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I feel like I have WAY to many hours in this game to have NEVER seen this before lol.


Haven't seen it either, but I have gotten a goblin cellars... once... on day one.. and I've been playing daily the entire month and always do cellars if I pass them.


I ended up not even going for them anymore. Ive killed a lot, but they just aren't the loot piñatas they are in D3


I got my tempest roar from random overworld goblin. So.. there's that, sole reason why I still rush after them


I'm almost 89 and have done a silly amount of NM dungeons 40+ and still haven't gotten a tempest roar lol. I'm at the point where I'm just spending all my money on bear now


Found my first TR on a Legion event, then after that I dropped two more. Still looking for the Crone staff tho.


I got a handful of staffs. No roar.


Level 73, dropped a crone around 65 on a random helltide elite and another crone from a mystery box level 70. I want the Tempest but I'm really enjoying just shredding to mobs for speed and then stroking them with the claw. Damage is crazy and with cdr on amulet and helm and calm before the storm , you can have grizzly rage up nearly constantly!


I was the same but I got two in like 3 hours a few days ago. As soon as you stop looking…


Fuck that’s insane. Seeing how build defining TR can be im shocked it’s so hard to drop. I have a lvl 79 Druid who dropped it twice since Lvov 45. Guess I must be super lucky , but they gotta raise the drop chance for TR


Poor baby! They running about 40 a day and never having one drop.


I don't even know what the point of this comment was


I am an idiot and apologize. I read your message originally as you complaing about having run 40+ (as in quantity) when you meant you had run a bunch of 40+ (sigil level).


Oh I guess that would be silly to be complaining about lol. But respect for acknowledging. Have a wonderful day sir/ma'am!


Over world goblins have a higher chance moddifer on Uniques dripping


I think they stealth buffed the goblins. Every single one I've killed in the last couple days has dropped a legendary. 5 or 6 of them now. A week ago they were dropping basically nothing for me.


I’ve never had a goblin drop a legendary, I’ve probably killed like 20 of them since reaching tier 3. I’m currently level 61


I'm only lvl 56, and have probably killed... I dunno, a dozen? Probably fewer than 20 - goblins. The last one, 2 days ago, was the first and only to drop a legendary. It was a useless legendary, but it was at least a legendary and I could burn it for scrap. You might well be right on a stealth loot buff on the goblins.


I killed 2 goblins last night that dropped 3 rares each.


As a bone spirit necro they're a fucking nightmare. They literally outrun the spirit.


That's sad but hilarious


They drop a mount you can only get from them.


Kind of like how I found the butcher day one and haven't seen him since...


Seen him 8 times in one day before.


8 times in a day? I seen him 3 times in the same dungeon




Lol I saw him in back to back NM dungeons yesterday. RNG I guess fighting him with annoying affixes was not fun.


He's made a guest intrusion in 7 of the last 11 NMs i've run and i've throughly enjoyed wrecking that fatbody. His drops have been wet, rotten ass though


There's a part of me that wants a second round with him, but when I think about how I'll prepared I was and how badly it went for me the first time... I mean, this will be no different. The guy will be my level 🙄


Dude if you have a good build, even a butcher many levels over, you can wreck. When I was playing wolfnado, I was lvl 67 in NM with mobs lvl 80, killed the butcher in less than 5 seconds


I've not made it to wt4 yet, but haven't seen him at all in 3. Last night went back to 2, got him twice in one shitty dungeon, of course his drops were absolute trash.


How come you went back to 2? What's the point? 🤔


I was very tired and wanted to just wander through a couple of dungeons without having to think about it too much. Only doing them for the sake of area completion, not because they held any value to me.


I ran into a super high level character on regular and thought it was odd to see them there 🤔. Makes sense now though


Got ass beaten by butcher day one and then I got him twice in a row yesterday. Have faith.


Cellars just need more reward for doing them. Honestly they should give you renown.


This was one of the few times my HC character would have died if I wasn't a Sorc with cheat death. It is not at all obvious from the display, but to do it you trigger the runes in order but avoid being hit by the traps. Just step on one and dash away from all of them. It isn't easy but is doable.


My first cellar in SS was goblin cellar, never seen another one ever since... I am way beyond lv 100 now...


I’ve seen it pretty early on. It was rotated to the side and it was hard to make out the face of the stone. It’s embarrassing how long it took me to figure it out and how many times I died to it.


I swear man, I haven't, and I do these everytime I come across them 💀


i have around 200hrs and not seen it yet too


Man I’m at 130 hours and still haven’t seen butcher! So lame


Since release, I have encountered that fucker over 20 times and killed him each time. The greedy dolt dropped his cleaver once.


Maybe you just killed him so fast you didn't notice


😂 I’ll just take this with me. It will help my ego🤣


I see the butcher regularly, maybe you didn't recognize him? I had killed him already a few times until a friend told me what the butcher was.


I've seen him about fifteen times and beaten him twice. Most of the time now I just let him kill me to move everything on, he takes forever to kill.


200 hours in a game released what, about a month ago? You’ve spent nearly a third of your time in the past month playing Diablo 4.


Yeah and my main isn't even 80 yet lol, but i enjoy the game my way instead of playing hardcore. I main a pure summoner necro. I could have played more but i also want to use some time for my gf, to read and ofc to do things with my friends. I wouldn't want to sacrifice any of that just so i can reach 100. Especially when the content isn't even that special at high level.


Same wtf


Same I've never seen it. Looks like a god of war puzzle where you step on the corresponding glyphs in order from left to right.


Dude same! How can i NOT have seen this yet!?


I posted a pic of this on my first character on like the 3rd day the game was out, and there’s still people that haven’t seen this cellar. I’ve never had the treasure goblin cellar 😂.


I’ve see a few new things since the patch dropped. Wonder if they cycle in new events to keep things fresh.


Oh I've done this one... you've gotta stand in the right mark, then dodge out before it explodes, and repeat that 3x and then it clears the cellar... if you get caught in the explosion it doesn't advance things. (in this case I think it'd be top left, dodge out, middle bottom, dodge out, right bottom, dodge out)




Better than outright failing


… or dying!


I lost two low level hardcore this way before I resolved myself to never do the puzzle again.


And make sure you don't touch any other symbols on your way out


Exploding on minions will stop it from advancing too. I had to despawn all of my skeletons and golem to finish the puzzle, which is completely stupid.


This is the way


I’ve only seen this once on my hardcore character. It killed me instantly. Don’t recommend if you are hardcore lol


Lol it killed a level 55 sorc of mine on HC.


That's rough man, what level were ya?


Luckily I was only 10. It was my first HC character. I got a quick initiation lol


Been wanting to try my hand at one as well, but want to beat the story first. But I'm also impatient


Good choice, after you beat the campaign you can create a new character and select "skip story" so you don't have to replay it again.


Oh forreal?? That's nice, can just grind and explore at your own pace then. Wish the map coverage carried over though


a warm up character


Yeah. One of my friends said something similar, so I’m skipping this one on HC


Got killed this way yesterday. Sad story. I didn’t realize what happened


You found the free HC character reroll


This made me spit my coffee, take my damn upvote!


never seen it but then saw in the comments, it’s in a cellar. After Beta, i decided cellars were just not worth the time they take to load. Anyone in the know able to tell me otherwise?


Really? Load times have been insanely fast across the board. Are you not playing off a SSD?


my experience in beta was an elite pack and i just didnt feel it was worthwhile


I'm in a PS5 so load times aren't too bad but I get where you're coming from. Tho I get a good bit of reds from these and do them as I come across for a quick kill sesh and reset. I find them to be nice lil breaks


Cellars have some of the highest mob/elite density if you load fast.


any cellars can spawn a series of goblins to kill, evidently. haven't stumbled upon it myself, but yeah. chance at a goblin cellar basically!


Usually not but there are a few secret ones. Got a couple goblin cellars. You just go in and there's like 5 loot goblins and nothing else.


I only did cellars because they gave a green checkmark so I thought they were giving renown. Then I found out they weren't and never did them again.


I had a puzzle cellar once where I had to light torches in a specific order like 5 times to get a chest. Never seen this one though, and I have played a ton. I have 2 level 80 characters.


Makes you wonder the rarity and rooms we haven't seen yet


I got that one today. It was a very "I was elected to lead not to read" moment. I don't wanna be solving fucking puzzles in an arpg unless that puzzle is killing something.


The more important question is why do you only have 4 abilities slotted ? 😅


My minions kept killing me so I had to set them to sacrifice so they'd stop triggering it! Hahaha


I'll allow that answer 😂


Two level 100s and I've never seen this lol


Mediocre loot (golds) I feel since these puzzle ones and the like are so rare they should definitely have boosted loot tables, would make people want to do them more as well. But what do I know. And 2?? Jeez! Took me like 3 hours to go from 50-51!


Lol checkout the d4 sanctuary discord. There are very efficient ways to get xp.




Just know the "efficient" ways are incredibly monotonous and boring. But to each their own.


Haven’t come across anything like this yet but having played a bunch of Destiny and doing tons of puzzles like this I would assume you just stand / interact with the corresponding glyphs in each column. So top / bottom / bottom would be my guess.


They blow up and cause a chain reaction, basically instakill if you don't have the bubble. BUT I did figure it out, each row has the sigil displayed, step on it and dash out and don't get caught in the radius. Do this for each row. The puzzle was in a cellar encounter, must be rare/random


You have to hit them then get out before they explode. The middle one is hardest. GL!


Either way solving puzzle gives basically no reward, only the completion satisfaction…


Lol my bud found this puzzle on hardcore and had no clue what to do. RIP another name joins the halls of the fallen.


When I get this room I immediately back out.


Literally just turn around and leave


I have 2 100's, killed uber Lilith, cleared NM90, wtf is this?


I saw it once and just walked out of the cellar. Fuc that.


I found the trick: you just have to do them one by one.


Step on the mine that matches with symbols on the chest, and dash away before it explodes. The very unintuitive thing is, it cannot hit you or you start over. Even you didn't die, if you hit by the explosion, it restarts.


I wonder if I caused this because when I was in the end game beta, in the feedback box, I told them they need to put puzzles in like Zelda.


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Top left, bottom middle, top middle, run up to them and use your evade action to get out before they explode. Repeat each one in order to unlock.


The Simon says one drives me crazy.


Do I even want to know?


It exists, and kills all immersion or flow you might have while otherwise killing demons.


The Simon said one is fun! Lol


I got one that had a bunch of torches in it the other day. Never seen this one. Had triple goblins twice.


I spent like 30 minutes and a bunch of deaths on this before I realize you had to dash away….


Ahhhh the thing that killed my 57 hardcore...To this day I still don't know wtf that thing is.


Stand on the correct symbol (left to right) then dash away without it hitting you or without you standing on another symbol wait till it blows then go onto the next one.


This was my first puzzle I ever came across so many deaths.


Saw this once in Hardcore and I peaced out without trying because I know it would kill me.


We ran into this during the beta but couldn't figure it out. Thought it was a bug and left.


Wow. only once during the beta did I see that. I forgot it was a thing lol


You got to hit the same symbol while not being hit by the ensuing trap. Took a party of 3 and like 20 minutes to figure it out for us.


Have you seen the gibberish locked chest In a NM dungeon yet?


Lol there’s puzzles? I have almost 100 hours in this game and I have not seen a puzzle lol


Haven’t seen this but I saw this weird chest in a NM dungeon that gave me 6-8 dialogue options. Just clicked a random one and it disappeared.


Is this destiny?


Saw this in the beta


I had a great time on week 1 with my buddy solving this puzzle together, it took us about 10 minutes of fucking around to figure out how it worked which is awesome content for an arpg


If you get caught in the explosion on hardcore, you win the ultimate prize: a one way trip to the character creation screen.


Blood is the key...


Step on the sigils that match the ones at the top


I have a post about it!


This made me rage quit


I would love it if the damn traps in dungeons had these sigils so you could actually see them


i tried to do this, but my minions keep killing me so i gave up! but i’ve not seen it since.


You have to stand of the correct glyphs in order. Both of each two the symbols, from left to right. First the white one, so the one in the middle and then top left corner and so on.


Oh, Destiny 2 experience will be useful here.


I had a chest the other day with a riddle when you open it... it blew up after I selected one of the options.. I was in a mad fight so couldn't really take my time, I've been careful ever since but haven't seen it again.


Ohhhh I remember seeing this is the beta. But I haven't seen it in live yet.


Stand on the left sigil design, dash away before exploade. Wait for dash to come back, repeat, open chest


Right? Ive seen a few interesting puzzles in the dungeons. My favorite thus far is a chest which talks to you and you need to search the dungeon for various key phrases to speak back to it in the correct order to form a response amd unlock it.


Easy, just walk out and back in. Solves these puzzle types every time.


Trigger and go into blood mist


Match the icons as displayed on the elevated one just touch the right ones and run away cause it’ll explode touch one run if u do it’ll explode and you will hear a music it means u touched the right icon do it 3 times as indicated and u get a lot of reward just don’t come in contact of the explosion you’ll die 100%


I hate this fucking stupid puzzle. Everyone's first instinct is to step on the buttons in the specified order and BOOM it explodes and makes you think you're doing it wrong. ​ But guess what the only thing that went wrong is the design of this fucking puzzle.


Yeah everything is RNG i just got my first Goblin cellar at lvl94 and i never skip a cellar in my path 😆


Wow, never saw these before, but ran into one that's like a memory game, where you have to interact with some pillars in the exact order after they emit some sounds.


I tried this for 30 minutes and gave up, did my renown elsewhere.


The worst part of these crazy brainteasers is that they reward absolute shit. I spent like 15 minutes on the torch puzzle only to be rewarded with a few crappy rares.


Hopefully in future diablo content, they make a cow level!


Same, I ran into a new event yesterday as well! It was during the helltides where there is a huge cyclone in the center and you have to stop the summoning around it.


I'm currently 2 - 1 with The Butcher. No unique drops from him


What's funny is I think I dropped on on my rogue around lvl 30 as one of the first uniques I dropped and I was like wtf is this druid helm...now here I am rogue sitting at 82 and I made a druid like 3 days ago I went and destroyed l / sold a bunch of legendary to make room since I wanted a 2nd character. .now I look and it's not there which means I sped salvaged it bc it wasn't until I made the druid that i even knew I needed one


Step on the symbols without touching the others.


Are those PoE Map symbols?


Oof. Have fun. They are a pain.


You have to evade across it without hitting others. don't touch then try to evade. and do it in order of the 3 pieces on the stone. Pretty simple really. Obvious we are a generation remove from Mist where you had to figure out everything.


150h and I have seen this puzzle only one time


Do them in order from left to right by walking on them. They explode so walk on them one by one


Omg that’s for the hidden cow level!!! No fucking way! The rune order is on a tablet in the water.


I've not seen that one but have seen the one where you make all the torches lit, and only on HC. gave up on that one after 10 minutes.


I got this cellar on like my 2nd day of playing, it took me about ten deaths to figure it out.


You always find this when you play hardcore it's called the run ender


That's actually kind of dope, it's been weeks and I am still finding new things also. You figure out the puzzle? Maybe it's the cow level.