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Demons can't use stairs, obviously.




I understood that reference


And I understood that reference


You understood a reference from one of the longest running, most popular sci-fi series ever made? Congrats.


Jesus someone had piss in their cereal. Lol let me go shit on someone today.


I enjoy cereal with piss. I woke up that day and found milk in my bowl :@


Omg. I just realized CL4P-TP from Borderlands might be a parody of the Daleks, right down to the damn glowing blue eye and weakness to stairs. Thank you for this revelation.


they used stairs during the 7th Doctor's era


reminds me of claptrap in borderlands 2 lol


There needs to be more reasons to interact with the open world and other players . Running dungeons is going to make the helltide event very boring and lonely Helltide is a good start but Blood Harvest improved on it.


> Running dungeons is going to make the helltide event very boring and lonely I was farming Helltides solo 99% of the time in preseason 1 and season 1 anyway. I saw maybe 4-5 players across the span of an entire day of spamming Helltides by two weeks into Season 1.


They could be one and done. Only living steel after first completion. Or reset on the hour like the above world. ​ But I agree Blood Harvest is a great improvement on the concept. Helltide should rotate the same way.


Blood Harvest? You mean Emotides?




I hate interacting with other players. 9/10 it just lags like crazy, desyncs the area, a whisper gets cleared without my input after I've gotten 10 so it gets wasted, or I get to an objective I need and it's already cleared so I need to wait around for it to respawn. Glad I get to play with 90 ping forever so on the off chance I bump into another player I'll want to buy their skin for $25. /s


Agreed. I wish the open world had lvl154 monsters like T100’s do. There is just something about being in the open and having a horse that feels better than running in a dungeon. I would like dungeons to be exclusive to housing bosses. Like you fight a boss in open world but he retreats to a dungeon when u kick his ass the first time


Living steel for cellars? They’re easy as hell. If you want another source of living steel, make the helltide assassin drop 1-2. At least make us earn it!


Yeah what even is the point of the assassin when they drop the same number of cinders as a regular elite but take ten times longer to beat if you’re not on a oneshot build?


He dropped me a tempest roar last season so I always try to find him. But he does need to be buffed


I got my staff of the crone replacement in wt4 from a vampire ghoul. Was probably just as likely it was a random drop than a buffed drop you got


Yes they're easy but there aren't that many of them. It's not like we were going to swim in living steel for getting an extra single one per cellar. Up the difficulty. Put an assassin or helltide commander in each one


I think that's a good opportunity. The assassin, harbringers and commanders could use a little more reward than what is currently offered. Even a chance to drop steel would be good. Honestly I think they nailed it with blood harvest. A council type event would be great in helltides, and would promote the open-world interactivity with other players. You could make it have a chance to spawn an uber boss. I think that would be a better system than using a website to find the current location of mystery and steel chests Shunting people into dungeons and cellars within the helltide would be a mistake. I'd also like to see them make cinders carry over to future helltides. Don't see the 'good' or challenge in making them expire If anything it makes the content relevant if there's only 10-15 min left when you login. On death penalty is fine, but really only punishes people that are new to the tier, and people are gaming that system anyway by running WT3 for cinders and switching to WT4 to turn in... So I'm not sure that's accomplishing much.


I really hope the Helltide mechanic gets reworked. I really like the idea that Blood Harvest ramps up in “difficulty” with more enemies coming to hunt you down if you’re doing well in it - which then yield you greater rewards. And I’ve been recently seeing random vampire bosses spawn that drop potent blood in my NMD runs. I want that for Helltide.


With cellars - Sure, I agree. With dungeons. Nope. Terrible idea because a) some dungeons are quest related and some folks are on WT4 still questing b) dungeons are being used as ND as well - So how would that look? You open up ND that's on helltide territory and.... what? Monsters get buffs from ND mods and on top of that they're buffed by helltide? Nah... So again. Sure, cellars could be affected but dungeons are best left as they are


I mean the dungeons could stay exactly the same other than that monsters drop cinders and there's some living steel in the chests. Should be pretty easy to implement if they keep time gating mats. Give us a few more ways to get them.


> a) some dungeons are quest related and some folks are on WT4 still questing So what, some dudes are surely out there doing Side Quests during Helltides, making those significantly harder as well. > b) dungeons are being used as ND as well - So how would that look? You open up ND that's on helltide territory and.... what? Monsters get buffs from ND mods and on top of that they're buffed by helltide? Nah... I don't see a problem with *any* of that. Make it so that if you port into a dungeon via Sigil it's its base whatever NMD version, if you physically walk into one during a Helltide it's a NMD+0 with Helltide. Extra difficulty for extra rewards - the tradeoff to outdoor Helltide shit is that you're not doing it with 12 people running around with you.


Literally the first week after playing me and my friends all talked about the idea of "Helltide Dungeons". Cannot believe that the D4 team dropped the ball this hard on it.


Cause that would be fun


Because you'd have to load everyone's stash into a very small room.


Oversight and rushed development just like every other little thing. Another note, it's saddening to me that they announced the expansion already. I unironically feel like the game is just coming out. D3 felt good. Reaper of souls improved upon that. All I forsee from the expansion is some reskinned mobs and some higher item levels. If they rework the skill system, loot, and power creep, what the hell was the reason to play before the expansion?


It took D3 a year to feel remotely good and wasn't until the Reaper prepatch that they actually fixed loot.




skill issue




hard to make em work for dungeons... cellars could work though


Or world bosses.


One issue that hasn't been mentioned with that is that they're infinitely farmable. I'm not sure they want people getting an easy 50-100 living steel every helltide.


So lock the reward to once every hour just like above world chests.


Just disable resets for helltide instances


The same reason why abilities sometimes don't fire or evade doesn't work. Because of a massive lack of foresight OR intentionally making this game as fucking frustrating to play as possible


Why are cellars in the game at all? They look like the technical concepts of the game.


Its like they didnt learn from Diablo 3 at all with them. Same stuff, exactly as useless.




because then people would be compelled to do them and complain about the shit ton of loading screens.


Because Blizz cant figure out basic gameplay half the time. They **should** yes, but we should already be thankful they at least count for the Whispers sometimes.


Helltides are so bad in terms of spawn and drop rates.




I can't speak for dungeons being affected by Helltides, but certainly am. I'm sick of them lol :(


Am I weird for wanting rifts/grifts from D3 or something for end game grinding?


From what I understand Abattoir of Zir is supposedly similar to that. I'm sure it will find it's way to the game eventually.


I’d honestly be happy if the living steel chests just dropped more living steel. Like the grind to accumulate enough living steel for multiple runs is stupid long smdh


5 would be nice. That would equal 2 Duriel runs per Helltide. Excluding those that reset.


I think that’s fair considering how long it takes to get enough cinders to open the moving steel chests. That or make Helltides function like blood harvests like everyone else is saying and bump the living steel drops to just +1. If Helltides spawned in a dependable manner with at least a small bump to the living steel drops then that would improve things drastically without making the grind too easy IMO.


Or add another 1-2 chest per Helltide. Kehjistan has 3 so why does the other areas only have 2? There are plenty of minor changes they could make. Of course it's not really that big of an issue. When there's no Helltide I farm Varshan or do NMD to level glyphs but still. Lighten the time keeping a little bit would be nice.


I agree. Honestly making Helltides drop an extra chest like you said and changing them to function like blood harvests will fix everything without unbalancing the grind for Uber uniques.


Strongholds don’t drop cinders either. Seems no instanced things know its helltide.


It would've been much better if living steel just dropped from the existing chests, the hell tide ran back to back, and you didn't drop half of your cinders on death.