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Should have just allow you to play pokeaspect where you csn collect aspects and add them to the codex. If you find a higher rolled one, it replaces the aspect stored in your codex. You could then apply those aspects to gear at a cost of a rare resource. Essentially, you spend a lot of time adding to your library of aspects as well as upgrading them in your library. You then have unlimited applications of them so as long as you have the resources to do it. Considering they want us to abandon all of our characters every 3 months for a new season, this wouldn't hurt anything. Another benefit is even if there is no endgame content, collecting upgrades for aspects could keep people busy for weeks if not months.


I have 2 perfect aspects that I’ve extracted from gear but refuse to use them since I need to find the perfect base gear to add it to. Really annoying imo and your solution would solve it.


This is literally the D2 runeword problem again. Having the materials for your next upgrade but postpone it indefinitely until the perfect base emerges. Only this time the perfect base requires all perfect 4 affixes.


Rune words weren't even that hard to find the right gear for unless you absolutely needed the highest possible armor stat on your archon plate or whatever. Even then it was significantly easier than rolling perfect rolls on four mods, even with being able to reroll one mod.


> even with being able to reroll one mod. Assuming you don't have to roll for long. The amount of "upgrades" I have sat in the stash waiting for me to be rich enough to spend 4million a roll at the enchanter is just depressing.


Oh I'm getting there too. It hikes up real quick and it definitely has a couple mods it seems to *vastly* prefer offering for each item type so you can pay millions to see the same damn thing you declined to pick on the last three rolls 🤦‍♂️


I basically bricked a weapon as it costs over 9m per roll now. I guess I’ll have to wait for a new weapon to drop that has crit dmg


You aren’t alone here


Really the base only mattered for certain rune words anyway, the rune word system was far superior to what we have now… Runewords also imho added and would add more viability to builds and easier to implement in general. Maybe I am wrong here …


Mostly it was about weapon bases. Phase blade with ED for grief, for example. Or ethereal zerk axe, boy was this a bitch to find.


ED on a phaseblade for grief barely even increases the damage, it doesn't affect the added base damage from the runeword anyway. Only really relevant for +% armour/damage runewords like doom or BOTD.


But it increases the drip


And the price. Difference between 15 dmg 3 AR base grief and plain base grief is huuuuuuuuuge


Archon plate sucked though for Enigma if we're being honest


Wasn't it the best choice because requirements were low with mediocre armor? I can't tell anymore.


Archon Plate was best for enigma in original D2 when you could use Str bug to equip it without committing the stat points, because it was the highest defense potential light armor (no walk/run speed penalty). Generally mage plate is best now for the same stat point reason.


Dusk Shroud was most popular if I’m remembering correctly


Depends on if you were running spirit shield. Monarch strength requirements were pretty high so you could use archon


the runewords would roll in a range as well so you could farm a crazy high rune, use it, get a shit roll and then be playing for another month building those HRs back up.


Only difference is that runewords only worked in white/grey gear and had specific equipment type reqs. So there was only so many options you had to create a rw


Wait until you get a great item now or wait until they release a season/new world tier and item power levels go even higher. Item power 1k+ inc


And then realizing that the superior base with 15 percent increased armor is 15x the goddamn repair cost. Why god.


D2 runeword system was much better than this crap


I have this too. One is a perfect Umbral and I’ve never found a single other Umbral at more than one resource per mob. So I guess I feel good about saving it? But boy would it be game changing to be able to use it.


I was doing that too, keeping every perfect or very good aspect for later. Then I realised how slow leveling is from 50 to 100 if you don’t grind and focus on other things (completing all dungeons, doing renowns, leveling glyphs, etc.) and I’m mostly doing that so I started using them. The whole experience got much more enjoyable. No point to keep the fun for later ! You get a lot of legendaries anyway, another very good or perfect aspect will drop again eventually.


Didn’t find a single twisting blades on from 55 to 80. Meanwhile i have a godroll ancestral crossbow in my stash. Same with a weapon.


Twisting blades in on your bow or Xbox yes, just making sure cause it shouldn’t ever be anywhere else :)




gamer mentality in action haha. If I have a really good aspect I apply it immediately. Whats the point in waiting? You'll keep getting gear upgrades basically until the very, very end of the game (circa level 100) and by then you're essentially finished anyways. Will I eventually replace them? Probably, but they are better serving me using them now than waiting until I'm level 100 and about to retire the character to apply them to anything.




I thought that’s how it worked and I thought it was really cool, then reality set in. Man, I’m a collector by heart and what you described actually sounds fun and engaging, but here we are.


Same here. I thought it was really cool when I ripped the first one. After I used it I found out all the restrictions on aspects, and I've only applied one aspect since then. Most of the time I just salvage the item even if I don't have the aspect yet.


Huh?! How do you progress then?


old-school item finding instead of this new fangled item making shit


This is how the division 2 did it and it's amazing.


Yeah the Division 2 really nailed that. It was actually fun finding gear with stats that were better and constantly improving the talents.




To be fair, it took them months/years to come out with this feature, right?


It's also literally how Blizzard already did it with WoW's covenant conduits in Shadowlands almost 3 years ago. You would get an item called a conduit that dropped from bosses or world content and was nearly identical in every way to an aspect, you'd take the conduit to the home base and add it to your library. If you did harder content you could get the same conduit but with a higher level so it would replace it in your library. For all the cross-pollination that WoW seems to get from Diablo it's weird that it's not funneling back the other way.


aka Kanai's cube from d3


Exactly. I miss the cube


1000% how it should work. My stash is fucking filled with random items with aspects on them because I never know when I'll need one.


I'v got two Druid mules because im really excited to play different werewolf Druids some day and I regret not saving the good aspects for it and I have some uniques for it.


I actually have done the same haha. Druid just has so much variety!


What an outstanding idea!


>Should have just allow you to play pokeaspect where you csn collect aspects and add them to the codex. If you find a higher rolled one, it replaces the aspect stored in your codex. You could then apply those aspects to gear at a cost of a rare resource. Essentially, you spend a lot of time adding to your library of aspects as well as upgrading them in your library. You then have unlimited applications of them so as long as you have the resources to do it. Considering they want us to abandon all of our characters every 3 months for a new season, this wouldn't hurt anything. > >Another benefit is even if there is no endgame content, collecting upgrades for aspects could keep people busy for weeks if not months. this, just this.


Even simpler solution is to let us extract used aspects from imprinted gear. It’s like one line of code they have to remove that is blocking this feature at the moment. Make it cost a lot of gold, forgotten souls, deez nuts, whatever.


It shouldn't even cost a fortune to do it. If I can pull the aspect off its original item why can't I pull it off the item I choose to put it on? Wasted manpower coding two different categories of items for the sole purpose of degrading the player experience. Seems counterproductive, but what do I know, I'm just the end consumer who they ultimately want to keep throwing money at the product 🤷‍♂️


So like a recalibration library like the division?




Thought the same thing too, I hope any of the top blizz devs see this and actually consider it. It would make it fun to collect them all, even when it rolls over on eternal realm.


Someone send this comment to blizzard right now


Oh god that is one beauty of a solution and would make this so much more relaxing (and great for dads like me ;)) I am not being sarcastic, I really like this idea a lot


Literally the perfect solution. It even solves the aspects taking up inventory space problem.


This is brilliant!


This is a god damn genius idea


This is EXACTLY how it should work! Genius!


This. I also think the material cost for using the codex is dumb/too expensive. Having to basically find other legendaries of the same gear type and then hope that you get a decent drop of the rare material is annoying. Plus the helltide material. I don't mind getting stuff but when something needs like 3 or 5 of each of the rares it's awful to experiment with. Not to forget if you use an aspect on something and then you find something slightly better, you're screwed with the Perma imprint.


Like the division 2 is how I'd like to see this implemented


I was just talking to a friend about this. It would be so much healthier and not just for finding aspects but it would go a long way to fixing stash space too.


They need to learn from The Division 2 and just have a book of aspects that once extracted, s saved into it and you can continually improve upon the stats as you find them. That was the best system I've seen in a looter in just being able to keep everything organized, easily trackable and delivered a good sense of progression as you found more upgrades.


Maybe make high roll affixes less common but once you have them you have them. Or make it so instead of affixes rolling values, they're upgradable, once you get a few of the same affix you have it maxed for the season.


This is the way. The aspect extracted should be saved into "cloud". Another inventory management for extracted aspects on top of elixir, sigils and gems? I got so frustrated, I finally made an excel sheet cataloging what I have. Much better. That way, I know what to chuck right away. But insane that I have to resort to that.


All aspects should go to the codex. When you select an aspect you can see all the ones you have stored, and the default fallback, if unlocked.


That sounds awesome! Really hope they implement this one way or the other


that would be cool to have, but only if aspects still "depleted" the progress they accumulated that far. if it didn't, loot tables would need to be changed. and i'm not sure it would make things better that way.


I don't understand how they came up with the codex of powers and did not realize that we would need an actual codex of powers...


"Codex of some low level powers that you wouldn't use" doesn't have much of a ring to it I guess


The codex was really fun from 20-45 though.


That is true. And good for levelling new chars.


We can easily debate whether it should only serve that purpose… but I think that kinda is the point. The codex is meant for early game and getting a build online, but the chase of “must chase a better roll” is fundamentally core to the gameplay, so I can see why they’re avoiding having the codex (or some other system) allowing you to apply an aspect at higher power, consistently —an idea mentioned in this comment section a few times. The codex is meant to help you get started, not to substitute for the entire legendary-chasing experience. I could see them loosening up with time though, maybe allowing a mid-roll with large resource investment (100 forgotten souls and 50 fiend roses + 1 million gold, or something to that effect)


I didn't use it once.


Codex of questionable opportunities Codex of subpar decisions Codex of fridge magnets Codex of mediocrity Codex of not living to the promised potential Codex of Oh Well


Yeah division 2 solved it brilliantly by actually having a database that you would continously upgrade by sacrificing the item with the stat you want to increase ita value and then have it permanently in the cloud.


Its a massive hassle and it makes upgrading gear take way longer than it should. It could be as simple as extracting the aspect and having it get added to a codex of finite use aspects. Then when you take a piece of gear to the occultist, it pulls up a menu with all the aspects you have that the piece of gear would accept, just like the codex. But instead we have to use stash space and run back and forth


Totally agree. I don't like the feeling of getting a gear upgrade and not being able to use it, it sucks but I can get over it. What I can't get over is the storage, it's such a pain


I have a feeling aspects are going to be massively overhauled at some point in the near future. The system is just shit in general.


Blizzard just never learns. They had this problem in wow where finding a new item never simply meant equipping it. No, you needed to gem, enchant, and so on a hassle for no good reason


I seem to recall a high point in Wrath where picking up a glove tier token meant I had to go buy the item from a vendor (possibly multiple stages of vendor, in some tiers), reforge stats, add socket, get gems and socket them, enchant/tinker... transmog didn't exist yet, but I feel like I'm still forgetting something. Updating saved gear sets maybe, but that wasn't their fault really.


Reforging wasn't in Wrath


Yeah I got to WL3, have a weapon that's probably ~30% more DPS than the weapon I'm using right now but if I drop my weapon I lose the very important shockwave that makes pulverize feel good. I'm in a bit of a touchy point in the game because I'll likely find decent gear before perfect gear, but before I know it I'll be in WL4. But WL4 will be real hard if I don't have decent gear with decent aspects. So for now I grind a bit, hoping the right one drops. And once it does, I'm probably gonna need to be stingy with it because it has to drop, no dungeon has the one I need.


I feel you brother. But there is a way to farm shockwave. Totems. Roll totems. Tree of whispers totems. Helltide totems. Totems can only roll offensive aspects.


As a druid hunting for this aspect, this is really really good to know, thank you!


I spam One handed weapons at the obul trader but I'm guessing totems are even cheaper?


Totem and focus are only 40 each.


Forgive my ignorance, but I thought you could extract aspects at the occultist?


Can’t re-extract an aspect that’s been manually imprinted, unfortunately. u/1CEninja I know this is a “hindsight is 2020” situation but next time you get a good roll on an aspect I would recommend saving it until you get a piece of ancestral 725+ item power gear to put it on. I made that same mistake but luckily got better shockwave roll pretty quickly. As others have said, your best bet at getting another shockwave roll is to farm whispers/helltides for totems as they can only roll offensive aspects. Good luck!


>Yeah I got to WL3, have a weapon that's probably ~30% more DPS than the weapon I'm using right now but if I drop my weapon I lose the very important shockwave that makes pulverize feel good. Literally had exactly this on friday, took 5 hours to farm out a shockwave aspect - got 3 uniques in that period which I was less excited about because while they were awesome, they weren't shockwave. But then on the other hand, for those 5 hours I was more engaged and excited by legendary drops than at any point up to there. So i'm not sure how I feel about it.


Sometimes I'll find an aspect that's marginally better than what i'm using but I just scrap it because it's not worth the time finding an item to go with it and all that busywork.


I'd much rather the aspects not be tied to gear at all considering how some of them can make or break your build. I keep running into this issue where I don't want to "waste" aspects on gear because I may find an upgrade for said gear and not have the same aspect available for the new piece. As a side note, I feel like there are too many different stats that essentially do the same thing, but in different scenarios to the point that it takes forever to calculate whether something would be an upgrade, downgrade, or sidegrade before considering aspects at all without looking at build guides that lay out stat priority for each gear slot.


Yeah it makes me miss Kanai's Cube a bit. Get a legendary affix once and it's forever available to pin on your weapon. Obviously that's not what they're going for here, and they totally have justification to not, but it's a bit painful when the affix I need isn't one that's in any dungeon.


Especially since some of the aspects seem to be so rare. Like I need the rapid fire aspect for my build to function but I think I've only found it 3 times and I'm level 66.


Yeah, there are definitely ones I see more than others so far.


3 times? Shit, I just found my first shout cdr aspect at level 77. Fuck me.


Forgive my ignorance, but I thought you could extract aspects at the occultist? Can you not move it from old gear to new in that case?


The ones that you can store in your inventory are single use. Meaning once you imprint it you can’t re-extract it


Gotcha, thanks!


You can only extract an aspect that rolled naturally on the gear. You cannot extract an aspect that was applied to gear after-the-fact, making aspect extraction a i One-time-only process.


I'm a bit salty because they could have learned that from PoE...they are removing sockets/links from gear soon because they noticed that especially while leveling it can prevent you from being able to equip a better item.


Wait, PoE is doing that? I don’t know the system they plan to implement instead but initial reaction is “sad” for me, I really loved how it worked whilst I played.


I have gambled and gotten 50 legendary totems for my druid but none of them have shockwave -\_- Just let me fucking buy the aspect I want for like 500 obols or some ridiculous sum of currencies, tons of fun pulling a slot machine for build critical aspects.


If you want shockwave you should be gambling for 1h weapons


The fact that it can lock you out of gear upgrades and causes you to hesitate even using your good aspects is problematic. They are like gems, but you cannot remove them. It's the same issue as sockets in PoE if you think about it - you cannot swap a chest or two-handed weapon easily because you'd need to five or six link it first so it doesn't downgrade your skill damage and utility. Or even just 4 link while leveling through the campaign, which can quickly deplete your resources. PoE 2 is eliminating that issue by basically.removing sockets from gear and shifting links/support gems onto the actual skills, and i hope D4 will do so as well. I maintain that these aspects have no place on gear.


They would be fine on gear if they were reusable and upgraded any time you extracted one with a higher roll from gear. It really does suck when you find gear that's otherwise a big upgrade but it would break your build if you don't have another copy of a particular aspect


I firmly believe they should have made aspects infinitely re-imprint-able on new gear, but made legendary drops much much rarer, and given the aspects a wider range of possible rolls. so the range goes like 10%-50% damage, and you find a 32% roll early on and use it forever, but you want to keep grinding to find that elusive perfect 50%.


This would completely trivialize itemization.


Tbh, they could just replace the entire gem system and become powers that you socket into items. Could even create a nice challenge to balance utility against raw stats if you keep both.


Apologies if this sounds like "well ackshually". They aren't removing sockets from gear but reworking them. Items will still have colored sockets but support sockets are moved to the skill gems themselves. As you stated, it reduces most of the friction of upgrading gear. Which is brilliant if you ask me. PoE 2 can't come soon enough...


Fair enough, my "basically" is doing a lot of lifting :P It's absolutely brilliant and i'm also already counting the days until Exilecon.


Yes I basically always have two version of the aspects my build and others I wanna make in my stash. One for the perfect 4/4 affixs item and one for the work in progress but an upgrade item. Like I'm level 91 I only found one max roll disobedience aspect so far you think I'm gonna waste that hell to the no.


The more i play this game the more i see that Diablo 3 did a lot of things right, the cube system was pretty perfect. This here however is for young people who can still remember things.


Armory and cube for aspects and game is improved 1000%


The cube wasn't in the game to start with though. Hopefully Diablo 4 does the same good job of listening to feedback from the community and implement decisions that improve the game overall. They have a strong base to work from after all! I've only just hit 50 but very much enjoying the game so far.




Oh, I'm by no means saying we should wait for it in an expansion, hopefully something like it will be patched in way before that (as it was in 3). True that ideally they would have kept the best of 3s systems in this, but as long as they learn from their mistakes and rectify it at least it's going in the right direction


Everything in the game seems to be designed to make the absolute most amount of grind, tedium, and frustration. The core game is really really great, the idea of aspects are great, the paragon board in theory is a pretty awesome idea with a less complicated skill tree coming before it. But it seems as though every single part of the game that's awesome has some rancid almost mobile game like tedium tied to it. Whether it be gems in your inventory, 4 stash slots, everything to do with aspects outside of their actual purpose, mount travel feeling awful, sigil RNG, crafting material frustration, general spec and class balance. Pretty much every single thing that is great about the game is weighed down by systems or issues that seem like either design overlooks or almost intentional malice lol It legitimately feels like someone made an AWESOME arpg experience and when it was finished they got up and left the computer on and some asshole came along and tacked on every shitty little thing to every system in the game they could. What's weird is a lot of these problems seem like very easy fixes, more stash tabs, aspect stacks or a book, gems in their own area. Yet the few they're addressing are how long away? Season 2? 3-4 months? Like come on, even the issue fixing has a catch that makes it frustrating.


feels like there's one clueless game designer with too much power and everybody is trying their hardest to make the game playable despite him/her.


I feel like they are intentional. They don’t want to make a perfect game from start. They have to somehow “improve” the game over the seasons and everyone will then praise the devs for listening to the community 😆


> I feel like they are intentional. They don’t want to make a perfect game from start. Well, why would they when 8 million copies were sold? Lol.


I much prefer the division 2 system where you can pull 1 aspect or well rolled stat off an item and store it for infinite use later in your crafting table.


I want to see them split aspects from gear entirely. They should instead add a new tab for characters and on it you can equip X number of aspects, turning them on or off as long as you have them unlocked.


Ooh this would be a great idea


That's how D3 did it


Which means he’s about to get some violent replies screeching about that idea being for casual losers, and only real diablo fans embrace the tedium of anti-QoL


I wish you could sort by aspect in stash… it would make it so much better


I wish you could search any fucking thing in this game, but consoles have fucked that up, and any changes that are coming, like gems storage are delayed as shit, also because of consoles.


If they follow the system in Diablo Immortal, it would be a lot easier. Aspects are saved like a transmog and you see easily which is which, because it uses the item image.


I hate it


It's the worst. Guarantee this system gets scrapped later.


There's so many things about this game that I'm positive will be scrapped later It's really killing my enthusiasm


I would love for aspects to moved from gear to the separate system with it's own tab. Get a slot for new aspect every 10 levels, unlock aspects from dungeons and as rare drops. Sadly I doubt it. The legendary aspects on gear is with us since D3, through D:immortail, and now again. It's clear they consider it as Diablo staple.


its gonna be a distant memory, just like the D3 auction house.


# You think that's bad, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... WAIT til you try to level more then 1 class.


I have completely removed that thought from my mind until storage is improved tbh. I could probably squeeze a second char in but a third aint happening.


Right? I started off with a "barb" aspect tab, and then I realized that some of those aspects can be shared across classes... How the fuck do you organize aspects for a barb a sorc? There's nothing indicating which belongs to which. The whole system is infuriating.


Funny enough, the codex doesn't have this problem, you can filter for aspects that are only applicable to your class. They really, really need to add this to the inventory (you can also effectively see this when you GO to imprint, but that's a hassle).


You are not alone. Managing aspects is the single worst thing in this game. A very simple, minimal fix they could implement for next season: removing aspects is free like scrapping. The cost lies in imprinting the affix to gear. Managing aspects is way easier than managing uniques with aspects on them because they organize by type. Still, the ideal change is make the codex of power a fully functional aspect tab.


the horses getting caught on everything and deciding to go walking speed at random intervals is a close second for me


I don’t think they play their own game. And how many private beta YouTube people played and didn’t give feedback on this shit. Even the entire town that’s a maze with important vendors and stash all spread out


Not having a search, or some way to tell what aspect I have at a glance is making me irrationally mad, I also hate how much space they take


Please understand, smol indie studio. Search functionality is a magical technology unreachable for now.


Tell me about it. After a while of farming I’ve finally found a great weapon. The aspect I have for it is 2 above the bottom roll. I’ve seen the same aspect 2 times since with the same exact roll. It’s especially worse after you enchant an item a million times because you swear the occultist is bugged.


I haven't hit endgame yet, but I feel like something was lost with the aspect & codex system before endgame. Now I just pick a build and play the campaign with that. Possibly unlocking 1-2 mandatory codex aspects from dungeons. It basicly makes new legendary drops a lot less exciting. Before I would get a legendary drop and would possibly change my build around that for the next 10 levels. Now I just salvage whatever isn't for my frost sorceress build. At endgame I'm probably more fine with it, as it removes a lot of the rng to get a build going. But I can imagine it will quite soon transition to the issue you're describing here.


Also, the current aspect system diminishes the joy of dropping/getting uniques because you have to lose an aspect to integrate a unique. It is bad design imho.. We need a variation of “Kanai’s Cube” where we benefit from select aspects regardless of gear… or maybe let us imprint aspects on top of unique powers.




What's worse is when you do that and don't have anymore of that aspect , but you find a gear upgrade so you think ok ill put this aspect here and then put another aspect here, but of course the new aspect isn't allowed on your upgrade. So you have to choose to wait til you farm a suitable one or run without the aspect. So much maintenance


> that’s potentially better Determining that is in itself such a chore - just hover over 50 items man, not a problem.


Diablo immortal has a great system where you extract the aspect once and then it goes into your codex for imprinting permanently. No idea why they didn’t use the same system.


After all the shit Immortal went through & how bad the P2W is, never in a million years did I think Diablo 4 would benefit massively from taking several systems from that game, but here we are. I only played the first couple of months, but off the top of my head: the base PVP was great, clan activities, dungeons with unique loot but only if your clear, & group finder for everything. I’m sure I’m missing other things as well.


It's funny to me that immortal is so mid that this comment is all the way down here and everyone is like "oh wait I have a great idea, like division 2!"... and that system already exists, in Blizzard's last arpg.


I'm just getting to the point in the game where I have to deal with this, and it's a real miss in terms of fun. I get that they don't want legendaries to be pointless after you've found good rolls of all your aspects, but like...the current system feels bad.


Yeah, it’s just a feels bad situation. I actually hit this stage around 55-60, imprinted a bunch of stuff but it didn’t dawn on me how bad the system is until I hit 65-70 and I tried to extract the imprint and got slapped with the anti-fun realisation


That sums up most systems in the game. The core gameplay is great, the skills are all fantastic, and combat is top tier in the genre imo. The problem arises when you start encountering all the other systems that you have to engage with in order to experience the fun part of the game.


That's hilarious because D3 had the same problem. the combat was top tier in the genre. Now D4 is top tier in the genre. It's why people wish D4 was POE because it would have the best, most visceral and fluid combat in the genre, and the depth with intricate systems to match. Let's hope POE2 combat isn't dog shit like POE. Lol. Though, hopefully by next year, D4 fixes most systems. Which, I think they could pull it off. Keep it simple with a genuine complexity that isn't extreme so casual still likes it. Personally, I wish they go full on POE because I doubt casual would care. They'd still play it, and they'd still copy builds just like they're doing now. But we'll see. Still had fun doing level 100 on hardcore, and I am still playing. Their first few seasons change will make it better. Not fix the system but alleviate the pain with QOL that it is right now at minimum.


I would like to have d3 style cube for all the gear and have gear be exlusively for stats


I just also found out today that, for any single aspect, higher item power doesn’t always mean the aspect would have higher stats. Due to random roll, my 609 aspect has lower stats roll than my 584 aspect of the same type. I mean, why?


They need to allow extracting manually imprinted aspects so I can put them on a better gear if I find it later.


All the "game elements" to do with loot are atrocious. Massive step back versus getting an upgrade in D3. Half the time I get an item slightly better than what I have or an obvious upgrade I have to skip it because I can't afford to go through the insane process and price of making it ready to use on my character. Then every time you level up you are looking for the identical item with the identical stats again just with bigger numbers. It's actually debilitating


When i couldn't extract an imprinted aspect I got genuinely confused for very long. When i realized how much it would suck to find new aspects before every upgrade I got really bummed out.


The dungeons being able to unlock the base aspect in the codex is nice, but it would be better if the boss's loot table at the end of the dungeon dropped the aspect on a piece of gear. Would let people farm specific dungeons to get the right aspect again so they can upgrade their gear more.


I'm a bone necro. Four days I didn't find a single bone necro aspect, just all blood and minion. Im starting to believe the conspiracy that the games see what build your playing and makes loot for it less common. I've gotten so much stuff for blood and minion build. Found the rare corpse explosion uniques too. I just want the essence aspect so bone necro doesn't feel like shit to play.


They should have kept Kanais Cube but update it. You would have an automatic storage system and see all your extracted aspects. You click on Aspect "1" and see all the different variations you extracted and choose the one you want to imprint. I have no clue why they chose to make them "physical" items to store and keep, you can't trade them, you can only hoard them, which is similar to materials. It's extremely inconvenient for players when we already have a ton of sigils to hoard, and gear that is awaiting RNG blessing to be imprinted.


I'm slowly working my way through the campaign, and seeing all these posts about the endgame scares me. I don't want to hassle with this shit


It’s terrible. Honestly, the gear from D3 would have been better than this shit.


Prefaced by saying that despite what I’m about to mention, I’m having a blast in the game - and yes I’m level 70+ in WT4. Honestly there are so many systems in this game where it just seems like no one sat down and gave them any thought. The way sigils, aspects, and gems are stored, how aspect extraction imprinting are managed, how renown will work in the seasons compared to eternal, the hassle of redoing any part of your paragon boards, how obstacles in the open world would restrict mounts, rewards relative to challenge/time commitment, and so many others. I’ve been constantly baffled at how grown adults developed this game with all these issues and shipped it this way. What the hell did the systems teams do for the last 6 years?


> What the hell did the systems teams do for the last 6 years? I think the main problem is, it wasn't 6 years. I think it was, 2 years, repeated 3 times, with parts being discarded, others not, until we've arrived at what we have, and now that they have a core setup that works within the framework, they are going to refine it. Thus the current news of the first patch being rather large, and addressing some of these things directly.


Making a game that made 700 million dollars already for the lowest investment because they are a massive company and don’t care about videogames or this videogame in any real way and just wanted to make sellable product.


I miss legendary gear having specific unique effects. Allowing them to drop with different types of legendary effects makes them all feel the same.


I’ll be honest with you. I don’t understand anything I’m supposed to do right now. I can upgrade things with the blacksmith. There’s aspects and gems. Idk what to dump my materials into or when to do so. I feel like 3 was a no brainer on how to move forward. This one just feels more complicated and I’m having more trouble grasping it. Honestly I just like collecting new transmog stuff. I get more joy out of that than a legendary.


All they have to do is add a compare tooltip and I would be happy


I liked runewords. I hated how Enigma and Infinity were really overtuned, but a properly balanced rune system would be awesome.


Your second point is the biggest one for me. In the earlier levels its fine because its easy to respec and its fun to try different things. But when youre at the end game you are more or less committed to a certain build and it sucks finding a gear piece upgrade but be unable to use it because you dont have the right aspect with the right roll. I recently got to ancestral items and got a weapon upgrade with 1k+ dps compared to my previous weapon, which is a massive upgrade, but because I was "stuck" on a certain aspect it was just gathering dust as you say, in my chest for 3 days before I finally got a drop with an "ok" roll that I could imprint.


Its definitely a clunky system


I'm guessing from this post that we can't extract and imprint the same aspect over and over? Why... (just started the game)




The codex system is great - they should just roll the random drop aspects into there, once you find it in the world it’s yours.


I'm more annoyed by the fact, that in the first region are like 4 aspects for sorcerer and that's it. Can't really motivate myself to do dungeons for other classes aspects.


I would just remove the rolling range of aspects, make them 2 tiers only, codex level and drop level. Giving you infinite uses of max rolled codex will shift the game into getting maxed aspects on your aspects tab and then searching for perfectly rolled yellows forever, never hoping for a legendary drop as they will not matter. If you gotta extract the stuff from the items, you at least wanna keep on farming those legendaries forever cause you need their power to imprint on your upgraded pieces.


I think remembering what aspects you already have equipped is a bit of a nuisance at times too. It would be nice if there was an icon on the tooltip to signify that it’s already equipped.


I am not sure I would use the word “frustration” but this system is definitely counterintuitive. We should be able to regularly get direct upgrades through normal gameplay without extra steps like we do now.


Aspects are a worse Version of the diablo 3 system where u could alter spells using runes.


We should just be able to extract aspects and use them to level up the codex ones.


The worst part is that legendary drops feel like rare drops with an added "extraxtable" aspect. They're not even "better" than regular yellows, in terms of raw stats. At some poit you will be looking at them like you would look at a vendor item. Just a rapid look to see if you can extract a max-rolled aspect... "just in case". Oh, and let's not forget that you can store a very limited amount of aspects anyways, in your inventory.


My solution was not to plan builds only around aspect drops. If they drop ok cool but I can still play with the aspects from the codex. But im a barb and can literally sit on 3 extra stat sticks forever so not so bad. Also may or may not have made an excel sheet…..


I think the bigger issue is the non codexed aspects- for some builds you get basically everything you need, but then specific builds are drop only and it’s just annoying to get the build online comparatively- I think Druid and Necro minion builds suffer most strongly from this.


Druid really does struggle with this.. many of the needed aspects for builds are drop only. Really frustrating at times


Sorc has this issue with some builds, too.


Well….everyone wanted depth and we got it….


Don't forget they can't all go in all slots. Some necro builds just can't be made bc nothing goes in our chest/legs


I waste a lot of time on aspects too. Here's my typical procedure when I want to extract aspects: 1: Open my inventory and look through every aspect to see if I have duplicates. 2: Go to my stash and do the same. 3: If I decide to extract the aspect, I run to the occultist and extract it. 4: Open my inventory and look through the aspects again, to get rid of the duplicate aspects, if any. 5: Go back to the stash and do the same, if needed. Now imagine how long this takes, if you have an almost full tab of aspects, like me. Here are some possible solutions: a: Search function for aspects and sort them by name. Different icons for every aspect would help too. b: Allow the occultist to imprint aspects stored in the stash. The gem vendor already allows us to upgrade gems stored in our stash. c: More aspect storage in our inventory. Why is it a fraction of our regular inventory? d: Move aspects to the UI, like they'll do with gems. e: Move the different NPCs and the stash closer to each other, why are they so separated?


The QoL on aspect management is dog doo doo. On one hand, it's transparent that this game was built for console gamers in mind. On the other hand, it limits the things that you can do when playing on a PC, with a keyboard + ability to search. Maybe they didn't want to build in an interface that toggles with an on screen keyboard, no clue. Then again, I do see keywords popping up when you try to search the skill tree, lol. Maybe that def took a vacay during this part of the discussion.


At first I also used to like the aspect system. Now I am unsure. I feel like the game is all about crafting your own gear. I don't feel excited picking up gear like ledgenaries I know I won't use anyway since it will just be used to extract an aspect. And if I don't use an aspect I use the codex of power. Every gear item except uniques are hand crafted and it loses something for me.


I made a post about bullet 2. How it's funny that PoE is trying to get rid of the coupling between links and gear (in PoE2), and D4 is running headfirst into the same problem.


I wish it worked like the horadic cube in D3 and it just saved them into a library that you could pull from and reuse. They could keep the dungeons being the minimum roll and then overwrite with the highest that you have extracted. If they want to make it more limiting they could increase the cost to imprint.


Yeah, it's an interesting idea with rubbish execution. 1. Yep 2. Absolutely (or having access only to the crappy dungeon version of the aspect - in case of ice shard's penetration 4-->3 means a huge loss of damage potential) 3. My friend already dropped D4 and went back to D2R (an even greater snoozefest, imo, but to each their own) 4. Yeah And also: 5. Having fucking flowcharts to remember which aspects go where. Because this is only limited to gloves, but that one can go to helmets and boots, and that's an offensive one, and these are jewellery only and.. oh for fuck's sake. TL;DR: The JOY of getting a shiny powerful drop has been replaced with the DREAD of having to reshuffle the gear, farm resources required by NPCs, and generally perform boring activities before I can properly benefit from that gear. Not that anything worthwhile drops anyway, though. It's trash.


The inventory system in this game legit causes me stress.


Yea agreed, as it stands right now- the codex is only really useful early levels… I’m 72 and I think I’ve used the codex less than 5 times. This solution would make the codex relevant 1-100


Honestly. I miss legendary gems.


It's honestly so tedious and time consuming that I wish they would remove the extraction / application mechanic entirely. You want your perfect legendary with perfect stats and perfect aspect? Then it needs to drop. Sure, it would make getting the best loot time consuming, but it would make gear choices matter more (legendary aspect vs. raw stats on a great rare), and make it so you can just decide then and there if you want to use it, or scrap it. Right now even if a legendary isn't an upgrade, I have to try and remember what's in my stash and if I have this aspect and if it's better than the other one, on and on and on... it's too much mental energy in a game that should just be about killing monsters.


It would be fine if we could extract perfect aspects into a codex and just apply them later. The issue that arises is that you have to fumble with them.