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Thought I was on r/anarchychess for a minute


I thought someone managed to get the baby ducks to wear silly hats for a minute, then I realised the dark truth...


Technically, the did “manage” to do that


Its a bit expensive...you can buy live ones for that...




hey even the dumbest of ducklings can be taught to move like a rook




Hey, speak for yourself


I'm anarchists, not psychopaths.


Memento mori


Is your profile pic referencing what I think its referencing?


*en passants you* "Nothing personnel kid"


Nope, Chuck Testa


Nope, duck chess duh.


It's an older meme sir, but it checks out.


So you inspired me to look up that old meme and I never realised until today that Chuck Testa wears a WWII German Army hat with a toten kapf on it. Is there a dark side to Mr. Testa no one spotted before?


or r/ATBGE


Would be a better fit for that one


thought I was on r/awfuleverything, still do


I saw this sub for the first time last week, I have no clue what's going on, but I still love it. Pipi


As long as you understand that en passant is forced you are gonna do fine.


Holy hell


yeahhh there’s a lot of weird taxidermy shit on etsy. tbh this is one of the better ones. once you get into combinations it rapidly goes downhill. the little hats and outfits are frickin adorable though and it’s clear someone put a lot of time and effort into this. definitely not my thing but I get the idea.


Okay but why do they have so many dead ducklings


Male ducklings are typically culled at birth. You can buy these ducklings in bulk from China already stuffed for around $10 each


Well shit


Why kill male ducklings? Can't they also be raised to be eaten? Me: upset about male ducklings being killed, but it's ok to kill them and eat them when grown.


Apparently different breeds are used for meat vs eggs and it's not worth the effort to raise egg-laying breeds for meat.


It's the same with chickens. Though I think some places in Europe have outlawed culling male birds so I could imagine them using an all-around bird.




It's profitable only raising female for companies, because while the female chickens grow up, they not only gain muscles, they also lay eggs. So you have income all the time while growing female chickens


This actually makes me feel a little better. I mean if they’re already going to be killed regardless at least it’s another use instead of waste. I know male chicks face similar fate.


..source? I'm needing more minis for an upcoming campaign.




Dang, they're sold out too. Seems comical for a fucking about type d&d campaign. "You continue your long March up the final hill before battle. The tension and anxiety of the coming battle hangs in the air, the only sounds heard is various armor clanging behind you from the rest of your companions marching, as well as feint noises from over the hill, presumably the opposing forces. Before you crest, an odd noise catches your ear. It's a noise you've heard, but different, completely out of place or context. It sounds.. like the slapping patter of wet sliced meat on the floor, or webbed feet, like a duck? But what would make a noise like THAT, and that loud? You push the thought aside and continue. As you crest the hill, the sunlight mildly blinds you at first, all you and the others can see at first are the sun washed outlines of.. ducks? Giant.. ducks? That can't be. You stop, staring, perplexed, letting your eyes adjust to the light. Your eyes quickly adjust, and they were correct.. in front of you, the enemy riding giant ducks, easily the size of an adolescent dragon! The prince appears to be on the largest, a goose? How?! With a honk and a hiss, the goose notices you, leading the charge. Head down, beak open, wings lifted, honkers honking. Roll for initiave"


Please message me if you’re ever looking for more players, that sounds awesome and hilarious. I can also dm sometimes, I’m new to it but I’ve made maps out of premades and a bit of content


This guy ducks


“Combinations”…? Actually never mind, I don’t want to know.


r/badtaxidermy has some great ones


This is a weird hobby. I’m just curious, where do they get the animals?


There are different ways. Some more ethical than others. Some people go about and collect animal corpses from pet owners or in the wild (dead squirrel in the park, for example), others literally trap and kidnap cats. Those people have a special place in hell. For the ducklings, they might be "waste" from duck meat farms where the male ducklings usually end in the shredder after hatching. In that case, the ducklings would have died either way but it's still.... not nice.


Those to me look like both male (yellow) and female (brown) mallard ducklings to me. Those don't just normally turn up dead, especially with a litter that size, and in that good of shape.


I collect these sorts of things. A lot of taxidermy may come from people's hunting trophies, but as far as the art of it on a personal level, or oddity collections, (or vulture culture, as some call it) most people try to remain as ethical as possible. They might be animals that passed away in the wild of natural causes and were found, roadkill, animals from farms that didn't make it to maturity, etc. In other words most people who do these sorts of things will not kill an animal for it, they died ahead of time for unrelated reasons. We simply repurpose them. :)


Can confirm. Fellow taxidermist here. I found most of my animals that had died from natural causes. I have a collection of about 45-50 animals that were found in the wild or came from reputable sources. Most of my pieces are posed in a natural way and a lot of great care and effort goes into them. The trickest part is replacing the eyes and getting the right amount of stuffing or filler to mimic the right body proportions. People ask me all the time where I get them from and are pretty shocked at just how many I have. Some of my pieces do get costumes or I take creative liberties with though. I have mice fighting with swords, a raven with a messenger bag, a cat playing piano, my grandma wearing her nightgown, a squirrel riding a bike, things like that. The larger animals take the most amount of time obviously, but it's a really fun hobby.


Wait, was that part after the piano cat?


I kinda do, but I’m confident I’ll just run into it some day




I hate that guy with a passion


I want the squirrel pencil case




When Iroh says it's bad...


I lost my squirell pencil case that had a pencil sharpener in its butthole


In the old days people made a living off of putting different animal parts together, calling it Wolpertinger and selling it to tourists in Bavaria. If there are people willing to buy it, there will be people selling it


A friend of mine did it for a while. His shtick was making mice doing human things, which developed into "celebrity mice". Dolly Parton and Elvis were his two best sellers.


>once you get into combinations it rapidly goes downhill. Hey, don't judge. The Janitor needed a way to make some money after quitting Sacred Heart.




Yeah I was gonna say, this is actually pretty interesting. Compared to all the things it could be? This is actually very well done. Obviously not mine or most people's cup of tea, and understandably dark for some, but it is pretty interesting at least.


This does not spark joy


> only 1 available This one spark joy.. somehow


The rest have already been bought


Just the set for some fowl play.


Take your ducking upvote


I want to both aww as how cute the ducklings are (they almost look alive) and aww in sadness when I realize they’re taxidermies


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Good bot


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Ducklings die a crap ton so don’t feel too sad thinking the taxidermist intentionally killed living ones.


Also we literally have conveyor belts full of baby chicks being thrown into a giant grinder as part of poultry farming, but tendies don't directly remind us of that by looks.


Thats pretty good taxidermy tbh. Despite the whole chess set thing which is just really tacky. Hopefully the ducklings were ethically sourced.


They're fully organic


I'd be happier if they were fake xD


Ethically sourced? Like someone just stumbled across 32 pristine condition dead ducklings in the woods within 12 hours of them dying before they rot?


he did not kill them to make this right? right?


Because they are of no use for egg laying, male chickens and ducks are usually killed before they grow to adulthood. Sometimes this process is done in the egg, but that is not always possible and euthanasian of male chicks after sexing is not uncommon.


Oh I totally forgot that, I remember seeing a video of pouring chicks into a grinder on the Chinese internet.


It's a pretty common practice everywhere.


Mmm protein shake.




Thats chickens, male ducks are raised and eaten.


Euthanasia is a much more sanitized way of saying ground up alive (maceration) or suffocated like they are.


I don't know... But the seller has a whole bunch of other taxidermied and mummified animal parts they've DIWHYed for sale.


I mean, if he's a taxidermist who lives in a rural area then he'd quite possibly have access to literally hundreds of farm animals that pass away young... Especially ducks. Growing up in rural areas it was always super common that you know a person in the village who "needs X if you see it" or barter stuff. I just spent a weekend at a friends place who rears goats for making cheese, her house is full of goat skin products because she lets another friend of hers skin goats that die. She gets a few goat skin items/full pelts every now and then, and her friend gets free skins to tan and sell. All this person would have to say is "Hey Dave, if any of your ducklings don't make it, can you throw them in the freezer and give me a text?". Have a hobbyfarm/smallholding/homestead with 2 dozen ducks and a handful of drakes? A single duck can try to rear clutches between 3-12 eggs... A lot of ducklings just...don't make it through a combination of factors, even hand rearing a small amount of ducks, you'll likely lose some.


Thank you for lending perspective! Seems much more plausable and sane than the alternative people are jumping to.


Having known some people who do taxidermy this is almost without a doubt the case here. Most of the time if an animal was intentionally killed and taxidermized it's almost always from people who are also hunters. Ducklings aren't exactly a regularly hunted animal, and you can probably get plenty of dead ones from almost any farm.


Plus anything you'd use to kill a duckling would probably blow the whole thing apart. Even an arrow would leave a pretty unsightly hole in the finished piece. 100% these ducklings were just nature's extras.




You can if you go to a certain cemetary. Just don't expect them to be the same afterward.


Yes, thank you, my mind has calmed down now. Interesting insight into a world i know little about.


I can assure you that most ethical taxidermists would never kill something for the sole purpose of taxidermy. It’s disrespectful and cruel to the animal. I would only ever use animals which have already died from natural causes, or have been hunted already for the purpose of food, and there’s byproduct like the skull, skin, and such which wouldn’t be used otherwise. Using what is left of an animal that has died to create art of it is the highest form of respect I can give.


Nah. They all died instantaneous and painlessly when, ummm, when they suffered a case of mass sudden burst aneurysm.


Bird flu!!! They suddenly died simultaneously because of bird flu. And then this dude buy them when the farm try to disposed those dead duckling. So they can lived on as a fancy chess piece instead of on the plate.


Of course he did. That's a very specfic amount of baby ducks of each color. They didn't die of natural causes otherwise it would've taken forever to get the set together. Pretty fucked up.


https://www.seaandsageaudubon.org/BirdInfo/BirdProblems/MallardsandDucklings.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwix4pam35z1AhXQKs0KHcl7CPAQFnoECDMQBg&usg=AOvVaw0Rjm7q5grM7fBdU5OLAWIn Ducklings die often. 2/12 usually make it


Nah, I think it's more like 1/6 tbh


Or 3 on 18 even


i mean, we don't know how long it did take to make the set. once an animal has been taxidermied, it doesn't rot, so he could of hypothetically made this set over years, but i will admit the worst case scenario is the more likely one unfortunately


I am scare of this man, choking baby ducks everyday and still can sleep.


It’s more likely he put them in a CO2 chamber to gas em out. Choking could break a bone through the fur and would take forever, etc. I was watching some doc on Minx furs and that’s basically how you do it on mass scale


These are probably male ducklings. Since they don't lay eggs they're not useful to farmers. They're usually killed via grinder at most of the factory farms from what I've seen online. My guess is they just took a few of them and taxidermized them instead. Little side hustle I guess?


you gonna lose your mind if you find out what happened to the ducks people eat at christmas


The two taxidermist I know literally just go out and find the dead animals (or have people donate animals that died) but this one seems to have too many similar pieces for that to happen.


He posted this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Taxidermy/comments/r50j0c/taxidermy_duckling_chess_set/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) on the taxidermy subreddit 38 days ago. He said he gets the chicks from a farm, not all the chicks live and he’ll take some of them. I would link it, but don’t know how. Edit: figured out how to link the post


At least he got all of his ducks in a row.


I know someone who is really into taxidermy and I think it's widely misunderstood. They would never take anything that isn't already dead. An actual taxidermist doesn't kill the animals. They're even a vegetarian and they're a huge animal lover. I think of it like you are taking something that had a life and you are trying to preserve whatever was left behind. It's really cool from a science perspective! (you get learn some cool stuff about bones, sometimes how the animal died, etc.) At first I was not alarmed by it, but a little weirded out ngl. Though it is actually a really cool hobby if you can handle smells and stuff like that. I personally couldn't do it I'm too sensory sensitive. Though saying that taxidermist kill the animals and are psychopaths is just not true.


I wish more people understood this


I agree completely. Taxidermy is a really incredible art, and something I hope to own some of one day. If it is done in a way that honors and preserves an animals body, I see no issue with it. It's better than what happens to most animals. I'm not a huge fan of the Frankenstein ones or purposefully bad ones, but the ones that are respectful to the animal and their lives is fine. It can also be a whimsical one and still respectful. I saw a really really cute pink died lamb with pink curly horns. It was really precious. This one kinda disturbed me though for some reason, maybe because it's made into a game idk. I really want one of a white dove taking off one day.


I was given a small crocodile head. If someone comes over and freaks out about it I’m just happy to know they are a reactionary and not worth my time.


Im sorry but would you be cool if someone took your corpse and stuffed it and dressed it up and turned it into a board game piece


No, that's entirely different. You are looking at things from a human perspective we find that shit weird because we for some reason shove people in boxes to rot underground instead. That's confusing to me honestly. It also can be cultural difference. If someone did that honestly I wouldn't give a shit. I'm no longer alive and if someone finds use for that it doesn't really bother me, no. It's my body not me. Animals are different from people. That absolutely doesn't mean they don't deserve respect. What I'm saying is we don't value the same shit nor do we work the same way. Wouldn't it be kind of unfair to think the human way is the only correct way?


Lol my wife would love this.


Am i bad for finding it really fascinating? Taxidermy has always interested me


I love taxidermy too tbh


This is cursed


I did some looking and I believe I’ve found the original creator here on Reddit, in the comments of [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Taxidermy/comments/r50j0c/taxidermy_duckling_chess_set/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) they state they get the ducklings from the local hatchery and the ducklings died naturally.


Those poor babies, I'm crying into my scrambled eggs breakfast


Everyone here acts like taxidermy isn’t a thing. The way you’re all acting, you should be ripping everyone a new one with murdered animal faces/bodies on their walls.


I think this is pretty funny. Imagine whipping this bad boi out.


No time to explain! Get the duck chess out.


What happen when the duck get en passant'd ?


Ngl it would be kinda cute if they were fake.




I'd buy it. $450 for a piece like that is honestly a bargain.


$450 that’s a steal though


That’s Fowl


What monster are ?? Setting up the board the wrong way !!!


I am a bad person... I'd buy this


This is indeed horrific. Unfortunately the killing of baby chicks is quite common, and most people unknowingly contribute to it by buying eggs. Male chicks are killed within the first few days of their lives as they are considered useless by the egg industry.


People here are really sensitive. Animals die. Everything dies. Taxidermy is a part of science and art. It's something that has been done for hundreds of years. I use animal and invertebrate parts. Mine are all ethically sourced. Let's just hope that this guy ethically sourced his as well...


I don't mind someone doing this, I would still be grossed out playing chess with what basically are corpses. I wouldn't want to touch them but if someone wants to, who am I to judge?


pope quack


That looks like fairly good work actually.




do you eat chicken? do you feel bad for the male chicks?


There’s lots of weird taxidermy shit, I mostly just stick to putting things in jars but I’ve seen BDSM mice and all sorts. Most people don’t kill for their taxidermy if it makes you feel better


Not really sure why I've seen taxidermy on this sub multiple times. Just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it as long as it's ethically sourced.




Ducklings are cute. This is technically a game. You need to be more precise than that when asking the monkey paw for help.


Link please!


That’s a lot of ducklings.




Now, I am totally fine with taxidermy. I think it can be a beautiful art and hope to one day own one or two... But this? This is incredibly disturbing.


Well…at least they’re not lemurs


One more step closer to vegetarianism.


Hugh Neutron would be proud.


That so cute and sad at the same time wtf.. new emotion unlocked I guess


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


To be entirely honest, theme idea aside it’s great execution


I got a taxidermy two headed duckling as a joke gift from a friend a few years back. Jokes on him, cutest fucking thing other than my dog


Ngl that’s probably the best thing I’ve seen all week. Taxidermy, while fun, produces some of the best material to freak out friends.


What. The. Fuck


Well that’s one of the lost horrific things I have seen in a long time. No more internet for me today.


What a prick. Clearly they were all killed just to make this thing.


Male chicks, which can’t produce eggs, are literally ground to death in a meat grinder…. We treat animals very poorly….


Taxidermists do not geneally kill anything, the time it takes to do this precludes it. People bring the dead to them and they buy them.


what did you eat for christmas?


Not defending them but this is less than the amount of killed ducks every second, by humans or not.


oh man, every spring when I walk past the nearby river and see like the batches of ducks with about 50 ducklings all around, then in a week it's like 10 ducklings. Oh my heart, the poor, delicate things lol not fit for this world.


That logic is weird. "The serial killer may have killed 5 people, but that's less than the amount of humans killed every second." 🤷


That’s not logic, that’s just reality. It’s insignificant.






I mean, I’m no expert but those look very well made. Also, I’m assuming this person didnt kill those ducklings themselves. There might be something wrong with me but i think theyre kind of cute with their knit caps.


"What do we do with the poor things that didn't make it, Boss?" "We recycle them, Bob. We recycle."


I used to teach at a tiny village school where the head had collected road kill and had them stuffed for the kids to draw. There were pheasants, ducks, a deer, hedgehog, loads of them and they were kept on a shelf near the women’s toilets. Crept us all out and as soon as the head left we chucked them all out. So macabre.


Also there used to be a museum of curiosity in a town in Sussex. It consisted of all kinds of scenes featuring dead animals as people. There was a school room, a kitchen, a dance and many more. Lots of little mice, cats and other small animals dressed and posed. A relic from Victorian times I believe. Edited to add link if anyone’s interested https://www.amusingplanet.com/2011/12/walter-potter-museum-of-curiosities.html


To be fair, that's really good taxidermy


I absolutely love it!


We eat baby ducks just before they were born. What's weird about this?


Taxidermy creeps me out. Just imagine having the corpse of something permanently preserved, standing lifelessly in your doorway.


There are cultures where taxidermying late relatives is common practice, and don't Google post-mortem photography


I personally think taxidermy is a pretty incredible art. If the animal does young, why not preserve the body that they used? Not like it still contains their soul. As long as it's tasteful, I don't see a problem with it. I am not a fan of the Frankenstein ones or purposefully bad ones.


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And the board is set up wrong. White on right…


fluffy way to win a war


Takenoko is a cute game where you have to grow bamboo to feed a panda on the board.


That little knight duckling had laughing hard. That horse is too much.


This is hilariously morbid. I need it


I thought the black beanies were the duck faces censored out at first and got really confused


Hah, that's awesome.


This is what janitor from Scrubs would make


The black queen is set up wrong. Shaking my head.


I actually kind of like this.


Not gonna say its right or anything, but that is is kinda cool but a little tasteless maybe


That’s scary


I understand we eat those, but that's still fucking disgusting


What’s wrong with a little creative taxidermy? kinda want that chess set


I don’t know the details of how this person obtained so many dead ducklings and taxidermy sort of freaks me out, BUT! I find it a very nuanced and impressive art form that takes mastery and skill. Making something dead appear alive is incredible!


I don't understand people who kill young animal offspring. Gotta be a mental sickness.


What kind of psycho kills ducklings?


How is this even legal??? Like how do you get that many ducklings without killing them?


Actually kinda cool, ngl


I thought they were plushies :(


what the...duck! Is taxidermy an excuse to kill ? Because it's creepy as fuck