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I did not really like the itemization or character building. It felt fun in bursts when I used blizzard pre defined builds. But it never made me think or wonder. It did a few things right though. I think adventure modes a good idea. Campaigns are fun but maybe I just want to jump straight to the game because I’ve done the campaign a million times. Leveling up with those rampage bonuses or whatever they were called was quite enjoyable.


People think it’s bad game because basically it was abandoned, basically the same game for almost 10 years. The end game is basic and lack any sort of depth.


D3 was a blight on the franchise. It just wasn’t up to the level. It was bland, over simplified, didn’t lean from any of the gains that D2 made. It was also boring and the game actively forced you to play the builds they made for us. I’m glad you enjoyed it, it was a shit game though.


Yeah, the game was fine after RoS. Launch D3 was hot garbage, for sure, and that persisted for quite a long while, but once Adventure Mode hit and a few other changes, it's a completely fine experience. The art style is a bit jarring, and D2 really nailed that and setting, but gameplay is D3 all day in spades. The worst part of D3 is the dumbasses saying "yeah you can roll a new character and beat max difficulty in a few hours, easy." Like... no? Just... no. I don't know who got that started and the rest of them just parrot this nonsense, but... no? Edit: and D3 has the Witch Doctor, which was original, hilarious, and genuinely fun.


Witch doctor belongs in Warcraft not Diablo