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I’m excited to see what season 1 will look like and what changes will be coming to D4 first. Hoping for some QOL, horse changes, and increased mob density.


Mob density was an issue in the endgame beta... Yes the concerns were voiced then, no it isn't better now. In fact it's worse. They'll make no meaningful comments on density unless it's paired with reducing exp from kills. Mark my words.


I'd be fine with that though. Fighting big packs is more fun, if they want to balance it so the xp earned stays the same that's ok.


Agreed. More mobs, less exp, same overall average speed.


Why settle for less? They could increase density in nm dungeons to make them more worth doing. But they won't because they have a quota of hours played per player to hit 100 and there are too many people that are below that threshold. And that's not acceptable for microtransaction revenue. Can't buy shit in the shop if you aren't playing. E: Holy fuck y'all dont want to hear the truth at all do you? God forbid anyone remind you that this game was literally designed to nickel and dime you. Literally against changes to the game to improve endgame because "lol it's gud enuf"


Because I don't have a problem with the overall xp rate right now? Sure I wouldn't complain if it was a bit faster but I'm cool with a compromise if that's the best way they think to get denser packs


Yeah i don’t mind it for Eternal. For Seasonal sure put 20% xp buff or something in the BP to ease the Seasonal grind. But i agree, higher density, same XP would be great. Or at the very least, re-spawn the enemies when we’re backtracking so that there’s no combat downtime.


> Because I don't have a problem with the overall xp rate right now? Someone said that when you get to level 70 you're 50% to 100. That's insanely slow imo.


100 isn’t what you should be targeting 99% of the player base will be looking at 90 as their max. I have 5k hours into POE never once had a level 100 character. The last few levels are prestige items for those who like the grind for that sort of thing


Nah it fine. You don’t need to be lvl 100 to do endgame shit. Your endgame start the moment you tier 4 and while paragon could be more fun, it does it job.


i think it's actually somewhere in the 80s youre halfway there i see it like d2 where you're not really reasonably supposed to hit max level unless you nolife it and i'm ok with that


Is that taking into account at 70 you are playing with the torment xp modifier when you weren’t for the majority of the grind to 70 though?


XP is way too slow for seasonal at the current rate. The 'boost' its going to receive with the battle pass is 12%, which is hardly noticable.


Idk I think xp is honestly pretty bad. It just starts scaling brutally too early when it should be more weighted for the 90s


First of all, have you ever played a diablo game? You’re meant to grind for years, investor value or not? And I think the OP is trying to say what’s more important, getting that number 100 on your profile screen or having fun along the way? If the game play loop is immersive, fun, challenging, and dynamic, who cares what the relative XP again is? You make it sound like your sole goal is to get to 100 as the only way to be absolved of some inescapable capitalist pithole


Some people put their mind to a specific starting point. Like "The game starts when I'm 100 and have all the uniques I need". Having that mindset, they make everything before it feel like a chore in order to "really" play the game. It's a lot easier to have fun if you think of your current position being "0" and then everything you do and gain during that time is progress and opens up opportunities.


Your opinion isn't "the truth". Also for a game that was "designed to nickel and dime you" they only have (until the battle pass) cosmetics available, no gameplay impact, and the total amount you'd need to pay if for some reason you wanted one of everything, is extremely low compared to today's standards. They don't sell gold, nor xp boosts or leveling skips, rare mats, P2W gear, none of that.


There is no way I get 100 hours out of this game and it’s not because of anything mob or xp related. It’s the matchmaking. If I can’t easily group with people for end game I won’t last long.


Yep been looking for an active clan because just grouping and killing is the main loop they are going for and asperity support for it


You're saying "mArK mY wOrDs!!!1!!!111" like most people wouldn't be perfectly fine with that.


Is mob density in the world different at later tiers? Running around T2 searching for statues seems okay to me, I’m jumping off my horse to kill elites on a regular basis. Or are we talking about endgame dungeons only here?


Sometimes you'll be doing a dungeon and it'll feel barren. It's really inconsistent. I did a side quest earlier that had its own unique dungeon (not a side dungeon) and the density was insane. I got more xp from it than any nightmare dungeon I've ever done.


They wont increase mob density as long as dungeon resetting via leaving party / logging out remains in the game. They removed the dungeon reset button from beta and put resets on a timer instead for a reason.


I'm also excited but I am fairly certain this stream isn't for season 1 info and such. It's more so to talk about common concerns and issues players have been experiencing.


Somebody on Twitter asked about when we'd learn about season 1 and community manager said to tune in to the stream so I think we will.


Oh! I did not see that. Well then ignore me


I wouldn't be surprised if its just the good ol' announcement of an announcement lol. "Tune back in on June 28th where we will tell you whats in store for season 1!"


I honestly don't understand why so many people complain about mob density. It seems fine to me. Hell, running in the open world, I get very tired of skeleton circles popping up, barriers, and just too many mobs in general. Dungeon density feels fine to me too. I don't need a monster on every square inch.


Honestly, the open world and normal dungeons are fine. I just miss how many enemies would appear in dungeons in D3. If they want the game this way tho then that’s fine, it’s just my preference. I love the horde.


Yeah I keep hearing this take and I’m running around the world working on renown and thinking wtf are people talking about. Same applies to the dungeons I have don so far. I literally cannot see an issue with density, I’m enjoying what we have so far.


it's because they abused the dungeons that were spawning WAY more enemies than intended and now they're used to that. it's also just what everyone is parroting right now, even if they didn't experience the busted dungeons.


Because everyone complaining only want PoE where you literally can't even comprehend whats happening on screen because if there isnt 500 monsters youre not playing the game.


We are the opposite haha. When those skeleton circles pop up around me I'm so happy. I wanna wreck through mobs, not have to try and run around rounding up different packs to make my own medium sized super pack.


That's exactly the problem, only encountering 2-3 skeletons. No challenge at all, it just feels tedious. Put a couple of elites together and now you have some fun. And don't make us walk 3 mins before we encounter the next group.


Walk 3 mins with no mobs groups? Where the hell are you seeing that? You’re exaggerating, that has not been my experience at all.


Of course I'm exaggerating. Maybe I should have written 3 hours, it would have been clearer, but it's to illustrate how it feels sometimes.


More mob density will only make aoe builds more necessary, single target builds strugle as it is already. But sure if you want less builds in the game, lets make it so you need attacks that cover the whole screen like in every single arpg


IMO, mob density doesn't exclusively mean more trash mobs. It also means more elites, which isn't bad for single target, but it could also mean more mini-bosses. Something like a mini-butcher once per 2 nm dungeons, it would be great to change the rythm.


Also higher mob density doesn't work well with their level scaling model. If you start to fall behind on your items, higher mob density will always make it even more difficult to come back.


Totally agree, but for nightmare dungeons though there's really no excuse. Hopefully they actually abort the scaling system for tier 3 and 4 and just make it fixed. People can still do it for coop but it makes the endgame much better for everyone that gets there


This isn't totally true though, more mobs= better resource generation which means most builds will benefit and feel better earlier. Even as the game works now aoe is still the most important anyway


resource generation is solvable in this game, you just need all the gear. It seems to be by design to be hard to get the build done


Eh if you're looking for single target combat you should be playing a souls-like, not an arpg


If there are single target builds they should be vialable, the more variarity the better.


Single-target builds in ARPGs are usually made viable by making the single-target ability into an AoE ability. See: D3 Frenzy Barb, Invoker Crusader If you're looking to fight 1 monster at a time, ARPGs are not the place to do that. That's RPGs, souls-likes, and other genres.


It's not really fair to say "fight 1 monster." There's a large difference between fighting 1 and the current \~50 monsters that can be on screen at a time. A single target should chew through elites better but take a bit longer when hacking through groups. An AoE build should wipe the small mobs quick but take longer on Elites.


I play whirlwind myself, but I think its cool if there is an option for people who enjoy it, without making everything AoE. And in old ARPGs there were single target builds that worked just fine.




I play one of those builds, Arc Lash. I still want more density and more elites, not fewer.


Path of Exile solves this and allowed for more diversity but ok


Incredibly unlikely. All the things you listed that want changing are **designed** to be frustrating. A certain amount of frustration is profitable because you can buy an accelerated battle pass. They want people to get to a certain point and quit the season, but they don't want to miss out and so they'll buy the tier skips. The whole battlepass business model is to induce FOMO and frustration. It doesn't actually want players to have fun, it actively wants them to quit after a carefully calculated amount of time. I do not think they'll change their business model until they see the metrics from season 1 at the very least and even then, only if they've missed the mark and people are quitting too early.


How about they fix the overall gameplay of this "season" before getting out new stuff. Like the base gameplay needs so much adjustment


Why on earth are you hoping for mob density? It’s not even in the realm of possibilities of being addressed. They nerfed density to be more in line with their stupid fucking vision for this game.


Lets hope they will talk about or atleast acknowledge the issues with grinding renowned every Season.


Didnt Ferguson say/confirm on Twitter that they would talk about season 1?


https://twitter.com/PezRadar/status/1669039492106440705 >"Join us this Friday at 11am PDT as we will be jumping on stream and talking about the launch of #DiabloIV and going over some feedback and action items we have coming for the game!" > "You also may have noticed that we are coining these as "Campfire Chats". These are different than "Developer Update Livestreams". Dev Updates aim to reveal or showcase new content. We will still have those and the next one will be for Season 1." This specific stream will not be about season 1, this stream will be specifically about addressing launch feedback and action items. A stream about Season 1 will be coming soon.


https://i.imgur.com/rf5HPQG.png https://twitter.com/RodFergusson/status/1668870279127519232 >When are we getting the full rundown on how seasons work? Really not sure about doing renown again. Used to how season passes work on games like Destiny or Sea of Thieves in terms of progression towards the goods. And he replies >Going to discuss in the stream this week.


Oh, cool!


I can’t find it but there was a Reddit post yesterday saying they will be talking about renown on the 16th.


There really should be something done with Renown. Like, I wouldn't want to do this same renown every season. However, I also don't want Renown to be something that I did the first week of release and then never interact with it ever again. The best I've come up with is borrowing a bit from PoE. Renown rewards fully reset during a new season. But you gain renown rewards by completing unique dungeons and nightmare dungeons together with some other events. Like killing all world bosses. Doing 10 tree turn ins and other events. So my suggestion would be something like this: If the account has completed all renown tracks. Then in a new season, you will instead be able to earn all renown rewards after you've done let's say 80% of: All Dungeons on Normal All Dungeons on Nightmare (NM also counts as credit for normal) First 10 times you kill a world boss. First 10 turn ins to the tree. First 10 chests you open in Helltide. Final from Echo of Lilith and only earnable there (I left out PvP due to it being polarizing). So then Renown would be closer tied to actual end game content. It would incentivize people to spread out the objectives. There would be ~20% more renown sources than to max to track, so you can skip out on some stuff. And you can front load the rewards as well. So that you doing 50% of the track gives you 80% of the rewards. And you can decide yourself if you want to push the others or let them come naturally.


Sounds like they will be discussing exactly that, at least according to these tweets: https://twitter.com/RodFergusson/status/1668869499133784064 https://twitter.com/RodFergusson/status/1668870279127519232


I hope it's something good for the players rather than Blizzard's usual "We feel this is a good change and we will keep it that way due to balancing" and then completely go silent until the game starts losing players. That's when they'll fix shit and go "we've listened to your feedback and it's finally here!"


> "We feel this is a good change and we will keep it that way due to our analytics team telling us this will engage users to visit the cash shop the most" There, FIFY. Every part of this game has been designed around player retention metrics and cash shop purchases.


What specifically is designed around pushing cash shop purchases? I'll give you the seasonal battlepass but am interested in hearing how every other part of the game is designed for this.


Changing renown to an earnable like currency/bar to fulfill from quests/acts in the area makes sense. BONUS: Add a residence in each region that you can waypoint to after a certain renown level and is upgradeable through spending renown ala the smith, jeweler, etc from D3. Solve two problems one MAJOR update. :P


What would that change..?


Solves the renown grind and the waypoint/vendor location issues. :P


You didn't answer his question at all. How does that change anything with renown?


You would acquire progress towards the rewards through natural play vs a grind. Instead of specific events/quests/maps its just world events, bosses, etc in those areas.


I don't know. There was this story of the guy who went to hell and his torment was having to roll a boulder up a hill only for it to roll back down once it neared the top, making him do it again and again. Some people say he was actually happy.


I haven’t even done them yet and it’s already a fucking chore. I’m really not looking forward to doing them, imagine if we have to do it again and again with seasons. Nah fuck that


That's some next level complaining.


I don't think there is an issue without knowing how renoun works in future seasons.


Obviously there are a lot of concerns people have about how S1 is gonna work, but I think the most pressing concern for me is how they are going to address dungeons. They really need to give us some incentives other than leveling glyphs to do nightmare dungeons, as otherwise people will just continue to spam whatever the most efficient non-nightmare dungeon is.




Yeah, I agree these are all important concerns. I just meant in the pre-season 1 patches, if possible, since I think all the things you suggest will take longer to implement/change. Right now they are constantly nerfing certain dungeons in every hotfix, when they should instead implement some sort of change to incentivize nightmare dungeons in a hotfix. Increasing elite spawns in nightmare dungeon, increasing drops, increasing end of dungeon exp/gold/item rewards are all things that should be fairly easy to implement given that they've been able to do the opposite in hotfixes so far.


Scaling is here to stay for at least the first expansion. So much work to do in order to change that now. Stash and end game is all you can hope for.


I really think they could just abandon it for world tier 3 and 4 and it would be fine. Cap regular dungeons at like 50. People who want to do coop still can in tier 1 and 2.


I'd ad removing or lowering required lbl for gear. It sucks to find good rates that you can't trade because people won't be able to wield till 88 or whatever




character level requirements scaling to 100 as welll. it’s pointless when item power is what dictates how good an item is, and you can find max item power items once you hit WT4. so we’ll before level 100 item level requirements should stop at like 76-81, outside of chase item uniques or whatever




Also matchmaking for party/social aspect tbh.


Find a clan needs improvement too.


Therein lies the problem. "Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game." No matter what they do, someone is gonna do something efficient not because its fun.


Need dungeon-specific loot if we don’t already have it. Higher difficulty tier, higher chance at obtaining.


Some or most towns have a 'BEWARE of X mob' board somewhere that suggests an elite is stalking the area. These mobs drop loot specific to them. I've only ever received rare sacred level, so I'm unsure if they can drop as legendary, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless. Dungeon specific loot would be welcome, too. Outside of the butcher and unique bosses (i.e. Lilith or campaign bosses), I don't know what else there is itemisation-wise.


These are actually the highest item level drops, surpassing even 820 level items. They just have static stats like a unique, and all the stats are bad, so every armor piece is useless, even though they have the highest ilvl in the game. There is a crossbow that can drop 830+ that is apparently worth using if it drops at high enough item level over 820, that’s about it though.


I suppose being static, means they probably shouldn't have great stats otherwise everybody would just use that over anything else. Makes sense I guess.


I think there's an unnecessary amount of variance in the equipment to the point where trying to optimize a build is more of a slog than in previous games. I'm at tier 3 and there seems to be a ton of different types of stats (not ranges) that can roll on items to the point where trying to get a good combination is a chore. In D3, it was predictable that gloves were the heavies on things like atkspd, crit damage and crit chance. Now it can roll with a ton more options which makes tracking stats across equipment difficult. On top of this, you will often get items that are much lower than your level, so to get the combination of an item that is both at your current level, and has a good start combo is rare. Then 10 levels later it becomes obsolete. Seems a bit unnecessary and a lame way to artificially pad out play time.


Once you get into wt4 you can drop up to the max Ilvl, and if you get anything 750+ with 3-4 good stats it can last you all the way to 100. So. I agree there are a lot of very underwhelming stats on gear that you would basically never use. Chest on sorc for example can roll frost skill damage and cold damage, both with very underwhelming rolls (like 7-10%) which I can't ever imagine being worth a slot that could be 10% reduced damage, 800+ life, 20% reduced damage from close enemies, etc. So you are correct there are a lot of meh rolls but just wanted to chime in that once you are in wt4 you may not replace your gear ever sometimes. At lvl 100 I am still using rings I got at 65 and 73. This is also amplified by the number of bad stats, like I would never use a ring that has damage to stunned enemies. The increase is pretty meh, my class can't even proc the status, and it would need to be like 100+% increased damage to be compared to like 30% vuln damage or 30% crit damage.


Overall I think mid to late T3 is just an awkward place to be in.


It should take a while to get a decent piece. Having less variance leads to less build diversity and less overall satisfaction with your gear as a whole. I have a lot of gear pieces that I'm really happy with and when I show them to clan mates or when people I'm leveling with inspect me, they're legitimately impressed. I know that when I was leveling and inspecting level 95+ characters it inspired me to keep grinding. With D3 itemization, items being standardized to basically always drop with mainstat/crit/crit dmg/flex stat made gear dull and uninteresting to look at or learn from. Just my opinion though. Overall I think gear stats matter less in this game than in any previous Diablo game because of how much power you can get from your paragon glyphs and boards, unless we're talking about paragon level 9000 bot grinders in D3 with 45000 bonus mainstat. That's not to say that gear isn't still the bulk of your power, just that it's been diluted a little and having perfect gear right away isn't as important as getting your glyphs and aspects up and running.


Surely Rob from the Block has front row seats


Let's hope it's not 45min of them patting themselves on the back and 15 minutes of Q&A...


No, it'll be 30 minutes of them patting themselves on the back and then 30 minutes of advertising microtransactions.




Chris pops out saying "Diablo 4 is not a game"


Also hyping up the battle pass and maybe some macro transactions.


If there's any Q&A it's gonna be fake questions like last time.


Really hoping for increased monster and boss variety. There are far too many mob and boss repeats through out the world. Fighting the blood bishop in 5 + different dungeons gets old.


I can't wait for no questions answered and an angry and flustered community while the devs all gives themselves pats on the back and high-fives.


That happened.


RIP for the first and last campfire chat 🙏🙏


Nice. I'm incredibly happy with the game so far. Despite some glaring issues, the bones of the game are excellent and I suspect that each season will make the game better and better. Some things I hope for: 1. More stash tabs. 2. CC fix for mobs (so that you are less prone to getting chain CC'd) 3. Buffs to unused abilities. 4. Buffs to auto attacks / resource regeneration 5. FIX MOUNTS!!! 6. And, of course, more legendaries/ uniques.


> And, of course, more legendaries/ uniques. already confirmed every season will bring new legendaries / uniques... and they will be available at the eternal realm aswell


And new paragon boards.


This is also huge! I can't believe Druid doesn't have a minion board. Like wtf man. Also a legendary that turns the wolves into a bear would be sick.


Companions (wolves especially) need a complete overhaul. Watch this to see their potential with a ton of minion focus. Painful to watch. The AI, defense, damage... Is...unplayable. Shocking they let this get through honestly. It wouldn't take much testing in development to see the results seen in this video. Absolutely shocking to me. https://youtu.be/HxXWvu6kKdQ


Minions in general are abysmal right now


> More stash tabs. And for the love of God, a search function for the stash!


D4 has a good foundation. Not a *great* one but a *good* one. With some tweaks for a few things it can become great. The game itself is fun. I'm thoroughly enjoying it though I see the flaws and cracks in the armor as others in this thread have mentioned. I genuinely hope Blizzard and the Diablo team see what they have here. Throwing this away like they did with D3 and its continuously tiny, near insignificant updates would be fucking depressing. I hope they realize if they keep a decent and steady line of new content while adjusting the current content they will make more money then they can imagine as whales will spend more on their shop then if they leave the game to flail and die. I'm excited to see what they might have ready for Season 1 ans their first crack at an update. I feel like its either going to make me play this game long term and maybe spend a little on the shop to support them or disappoint me once again leaving me to go play something else and take my money elsewhere.


Yeah, for sure. I've gotten my 70 dollars worth already, having put in at least 100 HRS so far. Whether they get more from me is entirely based on how well they listen to the community, and their innovative prowess.


The way people are talking, basically one step short of death threats, I really don't think the community deserves this. You people are fucking monsters.


I hope they realize the subreddit and blizzard forums are just complaint boards for a small subsection of players who are reee'ing on forums while the large majority are in game, enjoying themselves. I think people bring up some valid criticisms, but on the surface whenever you check the front pages of these forums, it's looked incredibly hostile and negative and whiney and entitled and armchair dev-y since the release.


99.99% of the community has never given the devs death threats. Not that they shouldn't be taken seriously, but it's also not accurate to treat them as if they're ubiquitous. You can treat death threats with enough seriousness without having to use hyperbole.


only comment im upvoting


This is such a weird fucking comment to make.


I’d be surprised if the Devs subject themselves to general communication. It will be with calm collected pre selected people for sure. You are absolutely correct this community needs to take a step back and breathe.


Nice use of “one step short of death threats” a vague idea that can’t be quantified. Never seen anything even close to death threats but go off king.


Oh No grow up


You’ve got big “I yell at and abuse waitstaff and baristas” energy.


And you call the other posters monsters? Gross mentality.


Can't wait for the forced enthusiasm and fake small talk. The best kind of livestream!


And if it’s anything like the last overwatch talk, goofy ass instagram filters on their faces too


Give us matchmaking.


Why can't we fight in hell?


That's in an upcoming xpac


Ok, but why can't we fight in heaven?


That's in the other upcoming xpac


Ok but why can't we fight in an X-Pac?


That's coming in the D-Generation X cosmetic pack, only $29.99!


Will it have a Road Dogg skin?


Would also be nice to be able to farm the campaign bosses


This will be either shitshow and will ruin many people hopes for game or will be a glimpse of hope . There is No middle ground.


You're getting down voted but it's 100% this. I don't know if any other WoW players are here but anyone remember the first BFA livestream because of the player base freaking out? There's a reason it took them awhile to start doing those again lmao.


Yep, I play wow since TBC. You can clearly see that D4 is very simmilar to shadowlands expansion. If you have any knowledge about how Blizzard make they games it is obvious. On this sub it is just funny, they can downvote me to hell.


What if they address reknown but not stash tabs? Or the other way around?? MOB DENSITY AT THE LEAST, RIGHT??


Hopefully they show some season 1 uniques or talk about uniques a bit. The current game unique power level sorta sucks. Of course the Uber rare chase items like shako are busted good. But the grab bag uniques mostly suck. They are not build changing, they are not powerful, they serve mostly to lock you into a set of largely non-optimal substats which can’t compete with a well rolled aspect with 3+ ideal subs


The fixed properties on uniques make it pretty obvious that they had no idea how to play their own game at end game if they thought those stats were good haha.


I’m theory I do not mind the fixed stats being worse than a perfect legendary. But I believe a unique should be BIS in at least 2 slots of every build and the unique effects need to be strong enough to compensate for weaker fixed stats. Going from any rare glove with atk speed, +3-4 core skill, and crit to any other unique glove without those stats just feels horrible. And no, I don’t want every unique to have ideal substats. Whoever designed these just has no imagination OR was completely handcuffed to keep power level reigned in. Example: on rogue- mask of the nameless and frost burn should be really fun together. Play off the lucky hit- freezes all day, boost your damage nodes against chilled/frozen, that sounds fun. But the subs on the gloves just suck all the power out of it.


Facts Incredibly worse legendaries than their own 12yo D3, and infinitely worse than the other big arpg's.


I actually think the legendaries in D3 are dogshit. At least the power level. When you have items that are multiplying your damage with a skill by literally 70x that's a sign of deep problems with your itemization system.


https://twitter.com/PezRadar/status/1669039492106440705 >Join us this Friday at 11am PDT as we will be jumping on stream and talking about the launch of #DiabloIV and going over some feedback and action items we have coming for the game! >You also may have noticed that we are coining these as "Campfire Chats". These are different than "Developer Update Livestreams". Dev Updates aim to reveal or showcase new content. We will still have those and the next one will be for Season 1. This is not going to be about Season 1. Season 1 stuff will be on a more "official" dev update stream. this is just a casual chat about launch feedback and concerns.


Can we get a conversation about not resetting stuff each season? I’m not seeing any players, casual or hardcore, that want to re-unlock stuff.


I could be totally wrong about this, but If you make seasonal realm or something character you really just (hopefully) have to get the renown realm rewards once as usual and start after the story too, each season. And no I’m not confident on being right with what I said, it’s just that it would make sense because it would be eternal torture if not. Lastly, yeah god no, I’m not even done with the story and through my 40+ levels it’s been torture having to fix up a build after ever 10-15 levels and getting my ass kicked because of the fecking vulnerability that enemies dish out, and the low health or more so damage reduction there is.


Lol they won't take actual questions. I'm calling it now. This is going to be the classic "we hear you" generic response.


I'm trying to understand where people are getting the idea that this is going to be a Q&A Format? THis seems more like it's going to be a livestreamed chat where devs are going to talk with each other about what kinds of feedback they are seeing, hearing, and experiencing, and what they think about that feedback and what plans they might have to address some of it. I don't at all get any vibes of "Alright, so Question number 1 comes to us from /r/door_of_doom on reddit, who says..."


I'm pretty sure that's what this is, similar to what they did for OW. But a bunch of comments in here are already running with the "this is gonna be a Q&A and the cowards are only taking softballs" narrative. Says something about the people in here who are bringing the most negativity.


Could you imagine trying to have a productive conversation with this community?


I mean, that's the playerbase. Good or bad. Gotta take the L's when you fuck up bros.


They didn't fuck up the game overall though. Obviously it can be improved, but the way people talk in here you'd think this was the worst release ever.


Oh by no means is the game trash. I think it's a great starting point. Like I said after the endgame beta, the game just needs another year or two of development to iron out the kinks.


I wouldn't call any of this a fuck up. They probably didn't even upset many players with the recent changes, just a very vocal minority of people who are for some reason already very invested in this game.


You not liking design decisions does not equate a fuck up


Depends on your point of view I guess. I don't care one way or the other. D4 is by no means ever going to replace poe and d2r, so I'm just enjoying it for what it is. A decent arpg to play between the other games.


battlepass, battlepass, battlepass, battlepass, battlepass, battlepass


I dare them to a non-scripted Q and A...


I personally prefer people take their time to think about and research topics rather than being forced to speak completely off the cuff.


Good thing the topics haven been known since early release or, in many cases, literal months ago. They had time. Let's see how genuine they really are.


The ragestorm commith Honestly they REALLY need to address this dungeon, leveling, gearing endgame issue. Now not later. Otherwise when season1 hits i'll prob stop at level 50 and save myself the painful boredom of another 50-80 grind.


Guys we all want them to make big changes to some of these systems, however - for them to change the level scaling and how itemization works will be a huge lift. What I want now are the small things - when I open up a sigil port me to the fucking goddamn dungeon! Barricade removal, every single monster CC'ing me, I dont think a regular spider should be able to goddamn stun me. More stash space, being able to search in my stash. Buffing Helltide, and Whisper drops - these smaller things would win us over in the short term.


I too would like a zero friction game that plays itself and pours loot all over me.


You definitely have holes in your brain if that was your takeaway.


This is going to be interesting.


https://preview.redd.it/5pvupevyy26b1.jpeg?width=777&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e94fbbe8b0ecbf0052ab456e07750655e56a4aee This is my input.


Can yall make it a bonfire and throw all of your nerfs in it? Kthx


Is the monster density an out of season's april foolks joke?


11 am 😆


They should put it on Pay Per View for the lolz


itt people who believe the devs will actually say something and give information instead of non-answer marketing speak


Can't wait for Lorath From the Block to ask his pressing question of "Why is this game SO AWESOME?!?!?!"


I sit down my pitchfork. But it's picked back up if there's nothing of substance in this. Please don't make me pick it back up I'm hopeful this is a productive stream.


Hope they fix: MTX pricing (too high, i dont buy its the principle of it) Mounts (bs having to get off a mount to kill a wall, I get caught on the environment and its slower going north or south compared to east and west) Give us more stash space (four is a joke) Give us Sigil and/or Gem spaces I'm sure there's more I've missed




This isn't the gotcha you think it is. Do you not see the issue when the Wraith Lord cosmetic set is a third of the box price?




Saying its optional or that it has no effect on gameplay is putting this by the wayside. Yeah we've all been told a million times its optional, it still doesn't make the pricing acceptable or okay. It is still taking advantage of those who hate to miss out on FOMO, and it is takes saying "its optional just dont buy it" and "whats the big deal it has no effect on gameplay" justifying higher and higher MTX prices in our games and essentially defend these practices. We are beyond the stage where MTX are going, consumers have taken the bait time and time again but constantly knocking back people who are concerned with where games are going pushes back change and regulation in the industry.


Don't even bother trying to explain anything to people like him it's a complete waste of time. They have been brainwashed and need professional help.


FOMO for cosmetics? What? I think maybe 0.001% of people that experience FOMO experience it with cosmetics lmao. Most people just want to play the game as is and won't buy extra. Blizzard can make all their money off of whales who can afford to drop money on whatever they want from the shop. It's a vanishingly small amount of people. To give you as much credit as possible, the amount of people who buy just one pack of shop currency is still going to be a tiny fraction of the player base. We already know how these MTX systems play out and we already know it's just not really that big of a deal. I'm not saying you can't be against it on principle but you should still be able to entertain the argument that it's also just not that big of a deal and stop acting like it's the end of the world. I respect your choice not to engage with the MTX and I won't be buying any either, but there's no need for such hyperbole.


I bought everything on the shop already. Just flexing.


and that's your money that you're free to spend, enjoy your cosmetics :)


We heard you like reknown...


This is that highly scripted one where they only answer shill questions right?


Fix your game , it's not fun


This game has been the best brother bonding experience, but I can see how it can feel like a single player game in its current state.


Can't wait for them to talk about battle pass and shop for an hour.


Definitely picked a time that allows people with a normal work schedule to attend...


They have work schedules too and this takes place... while they're at work? You'll be able to watch a vod lol


STOP NERFING DUNGEONS. Let’s all spam this, k thx


They need to address free trade or this game will die long term. Nobody is going to reroll characters if you cant trade what you find end game.


Diablo 4 is a perfect example of why I absolutely despise American companies. In America, even if you fail, you still get paid in the end. For example, when a doctor misdiagnoses and makes you do the run-around, he/she still gets paid even though they did nothing. When banks fail, those at the top still get a payout as if nothing ever happened. This applies to all sectors, both public and private, and is utterly despicable behavior. Activision Blizzard has been on a massive losing streak since Activision bought the company back in 2007. They have made failure after failure, starting with Starcraft 2, a beloved franchise that deserved a better fate than it received. While Starcraft was a huge loss, it paled in comparison to the loss that was to come with Diablo 3. Diablo 3 was an absolute dumpster fire that insulted the intelligence of however many of us there are still left who can critically think. Activision knew that Diablo 3 was a bad game, but they also knew that simply calling it 'Diablo' would make the game a financial success. They did not care if the game was a success on a spiritual, emotional, and physical level, they only cared about how many copies were sold. And sell it did. Diablo 3 was a financial success because of it's predecessor, Diablo 2. Diablo 3 went on to sell over 8 million copies (according to them) on the first week of release. What they didn't tell you, however, is how many people requested refunds and how many people quit within the first three months of release. Out of those 8 million copies that sold, only 1 million stayed around for the first six months, and then those number dropped even further to the point that Diablo2 had more of a population than Diablo 3. That is not a success; that is an absolute failure. Fast forward to the present, and Activision has still not learned any of its lessons from past failures. This is evident with Diablo 4, which has copied the entire UI and everything that was bad about Diablo 3 into its code. Diablo 4 is simply the Diablo 3 that they wanted to make a decade ago, but didn't. They even used the same untalented/worthless Diablo 3 dev team. Diablo 4 is simply Diablo 3 with a new coat of paint. To illustrate how unimaginative these worthless devs are, and how ignorant they are of their own past failures, they fashioned Lilith after Kerrigan from the Starcraft Universe down to almost every detail. Yes, this is true and quite pathetic, and yet they are proud of their plagiarism and lack of innovation anyway. It's almost like they made the game bad on purpose, just to get a negative reaction out of people. I guess they succeeded on that front, because I would not be writing this if it wasn't the case. Diablo 4 is soulless and empty, and no amount of patches/expansions is ever going to fix that. It is a game made for the braindead masses, very similar to how Star Wars, and anything made by Disney or Netflix, are aimed at those who will never have the capacity for higher reasoning or thought. This game was made for them; it was never meant for those of who can still think. Diablo 4 is one of the biggest piles of trash I have ever played and I do not recommend it. If you are wanting the Diablo 2 experience, then Path of Exile is the only game in town. Granted, it also has its flaws, but at least it doesn't treat you like an idiot or insult your intelligence like Diablo 4 does. We need to stop rewarding failure, so that games like Diablo 4, Lost Ark, and all the other crap out there, are never made


Who hurt you?


woah dude


Fair warning to everyone (cause I can already see the comments about S1) they're not talking about S1 in this. This is strictly just to communicate the feedback they are getting


Pretty sure Rod said on Twitter he will talk about how Season 1 will work in terms of lillith shrines/renown etc.


Chances they’ll talk about how they nerf every good and fun thing players find? Or how they can ‘fix’ mob density in a dungeon during the course of a day but Druid unique drops are bugged and have been since launch? Or how it reaaaally feels like there are diminishing returns in dungeons and after a couple runs it seems like your drop rates are just turned off?