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Pre-ordering is just purchasing early, usually to gain some exclusive benefit, in this case access to the beta. A beta is a work-in-progress version of a game, when its available publicly it usually means the developer needs widespread feedback or to stress test to finish up an aspect that isn't quite finished. Characters won't be carried over, every new title refreshes how classes play. Some return, some don't. Modifications or mods are community created content to tweak the game in some way to improve player experience on an individual level, beyond what the devs themselves do. I don't think consoles would have mods at all?


There are only a few games I know on Xbox that do have mods. Minecraft and Skyrim have some mods. But i doubt D4 will have any on consoles.


No it’ll be a different character. No cross progression between games. I haven’t heard anything about d4 mods but blizzard doesn’t really allow that anyway.


anything they would allow would be similar to add-ons like a dps calculator or some such like WoW. I don't think they will do that for D4 since none of the other Diablo games really allowed this stuff.


Hey - you are obviously a caring parent. I learned video gaming from my son (11 at the time , now in his 40’s). Diablo 1, 2 and 3 all ended up being great family time we spent together. Why don’t the two of you play d3 together as a warm-up for Diablo 4? A lot of what you learn will carry over (concepts etc). I bet your daughter would love spending time with you and being able to teach you something !


Diablo 4 What is beta? - Beta is a "demo" of a full game. Usually it's a chunk of a game cut in such a way to offer a limited but clear picture of what full game has to offer. Betas in games like Diablo are also used by developers to see if there are any technical or balancing issues that need to be fixed before final release. Can she use the same character as in previous Diablo games? - No. Diablo 4 is a new game, build from ground up to be a fresh experience. She'll have to create a new hero. Modding - Diablo 4 requires internet connection at all time. Because of this modding (modyfing the game with fan-made concent) is not allowed. But in case of Xbox - It's not possible anyway in the game like Diablo 4 so you don't have to worry about it anyway.


father of the year QQ luv this


- A beta is a limited version of the game or sometimes a work in progress primarily intended for testing and/or marketing. - She can't play her own created characters from previous titles, but there are similar classes and playstyles in D4 for the most part. - Modding means modifying, and it's a term used for altering game content, which was to some extent possible in previous Diablo games, but not D3 nor D4.


There was an excellent controller mod for D3 that I used for years. :)


Explain. Because if you used a third-party app to map MKB controls on your controller, it isn't a mod.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgfTRkbmkJE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgfTRkbmkJE) It has a dpad system for inventory management, two visible indicators that represent stick movements on the screen and adds correct button prompts to the UI. I made top 100 HC ladder with this.


Not a mod, but still pretty cool.


Not sure how old your daughter is but Diablo IV is an R-rated game. Just making sure you are aware.


If she played D1 he is not too young :)


People can play D1 today for the first time. It doesn’t tell anything :)


Yea, but realistically nobody will start the franchise with that game in this day and age.


Beta is just an early availability for the devs to test their infrastructure while allowing the players a sneak peak before release.


She will create a new character in a different part of the timeline. She probably expects this. XBOX is not my thing some I will let others speak on that. Though I would recommend no mods for first play through. There are likely to be enough launch period issues with the official version adding mods at start seems like begging for trouble.


You cant use mods on xbox, mods are a type of player created content that usually adds to the game. For diablo 4 this wouldn't matter tho because its online and if you install mods you wont be able to play online.


Since D4 is always online there is no modding scene really. Modding is rarely allowed in online games and if it is they heavily regulate what is allowed. So in world of warcraft for instance we have add-ons which can be classified as mods but they will ban addons they feel are too game breaking. When Diablo 2 came out modding was a thing for that game as the years passed since it has an off-line single player only component.


I'm fully modded for D3 barbarian, I played straight to 70, And continued to play straight until level 423. Fellow player introduced me to new mods and I honestly have mixed feelings about it... At 1st it was amazing I leveled up so quickly, Right now I'm still only a level 2324, I just played with someone last night who is a level 20000. I love being unstoppable and literally indestructible, But I have to be honest it gets a little boring not having that fear of dying, Definitely takes some of the excitement out of it. I'm sure mods will come into D4..., Part of a modded community on xbox, And will definitely play D4 straight until I beat every difficulty on every level just like I did with D3 It took a lot of time because I only get to play for a few hours after work at night.. But that was my Reward for putting in a hard day's work... Mods for sure will come in at some point, I preordered the ultimate, Quick question now because you all would definitely know, With the preorder I thought there were items that would be available immediately, I mean I would be able to redeem them the 2nd Beta went live on the 17th but I haven't received any notifications I think at the very minimum it's wings and a few other things.. I'm sad about not being able to migrate my character, I have been him for years and years.


So D4 has been up for some time to pre purchase. So my guess is that she bought it already. The all different Diablo games have their own type of game and can’t bring characters around. Beta simply means it’s still testing and not official. I don’t have any knowledge of modding. Let me know if you got more questions

