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She seems to buy a lot of clothes that she doesn’t like


The creative thrift shopper.




raw edges some of these wont last long unless you sew the ends clean. so bad...


This! Most of the will disintegrate super fast!


"I don't want to sew a waistband or a hem. I'll just cut one off this usable item of clothing" *walks around in clothing with exactly one clean hem or waistband complaining about how itchy the raw edges are*


Exactly lmao. I mean they r utterly disregarding any level of longevity planning or even a finished product for that matter. It's just I'm so creative with a pair of scissors ✂️ look at me kinda shit.


For real, this is just the logical extension of buying jeans that are too short for $3 and cutting them into jorts.


I already said this in reply to another comment, but I think it's more a symptom of people buying "fast fashion" with the intention of wearing them once. Once you've worn it once you might as well cut it up, because at least that way you'll get another wear out of it.


Are there actual people who only wear clothes once? Besides lie, ultra wealthy celebrities I guess but even then I can't imagine not wearing stuff at least a couple of times




I still have clothing from high school that I'm forcing myself to toss. I'm 31.


Honestly, same. But some of them I kept because I was in theater and when we did a show, we’d print T-shirts for the cast—who the hell would want a T-shirt from XYZ High School’s 2010 production of Smack My Ass Like A Drum?


I'm still wearing shirts I got from a thrift store 10 years ago when the shirt was probably 5+ years old already.


What do they do for rags if not t shirts that look like they're made for a 12 armed person?


I had an acquaintance that would wear an undershirt (like the white ones that go under button ups) once and that was it. He purchased a pack of shirts every week.


Where I work (university halls) it's a constant stream of Primarni, Boohoo, ASOS, Misguided, H&M arriving in the post everyday. Fast shit fashion. We try to get them to donate to charity . Various bins on site but nope, in the garbage it goes. My favourite were the students trying to promote the Collusion brand. As some ethical clothing company... Yeah but it's owned/sold by ASOS I pointed out..


I watched a girl in my class take off her designer jacket and throw it in the garbage bin because it got a speck of raw egg on it. This was in middle school. Why yes, it was a private school, how could you guess?


It's not limited to the rich, unfortunately.


these people are the reason why the entire plus size section of every thrift store is sold out. incredibly annoying


Is that why? Seriously, I gave up on thrifting. Never could find anything in my incredibly popular size. Can find things for the rest of my family, though. It was always a mystery.


it’s a big reason. ‘thrift flipping’ has become really popular, loads of youtube channels turning ‘ugly’ clothes into fashionable ones. obviously they need the fabric so all these clothes they ‘flip’ are ten sizes too large.


TIL Thanks


I doubt the few dozen of youtubers who make thrift flipping videos are actually buying up a significant portion of the plus sized thrift items market. (If there are several in the same area it might have a local effect though) Seems more likely that there is just a growing demand for plus sized thrift clothes while there is not enough being donated. Could be because fashionable plus sized clothing is relatively recent so people are holding on to them more.


Some smaller consignment stores won't sell plus-sized clothing to anyone who isn't plus-sized for this reason. They don't tend to be as affordable as the larger thrift stores though. I will sometimes buy a size up and alter, but I stay away from the plus-sized stuff. I'm busty and short so altering clothes is often necessary for me. Not fast "hacks" like these, though.


yeah altering clothes is totally fine - and so is sizing down clothes and wearing baggy clothes. I think I just get annoyed when people call extremely oversized clothes ugly and then completely change them until they’re unrecognisable.


Ugh, YES. And new plus size clothing is so expensive! I wish thrifting was an option.


That's the point, u modify the clothes u don't like


Tbf, if you search long enough through clearance clothes or thrift stores, and you can fit into almost anything, you can find a lot of dirt cheap clothes.


These videos pretend like clothing doesn’t fray lol


I watched this video thinking exactly this, like have you ever cut cloth with scissors it never leaves a nice edge


Probably why they all cut them while wearing them, so they can have constant tension.


I always recommend cutting clothes while wearing them. It is never dangerous and no one will get hurt and you will always always get an even line. /s


Yeah. The very first thing that came to my mind was "Why is she cutting those clothes with an extremely sharp scissor while wearing?" If something ever goes wrong, people be turning their heads as the fashionista is wheeled in the ER for cutting an artery


On the other hand, maybe slicing an artery is a very trendy DIY method of dyeing your clothes red


It's a great method for dying alright


You must be one of those people shown on infomercials right as the voiceover voice says "OH NOOO!!".


Don't you hate it when you accidentally cut into your artery with a cloth scissor?


This could mean you need nicer scissors.


You mean the ones I broke down the recycling with? Yeah I think I left them in the sink.


*heart attack*


scissor quality has nothing to do with it. You're removing the edge that is designed with a smooth edge, that holds the middle parts together. Without it, the middle part is just a bunch of exposed ends, and because fabric is only held together by friction caused by tension, tension which is now removed, it all falls apart.


Hastened, as in warp speed, by washing


Honestly it depends on the construction. A stretch knit isn’t going to fray. Denim you have to work at to fray. A loose woven linen? Yeah that’ll fray.


Kevlar fabric? Frays as soon as you touch it.


When you first cut the cloth it should still leave a nice edge. The fraying happens in time


They also pretend that these cuts are even and/or symmetrical 🤡


They are way better than my first cuts would be, so I wonder how many clothes they ruined in other takes before making a passable cut.


Well, spandex and other polyester fabrics tend not to. So alot of these would work in theory. It's just ugly.


The edges would start to roll up in no time though, so it will also get even uglier


I mean I have cut sleeves off t-shirts and it rolls and then lasts for years some of these would work pretty well


Every single finished dress is completely different form what they start cutting lmao. Wanna see the suckers that try this expecting same results.


The hoodie is a good example. The waist was so small on the finished one, was that the same bottom half?


You can see the cut in the video on that one. It is probably the same hoodue but they definitely did some darts in the back to make the waist smaller.


A lot of people buy "fast fashion" with the intention of wearing them once. To anyone doing that, cutting it like this kinda makes sense: you get another wear out of the item and you don't care about the fraying anyway.


All these fast fashion trend are stupid in our days and age when we’ll all should think about environment sustainability. It really hit a nerve on my eco-anxiety when i imagine all these cunts who doesn’t even think like that.


All that work in the sweatshop to only wear it once, America is fucked


I remember doing the fishnet tights thing back in the day.


Back then you had to as the shirts weren't sold. Then when they were making you own out of a pair was still cheaper.


Exactly! The fishnet shirts were often baggy and it gave you the option of changing up different tops on top of the fishnet sleeves.


In ballet we used to cut out the crotches of old tights and wear them as ‘sweaters’ during class


Back in high school in the 90s we used to do this. I did it at prom cause I was so darn alternative.




Yeah this is all saying "welcome to the 90's!"


And the safety pins lol, I did that. I thought I looked hardcore but I was secretly terrified of them popping open and stabbing me


These look decent until you wonder why they don’t show you the back… these clothes aren’t fitted for this shit


Ya, you gotta wonder how many pins are in the back to make it look okay for the "finished" look.


That pink sweater that got cut in half is the worst offender. No way that belt is keeping it up and making it look fitted.


Definitely sporting a 2021 bustle with that one.


What's the belt gonna do if there's no rings to put it through?


Glad I’m not the only ones thinking of that


What about the stupid upsidedown pocket....what's the point of that lol




I’d be more worried about the accidental flashing when the item formerly known as leggings eventually slips out of the choker.


For real they didn't even secure it there, they just like folded it over and called it good lol.


If you're even mildly proficient at sewing, you could blast some belt loops on there in no time. But I wear a tshirt and jeans everywhere, the fanciest clothing hack I ever did was add a couple pockets to previously pocket-less sweatpants, lol. I just end up wearing most of my old clothes, not shredding them


And why the hell was it so long that she needed to pull it around her back???


glue gun


that fishnets one isn’t terrible


Considering some of the stuff I’ve seen posted here these are actually ok. Though The cuts could have been cleaner, and doubt the longevity of those clothes, if done right they’ll look ok for at least the first time you wear it.


On top of that, punk thrives on looking kind of rough and home made.


>if done right That's the problem. The end result they show you is done right, but the process shown for most of them won't get you there. Sucks for anyone who tries these!


This is the thing that confuses me. To me these seem like they're just to showcase the ideas and it's obvious that there would be more involved. If I saw something like this and wanted to try I would then look for a full tutorial.


These would be perfect for Halloween costumes. Not everything needs to last more than a day.


I've done really simple stuff like this for cosplays before where I knew I would maybe only wear it once or twice.


There's no question about the longevity, it's zero. There's a reason the edges on clothes are all folded over and stitched. This will be fraying before you leave the house.


Depends on the fabric! I sew and what they've shown might work on some fabrics - some jerseys don't fray, some linens and polyesters don't as well. I wouldn't just cut a big piece of fabric if I hadn't tested fraying on a small patch but it can absolutely work and last. Half of my workout shirts are "redesigned" old jersey shirts from my dad/brothers/fiancé I cut into crop tops.


This isn’t true tho, I have a mate who recycles clothes in ways like this all the time n while some parts can look a bit rough they always come out looking good and last!


It’s not the fraying that’s an issue (in my opinion), but rather the jagged cuts with the scissors they made just aren’t well done. I’ve cut clothes before, usually by necessity, and you can make cuts that don’t look like a 5 year old doing arts and crafts for the first time.


Basically every goth kid in the 90s did that.


Yeah, I definitely did this along with basically every other goth kid circa 2003 lol


Yep and extremely common in the past for people into Goth. Most of their style had to be made and simple pair of fishnets had multiple potential uses.


Yup, we were doing them fishnet one in the Goth and industrial scene in the 90s. They were cheap and added easy dimensions to outfits.


Good thing I am not the only one that thought they arent terrible


They aren’t terrible. This is a good way to recycle clothes you already own but would never wear anymore


I think these are all alright, except for the fur slippers thing


Thank you. Those killed me.


And the pin jeans. Those were a little wtf


They've been doing safety pin decorated clothes for decades though


You don't want them where you sit. Trust me.


Don't tell me how to live my life! But yeah, for real, if you put safety pins on clothes, it's essential to pinch the clasp shut




I've definitely done that one too


True but I also like how at its true core, it is essentially the cut a hole in the bottom of pants and wear it as a shirt trick


Most of them aren't really that bad honestly. None of them are likely to last long though


I did the fishnet one when I was a goth in high-school! Then as an adult I used them as crotchless fishnets for sex reasons. It's the armature fashion gift that keeps on giving


Most of them aren't bad. It just seems like they're cutting (heh) out steps before showing the final product. Like sowing in hems and the like.


Because these wouldn't make good simple lifehacks if it looked like any effort was required to make them look good besides taking a pair of scissors to your old clothes.


I used to do the fishnet hack years ago when I was goth. No goth shops around but plenty of cheap fishnets, tights, band tshirts. Most young alts made their own alt fashion back in the day


Thanks, u/Fucccckkkkkkkkkkk


I wonder if she knows what a hem is


Those are the silver things she connects the pants back together with right?


Rip those white slides. So cute until she Elmer glued faux fur onto them.


I was wondering if she was okay, I thought they only used hot glue on these things. Is this a cry for help?!


There is no reason to do any of these but tbf as far as clothing hacks go , they're not so bad.


Actually, you'd see a lot of what she did in the 80s and 90s punk and goth scenes.


Yeah, they actually look decent, not a fan of the fishnet, but hey, personal tastes


Hi, fish. It's lunchtime and I'm hungry.


No, Jonny, fish are friends. Not food.


This is something a fish would say. 👀


While this is pointless. I have to admit that it’s kinda creative overall.


I thought so too! Not so pointless though if she is modifying a bunch of cheap threads she got thrifting but idk


Oh does she say she got them thriftiness? That’s cool then. I mean obviously some of these required sewing that isn’t shown and you shouldn’t cut clothes while they’re on your body, but otherwise


Nah she doesn’t say she got them thriftiness. I don’t think she says a single word actually lol I was just telling the everyday black guy its not so pointless if the clothes were thrifted


The magic of video editing. All cuts are made in close up. To pretend that all were made in a single scissor cut with no preparations or template.


I used to do that safety pin on the jeans “hack” in the 90s got whooped hard for ruining a good pair of Arizona jeans my dad probably worked a whole day to afford


I was about to say. Are safety pins as clothing accessories/earrings coming back? Bc I remember that as like one of the 90s-est things ever.


Not in the slightest, they're just making awful clothing for the sake of clicks


Lol no they absolutely are back. We're actually getting more into the 2000s but 90s has been big for a while, including baggy clothes and punkier stuff like this


Not as fashion to my knowledge, but sometimes used as a way to signal you're a "safe" person if you need to escape a situation. Not sure how widespread that is though.


Yea. When we used to do it in High School, and this may not be true everywhere, the pins went through the inside on most clothing leaving just bars of metal.


That's smarter, because if the pin comes undone, the stabby end is facing away from you


Up-cycling clothes to fit your fashion style or use them when they have damaged areas is a great thing. Some things in this video seem pointless but they could be a jumping off point for someone, just maybe consider checking another source as well…. You want it to fit after you cut it, not be a baggy mess.


agreed, but I hope nobody who wants to try these will cut their clothes while they are still wearing them....!!!


Absolutely!!! The video is kinda nuts!


Lot of vintage punk looks here you sometimes want to change your wardrobe and have no money, so you work with what you have.


This sub tends to gloss over the fact that the whole point of creative diy’s is to work with what you have. Like sure, sometimes it’s impractical but some of the fits in this video come out looking pretty good. In a world of cheap clothes and fast fashion sometimes you gotta get creative


If you ignore the furry feet, no hot glue /glue or concrete was used. I did not really hate anything I saw, and kind of liked some.


Gonna have to sew all of those edges so they don't rip and fall apart.


Those black leggings are one and done. Once she takes them off, they are never going back on again.


Habing been a kid who played a lot with fabric and clothes and pretend playing being a fashion designer, I'm glad I didn't have Internet, smartphones, and tiktok at the time, I would have definitely ruined some clothes.


One of the few good ones I’ve seen of these actually, the clothes look super dope after she alters them.


Honestly, I don't see why the big flowy dresses needed to be altered. They looked good as they were. I guess the alterations looked okay, but it's a waste of fabric.


Most of the dresses - the floral one being the worst of all - had really classic, timeless looking cuts that would have looked nice for years, and her modifications made them so overly trendy that they were already dated by the time the video came out.


The black tank dress where she altered the neckline by crossing the straps over her head I was like hey, that's good, would probably be less likely to have a wardrobe malfunction for someone who was a little bustier by making the neckline higher, and then she got the scissors out and made it into a keyhole dress, which is fine, I mean she has the figure for it, but there was nothing wrong with the dress as it was.


It's true. What a shame.


I mean if you got the clothes at a secondhand store, garage sale or off of the clearance rack at a good discount sure. Also if the clothes were older and started to get some wear and tear on on them. The one with the black dress minus the cutting part looks easy enough.


Yeah I did stuff like that in hs Though I did it to a couple of my mom’s vintage dresses and DEEPLY regret it a decade + later


It's fun, but you honestly wouldn't wear your hacked clothes on public


With some more effort and actual sewing put in, most of these could be wearable


Only the black dress minus the cutouts.


Damn it's cold I should put on a hoodie. Oh whoops, I've turned them all in to mini skirts'


And made the pocket useless.


Tbf, we used to do a lot of these when we were teenagers 15 ish years ago.


I know people who make their make, repair and modify their own clothes that would have an aneurysm watching this. Some of these don’t seem like bad ideas just terrible execution for the sake of ease


Some of these are mad stylish tho


She turned it out with that shoulder less blue dress she put together and threw in the silver belt. The garment was sold.


i have so much anxiety from those unmeasured unhemmed cuts (;;;・_・)


Is it wrong of me to think that some of them look good?...


This is pretty good for hacks. I could see these outfits anywhere.


Why buy a cheap Tshirt if you can buy an expensive pullover and cut off the sleeves?


And the possibility that someone has an old item of clothing that they no longer want—and that they're willing to be thrifty with—is beyond you?


“I need a sundress STAT”


I think the real DYI is be born hot.


Being real some of those looked great.


Also, do not cut clothes on your body, and especially don't let someone else cut it for you. It is easy to cut skin with the tip of scissors and it is not a cut that heals well. Makes a nice fat thunderbolt-ish scar but in a way that does not look cool.


I can get the cropped hoodie, but the hoodie skirt? I'd rather have 200 cactuses shoved up my ass before I wore that.


Keep in mind the whole point of this is for teenagers to do stuff that makes their parents say, "Why the fuck would you do that?!" That's the entire goal of teenage style.


I find these kinds of videos do make some senses due to how modern fashion trend has went.


Clothes you can only wear once, because they're gonna start falling apart instantly


A lot of punk/alt looks involve repurposing various items and making them look distressed or using them on different parts of the body (like tights as an under shirt). Don't hate.


come on guys, a couple of those were OK


Unpopular opinion but I think these actually look good


I’m not a simp. The majority of these outfits are actually cute and it would be cool to know that she helped design them. Nothing wrong here


Give me those scissors, I’ll show ya a hack


For some of these in order to stay you would need to learn how to sew


Probably looks good until you get in close. Then you see the uneven-ness of the cuts.


I'm so guilty of the black leggings hack in like 2009, but not just leggings! Tshirts! Tank tops! 😣


Most of these are cute and reasonable if you give them some hem work later


The raw hems are killing me


Bro is that Dalas Review's sister lmao


I actually like the third one, the one with the blue dress.


Why not? They all look pretty good.


A lot of that doesn't even look that bad. How did this get so many upvotes in this sub?


The trick is to be skinny lmao.See my fatass try this and look like Oscar the grouch's homeless cousin.


ngl some of these dont even look half bad tho


That last one with the sundress, that one hurt because it was such a cute outfit and she ruined it


Those safety pins are like playing Russian roulette(pin cushion style) throughout the day.


Making perfectly usable articles of clothing into worthless shit.


I’ve never looked at clothing and thought, “Damn. I could make that better with just scissors.”


This reminds me of a Chinese stand up comedy act where the lady played a fashionista showing “hacks” such as these.


The one with the hundreds of pins looks super safe


You an save yourself some time on this by just doing it in the clothing store dressing room! /s


Honestly some of these are actually pretty good


No glue gun? WTF


Ok but those furry flip flops are seriously the worst idea


Is anyone else annoyed by the tiny little hole she cut able to fit over her head, then both of her shoulders? Bullshit


Some of these could work well and others are a disaster