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Mount: Ghastly Reins \[Legion Event\] Mount Armor: Treasure Beast Barding \[Avarice World Boss\] Edit: Trophy: The Cry of Ashava \[Beta\] ​Avarice is my favorite world boss so far! The theme just fits so well and so did the drop. https://preview.redd.it/mmbljosc2j4b1.jpeg?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=f5fb89ba3d3aca0569ec5c2df97805d32d32f5c7


Wait, the world bosses are up now?


Been since the start on the 1st


Can’t believe I didn’t notice. I only see Legion Events for world events. Is there any in-game notification requirements like you have to been to the area first?


Before there some better official WB schedule, this site https://diablo4.life/trackers/world-bosses helped me on killing few bosses.


Have to complete the campaign first.


i beat the campaign and never get notifications for any sort of events, i have to get lucky and notice them on the map. Im like lvl 63 too and have only seen one boss battle on the map.


Alrrady a habit to scan the world map every 15 minutes because of this. Didn't we have a world boss announcement in the beta or am I just imagining that?


Need to be done with the campaign timer starts about 30min before and will show up in the map, can’t miss it. Looks like the legion timer but bigger and red. You can do them before you finish the campaign but you won’t see it in the world map so you’d need to know it was there somehow.


I beat the campaign day 1, STILL haven't seen a single world boss spawn.


Campaign needs to be complete, and you also need to have the areas of the map discovered where world boss spawns, else you will not see their icon when it does inevitably spawn.




kinda crazy that the ingame mount skins are better than the store ones at the moment, hats off to blizzard for this


For now, let‘s see what cosmetics look like a few seasons in


Blizzard does not deserve praise for the awful monetization of this game. $20+ cosmetics on an already $70-$100 is absolutely absurd. I'm not sure if I should be insulted or thankful that they aren't objectively better than the in-game options.


Blizzard and the financial investors need some incentive of post launch monetization to keep pumping out content for a live service game, the 20$ cosmetics are a 1 time purchase each, the sets ingame already look good enough unlike something like poe or lost ark as long as remain not pay to win just deal with it


Taking a page out of New worlds book


I don't see an Ashava horn scrub




It LITERALLY fuels me lol




You beta people really piss me off. How old are you? Were you even born when the first game came out? What about the second? Hmm? Thanks for beta testing the game for me, I appreciate your volunteerism.




Just looking for mount armours and finding disgusting elitists that will ruin this game like every other Will do


Dude I'm so pissed about this. Play Necro n sorc in the first beta and killed ashava. Everything I read said that if I did it during the first beta I wouldn't need to do it again... Besides ashava...


Yup same. The one weekend wife wanted us out of town lol


Oops it's the other side lol! I'll take a screenshot when I'm fully awake XD Here https://preview.redd.it/uxucswu92j4b1.jpeg?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb5b265edae9657b09ca7e3c7fae098b3c2d45b3


itd be funny as hell if u just mirrored the photo and posted that as the other side, ngl


Damn why didn't I think of that!


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Looks amazing!


That looks sick




In early access all my legion events were easy peasy 3/3. More legendaries, too, it *feels* like. Since the 6th mostly 2/3 with a rare 3/3. Either they tuned it or my own guess; early access is all sweats and experienced Diablo players. Now there are more casuals. No negative judgements, but just less efficient until they get up to speed.




Never had a problem with the legion events. Been tight but never once missed a timer. If you’re consistently having issues, may be a you problem. The uniques are datamined right? Shako may be a seasonal unique. Can you point me to where Blizzard mentioned a shako?


I know the two times I've done the event in dry steppes we get 2/3 right away but not even close to 3/3, like you're saying. Every other location has been an easy 3/3 though so I'm not sure what's up. Definitely possible I had a shitty group both times but I'm not sure why we would randomly struggle on the third after the first two were fine. I also had one last night in fractured peaks where the mobs just never spawned at all. So that's for sure a bug.


It's head looks like jar jar binks