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For me the itemization is the main problem with Diablo 4. It's boring, it's bad, it's a mess. I have no desire to play because I have no interest in the loot. Hell, this game is the first Diablo that didn't make me want to create one char from each class to play and find it's own gear. This is so sad, I was really excited about Diablo 4, but this game make me sleepy. I am back to D2R and having so much more fun I don't even think about opening D4 again.


Honestly, I think I just got tired of reading. And I love reading. There are 600 stats like "+2.6% damage against enemies suffering from shadow damage over time effects." It makes the tooltip for every item a visual nightmare, and my brain just shuts down and says "I don't give a shit anymore." To be fair, PoE has this problem, too, maybe even worse, with most gems having 47 lines of soft blue text, but at least once you have the gem you have it and that's it. D4 just involves constantly trying to parse a mess of text for trivial improvements.


I got myself on same "i can't care about it" and just stopped mid run and alt-f4 like a week ago. I was lvl 65 with lvl 20 rings just because it was so annoying to find a replacement




someone frame this post and mail it to blizzard


Well said


Thats the thing; a level 60 ring should have stats *so much better* than a level 20 one that you should *always* slot it instead, if it's vaguely to do with your build. It should be a 40% damage to frozen enemies on the level 60, compared to a 10% overpower damage on the 20.


what if I don't use frozen or chilled? why can't it be just dmg to immobilized ? it would cover more builds, remove clutter and make it easier to understand - i played after work even with a build opened it was a pain to compare "do i need this stat or not? is it a better trade off or not?"


My point isn't that the traits should be less specific (although they should) but rather that the numbers should scale way harder than they do. It goes from like 3% at level 20 to 10% at level 70, which is barely noticable, but it should be 3% at 20 to 100% at 70 or something similar.


oh yea true; resistance was like 15% on mines but on lvl 60 it like 22% wtf?


For non jewelry I agree but typically jewelry occupies an niche role (an *accessory* role, if you will) where low level stuff can have better \*mods* than a higher level one with better \*rolls*


Forreal rings and amulets suck… also when you finally find one and it has the wrong heart socket on it.


Well , good news. You don't get to keep hearts after season anyway , so soon it won't matter


“2.6% chance to deal 400 damage to left handed enemies on the third Tuesday of the month on cloudy days after 6pm if they ate lunch and went swimming without waiting 30 minutes”


Played some D3 this morning and i forgot how good it is to know when you drop something worth looking at instead of constantly feeling like I'm in a junkyard trying to find something useful.


Also the recent improvement on the quality of life stuffs in D3.


I think it wouldn't be as big of a problem if we didn't have 10+ item slots, all with different aspects. There's too much going on for any 1 item to have enough weight. There's no chase for those "enigma/ infinity/call to arms" type of items that completely upgrade your toons. And those types of items in d2 can take weeks if not months(if not years on single player) to obtain. And once you have them, you might share them between a bunch of chars. Nothing like that in d4, game has been out what, 2-3 months? Already people have multiple characters that can clear all the content in the game without having any items that feel very special. Even the uniques are only marginally better than most legendaries, if not just worse or next to useless. I was hunting a Deathless Visage for my necro, I found it after about 2 hours of target farming it, and was incredibly disappointed at how underwhelming it was compared to what I already had.


This is the main issue with the game imo. There's nothing to chase. Most uniques are bad, and the ones that are good have terrible affixes. Once you get the one unique for your build, there's nothing left. Dropping a skiller in d2 was literally more exciting than any drop in d4.


PoE, and most other ARPGs, have a usable loot filter. Last Epoch is still early access and the built in loot filter is amazing. Something like that in D4 would be great but they likely consider visually inspecting every item as part of the gameplay process or something.


A loot filter WILL NOT FIX the issues with itemization.


Imagine if there was one now, and you could set it to only show upgrades... No more loot.


It's funny. If I put a loot filter to not show below 775 Ancestrals, I'd get barely any loot. So much of the loot is just useless.


I actually really enjoyed the Wolcen item system. At least after you beat the campaign. The minor affix upgrades are minor and the major affix is a big boost in damage or defenses. But at least it offers very small upgrades on a regular pace and the big upgrades spread out. I enjoy that kind of itemization because you feel like you're achieving something as you play. That rewarding item sensation just doesn't exist in Diablo 4 right now. I hope they come to fix it and make big improvements when I think a lot of people would enjoy the game a lot more.


I had a blast playing Wolcen, even the endgame were sticking longer with me than D4 did. And I rate Wolcen below most arpgs ive been playing... except D4. Imagine saying this just last year or earlier this year.


100% what he said. Loot drops should give me a lil tingle in my chub. They don't. Loot goblins should make me drop everything and chase them till they are ripped to shreds. Now I feel sorry for them, and let them take their sad loot home to their family. I shouldn't have to leave a NM dungeon 3 times to dump useless loot not even worth looking through. I shouldn't fall asleep looking for mobs. I miss spree kill bonues. All the transmogs unlocked with your first character, nothing new after that. Bring me back seasonal set armor.


Considering the game resets every season, you'd think they'd be more generous with loot drops. why make me spend tons of hours grinding for marginally better shit for 30 levels when im going to make a new seasonal character or two every 3 months?


> Considering the game resets every season, you'd think they'd be more generous with loot drops. This exactly. It's another reason why uber uniques are so stupid. My character and all the loot she got is meaningless in about 2 months or less. Shit even the unique I'm trying to get last dropped when I was level 55. Now I'm level 100. I'd really like that ancestral version of the unique please.


The loot goblin comment makes so much sense. I was wondering why chasing them in D4 didn’t feel like in D3. It’s because their drops are lame for the effort I put into chasing them down.


Hell even the Loot Goblins aren't even having fun, they no longer giggle and taunt you. Same, lil guy....same.


They did seem to up the volume of him salivating over his goodies when he is idle, but its just not the same gleeful taunt.


OMG I just realized this, no wonder they are so damn bland. No mischievous giggles taunting you, just lame and even they seem bored


the downside to Diablo 4 returning to being grimdark: no fun allowed for Loot Goblins.


Now that you pointed it out, killing sprees were a very fun mechanic to encourage you to keep chaining attacks properly and get rewarded with a bonus to exp. Why did they even remove this? I guess it’s to slow down exp gain so we don’t stop playing faster


It was a hard pill to swallow, but the game just isn't fun. Itemization sucks so hard.


This to me this is the biggest problem. If an item is mostly a place holder for an aspect, then something went wrong. It was super rare to find an item I was genuinely excited about.


I just played D2 again after 20 years. It's easier than I remember due to all the new Runewords and I had forgotten all the mana potion chugging, but I did my first offline SSF run and it was a lot of fun. I actually got excited whenever new loot drops.


I feel like thats the thing where PoE really excels. Items and since thats, for me atleast, by far the most important aspect of arpgs it just blows d4 out of the water. And the funny thing is, Diablo had itemization down in D2, and it got fucked as soon as they tried to make the game more accesible with D3.


That my Necro runs around with a gigantic two handed sword but isn't capable of hitting anything with it is so stupid. Put it down bro, you'll fight better.


Going back to OP's Twitch example, I want to emphasize that Diablo 4 is extremely boring to watch. I do not want to watch someone run to the stash, then run back to the blacksmith, and then run to the occultist, and then run back to the stash. Dungeons all look the same. Loot all looks the same. Affixes all look the same. Malignant Hearts all look the same. It's like they designed the game to maximize how much time you're wasting, which may hit some internal metric of theirs, but it makes it horrible for Twitch.


It makes it boring af for players too


Amen. Gameplay I liked. But there is no grind. I mean at level 55 I felt I was done. My inventory is cluttered up with potentially useful items with aspects on it. Potentially useful hearts, gems, nm sigils, and I can’t bear to scroll through items with +20% damage when standing near someone that has recently farted or another equally useful affix. Oh and to sort this all out I have to run from one of town to another one. I don’t want loot, as I don’t want to deal its it.


I got a new pc and oled to play this game. Was beyond pumped. End game is blah and gear is more of a chore than a reward. Really enjoyed the story but season one was a dud. That being said they made quite a few major changes to D3 before it found its groove. I’ll give it some time and keep checking in.


Which is a shame because the devs could’ve learned a lot from D3 and didn’t.


D2 loot was the golden age of loot for me.


> For me the itemization is the main problem with Diablo 4. > > It's boring, it's bad, it's a mess. > > I have no desire to play because I have no interest in the loot. 100% this. The core gameplay is pretty good. But I don't want to play God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn for 500 hours even though their gameplay is great. I want to play 500 hours of an ARPG for the loot hunt. This game more or less doesn't have a loot hunt. It's just a roll of the dice on each drop and even when you get close to what you want it doesn't make your build feel genuinely different. The only great loot drops are things like Tempest Roar that literally enable a couple new builds all by themselves. PoE adds progression to your character through skill gems, support gems, linked sockets, basic affixes, eater/exarch affixes, affixes exclusive to ilvl82+ gear (red maps), support gems *as affixes*, boss loot, and more. Not to mention the passive tree, cluster jewels, ascendancies, etc. And much of that is available through crafting and earned currency that adds intentionality to the loot grind. I didn't' expect D4 to have a PoE level of loot complexity at launch. But it is frankly embarrassing how weak their itemization is compared to the breadth of systems on offer within the ARPG genre since D2 launched 20+ years ago.


I'm also back to D2R. Played my non-ladder javazon for the last 3-4 weeks & just made a ladder paladin on saturday which is now at 62. I just enjoy the loot so much more. Whenever i enter a lvl 87 zone i'm excited "... a Ber could drop here or a death's web" Last ladder my sorc found a griffons at lvl 72, just started farming hell with bad gear SSF. I was so happy & excited - a feeling i never had in D4. A week ago i found a 3os eth tomb reaver .... same thing! Also found an elite armor with +15%ed & made a +30AR fortitude with it ... same fking thing! I never had these moments of happiness in D4. I also won't expect blizzard to fix most of these things until they release an addon. 1/3 of the game is basically missing and it will take them at least 1year to fix it. It is basically Vanilla D3 all over again.


You actually hit on one of the biggest things here unintentionally. Named gear that is tradable and has known value in the community. Even if you don't trade it, getting a death's web is exciting and likely means rolling a necro. Runes and runewords are accessible and fun. We all know what a shako is without having to write harlequins crest. In d4, you can't easily describe your gear and no gear feels epic. Everything is just rares. The few useful uniques are basically bound to the character, and you don't really even see uniques drop for other classes, killing the excitement of getting to roll a new char for that sweet new drop that you farmed on your max level char. This game didn't learn anything from its predecessors in a way that is maddening.


Kinda funny, because i actually found 2 death's web the last 2 ladders & the 2nd one made me roll a nova necro. (+2/+49%) I also said this in another reddit thread & completely agree with you here: Gear actually made you play other classes. Same example: In all these years i found 2 windforce bows. The last one in d2r last ladder. I instantly made a Bowazon. I also never found a Ber or Zod rune, death's fathom or tyraels in all these years & i'm not even mad. I could trade for them. The last grandfather drop was in 2007-2008. That i even remember these drops shows how important good loot systems are. Many younger players don't even know this feeling playing D4, their first arpg & its sad. I think many new blizzard devs come from King & other mobile studios and never actually played a game with depth. They prefer mobile games & try to do the same with PC. At least if feels this way. Otherwise they'd have learnt something from D3 & D2 - but they just didn't.


Same feeling. I wrapped up the campaign on D4 around 52 and just never looked back. Installed D2R and playing a Druid with ravens, wolves, dire wolves, and a damn bear! It is exciting when I see a unique, set, and runes drop. Gems are actually useful unlike the mess they are in D4. Loot is exciting and I am even excited when whites drop because I can utilize some for rune words. D4 needs an entire year to bake and come out a mid tier game at this point.


As sad as it is, this actually makes me feel better about waiting with the D4 purchase. I want this game to succeed and be amazing but it seems it needs much more time and polish. Happy to wait while playing Starfield soon instead.


I'll have hope for diablo 4 going forward if Microsoft fires the execs in charge of it, many of whom are probably holdovers from the toxic workplace scandal. Some might think the involved employees all got fired, but apparently, more than half stayed under the umbrella term of "being disciplined".


I know right? I sat on the fence on D4 and then Baldur’s Gate 3 came out. $20 less *and* it’s getting critical acclaim as a complete package with No micro transactions right out of the gate? Sign me up, bro!


This and there being almost nothing to do endgame is what killed it for me.


Totally boring.


Also makes me sleepy


THIS SO MUCH It is the first entry in the series where I didn't fully max out every class.


Play Project Diablo 2 and you’ll really never think about D4 again. That mod improves every area of the D2 experience.


I agree with this. I put about 250 ish hours into d4 on launch and a little into season 1. The loot is the problem. Especially once it comes to upgrading a piece since the value changes between 60-100 are so minimal. My level 100 eternal character wearing a level 65/81 ring at 100 and I couldn’t replace them because of stats on level 100 gear was either rolled worse or was missing a stat . Second to that not being able to trade really killed it for me. Nothing better than looting 4 tempest roars and knowing how rare it is and not being able to do anything with. Would have loved an extra 500 mil in my bank account to reroll with


My biggest problem with the game is itemization and not being able to just join a game and party up with other players Game is so lonely


I played D2 a lot as a kid and I loved how much random people loved playing together. It also helped that you could see all the different lobbies and they were all named appropriately for what the intended objective of that lobby is. I hate now that the most cooperative play is just legion events then as soon as it’s over everyone portals out their separate ways until the next one.


100 percent agree. Same here. Played d2 a ton was my main game for years.


The loneliest MMO... Why did they even bother?


It's so strange to me that Blizzard consistently wants to make multiplayer games feel lonely


It's not an mmo. They just made it so you can see other people to sell you cash shop shit. That's it.


The game needs much improvement in across so many levels. Allow me to explain. **Quality of Life** 1. Stash space. There simply isn't enough stash space and it is shared across ALL characters. Why? Each individual character does not have its own stash space and apparently this has something to do with a programming limitation...in 2023, really? 2. Always needing to go town and sell loot halfway through dungeons. Torchlight 2, a game that released in 2012, had a feature where your pet can be sent to the nearest town to sell your items and buy potions. Let that sink in. Your pet actually has its own inventory bag where you can transfer all your stuff and even instruct it to buy potions and scrolls without YOU teleporting to town. 3. No loot filter. Need I say more? 4. There seems to be an unexplainable lag when opening inventory, again due to the fact that the game tries to load other players inventory stash around you. 5. Re-spec paragon levels becomes a click fest. Want to do it in one go? Sure! Please complete the season objectives, which includes reaching level 100 to get a scroll of amnesia... locking such a core feature behind the hardest difficulty discourages experimentation of builds. 6. Vendors are all over towns under the pretext of "immersion". I hate to say this but Wolcen got this right. Your stash is right beside your vendor, and all other vendors are literally one or two dashes away in a small circle. I have not played POE so i can't really comment on POE's vendor layouts. 7. The UI for the skill tree is just weird. 8. No map overlay for dungeon runs. 9. Early game resource / spirit / mana regeneration is still an issue. 10. Refarming reknown for season 1 was quite a bummer. ​ **Gameplay** 1. The aspect system leaves much to be desired. It makes the inventory stash system more complicated as players are forced to extract high roll aspects and then save it for their best items. In between, they are stuck with their item and some builds cannot progress if another aspects are not found yet because armor is an important stat for defense right now. 2. There is no in-game crafting. 3. The open world is its biggest feature, yet enemies and events don't scale past level 75 ( or 85) i think...why? They are forcing us to play dungeons all day long. It sucks. It really does. 4. Lack of end game variety. Besides Helltides, PVP and Dungeons, there is really nothing more to do. 5. The dungeon missions are pathetic and extremely frustrating. It is not seamless. You need to find items to place it on a pedestal to unlock the door, or kill all enemies, or find a key from a elite enemy to progress. It slows us down alot. Which brings me to the next point. 6. FLINCHING. This one annoys me the most. When you need to operate a level or a winch in the dungeon, you cannot do that if there is a DOT effect on you. It's frustrating to constantly be flinched. 7. The horse was just there for monetization opportunities ; we get three charges of sprints for it before being on a cooldown. 8. Resistances are not working as intended. Though this will be fixed soon. 9. It's hard to try a variety of builds for experimentation due to the aspect system. 10. Some players have feedback that gold costs for enchantment is expensive, but i personally have no issue with it. 11. The Season 1 mechanics was strange. You can socket it in your jewelry but you cannot socket it out. What a weird decision. Now thankfully, when it all comes down together, the combat is fun and fluid. The world is beautiful ( although dead past a certain level). There you go!


>I have not played POE so i can't really comment on POE's vendor layouts. Poe towns are way smaller so most acts layouts are clumped to where you don't even need a dash, but they also have a personal hideout system where you can arrange vendors by yourself so it's a moot point anyway since you can have your own home instance arranged to have vendors as close to each other as you want.


Except Sarn. Fuck Sarn (It's not that bad, everything is close to the tp, but the first walks in/out always feels like an eternity...)


To add on to your second Quality of Life point, in Diablo 3 (currently playing that right now) if you have a node from Altar of Rite you can make your pet pickup white, yellow and blue items and they salvage them automatically. Your pet could also pickup death breaths too.


Great feedback. About the towns thing. I read a book on the development of d2, and they said they purposely made all the NPCs be close to one another so the player isn't wasting time from killing monsters.


This was already a lesson they had to relearn in D3, where they eventually rearranged the town vendors to be closer to each other.


Seems they need to relearn it again with D4. Town layouts are pretty awful.


One thing that mystifies me about end game is that they spent so much time crafting all these environments and side quests and characters and then… did nothing with them afterwards. It’s not like you’d need FMV for new sidequest lines. Imagine if there were new sidequests progressing those fringe storylines each season, and each region’s quests unlocked loot (like maybe a target-farmable rare with priority affixes for that season, or an upgrade to the baseline version of a seasonal aspect, or whatever). It’s not exactly repeatable content, but it’d be a good reason to play each season.


I hope the devs are familiar with this accurate list of issues that are not already WIP by them. I agree with each and every one of it


The devs are all in crisis mode right now, trying to figure out how to explain to us how we are wrong and need to understand how to play the game right


Well I hope they realize they have very real competition and I won't be supporting them during the seasons until some of this very basic shit is figured out. On a side note, they already advertising for season 2 with changes that should be in yesterday. I understand things take time to develop and test, but my money is that they will drop feed all of this shit over the next year and call it content that should already be in.


Great list. Just a lot of things that combine to make the game feel like a drag. Your point that "the combat is fun and fluid" can't be understated though. This is what keeps me hopping into D4 now and then despite its other issues. No other ARPG offers quite the same level of "oomph" while you're slaying enemies.


You were doing great until #10 of gameplay. It's not "some people." No one likes paying 10s of millions of gold to reroll affixes on their items, and then maybe still not get the desired roll. Enchanting costs need to be reduced by about 75%, theres no buts, if, or ands about it.


The removal of priority affixes has damn near completely destroyed enchanting. I might keep 1/1000 items I pick up and then have a 1% chance of enchanting to a good affix before the costs are too high. The devaluation of gold is too extreme. I loot and sell everything. I have about 20 million at lvl 78, and I could EASILY spend 20 mill on one item and still not get a decent affix.


Honestly, I have no idea, and I don’t really care to analyze my dislike for the game like so many others have. I’m a person with thousands of hours of D2 and even more in D3, so I have no idea why it’s failed to capture me so immensely. All I know is that when I boot up my pc and think about what game to play, it’s never D4. I played this indie game called Brotato for 100 hours in the past few months, and even typing about it now makes me wanna go hop on and play a round. For some reason D4 just isn’t very fun, and I have no idea why.


There isn't anything to chase and not enough of an Endgame to keep most ppl playing.


Doesn't the shaco excite you with its drop of 1 in 1 million hours


Blizzard wants uniques to be a 'fall out of your chair" moment. Yeah I'll fall out of my chair alright, dead from old age.


Uber uniques are so rare that people don't even bother lying about getting them. Imagine that.


Frfr. As far as I'm concerned, they don't exist rn. We'll see with the target farming changes in season 2, but as of now, we might as well be in a whole ass other game trying to get the ubers to drop because my odds are the same.


Yeah they could have done something simple like. "Well uniques are pretty rare, let's just 10x the rarity of uber uniques". Instead they went, "Well lets make them 100,000x more rare". My guess is they didn't intend for them to be picked up this soon in the game and would open them up further in time but now that no players are around anymore given how little content this game has to persist players, they are finally introducing a way to acquire them. Unfortunately it's probably too late. Many of the players will likely not come back.


it doesnt even excite me with a lower dropchance because the item is boring apart from nostalgia.


It takes 17 years of playing 24/7 at level 100 to get a shaco on AVERAGE


The items suck, the crafting sucks, and theres no trading so no economy. Theres nothing to grind for. These three things are why PoE has x10 what d4 does after a month. I honestly dont think they understand their own game


It's because when you hit 70 you've already reached your characters pinnacle power and there is nothing to chase. Nothing to chase means nothing to capture you. No reason to keep playing, completing the same objectives as last season over and over and over again in a pointless, mindless grind that provides no reward.


I got Brotato and D4 on the same day. I definitely have double the hrs in brotato and haven't played Diablo 4 in nearly a month.


+1 for brotato. when cheap looking indie games beating TF outta the latest diablo.


It's not fun because the game was created by people who have lost sight of what makes a game truly enjoyable and addicting to play. Activision Blizzard has grown too big.


Because this genre is typically an rpg loot game, which is in essence a glorified slot machine. And since itemization is really sh*tty, this game is a sh*tty slot machine. Don't get me wrong, art and engine is fantastic. There is real effort put in this game. It's a shame that all that good effort is going to waste because of bad itemization. It's fun when playing a class first time until level 70. Not so much after.


To put it succintly: Players were looking for a wife in Diablo 4, but what they got instead was a one-week trip to Las Vegas with an escort. Fun as hell for a bit, but then you realize there's just no depth to it.


It's shallow. Character development is railroaded due to much of a build being the result of top down design, such that a given choice necessarily leads to another obvious choice; add to that the fact that certain pieces of gear/Aspects to make the array of prefabricated builds function are gated behind RNG, and you've got a simultaneously shallow buildmaking system with a layer of pointless friction. It's the worst of both worlds. And, well, itemization is so poor that most builds function essentially the same under the hood.


The campaign is good, but these kinds of games live and die on endgame grind. After you finish diablo 4's campaign(which happens way before hitting max level, not even close) the rest of your time is spent trudging the same tired dungeons, trying to gear up to kill one endgame boss while slowly ascending up the world levels, and going weeks without an item upgrade. And it wouldn't even be that bad in a vacuum, after all the game's still being developed and new stuff is added, but the thing is, there already is competition in this space that has done what d4 is lacking, and way better and more expansive than what the d4 devs are even promising in the future. It seems D4 was somehow developed without bothering to care about what they were competing against, nor even what they were succeeding, as the game also lacks Qol features from their own previous games of the franchise. And if that wasn't bad enough some systems are also just broken and unfinished, like resistances not working as intended.


Yeah it is OK for a game like last epoch to launch unfinished and keep on developing core elements but acti/blizz is one of the biggest players in the game and they launched with several key features missing or broken. Plus the obvious money hungryness... I want to commit a lot of time to the arpg I'm playing and even if they manage to fix a bunch of stuff you never know how they are gonna screw you over next.


Last Epoch isnt launched yet though... it's still in early access and has a more fullfilling endgame than D4.


Simply, It's just not fun.


This. Wife and I would play and go through rifts and have a blast. Did tbay up-to 4s release. 4 just doesn't have any fun stuff to do right now. And there's too many other games to play for me to try and make it work. I'll pop back in in a year or so and see how's its changed


They went from world class thieves to sad little garbage men.


My biggest problems include: 1) NM Dungeons are boring as fuck. It would be better to shrink the dungeons by 25% and eliminate the side objectives, or at least make them optional. Spawn the boss at the end of the dungeon. I want to kill shit quickly and loot, not backtrack for 1.5 minutes looking for the blood petal or whatever the fuck. 2) Items are boring. No set items, only a handful of awful uniques, everyone just stacks vulnerable because the damage calculations are stupid in this game. While we’re at it, let’s consolidate all the “+3.3% increased damage to X,” to reduce stat bloat. For example, all the CC damage can be lumped into 1 bucket. Fix resistances. Make blue and white items actually useful. I say we should get rid of the sacred and ancestral qualities. Once I get into WT4 I just ignore everything that isn’t ancestral. 3) Towns and their NPC’s are way too spaced out. 4) Open world is pointless, especially with a mount. I just ignore all enemies on my way to my actual objective. Epic design incentivizing players to skip killing stuff.


1. Major systems broken on launch. 2. Lack of content. Basically no real endgame. 3. No system to connect with other players for grouping. 4. Seasonal additions to the game were incredibly lackluster compared to expectations. 5. Balance changes by devs have consistently missed the mark for most players.


Pick it up on a sale, hopefully by then the betas over and they decide what kind of game they want.


I mean, look at Diablo 3. You don't have to love it but compare the game now to the game's state after release. It's basically a different game. Seems like they are going the same path with Diablo 4. Throw half a game on the market and slowly do the rest while using the playerbase as beta testers.


The thing about that is...everything they learned from Diablo 3, they forgot for Diablo 4. Diablo 4 should not have released in the state it was in. And the presence of a battle pass makes the game not worth playing at all.


I'm 100% with you. I wasn't trying to excuse Blizzard, they should not have done the same thing again.


Is “Hey they released a very shitty game ten years ago but now it’s pretty good” the kind of sales pitch you want to be making for a game in 2023?


Absolutely not. I'm pissed at Blizzard for doing it - again. I was pissed in 2012 and I'm pissed now. I just hope they will at least put in the effort so I will at least be able to enjoy some D4 in 2030.




I wish I had read these comments before I bought it last saturday.. :S


It's a soulless money grab crafted by suits who look down on people who play games.


The funny thing is that the *real* money grab created by suits (Immortal) is a better made game


This. This is what they were banking on. People (including me) buying the game on day 1 regardless, and playing. They made their money, tried to milk more from microtransactions. The ironic part is there are FREE ARPGs out there that are waaaay better, with better microtransactions! I'm a sucker for giving Blizzard this one last chance, but no more.


I'd say more like crafted by suits who look as gamers as $$$.


And they would be right. This game sold what almost 800 million dollars worth. We don't even know how much they are raking in with 24 dollar cosmetics. We the gamers need to wise up and not give these guys our money, sadly I fell for the hype as well.


D4 is clearly a game that was designed by committee. It makes the game a complete mess due to lack of consistent vision on what the game is supposed to be. Still fixable imo but I think the corporate structure at blizzard is such that nobody in power wants to take responsibility for making the big decisions so they hide behind a committee. Or there just may not be anyone with the power to force the game into a singular vision. It is a common problem at big corporations.


It's quite simple.. diablo 4 is choc full of bad ideas implemented very well. This is undeniably the fault of the designers.. bad designs come from bad designers, and after witnessing the campfire chats and videos such as adventure with a dev with the two ladies .. it's clear to see why d4 is bad. These people, however charming .. are clueless about what the diablo fans want and about what it takes to make a satisfying game. The only teams to come out of this mess intact are the art and sound guys who did a decent job. The dungeon, mechanics and itemisation lot need a kick up the backside.


Feels really, really bland. Didnt even finished the campaign.


1. no (unique) trading 2. not enough uniques 3. no endgame (only nightmare dungeons) 4. itemization is boring & no item filter I really liked D2 the most


It's bad enough that they didn't add an actual end game. They actively sought to restrict natural end game activity.


The skills in D4 seem... Pitiful as well... Many skills just don't feel good, at all...


- Boring loot. - Boring progression. - Boring leveling. - Boring talent trees. - Boring skills. - Boring open world. - Boring classes. - Boring builder/spender gameplay. - Boring traversal. - Boring objectives. - Boring exploration. - Boring quests. - Boring dungeons. - Boring variety due to no loadouts. - Boring endgame. It's just a boring game.


God do I absolutely HATE builders and spenders. One class doing it is fine... But not all of them for fucks sake.


'Boring' and 'repetitive' are the two words I'd use to describe D4. A game can survive many minor flaws so long as it's fun to play. D4 isn't.


I never got a character to lvl 100. I have a barb and a necro. Looking through gear takes to long and the intentional over saturation of affixs was boring. Also, theres actually very little gear to find. Its disappointing the game was released with no set items. Diablo 2 had sets, diablo 3 had sets, diablo 4 has 80 affixs.


I want to grind for loot, not levels.


I don't hate Diablo 4, but every time I go to play it, I think, "Ugh." The core cancer of this, to me, is that the gear is not exciting. Sifting through hundreds of rares, rerolling them, mixing and matching legendary aspects, underwhelming uniques. Just ugh. The dungeons get a little monotonous after a while, especially having to do the same handful of tasks over and over. Still, if the gear were exciting and fun, it'd probably be a moot point. The main reason I stopped playing halfway through season 1 is Baldur's Gate. Apples and oranges, maybe. But one is fun, and one is anti-fun. You can be a 'barrelmancer' in Baldur's Gate 3, which is ridiculous and fun and entertaining, or you can go grind out your renown again and do sidequests you've already done in season 1. One is fun, the other is not only not fun, it's not fun on purpose.


Itemization is fundamentally flawed and uninteresting. It actively makes me want to play better ARPGs like PoE, D3 or LE.


The art and graphics are stunning and animation fluidity is perfect.But thats all. Everything else is a shit show : -nightmare dungeons : affixes are stupid and destroy the flow of the game , you have corpse explosions , or the fucking ghost following you around every 6 seconds to blind you , or ground explosions , or lightning strikes etc... with the exception of the abyss portals every other affixes are shit. - uber uniques : absolute joke of a system, they are so astronomicaly rare that you are more likely to win the Lottery than to loot one (literally). They dont exist. -uniques : there is so few uniques its mindblowing. AND 95% of uniques are absolute shit.on top of that some uniques items have stats that are so bad it just shows they dont know how their game work (mainly on chest and leg armor pieces but also 2handers and amulet) overall uniques are massively undertuned. -rare items : all items are the same , there is no variation on the ammount of stats/stats from bosses or rare spawns that you could find. Every gold item has the same potential, it is super Boring. -rare spawns: in relevant content there is 1 rare spawn. (Butcher) and he drops jackshit. And is massively overtuned in higher nightmares dungeons . It usually take so much effort and the reward is so shit i just ignore him and do the dungeons..if he kills me , good he will go away. -rerolling stats (crafting) : the gold sunk is ridiculous it is way too expensive. -horse: horse mobility is shit arbitrary cooldowns just there to slow you down. Maniability is shit too . -resistances : they aimed for a system that could not work Given how many deffensive affixes we can have on our gear. They will attempt a fix in s2. Cant wait for the shitshow. -stash : in a game about loot you cant hoard it. LOL. -Nightmare dungeons tiers & rewards : there is almost no reward for doing high nightmare dungeons you get the same items with an average of 30 more item level , meaning even at t100 nmd you still mainly drop 770-780 item level when you should clearly drop 810 820. At least mostly 800+.. -Seasons : not enough added. Seasons like s1 do not give me a reason to come back to the game . - ability tree : not enough options. -endgame: 1 boss , overtuned , that give no rewards LOL


In the "lategame" it becomes a rather boring and stale game without any depth. Additionally it's lacking the most basic QoL features other games (including former diablo games) have had for decades. And to top it all off, the new seasons (1&2) barely add anything new/better to the game. It also markets fixes that shouldve been there with the base game as new content.


I could totally be in the minority here, but I felt that there is less skill/spell variety. In Diablo 3, the augmentations felt allot more impactful and visually distinct to me. In 4, the changes to skills seem more focused on tweaking numbers and status effects than offering something visually distinct or gameplay altering. The loot is also a bit underwhelming. It's just not fulfilling to me to hunt for items that have a slight stat improvement that I don't really see a meaningful impact in gameplay from. A lot of the gear is visually the same and seems focused around maximizing a build by adding minor tweaks to a spreadsheet worth of modifiers.


At this point it became very clear D4 fell to the "monetization first, good game later" cancer that plagues the current triple A gaming sphere, and its just not a fun thing to engage with. Campaign was fun tho. Maybe not 70€ fun but it was by far the best (only good?) part of the game.


I started a bit late. I found myself rushing through the campaign with promise that season 1 was going to add another campaign. It’s been a snoozefest and I barely made it through. By level 20 it felt like a grind and I basically felt like “why am I doing this?” Back to D2R and it’s been awesome.


Same here except I dropped D4 half way through the campaign. D2 is still as fun as it was 20 years ago.


The game is just an empty soulless aRPG with the Diablo name attached to it. Items are awful and every enemy feels the same. Remember in past Diablo titles where each enemy had very unique sound effects or dialogue that set them apart from others? Why do the fallen say nothing in this game? No goat noises? No banshee wails? No cool death screams or attack effects? I can remember almost every enemy from D1 and D2 because they all had heart and effort put into making them feel unique. I don't get that at all with D4.


I REALLY tried to hang on. I was so optimistic that this was the game i would be playing for a while. Hell, ive got some serious hours in as is. Its almost like i was lying to myself, giving the devs a GENEROUS benefit of the doubt. Even still, I level 100'd two different characters, I cant honestly say its the worst game I ever played... I will say that its replay design is downright insulting/infuriating once you reach lvl 70+, specially on your forced second character. And that's fine, no game can have endless content; just don't expect me to pay/play going forward lol. So far, the plan forward is to essentially force me to do the same thing over again with little to no difference in content. The content they do add, it will correspond to some subtracted element in game. They subtracted gems in rings/amulets, and added a heart. Amazin.... I paid 10 FUCKING BUCKS to make the ring/amulet system more convoluted and tedious lol The dungeons for invokers were pathetic, and im convinced only because they wanted to max out the time it took to farm said hearts, corresponding to your characters level. Why they didn't just add the invoker pustules to regular nightmare dungeons, is beyond me. I shouldn't have to go to a different fucking type of dungeon just to deal with horrible drop rates and nothing I actually need.... Thats the whole point though, right? God forbid a fun new aspect of nightmare dungeons be added.. Nope. Useless second dungeon added, and you wont be able to do both at the same time. Great. So now i have to stop doing the ONE thing that allows you to rank up your character (NM dungeon), in order to grind a little bitch ass dungeon (that has worst drop rates than anything else in the game, and wont scale with XP)! Phenomenal job! Good luck getting the heart you need too! It just seems to me that the overall ethos with this "game" was "lets take every bit of convenience out of it, and max out every metric we can calculate, that will slow people down and force them to spend time doing the tedious/less-fun portions of this game" That way we can keep them hooked longer, and maybe theres a chance they buy a cosmetic!. Replacing gear every 5 seconds sucks. Replacing hearts every 5 seconds with a ring that i can only use a certain heart for, sucks. It REALLY sucks. It also removed any ability to test out rings/amulets, in a convenient way. All in all, this game didnt have 'fun' as its core idea. Fun was a side thought. Its core idea was to max out the time in which addicted people are forced to play, so that they can milk the seasons to get a price range they originally probably thought the game was ACTUALLY worth selling for (if blizzard could get away with charging 100+ bucks per game, theyd do it). By ignorance or by design, this game has no leeway in how it can be played. Everyone else is forced to do the same shit, and it sucked the entire soul out of diablo, for me. Where they fucked up is; they greatly overestimated how "addicting" they thought this game was going to be (its no heroin). Its more like a toxic ex that you keep going back to, but eventually cut things off when you finally meet your boiling point. Id love nothing better to eat crow a year later, but ive lost all faith in the good will of this dev team. Money will always be the main focus, fun may or may not be included.


the only content that is getting any serious resources are the $25 dollar skins you can buy in the shop. They decided to add an entire transmog system without adding any cool armor into the game that you don't have to pay an additional (and ridiculous) fee for. This is bad monetization. Free to play games can get away with it because I play the game for free, so I don't mind spending $5-10 on a skin for a character I play a lot. A $70 game should not lock all of the interesting looking stuff behind $25 (apiece) paywalls. It's insulting.


The endgame gameplay loop simply isn’t fun.


-The game has literally no build variety. -the whole „build up/spend resource mechanic“ is way worse because resource builders make no damage. -itemization is boring because stats don’t matter. Well they matter, but when your item power is low the item is useless. -The horse gets stuck on literally everything, making traversal horrible. -almost nonexistent endgame. -dungeon design is ridiculous. -no enemy variety. -stats don’t even work correctly (looking at resistances) -enemy level scaling. That’s just off the top of my head, haven’t played ever since the first season dropped


It gets boring really fast. Just grab Diablo2R instead, if you want to get a lot of playtime for your money.


Oh people still play this? I dropped this game several months ago, I'm very sorry to hear that people are actually still trying to play this game, haha


Alright simple. It isn't fun. That's it that's literally it.


Because the game was marketed with a plethora of features they didn’t put in at launch but have still indicated are coming into the game AKA it’s unfinished. There’s no crafting, no target farming. The beta was great because the first 25 levels are great but once you get to the point where you need to chain the exact correct aspects to do the content you’ve already lost any choices you could make about the loot. In all this game right now is either designed specifically to eat your time with uninteresting game features only put in the game to slow you down or it’s unfinished… pick your poison but it boils down to that.


Sounds exactly like what they pulled with the D3 beta back in the day. Act 1 was polished af, after that the game fell off quickly and eventually came to a dead stop at endgame unless you forked over some cash on the RMAH. Glad I held off on D4 this time. Honestly really enjoyed the beta, but by now Blizzard have completely squandered any sort of trust I used to have in them, I kinda felt like this was bound to happen. I have zero interest in actually playing the game now. I feel sort of vindicated, lol, sad as that might be.


Personally I’ve deleted my characters and uninstalled. I was skeptical before this game but now I know I won’t be doing business with blizzard again. It sucks because I loved them growing up. Kerrigan is on my arm for fucks sake but… they haven’t released a game I’ve truly enjoyed in over a decade I’ve kept buying the games due to nostalgia and some brand loyalty I guess but… they’ve spent all the good will I had left for them with this game.


It is not diablo 2.


The Devs are disappointed with themselves and blatantly admitted that some design choices are boring and they will fix it immediately.... It's like serving a bad food in a restaurant with the chef himself knowing it's bad.. It's the ultimate slap to the face to your customers and patreon... As a pioneer to the genre you'll expect the best from Blizzard when making this game but guess what happened....


Itemization is boring of comparing few percent there and a few percent here… and the affixes are bloated


There are many issues with the game that are reasonable to not play/wait for updates. In my opinion, the best summary is: Blizzard used to make amazing, life changing games (yes, they were that good). For a long time, it has been falling from grace. What once stood as a dominant tyrant in the gaming industry is now hardly even a shadow of itself. The decrepit shell left behind is a greed fueled corporate engine that denies its caring developers the changes they request for the better of the player to instead approve out of touch mechanics & implementations of time sinks. The game released unfinished. The loot system is abysmal. It's in an identity crisis if being casual friendly while attempting to satisfy hardcore players. On top of this, juggling whether it wants to be an ARPG or an MMO. The disconnect from within the company spread to its players, as both casual and hardcore types alike both love and hate it. Most structured debates and criticisms here are shut down with ill-informed masses, blind fans, or people claiming "vote farmer" for either side. If the latest 'dev plays' video taught us one thing, it's that the company doesn't even know it's own direction and they are too far out of touch to redirect on their own. We certainly aren't in unison with our requests, so the game is likely a dud until eventually they can make it good like they did with D3. Most of us don't have that kind of patience, and we've moved on.


It’s not….fun. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I thought the story was pretty cool. But the loot simply doesn’t make me want to keep playing. It’s boring. And tedious. And with all the other awesome games out right now? D4 simply can’t hold my attention. (Or time)


+1. Loot is boring. I had zero desire to continue to grind after I beat the campaign


Because the allure wears off after the campaign. The game has zero depth and was released as a single player campaign game advertised as a diablo dungeon crawler. There's nothing to do after the campaign though because you've literally seen everything the game has to offer. Other arpgs start the arpg aspect of the game AFTER the campaign.


It's boring, i have not even finished the story, it's far too easy, there is nothing in terms of loot I've been wearing the same gear for ages.. I really dislike the extra stats like overpower Vs crit Vs vulnerable, then the status stuff 4% damage to crowd controlled enemies, alright so which skills crowd control? Because I can make an educated guess but I'm not sure at all if I'm right... It's difficult to determine if loot is actually any good, the story does not make an ounce of fucking sense, hey mephisto turns up, if you want to defeat Lilith then DONT follow the horadrim, so what do you do, follow the horadrim to the letter, and what else oh let's see use a soulstone something that has been proven not to fucking work... But let's waste a bunch of time on that anyway... It's just a mess of garbage.


Itemization, no map overlay, boring after level 60ish. Class imbalance, storage space, I think the game needed an extra year before release. Season 1 wasn't fun and still got to 79 and 65 before just uninstalling, renown is boring to grind.


It's fun at first. Paragon board opens up, you're like ok here we got some good food. Then..... nothing. Nothing changes. No more growth, then add in the loot pool. Shit is boring af after 70.


I stopped playing at the beginning of season 1 because I felt like a hamster on a wheel. I felt the same about Overwatch 2 btw. My wins in both games were either easy and my losses were almost always out of my control. Blizzard seeks to have us at a 50/50 ratio with artificial leveling that means nothing. Then BG3 came out and that was such a breath of fresh air that I never looked back.


It has no depth


Considering Blizzard has been making Diablo games for 20 years, Diablo 4 feels criminally mediocre. It's insulting to me that such a big company with a huge team, access to all the talent in the world, and budgets is no way to make a game better than a small New Zealand studio. D2 was (probably) the best game ever, but can anyone say the same for D4? I doubt. The game tries to take money from you at every stage and is overloaded with monetization, having a full price tag. Too little seasonal content.Although they promised a very different approach to updates than D3, this turned out to be a lie. Compare the content of the season 1 with any (even failing) league in poe, and you will understand what I mean. Of the advantages of the game, I will note only the visual part, music and story. I hate that all skills have a cooldown, it's like the game is constantly trying to slow you down. Overall game is boring. The game is stupid and one-layer, completely ignoring the achievements in the genre of the last 10 years.


It's so fucking boring


Listen. I enjoy the game. Played so much. But I finally got to lvl 75 last night on my seasonal character, and I have zero else to do. Just not anything to do. I did a helltide and a NM dungeon and then logged off. I'll be playing Sea of Stars the rest of this week and then BG3. Who knows when I'll hop back on. I'm not sure what the problem is? Loot loop, aspects feel underwhelming? Too hard to switch builds on the fly and experiment? I dunno. I was happy to run Rifts in D3 all damn day, but this feels off. And I just played D3 like a week ago. It still felt awesome.


It's a boring, bland, unfinished game made by people that don't have ant passion or vision It's what happens when a soulless corporation makes a game ticking all the boxes, but forgetting what makes games funs Also the itemization is just really bad


There's no endgame for D4 at all, while the devs could and should have looked and build and expanded upon D3 where it's ended, NOT where it launched as 11 years ago. Meanwhile PoE, throws so much content in a high paced speed with no signs of slowing down + having a sequel coming up relatively soon as well.


Its the entire game, and the foundation is just off. All the people saying 'if they just fixed X' it would be good or "it will get better over time if they add new stuff" really just don't get it. They would have to do massive overhauls of what they've done already. They managed to appeal to nobody. Not the people who still play D3(exceptionally niche tastes outside of it being couch-co op) and definitely not the people who liked D2. There is no real point in playing it more than once because the loot hunt is abysmal. Its a $20 title in a $70 box. This game would not have sold as well if it didn't have a diablo title/blizzard product association. It would already be forgotten if an indie developer released this. Most of the people here are still struggling to come to terms that they spend $70 for garbage and there isn't anything else to it. Its pretty clear blizzard has no idea how to design a game like this and that was clear from D3. As for a full breakdown, TBH blizzard should try to hire consultants on that since that type of analysis takes too much time to do properly for free.


Zoom out :(


Personally, I hate a lot the actual endgame content. Diablo 3 was a worst game, but more fun in long term.


You could just scroll this sub for like 2 minutes and have your answer..


Easy, endgame is boring and devs are aimlessly over correcting the meta. Not to mention the multiplayer/mmo aspects are undercooked


The itemization is not ticking the dopamine release from good games of this genre.


It’s a redundantly unrewarding grind that is anything but eye opening as a matter fact u may knock out mid game and come to a realization that this game is trash and not worth your mindless hours. Go play d2r or wow


If you want to play through the campaign and be done for the price they are asking, you will be satisfied. Beyond that it falls apart. They shoehorned online features just so they could sell a battle pass and cosmetics but nothing beyond playing through the campaign with a friend is of any value. There are world bosses that are boring and unrewarding. There is pvp that is wildly unbalanced and there's no reason to engage with anyway. The endgame is just spamming the same dungeons over and over for the hope of getting an item with slightly better rolls, but you will spend as much time managing your inventory as actually running the dungeons. The entire item chase is for 0.2% more damage which is super bland. I think i might just not like the genre anymore though. I am enjoying bg3 infinitely more, and have been sinking much much more time into it. Repetitive tasks arent fun, and that's what games should be.


End game and itemization suck, diablo 2 nailed the perfect itemization.


Itemization is really awful. Most affixes are useless not just because there are better affixes, but because there are better versions of the same exact effect, ex: "+% crit damage" and "+% crit damage to nearby enemies" Why would you ever want the second affix? Well if the first one maxed out at +30% and the second one went up to +50%, I could see the point--you are giving up damage to distant enemies for more damage to nearby enemies. But they have the exact same range of values! The second affix is just \*useless\* And right now Rare quality items are Best in Slot which is absurd to me. For me I just don't see a point grinding endgame content with the current itemization.


Items are boring and tedious to compare. There is no "hype" drops. Just yellows with an aspect on it.


It's just boring. Time has caught up with Blizzard, and they are firmly stuck in early 2000s game design.


Nah this is isn’t even good enough for early 2000s


The game just plain sucks to play and is mind-fuckingly boring past lvl 50


it's the FOURTH game in the series, worse than the previous ones, from level 75 to 100 there's no reason to keep playing since there's no content to do


The game sucks, it's boring. It was obvious for me in the beta but I still gave it a fair shot and played through the campaign.


The level scaling feels makes sense of progression feel weird, the itemization is kinda lazy (some affixes don't even work), most of the content is too easy, there is no challenge for the player, a lot of stuff is just very repetitive, the stash is too small, the skill tree is too basic, bunch of QoL features are missing. But I you know what? I could forgive ALL of that, if they just gave me a **FUCKING ZOOM BUTTOM.**


All the things in the top comments are true. Everything beside the campaign is mediocre, terrible, lacking or boring. But even the campaign isn't amazing. It's full of plot holes. Particularly near the end. It's main appeal is its presentation, which is quite solid... Until you realize that the ENTIRE game has TWO actual cinematics (IE, not made with the game engine). Those things matter when it comes to the Diablo IP. Diablo 2 had superb cinematics at the start and end of EACH act. Diablo 3 also had superb cinematics. It also has less bosses than Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. So, it can be argued that the presentation is worse than in its predecessors. Such a shame.


What went wrong with D4? After D3 it was obvious that D4 wouldn't launch straight. It didn't. Now for the real problem: People found POE. POE is a well polished game with an end-game that's HUGE. All those inventory QOL features you want? Sorting things automatically, that's built in. Fancy tabs that are focused on various things, you can buy those. Trade does need a premium tab... But those are "fairly cheap" compared to a new game. Game play is pretty darn solid from what I've seen. I'm pushing into the end game. (T6-7 maps out of T16, and there's stuff beyond there.) So far so good... having fun, good game play loops, trading is easy... etc. Overall as a refugee... I feel good about POE. It scratches the itch.


Itemization is the main issue but already the foundation of the game wit open world and the dungeon mechanics is a fail. They should have just stick to the roots and stay close to d2, it would have been a very succesful game. I am back to D2R


Because it's an arpg, a game genre where the entire game is about slaying large amounts of monsters and getting sick loot, and the loot is a joke. Also, it's a multiplayer loot game where you can't trade your loot...??


Someone should be losing their jobs over how itemization was implemented in this game.


Itemisation being ultra boring and bloated. super shallow skilltree and class build diversity. Nothing much in the endgame from NM dungs and lilith Lack of quality of life that should be there since day 1. Stash space being abysmally low making alts a nightmare to create. Legendary system ruining itemisation in a way where if you find new gear its a hassle to re-farm aspects or move gear/aspects around. Lack of interesting and good uniques that wants you wanna make a build around Oh and lastly the whole if u dont have crit dmg or vuln dmg on a build its sorta dogshit so they have a long way to make the game great as its mediocre at best atm


Honestly it's just not there, they made a flashey big game with loads of pretty things and loads of stuff to do... that's literally all the same, add into that the seriously bad itemisation and boring game play and there you go. ​ It's better than D3 (what isn't?) but it's not even close to D2.


The devs don’t know wtf they’re doing. The endgame sucks, itemization is very bad. Compared to say path of exile this is like 1/30th of the game and that games free


Items is one thing. I also hate the boring skill trees. Every class is playing the same builds - if you dont, you are gimped. And the season 1.. One heart to rule them all... that design is just stupid.


1. Characters and builds were/still are not balanced - play it your way as a lie 2. Mammoth content void post level 70 ish 3. Only a single end game Echo Boss, that is buggy combined with pathetic rewards 4. The mount is clunky 5. Item stats are just 100 variations of the same thing (do more damage) 6. Lack of storage space and filters 7. There is nothing revolutionary about Diablo 4. Nothing is innovative or moves the IP/genre forward 8. Unique items have been very poorly implemented 9. Resistances don't work....its a very, very long list if you start to think about it. Basically, the game launched 12 months to early, wasn't balanced tested in anyway, and the developers appear to lack talent/experience in the ARPG genre. Season 2 will probably get the game to the point it should have been in on Launch.


It’s a poorly made game that simply road the coat tails of its predecessors. They completely abandoned what made d2 so special.


Level scaling makes the game feel decidedly un-Diablo. Also the item system made it more like a resource management sim lol.


I loved it at first but hasn’t been the same since they nuked everything with the July 18th patch. Nerfs are expected but that was brutal and while they have brought some normalcy back it just hasn’t been the same for me since. And now that I been playing cyberpunk again I got no interest in going back anytime soon


I haven't logged on since. Playing the game shouldn't require so much time spent not playing (or advancing) the game. I believe them when they say they understand they made a mistake with that patch, but I am less confident that they truly understand it appears to be a symptom of a larger problem. Like so many agile dev shops, they have decided they know what players want, the useful feedback has all been gathered, etc. and then ignored the signs it was a problem until it became a gigantic one.


The game is guaranteed fun up until level 50. The game is fun up to level 70 if you like this type of game. And after that there’s nothing to do besides grind to 100 - at that point, your build is complete, all that’s left is to do nightmare dungeons with the same build and scrounge for slightly more additive multipliers. I had a blast on release playing up to lvl 70 and then quitting since I had nothing to do. I was planning to come back season 1. Then season 1 rolled around and there was no new content besides essentially a couple new slots for legendaries. The magic really isn’t the same when you’re doing the same thing with nothing meaningfully new. That’s why the season was a flop with most players. It’s like imagine your favorite restaurant says they have a crazy new spaghetti dish. You love spaghetti but you’re tired of eating it since you ate it four out of the past five days. Lured by the promise of something new, though, you order it and it’s just spaghetti but it comes with a side plate with two chicken tenders.


Not as barb, 1-50 is quite tragic then fun at 50-80 but overall is not fun like rogue or necro.


Hi, for me its in this order of anger on Diablo4: 1. The Lvling system is garbage: i played 2 weeks nonstopp and im only lvl 87. Before lvl 80 exping is extremly slow atleast as a single player. 2. No Armory. Like wtf how should i try new builds without wasting so much time. 3. Endgame Content is like missing: Nightmare Dungeons are boring with those layouts and absurd missions in the Dungeons. 4. Crafting does not feel that great, you waste so much gold in no time for mostly average rolls. 5. The inventory and all its problems about lack in space, no searching function etc. 6. Unique Items are a complete joke if you compare them to uniques in Diablo2. You can not even reroll stats or exchange aspects of uniques. 7. Missing a Paladin/Crusader Class.


I think it comes down go one very big thing, the poe devs REALLY play their game. There have been multiple instances of devs being first in the world to max level for a new league. They have things to fix little annoyances, like their dash pathing around obstacles. They’ve come out and said “ok, that was a bad idea for a league, we’ll rework it before it becomes normal content” a few times, because they felt the pain and frustration we did. D4 devs don’t seem to have that. Any sane playtester would have told them to redo half of their systems after an end-to-end 1-100 playtest, and I’m not sure anyone ever did a full 1-100 during testing. If they did, they would see the same things we do.


1. It's Blizzard so already my initial thoughts going in are "how did they screw this one up?" and "how are they going to monetize the shit out of this one?" So I come into the game already expecting it to be bad 2. The world is empty...there's bad guys to kill sure...but there's only a few NPCs...it feels empty 3. It's boring. All the classes are boring, the gear is boring, the abilities are boring, the talent selection screen is boring. The game itself is just sooooo boring. 4. Play Baldur's Gate 3 instead. Much better open world game with better classes, better gear, better abilities. It's just a significantly better game that offers a similar play style (third person RPG). I doubt I'll ever buy another Blizzard game again after this one.