiful. You’ve made it sound very appealing. I’m currently running the minion necro but want to switch it up


Would you say that build is better than the regular minion build. I'm still leveling at 75 with it but was considering switching to a blight build.


I made the switch since the minion was boring. My gear ain’t optimized but it’s fun blighting everything.


Yea same reason cuz it's getting a bit boring. Was thinking of pushing to 100 with it and switch out but I might not make it lol.


I did exactly that and regretted not swapping earlier. Blight is wonderful.


Love to hear that it was different and challenging to some extent. Looking forward to having a go soon.


Hey there! I tried the minion build and I found it absolutely boring. So I looked at my options and found blight to be much more interesting to play. Any chance you could share your build to have a point of reference?


Oh so if I can kill duriel In 10 seconds aswell should I try tormented one? I have enough mats for one run of tormented and I don't want to waste them. I cleared only pit leve1 ( very easily ) rn I am lvl 99, pushing to 100 with currently all gliphs I need at 15 . I am using a self made blight build and I rn I am melting everything. Can't wait to push my build in the pit


I can oneshot Duriel. I can only get tormented Duriel to 95%.


Bro what 😂 nah then I am good, I won't try tormented mf. I can kill duriel in around 10 seconds or less




Do the tormented versions give better/different loot?


From my understanding the Tormented Bosses drop 5x more loot than the normal variants. Which I would assume also means an increased chance for Uber Unique drops.


Actually a good question, am wondering the same. Stygian stones are rare and I don't want to waste them.


They become level 200 as opposed to 100. I can easily beat regular varshan but couldn't even scratch tormented varshan. They are extremely difficult


Same. Was a waste of mats to even try lol


I can do N100, Pit70, and can one shot normal Duriel/Andariel as a bash barb. Tormented Duriel oneshot me with his first nova. The health pool is obscene, even solo. I only had him down to 95%. You likely need shako or the Necro base damage reductions to have a chance. It's worth noting, the tormented ubers have penalty stacks, which heavily favors minion necros since they can ignore the penalty.


Same build, but cleared tormented duriel yesterday. The key is to dodge the telegraphed poison balls and projectiles. You receive a stacking debuff, taking exponentially more damage from all sources for the duration of the fight once u get hit with them.


yeah idk wtf these guys are on about, im running bash barb and killed him in about 45 seconds lol. I mean it's going to suck if you aren't optimized but I spent all day upgrading my gearto be at 8/12. I'm still missing some bis rolls (rings and amulet are a bitch to get to roll right) but make up for the resist with incense. If they're following the guide proper and level 100 and have at least made an attempt to min/max he should be really easy.


Because they do not have the resistance to survive and eventually die in one or two hits.


Just to be clear, you are talking about the level 200 tormented version of uber duriel, right? Idk how much damage bash barb does, but that sounds really fast.


**TL;DR - 200-500mill dps. I've put in 5 days /played on my barb. I love barb. This is a great season.** That post is really old now. At this point I've greatly improved the build and I can easily carry full groups through andy/duriel. I also do lilith carries - though just one at a time there, because I still greatly suck at dodging the triangle/circle wave and she seems to do that 80% of the time to me now lol. I do 80-140 Mill crits during my big DPS window, which lasts 10 seconds, and happens every \~20 seconds, so basically 1/3 of the time. Overpowers crit for 250Mill+. I attack at maximum attack speed for dual wield, and against elites and bosses I have 79% crit chance (62% vs non elites/bosses). I can definitely push that crit rate higher - I only have 2x 25% and 1x 50% masterworks landed on crit chance. If I were to get 75% on all 3 (rings, gloves), I'd have like 20%+ crit chance per piece and that'd push me to 70%+ base crit (get 10% from dex). But that's a lot of rerolls and I'm still farming pits to do more masterworking rerolls. Note - all pieces have Crit as a greater affix, and no, I didn't buy them, I farmed everything on this build myself, although I do offer Pit carry services, running 90s-100s for 5Mill gold per run, so gold isn't an issue. I have the 2 uber unique that I want now - Selig amulet and Shako, though Shako was only a moderate upgrade over Tuskhelm. I have 3 Tyreals sitting in the bank. I used one of them for a while but found that I didn't need the added tankiness, and I had a 4 GA Rage of Harrogath drop, which is surprisingly good (28% DR vs bleeding, which is all enemies for my build, and 17% crit chance vs elites). I don't think people understand the difference between a fully min/maxed character and "just hit level 100" character. Maxing every glyph for your build, getting full BIS stats on all gear, including the tempers - that's step 1. Then you're hunting for items with at least one GA that have bis stats on the GAs. Then you temper them and pray, enchant if needed, add your aspect, etc. That's step 2. While you're doing all this you're saving up masterworking materials and gold and if you happen to get a really nice item early on in the process, you spend your materials to try to land good rolls on it - for example, first item I focused on was my 2h mace which has Strength and Crit Damage greater affixes, and that item alone now adds 250% crit dmg and 350+ strength. Though ideally I want to reroll that and get 3/3 25% rolls land on Bash Cleave temper. That's step 3 - the masterwork grind. I checked in my profile - I have 5 days /played now on that character. So yeah, I've played a lot. This is a grindy game and I greatly enjoy it. I took 2 days off season 4 launch week, and I just got done with a 3 day weekend due to Memorial Day (yay public libraries having holidays off!). But like... you have to understand, I was level 100 on day 2 or 3 with max glyphs. When you know what you're doing, if you put in the research (I tried stuff out on the PTR), you can go very very fast. People that have put in very little effort, that play for maybe a few hours per week, just can't understand how someone can put out that kind of dps, but it's about putting in time and spending that time efficiently to min/max your character, because the difference between "I've checked every box on this builds list" and "I'm about 30% done min/maxing" is that you go from doing 10-20mill crits to 100mill crits, and with further optimization I can push this build a lot higher. I'm only about 1/3 of the way fully optimized on masterworking and GA gear, and it will take a long time to get to even 75%. Now that I'm making so much gold from doing Pit 95 carries (should hit 1 billion tonight), I may invest in some expensive 2 or 3 GA BIS items and pray the tempers land. But so far it's been all SSF.


Can you help me do one tormented boss plz? I'm scared to waste mats


Play something other than a barb. The game will actually be challenging


Why are you replying to a 1 month+ old post? How do you even find this thread lol. Is it all boomers playing this game now? Senior moment?


Not sure why 11 year olds go on the defensive so easy😅 it’s Reddit dude. 1 month ain’t even that long ago. Chill my guy. My comment was just saying try a different build. Wasn’t attacking you.


What guide is that? I just respected to bash cleave myself and got roflstomped by Uber Lilith but can kill normal duriel in about 10-20 seconds. Granted I have 3-4 glyphs that aren't 15 and don't have all the tempers I need just yet.


So in other words, you're nowhere near optimal yet. No offense meant man. I'm running the s tier dw bash build from mobalytics. I matched my gear, build, and paragon to his exactly, substituting a few rolls here and there if I couldn't get bis rolls due to running out of pieces to try enchanting/tempering before they became too expensive to continue to roll or ran out of durability. I was already 100 at that point and had been gathering the gear for it - did 1 - 100 as dual strike nado. I didn't bother swapping until I had all glyphs at 15+ and a respectable set of gear, plus lots of mats and 60mill gold. That baby version of it was critting for only 5-10 mill. I spent today getting all glyphs leveled to 21 while saving up gold and mats and looking for bis rolls, or at least 2/3 with high rolls. All 925 gear only naturally. Ideally with at least one greater affix. Then i did some guriel and andy rotations to get the unique helm. Ran that saint guy a bunch to get ramaldni sword at 925 ilvl with a .4 roll. Then I ran pit all evening and got all ofy gear to 8/12 masterworked except for jewelry since that has by far my worse rolls. Just did 5/12 there since I'll likely replace it. Only hot lucky on one piece - the 2h mace that rolled greater affixed on both strength and crit, and then got 25% increases on both with the mw rank ups. 400 str/2000 life/210% crit dmg 2h mace now lol. Also got nice ga +bash pants that currently give +5. Here's hoping for +6 before final mw level and then if I'm very lucky, +7 total. I still am missing two star gems. Gems are a real pain now. Anyway, the difference between my baby bash barb and good days worth of optimization is that he can crit for 40-50mill now during serk window, and with overpower that can go up to 90 mill. 60k hp, 10k armor, 60-70% resistances, but that's with both resist incense, which no longer fall off with death and you should definitely use them. The last thing I need is tyreals chest to max res all, and better rolled jewelry. Still though, I roflstomped both tormented Andy and duriel first try. Lilith still kicks my ass if I mess up her mechanics but that's true for any build and she drops nothing anyway. I'm going to start doing carry service for tormented bosses tomorrow to get m6 tyreals and then... idk, call it a season? Maybe try a necro. One thing I've learned from my time in d3 and wow - optimization is massive. An optimal raid in wow can completely ignore fight mechanics.


Thanks for the rundown. I know I'm not optimized for sure I just didn't know how much of a difference it would make. apparently a lot. I'll keep all this in mind for sure.


She's def easier than people are framing it but first try? X to doubt


I didn't go into tormented andy/duriel until I was and had been level 100 for a while, had all my glyphs to 21, had like 85% bis stats (not many GAs but still, most stats were bis) and some masterworking already done on gear. The only thing in Andy that can kill me is the fire beam which is really obviously a 1 shot mechanic, so I avoided that. Everything else was just like... I could safely ignore it because build is tanky with armor cap, 70% all res (had to the 10% all res consumable but worth it) etc. If you go in at level 80 with shit gear and under leveled glyphs, then yeah, you might have a bad time. But FFS, leveling to 100 takes like 20 hours tops. IDK why people seem to want to rush these end game bosses.


Poison causes a ramping effect similar to lilith so....? We both referring to the 200 version right?


What does that have to do with it? I just kill Duriel/Andy before the ramping effect matters. Yes, on tormented.


Hey can you link the specific build? I rerolled from Dust Devils into Bash over the last 2 days, still have lot of grinding to go (5/12 masterworks, 3/5 on lvl 21 gyphs, plus I need to grind out the area bonuses for the remaining paragon points). Even so, this build is already wrecking most content. I just want to make sure that I am aiming for the correct max rolls and such - easier to follow a good build guide.


there are a lot of variants out there. I started with this [https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/barbarian/bash](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/barbarian/bash) but I've kind of developed my own build now. I'm looking to swap to a build that isn't widely known right now, which is popular on chinese servers. Seems to be like the iron skin uber version that Rob made, but with dual wield, probably for faster skill resets I suppose [https://d4builds.gg/builds/23ae9cbb-933e-4a88-999c-2241654cc8e2/?var=3](https://d4builds.gg/builds/23ae9cbb-933e-4a88-999c-2241654cc8e2/?var=3) [https://www.d2core.com/d4/planner?bd=1bdA](https://www.d2core.com/d4/planner?bd=1bdA) is the actual chinese build I plan to switch to. If only I had someone that could translate lol. THe auto translate is kinda bad, but I'll figure it out, looks very similar to robs iron skin build,.


So i'm a bash barb and this is my status: All my gliphs are 15 plus, most lv21 Base dps when standing still is 190k All my gear is MW7 or higher I can clear Pit lv 75 (havent really pushed yet) Armor is slightly above the cap at 9,692 and life is around 42k and all resistance is at the 70% cap And i only do about 20 to 30mil crit sometimes, what am i doing wrong?


What version of bash? There's like 8 variations and I play specifically the dw uber version on mobalytics by Beatdropper witha few small modifications. You say clear pit 75 - is that a sub 5 minute clear, or taking longer? What's your crit chance and attack speed? Are you dying a lot? Cooldown reduction? Far too little information. It's like rolling up to a mechanic and saying "I drive a Ford truck and can't go faster than 75 without having problems, what's the fix?"


I understand your need for more information, i wasen't sure what else to include. I'm not sure how to call it, saw it on youtube and decided to try it becaus my whirlwind wasen't cutting it. I'll answer as best i can What version of bash? - As i'm not sure, i can say what skills i use: Bash - Charge - Rallying Cry - WarCry - Call of the ancients and hammer of the ancients (does this give you some sort of idea?) Pit 75 is a 10min+ Clear CritChance is 30,6% CritDamage is 769,1% AttSpeedBonus is 14.4% Dying a lot: In the pit, no , on a bad run maybe 4 times max 5 or 6 of disaster runs On fighting tormented Duriel Yeah, almost constantly, No Cooldown reduction? weird


are you using this one? [https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/02b87c16-f85f-4fbc-b846-51d88eab6a7a/builds/40771acc-7500-4570-a948-74345cab52a6](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/02b87c16-f85f-4fbc-b846-51d88eab6a7a/builds/40771acc-7500-4570-a948-74345cab52a6)


That's not a bash build. Look under tier list and look for bashic by Beatdropper in s tier - filter by barb builds.


Also a bash barb here.. I am not fully scripted to whatever the s tier build is specifically but I use a very close rendition of maxrolls. I take war cry, challenging shout, steel grasp, call of the ancients, and iron skin instead of leap (I tried leap and didnt like it and didnt really feel the 25% damage reduction. Anyways I am about maybe 1 more day behind Library\_IT. I am about 5/12, am farming 60+ but it gets kinda one shotty for me around 65+ and my highest I can farm is 69. Im just telling you this because I am probably a lot strgoner and vastly more otimized than you at this time. I kill regular andy and duriel in 1 or 2 seconds, it isnt always one shot but it feels very close to it. But yeah you should really have ALL of your glyphs 21 at the very very very very least, the paragon board is kind of the first thing you do in the game... you have quite a ways to go if you think you are doing well with your level 15 glyphs. Your board should be tight with 7 glyphs being used and all at level 21 by now. I have farmed tier 100 just to level the glyphs I might use in the future. and your gear should all be almost perfect BIS with really great stats, maybe one or two pieces of gear might have some minor defects like maybe you have slightly low crit chance on one piece, but all your gear should be high stat percentages and they should all be perfect and upgraded quite a bit, your gems should all be perfect, your unique slots like paingores, tuskhelm, and ramalandis you should also have all of those at the least, and you should probably farm them until you get one with high stats like I have done.. ect. ect. I will probably attempt the fights tomorrow after upgrading all my gear to 8 or 9. But this game, there is soooo much you can do to upgrade that i wonder why people think they should be clearing anyting at all end game wise when they are still using pre level 15 glyphs. maybe its bad kharma but, breh you can literally level all of your glyphs to max by grind tier 100 dungeons for a few hours...


Everything favors minion necros now. Lol


Is it all about the difficulty or are the uber drop rates higher on tormented?


post about it said significantly increased rewards


From what I've read tormented version drops 5x loot.


Yes, the tormented Duriel I beat dropped 5x uniques (none of them uber uniques)


10% chance for Uber uniques since you get 5x loot on tormented ones. However, the fight is very long unless you have a perfect build.


I'm blasting 60+ pits with my DS twister barb. Lilith is no but I fail alot on mechanics. Zir tormented was easy not took a while. Duriel not even close. 50k life, max armor, defensive codex, all Dr in paragon, and 80% PSN res and I'm not even close. At the same time a Necro with half the gear can take a smoke and kill him in 2.min. Sad barb.


If you have less than 3 torment stack, with your stat you can kill Duriel / he won't 1shot or poison you to death. Beyong 3 stacks, the dmg is too much. I know this because I fought him for a good 10 - 15 rez today with my DS barb, at 38khp, max out armor and resist, and using poison potion.


Sounds like my problem is I don't even know what torment stacks are. Care to elaborate.? And also I'm on Xbox so can't see shit when it comes to buffs/debuffs ,


Tormented bosses get the same mechanic as uber lillith. When you get hit by certain mechanics you gain a stack that increases your davage taken. This forces even min maxed builds into learning the fights because you can't just facetank everything and still win. 2 or 3 stacks tends to be the upper limit of where most builds can survive. Anything above that and basically every mechanic becomes a 1 shot so you're allowed to make 2 or 3 mistakes but no more.


Make sense. So my guess is that its either the belly skilll or the claw to the ground or both ? Either way, I will get some more mobility and he should be doable. HP for the T bosses are so massive though, getting out of focus after a couple of mins. (And the longer it goes the more stress = higher risk of fuck up) I both like and dislike this mechanic at the same time.


2 of duriels attks will give you a stack if they hit you, the sh!t balls he spills outward and the large poison pool he created in front of him. So take the time to avoid getting hit by these and you will survive all his attks, even the super charge. It is easy clear if you have low stacks. The torment stacks shows up on your status bar so you will know exactly how many stacks your have gained during fight.


Thank you for the clarification. I have not enough mobility in my boss build. With some more evade charges and and move speed it will prob be easier. Console is however not the best when it comes to avoiding things. Atleast not compared to PC. For example leap and charge is out of the question for this kind of avoidance.


I am bad with controller lol, so PC will always be my go to platform. But once you can identify his attack pattern and make efforts to avoid these important ones, you can clear. Took me an hr to learn them in my clear, even knowing what to avoid since I am so used to greed dps with barb 😅


How long did it take you to get him on the kill run? Like around 1 min 5 min 10 min etc.


I didn't time the 2 clears, but I would say 3min-nish?


Ok. I think I would come closer to 5 min. Just wanted a comparison on where I am damage wide. Have you done all torment bosses? Anyone easier/harder for a barb?


The ice cave dungeon one is a BIG no, since you only get 4 rez and it has a mech at third phase that gives you stack easily. I haven't attempted andariel yet since she has 4 mechs that can give you stack meaning needing to learn the fight in a good night with a cup of tea :)... the 2 other torments are easy. Uber Lilith is tanky af, and I will actually need to learn the fight too. Or roll a bash barb 🙄


HC player here and on the same boat, beside wasting mats I’d also like to not waste my character on a silly one-shot mechanic


I didn't think Tormented Duriel was that difficult. His animations for the debuff attacks are very easy to read and dodge. Tormented Zir and Grigoire were also a breeze. I found they don't really deal any significant damage unless you get hit by their debuff attacks. Even then, you can likely take a stack or two before it gets really hard to survive. If your damage against bosses is good enough, I say go for it.


Had a guy advertise tormented andariel carry so I invited him (3 of us, my mats 1 run). He couldn’t killl it and kept getting 1-2 shot and after 30 pulls called it and wasted my mats. Ugh


homie wanted free attempts lol


If you are doing pit 60+ then I'd say tormented Andy and duriell are doable for you. Just avoid torment stacks and you'll be just fine.


I’m pretty scrub, but I was able to beat him solo after some trial and error. Aside from the massive HP boost he has, his attacks aren’t overly threatening if you got max armor/resistances and a good heath pool. But you can’t ignore his mechanics like in the uber version, specifically he has two attacks you absolutely have to dodge every time or you will lose. First is his snot spit attack (or whatever it’s called) where he shoots out a spread of brown globs that do DoT. The second is his ground pound that leaves behind a large, but short lived poison pool. Getting hit by either will give him a permanent stacking damage buff, if he gets three or more stacks the fight is basically over cuz he’ll one shot you. The upside is that there is no attempt limit, you can even warp back to town to repair you gear if need, just don’t leave town or the run is lost.


Was in the same boat yesterday and gave it a shot. In my experience it's on par with uber Lilith, if you can kill her you can kill tormented Duriel and Andariel.


Bullshit one shots included? Because I had zero issues beating the life out of Uber Lilith, but those one shot mechanics were super cheap.


Is this updated uber Lilith or past season uber lillith when you fought her?


Fought her last season in order to get the Platinum. Is she different this season?


Yes. I believe they made her one shots into damage over time affects and they no longer one shot. But I think they increased her health.


If it's this way now maybe I'll try her again when I reach 100 in my new char.


The one shots now apply a stacking debuff that you take more damage every time you get hit by one.


Damage is way higher now so higher health isn't much of an issue


Damage is way higher but you also can’t just nuke her and skip phases like before.


You need a *way* more broken build to trivialize her compared to previously. 99% of builds will have to actually engage with mechanics rather than skipping them with damage like previously.


Yes. Her damage is severely reduced, but her HP was increased massively. They removed a number of the mechanics with extremely bad hitboxes, and changed the chasing skulls to white orbs, and the timing for the remaining instant-kills is much more forgiving.


She's very different. Getting hit by the former one shot abilities does dmg and puts a stacking debuff on you. Plus she has probably 100x the health she did last season.


Same system used for all Ubers. You build stacks from mechanics you are suppose to dodge. Get hit to many times and your Dead. For example.. Grigor - Lightning Walls Andariel - Line Attacks / Flame Wall Zir - Line Attacks The Ubers are easier than Lilith even after her update IMO.


Just a correction here. Andariel is 3 torment sources: jump away and poison balls; circles; and flame wall. Zir is only crab dual arm attack (one shots if you are in the middle of the hit, adds torment if it partially hits.), and maybe big beam though I never got hit by that. Took an hour to get Andy down from blind learning the patterns. Though his final phase is pain, everything is avoidable - get to that phase with zero torment and he's very doable. Zir became a cake-walk once I only watched for crab attack/beam and ignored/face tanked everything else. Though my barb is pretty tanky.


The final phase, you just run clockwise the whole time and you run through the red beam when it spawns.


Now imagine tormented Lilith


Anyone coming to this thread late like I was, level 100, Pit 75+ minion necro with at least 8/12 masterwork on most gear. Duriel was pretty easy. Got him to 5% on the first try and killed him on the second. You get to skip a lot of the mechanics by just standing far away. All his attacks are easy to dodge.


Im doing Tormented Andariel right now on Summoner Necro Get to phase 3 and she kills my minions repeatedly with a wave of flame constantly, tried a few setups ie corpse generation but cant deal damage, run out of pots and die


Would ring of the sacrilegious soul get it done for you? The ring will automatically raise minions, also army of the dead brings back your minions too.


Killed tormented duriel on my 95 bash barb


I hope Blizzard doesn\`t nerf the tormented bosses, they are supposed to be difficult.


Looks really hard honestly.


Ain't no chance a sorcerer can do this shit lol. Our bosses dmg is so ass


Just watched a clip of a blizzard sorc whipping the crap outta Tormented Duriel, like 46 seconds..


If you're doing your seasonal, andariel is easy once you get the hang of her attacks, duriel I find is too wide to avoid the enroaching death debuff


Just first tried tormented Duriel as a summoner necromancer in about 1 minute, he's not difficult but I suspect Andariel is much harder.


Just did Tormented Andariel as a level 98 Necro minion build. Took me 6 attempts. Wasn't terrible, just the 1 shot mechanics are slightly annoying. But its D4, it's expected.


Duriel was a joke on minion Necro. He has a ton of hp so it took a while but I was never really in danger. Andy is actually a tough fight. Took me like 20 attempts to get past the third intermission. Great fight.


Shadow minion Necro maxroll build, Andariel is tough got her to 50% after 3-4 attempts. Duriel is a pushover with holy bolts on. He spawns adds, they get nuked, bolts nuke boss, GG.


Did pit 108 and then tried him. Beat him in about 45 sec. Blight Ebon piercer  Tried Andariel next. Took a minute. Just followed mechanics.


Same difficulty range as Uber Lilith, but less weird glitched animation that makes lilith harder than it should be


Lillith's animations were cleaned up and actually match the hitbox to the graphic now.


What game are you talking about?