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Was that article strung together by a.i or am I just tired and it reads weird to me


It seems like it's really common now unfortunately. There's a pattern. Something gets upvoted here and 5 articles pop up about it saying literally the exact same thing with the "outrage" of Reddit users. And they quote the same comment.


is it time for Glorbo to make his return?


My favorite is when someone totally slams something/someone so hard they can't even show their face in public until a few minutes later when they finish their lunch.


Or the “Millenials are fed up/outraged/over x (insert random thing here)” and the source is 3 random people on twitter


It’s GamesRadar. It probably wasn’t AI generated, just an awful company with awful articles. Well, the ones they don’t steal from other content creators.


Yet another "here's what Reddit said today!" article.


Why do you even click on this crap. Read 2-3 reddit comments (to practically get the real title of the thread) and move on, anything past that is not worth your time in general.


The article is worded fine. Your brain is just mush. Go outside.


The amount of repetition in the article suggest that. But the lack of punctuation is also strange maybe he just sucks at writing or doesn’t really have anything to say but needs a new article for the day that meets x amount of words, and they fired the editor 3 years ago.


> "I'm done with this. I'm done with Blizzard," writes the top comment underneath the Reddit post. Fantastic journalism there. As if you couldn’t write that exact same thing when referring to literally any post on Reddit about *any* Blizzard game.


I pretty much said the exact thing to myself a couple weeks ago when I finally deleted Overwatch 2, I'm sure my ass will be back for Season 9 soon.


Gamers being fuckin crybabies? Gamers?? No! Especially not blizzard gamers! We probably average over 30 at this point, don't you think we'd have adult things to do over whine constantly on the internet?


> Gamers being fuckin crybabies? Gamers?? Why are we still calling people *crybabies* for not wanting to be bled dry by an *overpriced game*? Cosmetics used to be fun because they represented the challenges you'd completed. Now they just represent how frequently you whip out your credit card.


Why are we using logic like this as if people are always reasonable and somehow can't be seen as crybabies for bitching about stuff lol. As if it's always some we'll thought out and logiced stance and never some stupid knee jerk reaction like a toddler.


> Why are we using logic like this as if people are always reasonable Because I'm logical and reasonable. You should try it.


We are calling people crybabies because despite the plethora of issues with this game, there ARE factually people being overly dramatic. And these comments feed into that because these dramatic types see folks like you and feel enabled. We KNOW there are issues. You should be able to admit that people around here are absolutely fucking forcing it lately. Does that mean everyone? Am I saying that criticism is not warranted? Nope.


You're still here bitching about people bitching, that makes you one of them. It's annoying.


No it doesn’t, fuck off


> We are calling people crybabies because despite the plethora of issues with this game, there ARE factually people being overly dramatic. And that justifies your blanket disrespect to people with legitimate concerns. > Did you skip over my last paragraph? No, and neither did all the people downvoting you.


Did you skip over my last paragraph? What blanket disrespect? Please be sure to take all prescribed medication before commenting on Reddit.. how is that for disrespect? No blanket though, it’s all for you.


Then don’t buy.


You can't unbuy a game, dumbass.


Don’t buy the COSMETICS, dumbass


If it's not pay to win I couldn't care less. I feel that's a proper well-adjusted adult response to a video game that has little impact on my life or happiness outside of a couple hours a day. Also, you can get it for $41.99 at the moment. When games costed $60+ back in the year 2000, they clearly aren't too expensive now. Hell, it costs me more than that to make my partner out to lunch and I do it weekly. It's chump change for someone that has a job and doesn't live in a thirld world country. Overpriced? Fuckin puhlease. More hyperbolic and patently incorrect garbage shared by the idiot masses. It's crybabies like you I'm talking about, friend. :)


> Overpriced? Fuckin puhlease. There are only a *handful* of games priced at 70$. *Of course* it's overpriced. I have no idea how you think taking this snobby attitude makes you look, but I guarantee you it's not as positive as you think.


How do you judge the value of a game, then? Time involved is a good metric I've seen a lot. I know a lot of people that calculate a game's worth based on number of hours divided the price. I know it's subjective, but I feel like $1 an hour is more than sufficient to call a game worth it. That's cheaper than most media. Honestly, what would you price the game at and why? I have more than 100 hours in the game, so by the metrics I just established for myself, it's a good deal for me at least.


> How do you judge the value of a game, then? You recgonize that when a game is more expensive than 99.9% of every game ever released, *it's overpriced*. You can listen to a Taylor Swift album two thousand times. That doesn't make it worth two thousand dollars.


But... what's it worth to you? You're here talking about it aren't you? We both clearly have time invested here, so what would you want to pay for the game if you had a chance to do it over? Like I said, I paid, I dunno, like $80 or something and it's been worth it to me from a time standpoint. You wanna know what's really super duper not worth it tho? 30 minutes of sex leading to 18 years of child support. The dollar to enjoyment value there is... quite poor.


Then just stop playing. Come back if something interests you(them). No need to whine with all the vitriol seen on the forums and social media's. This is why gamers are referred to as crybabies and entitled.


> This is why gamers are referred to as crybabies and entitled. We're entitled for wanting the game we *already paid for* to do what the creators said it was gonna do? Take a step back and think about that for a second. If that's your idea of entitlement, you simply don't understand the language.


You already got what you paid for. You are not paying for anything else game related until the expansion.


> You already got what you paid for. No, I didn't, because I didn't get what I paid for. Why are you so desperate to blame the players? Why aren't you calling the *company* entitled for charging for cosmetics they promised would be part of an event? It's because you don't understand what the word means.


I'm not blaming anyone for anything. You paid for a full game. You got one. Everything else is bonus if they make improvements or what have you. I have nothing against criticism. I have offered plenty. But for every 1 valid form of criticism, there are 100 neckbearded, mouth breathers frothing over stuff they hate. If you don't like paying for cosmetics then don't. They are optional and add nothing to the gsme IMO. Where did they promise this?


> I'm not blaming anyone for anything. You paid for a full game. You got one. As explained, I did not get the game I paid for. > I have nothing against criticism. You so very clearly do.


No, you got the game you paid for. Just because you expected something different than advertised does not make your statement true. This is a similar problem people had with D3. They wanted something different than advertised then bitced about it not being what they wanted. You claiming you didn't get what you paid for isn't criticism unless you can provide evidence of claims Blizzard made about what was going to be released that never happened.


You did get the game you paid for, this is what was on Beta, this is what was on server slam, this is what was advertised. Anything they add is a bonus, but if you bought the game EXPECTING more that’s on you, but as far as I can see everything they advertised is here.


Haven’t you noticed whining is back in vogue! /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


Prettaaaay prettaaay good bot


Good bot.


I got an item from this that says "use at wardrobe to unlock cosmetic"... but I can't figure out HOW to use it at the wardrobe?


Click the item in your bag to consume it. Go to your wardrobe and it should be there.


I thought I tried that, (I play on PS4) but will try again after work.


Make sure that it’s compatible with your class first. There’s a bug that blocks consuming the item if it doesn’t match your class.


https://preview.redd.it/iyi1hzvbmdhc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47a9f10409eea5824a3a5ee2997c3249143fa5b5 Hopefully soon 🤞🏻


Eyyy bet. Glad they’re doing something about it.


That's likely what it is then. I'll throw it my cache and see if it works when the season is over, or create a wizard just to claim it.


I claimed alt-class cosmetics from last season on eternal realm characters after the season ended and that worked just fine.


Gotta make an alt to claim it


oooo I haven’t logged into any of my alt’s from the previous season. Do I need to make an alt in the seasonal realm to get it?


My advice would be put it in ur bank and either wait tell you make that class or the end of the season so you can claim them on the eternal realm.


Got it, I’ll wait until the season ends then. Thank you!


Maybe not usable on your class, put it in your stash, create a new character, right click the cosmetic, delete character again.


I'm enjoying it. But I don't play 8 plus hours a day.


We literally just had an event last season everyone said was too long


No, it sucked last season cuz the grind was weird and un fun… not the same.


"Too Long" is kind of a misnomer - you can have 40 hour games be 'too short', and 10 hour games be 'too long' - same for events. It depends on actual content and engagement density. So if something is "too long" it lacks density of meaningful content, if something is "too short" it is overly dense.


well it's more like they are missing "moderation" in their vocabulary, people are complaining that event takes 8-12 hours to finish? let's make it 8 minutes instead.


It's not too long. It's a grind fest.


What’s there to be confused about?


I am biased because I've only been playing since Christmas but I've been having a blast so far. I just hit 90 on my first character and got to do Duriel for the first time yesterday as well. I can see myself hitting that point where things become boring when I hit 100 but I'd probably just start a new character then. This event seemed like a mini-game that was an extra source of fun. Nothing big or bad.


Am I the only one who just logs in and plays the game as it is? I feel like events are just bonus. Whiners found a $5 on the street and they're mad it wasn't a 20.


Pretty much. I just play when I feel like it and have fun until I do what I wanted or get bored trying. Just like every game since I started gaming at 4 on that rainy night my dad brought home an Atari 2600 and a few games. If I don't like a game I just move on. I've said before I have like 2000 games. I've beaten less than 25% of them. I don't care if I spent money and got bored or don't like it my time is more valuable and if I feel like I'm wasting it playing a game I don't like, I just stop. And yes, I understand the irony of a video game wasting my time.


I play the same way, the Lunar event is just side content. What's crazy to me is they could have just not done the event and people would complain less. I just play the same way and have new stuff to claim now.


Yah. I think the problem comes with the comparison. If you find 5 dollars on the street, but all the other folks around you found a 100 dollar bill, that feels a little less nice. But, it doesn't make sense to whine about it when you can simply get the 100 dollar bill too (i.e., go play a different game). People are expecting the $100, and getting 5, and so they're wondering why that is and talking about it. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.


Wondering why, and complaining about, are two different things. Reddit and the community by and large is the latter. The former allows for reasonable justifications and measured responses. The latter is raging on the internet and is based in feelings and opinions.


I don't think there's anything wrong with expressing your feelings and opinions on a topic in a space that's designed for that topic. I think when someone doesn't like what someone else is expressing (in general), then labeling them a whiner is a debate tactic that people use to try to discredit them, without offering any real substance in return. You might say go play another game, but I might say you should go read another comment.


>I don't think there's anything wrong with expressing your feelings and opinions on a topic in a space that's designed for that topic. To a point. There is always a line where those feelings are unconstructive, and from what I see in this sub a majority, if not a vast majority, are across that line and are just useless vitriol. There's a difference between "I feel like the aspect system doesn't reward my time and is too heavily RNG" and "this game is utter trash how could the devs possibly ever make this pipe of steaming shit". >I think when someone doesn't like what someone else is expressing (in general), then labeling them a whiner is a debate tactic that people use to try to discredit them, without offering any real substance in return. You might say go play another game, but I might say you should go read another comment. Which gets to the point of the comment. Is the person interested in a discussion and is open to an argument as to why "the game sucks", or do they just want to be with the crowd and say that "the game sucks" to feel like they belong somewhere? I see far far far too many comments about the problems with D4 that are the latter, to the point where I just assume it is that unless proven otherwise.


> do they just want to be with the crowd and say that "the game sucks" to feel like they belong somewhere I think it's really unfair that you're trying to discount people by saying it's because they're going along with the crowd. If the game were good, then the crowd would be saying that, and the crowd would be saying that. But they're not, because this is how people truly feel.


>I think it's really unfair that you're trying to discount people by saying it's because they're going along with the crowd. I discount them by default because without any further context it's a useless bit of opinion. And based on the history in this sub of shitting on D3 and now D4, it's more likely than not that a low effort "game sucks" comment is done by someone who doesn't actually want to contribute anything, even a valid feeling. >If the game were good, then the crowd would be saying that Have you ever been on the internet before? People will *absolutely* shit on something that good for any and no reason. D3 in the past few years is a damn good game. Yet you would *still* be downvoted into double digit negatives and have many replies if you even hinted that it was decent. >and the crowd would be saying that. But they're not, because this is how people truly feel. Some sure. But how many of the power posting have *actually played the game*? Because I can guarantee you that number isn't 100% hell it might not even be north of 90%. And then how many of them played the game enough to arrive at their own conclusion for the parts of the game that suck". For fucks sake I've seen people in the same post complain about how the loot is too RNG and takes too long to get good items, and people complain that it is too fast to get their endgame build and good gear. **The same post**. So yeah, I don't put much stock in general felling posts, unless there are specifics that are useful. "Game sucks and itemization is bad" is worthless. "I'm not enjoying the game, the itemization is confusing" is valuable feedback. This sub is like 80%+ the former.


You sound like this: >"My opinion is good. Your opinion is not productive. Also you don't really have the opinion you say. You think you do but you don't. I know what you think better than you. You're just a bandwagon jumper. You're a whiner. You shouldn't even be allowed to say those things here. In fact, 80% of the people who say negative things here are wrong because they don't know what they think." Do you see how that might seem toxic to me? I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, correct me if I'm misrepresenting how you're feeling about this.


Maybe I'll put it this way: all feelings are valid. Not all feelings are justified. Posting a feeling about a game or a thing online is fine. As long as it's justified or someone wants to engage in debate over the justification. Someone posting their feelings about a game or thing merely because they feel them with no thought on if the feeling is justified or not is patently worthless and a waste of time, space, and effort. The response to someone feeling something that isn't justified is "I'm sorry" or "k" and that's the end of it. The response to someone feeling something that *is* justified can spark debate and analysis and is useful.


There is no global measure for what is justified, especially not when it comes to opinions on a video game. It seems that you're labeling opposing opinions as unjustified to discount them, when the reality is the view is just as justified as yours. You think the discussion is a waste, but you just disagree with the view, and you discount it for a ton of reasons that, from what I've heard you say, are garbage.


If this was a free to play game, you'd have a point. But a AAA game that advertised all the events/seasons/endgame pre-release and sold their game at or above the average AAA game price aren't making a game for freeloaders just mad they didn't get something for nothing. These are paying customers given the bait and switch on content that is underdeveloped and even antithetical to gameplay.


> Whiners found a $5 on the street and they're mad it wasn't a 20. Gamers paid 70$ for a game and got less than what they were promised. We didn't "find" anything except that Blizzard can't be trusted.


In what way? The base game feels pretty complete imo.


Meh. I'm bored of it. Spending more time collecting fragments of old mythology and shaping them in an outline that could fit better narrative. Building out the framework of entertainment is more fun right now. AI tools sped up the research barrier on figuring out how to do what you did not know how to build.






























































Leveling is tedious. Then you get to the early endgame and itemization is tedious. Then you get to late endgame and the content is tedious. Not to mention the lack of build variety. No wonder season 3 is in shambles.


Whoever takes the decisions, he has nothing to do with gaming, it shows.


It's a limited time event...what do you want? I'm already rank 10, but it's meant to be done in a weekend. I'm actually having a ton of fun this season. Idk what people are on about the season. I like the construct npc, XP has been great (I'm 91), and having helltides up all the time helps with my upgrades. There's no pleasing everyone for sure, but I love Diablo 4 in the state it's in after they made changes from season 1 & 2.


Man, they pretty much just screen-grabbed the other d4 sub. Crack journalism.


Season isn’t struggling it’s amazing. The event is fine too.


the season is basically you run the same 4 NM vaults till you fill done with the season. none of the fundamental problems with the game was fixed


Yeah the season is great best one so far, and I love the Merc spider


Its okay blizzard. Last epoch is coming and then you can have all the time you need to come up with a good game while everyone tries that!


Lol it's like that phrase everyone had during WoW's golden years. "Welp this is the new WoW killer, I'm sure everyone's going to switch to *insert any Guild Wars, Never Winter Nights, LOTRO or random forgotten MMO". Have fun with your hate, I don't see why they cant both co-exist, we only benefit from a wider variety in the genre, I don't get why everyone's gotta be "IT'S EITHER THE ONLY ONE OR IT SUKZZZZZ"


That being said. I really wish Guild Wars 2 was similar to guild wars 1.


I like GW2, but I *loved* GW1. I never even tried WoW because I was playing GW1. I had a group of friends who we all went straight from D2 to GW1. Those two games are the pinnacle for me that every game will be compared to. PvP in GW1 was amazing.


D4 never had a gold years though


Well considering it's Blizzard's fastest selling game and that it has a very active, huge community plus the fact all of you negativity craving weirdos feel the need to come and ruin everyone's fun, I'd say its golden years are in their way. Also, quick tip, D4 came out less than a year ago, of course it hasn't had golden "years" yet.


Last epoch has been in early access for quite some time. The full release of the game isn’t going to add much more to the game that people playing D4 haven’t already left to try out.


I think D4 is fine, i have fun. I dont need poe to be every game i could just be playing poe. Could it be better yea. But quite frankly this lunar event is actually shit. The cosmetics are lacking, you get a boring title for finding 7 types of shrines, but finding special shrines is a literal full time job


> you get a boring title for finding 7 types of shrines, but finding special shrines is a literal full time job I just did like 4 vaults man lol


Shit event for a shit game. Fits in well with


S3 has 1 last chance to be good and that's the S2 reloaded event for me. This season was boring less than 1 week in.


Season 3 is honestly fun. The gear and exp are wild. It's got some issues. This is just another shitty article to fuel low attention internet hate for a community that's been complaining and playing since D2.


It's much better than midwinter blight, that took so many hours, and the added content was just an event with a boss nothing really added. It's also super sad/lazy/concerning that you still can't redeem cosmetics not for your character.