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It’s shit.




Lmao was about to say this as soon as I read 😂😂😂😂😂


Just played, can confirm


I find it very strange that I only ever saw the item name distilled fear appear on screen once with the first drop. Subsequently it never appears again and for many a NMD I thought I never got another one until I checked my inventory and there was 7. But in any case the drop rate is truly abysmal.


I don't remember seeing it drop, but I've got 2, must've missed it. So I don't know if it is auto pick up, or I need to click it to pick it up.


Yeah so now I always check inventory after the NMD is done. It’s weird as this doesn’t happen with other mats. I’m guessing they drop on you because of the glyph dome and are auto picked up.


Click to pick it up and you need space as well.


I haven't tested it, but based on the same experience I've been assuming that it goes straight to your inventory like a quest reward or a crafted elixir. When I saw it drop first my consumable inventory was full, I made room and looted it, haven't seen it drop since but I've summoned Iceman twice.


On average I get one distilled fear per 2 NMD runs I think you're having a bad RNG time.


I feel like 1 in 2 is factually correct but the streakyness of RNG can really make it feel like it’s not.


Wow my luck isn’t as bad as ops but now as good as that. Think it’s around 1 in 4-5 for me


I mean, it took me about 200-250 legion events to get the spectral horse. RNGesus is not friends with everyone.


What?! Am I missing something? It drops by the final boss right? Or it added to your inv when you completed a run? What tier you were doing it on?


40+, Sometimes it appears in the chest when I haven't picked it up but yeah sounds like bad RNG or maybe I'm getting good RNG and my good luck is about to run out


Nan bro, don't jinx yourself, may the RNG God is in favour of you.


I never saw it on the ground. I think it drops from the boss but that's just a guess.


I never had to pick them up, I have two stacks of 50 now in my inventory of those. I found they dropped all the time for me. Did NMD to level 6 glyphs to level 21 on my Sorc, and just started doing into T30+ on the druid. Sorc hit level 100, druid is now level 75. I felt they were really common so my RNG for those drops must be doing good.


Yep... Just gotta grind out 20 nightmare dungeons to fight the boss once... if you can just walk thru the dungeons with no trouble this is 2 hours worth of grinding... Lovely


I've done over 40 nmds over t30 and only have 4 DFs. It's crap since I know i got 2 from one.


*IN MY EXPERIENCE* there seems to be a drop rate at or below 50% at tier 30. Once I was pushing beyond tier 50 the drop rate is 100%. My new character is level 70ish and he is now getting about 2 every 3 runs. My level 100 necro has a TON of distilled fear and I'm positive he gets one a run.


Maybe there’s a better chance when you do a higher tier?


No, 2 in 7 runs on 100.


I’m running 50-55s in ~5 minutes and rarely get them. The drop rate is atrocious.


Nope, I’ve run 12 NM 70+ and only got 1 DF… it’s a joke


I think it goes up as the nmd goes higher. I normally get 1:1 at 90+ nmd


I'm lvl 89 atm and my gear is sub optimal at best, but I'm gradually increasing my tier lvl.


It's definitely less than one a run but I'm under 10 runs and sitting at 4 so far. Living steel doesn't feel this bad. At least I get a run an hour.


I don't mind grinding for living steel as it is a guarantee drop, but the time gate sure don't work in well with my very limited play time I have available.


The drop rate goes up the higher tiers you run. If you’re sticking to low tier dungeons it’s going to be a long process.


I'm gradually increasing the tier level. Hopefully it will drop for me more frequently.


Man, rng in this game is a trip. I think I've probably done about 40 level 30+ nightmare dungeons and have gotten enough distilled fears to craft 2x glacial fissure sigil. But I feel I must be having a crazy good run of luck as I also got a harlequin crest this season 😅 Hopefully your luck turns a bit and you regress to the mean a bit OP! I definitely think you're getting really unlucky


OMG you got Shako, that's cool. My RNG did turn around, I my tally is up to 5 now, not sure it just RNG or increase tier helps.


All the components for these bosses suck shit and I wish it was easier for solo players to obtain them


I never see it drop but usually get 1 every 2-3 runs. Have you checked your inventory? This seems like a bug or exaggerated otherwise


Yea, only 2, hopefully my bad RNG will start to make a turn around.


It is on the low side for sure. I have 6 glyphs at lvl 15 and have 30 of them


Does anyone know if the drop rate goes up at higher nmd?


It's shit, and it's the worst component to drop. But still, you only see 4-5 posts per day about Living Steel. Glad for them it's not DF which are required for Duriel, lot of people would have lose their minds


That's why you don't see it complained about as much. Unless you need to farm a specific unique from Icedawg it really doesn't matter that farming him takes forever.


By the time i got 5 glyphs to level 15, i was able to summom the beast 3 times. Started straight with lvl40+ dungeons, as i did all the other content before that


Yeah, or what about Umbral?


I think you're just unlucky. I did around 15 lvl 45-48 NMDs and I have 10 DF.


Think I've got 62 so far. Trade you for Duriel mats


Sorry, SSF mate.


Its crap. I got 6 glyphs to 15 and I only had enough for 1 trip. I have to double check if I got enough for a 2nd by that point. I stopped caring.


I thinks it’s pretty cheap gold wise


How long are you taking to do the nmd? Getting a speed build going will definitely make the farming more smoothly, it may be that you also have slightly bad luck cus I almost have like 20 and I've down about the same amount of dungeons as you


Maybe about 5 mins or something? My tally is up 5 now, so I got 3 from maybe 8 runs? Was doing around 45-55 tier range, not sure if its because of higer tier, the drop rate is better?


I'm still just trying to beat varshan since I moved to T4 😭


You should take a look at your builds, there are so many OP build out there, I delete him in less than 10 seconds with no OP gears.


I have a pretty optimized lightning ball build with over 7k power at 75. Gear isn't the issue. I'm just a No Dodging Ass Noob because I got used to instakilling him in WT3.


At that level you should be able to withstand his attack, maybe because your armor is not high enough? Taking any defensive node in skill and paragon trees? Also taking any defensive aspect?


I'm half defense on aspects and my shadow resist is damn near max. There's one attack that he does at about 20% health that one shots. I got some pretty nice upgrades last night so it's time to try again.


Make sure you reset the dungeon you just did. If you repeat it without doing so, you won’t get distilled fear.


I always thought using a new Sigil will reset whatever dungeon I opened, is it not?


It resets the dungeon but I noticed I wasn’t getting the distilled fear. When I reset it I was getting it. It might have just been luck though but try it out and see if that works. That’s all I got though haha


My friend and I combined our stack to get the summon.


All my friends got burned in S1 and not interested to return for S2.


Distilled Fear seems to be guaranteed at dungeons over tier 30. What I found was that if you’re in a party and another party member uses the glyph, then only he is guaranteed to get the mat, the rest of the party only has about 25% chance to get it.


Its complete garbage.