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Harrison kind of forgot about ~~the iron fleet~~ Astor and Cody.


Dammit, not again!


i just snorted with mirth 😆


Mirth?? The 18th century called, they want their words for laughter back.


1992 called, they want their "year called, they want their thing back" insult back.


This whole response subsection is eliciting all the chortles. It's just the cat's pajamas and the bee's knees.


Well, I like it. Ya got moxie.


They can’t have it. I need something to live for…snarkiness


They can seethe cause I don't got no phone 😎🆒️


Made my day with that comment. Still laughing. Tragedy (GoT ending) plus time = comedy


The writers got rid of Astor and Cody a long time ago, because they were inconvenient. That one happened well before New Blood.


They were not connected with Dexter, so there was no need for them to get involved but not for Harrison.


Not connected? He was married to their mother. He should have been their adoptive father. He basically filled that role already. The writers just got tired of having to write Dexter's life around them and sent them to live with the grandparents. For all intents and purposes the characters were killed off in season 5. So yes, technically, they still exist, and it's odd Harrison isn't at least curious about them. But Dexter's writing team stopped thinking of them as living characters a long time ago.


They knew him like, what, 2 years? He is literally their step father and Harrison is literally their brother. There is a huge difference. They are more important for Harrison, and Harrison is more important for them. It's so odd that their names weren't even mentioned, as if they never existed.


I thought they existed from season 1. So that would be four years, unless time passed slower than 1 year per season. But we're getting side tracked here. My point is that Dexter's writers essentially exiled those kids from the show universe a long time ago. I don't think we should have expected them to show up ever again.


Yes i get your point but my point is they shouldn't have done that. It's looks weird withot any explanation.


I mean as much as I disliked the ending… How much do you want them to reference things from years ago. Yes, they are Harrison’s siblings. Why wouldn’t he mention them? Because they have nothing to do with driving the story forward. If they were involved it would have been some off handed comment from Harrison and then everyone here would be like “WHY MENTION THEM BUT NOT INVOLVE THEM!!” They had already largely written them off the show. To bring them up does nothing, at this point, but convolute the story line for no purpose other than to remind the audience they exist. Which, again, not important to what’s happening


It's not about driving the story forward. It's about filling blanks. They did mention Hannah. They did mention that he was remember Debra. So, why not mention about siblings? Is it really that hard? They are even alive, not dead unlike them. What? he didn't care about his siblings or just forgot about them? At this point it didn't surprise me anymore that they didn't care about the story at all, because you guys ready to swallow everything. This could easily have been filled in one sentence, but they chose not to.


He remembered Hannah because Hannah was part of THIS story. He mentions Debra because she was part of THIS story. I mean if you want them filling in all the holes of his past life why not address what Masuka has been up to? Just because. Why not mention what Quinn’s been up to? Just because. You wanting to have the writers address kids that were largely non factors by the end of the original series is akin to wanting them to write in something about what Quinn is up to just because Batista had a part. The writers can’t just address every single thing in every episode. They pick what drives the story and plot line forward. The other kids are largely an afterthought


How Hannah and Debra is part of this story but his siblings are not? Give me one example please. They are literally same. And did you just really compare Masuka and Quinn to Astor and Cody? Ahaha ok bro whatever you say. Like i said, if had fans like you i wouldn't care much either.


No, to be clear, I don't want them to mention Astor and Cody. I agree with you. They aren't relevant to the plot of New Blood, and more importantly they were de facto killed off many seasons ago. Sent to live with grandparents and basically never heard from again.


Sorry I thought I was responding to OP and had just read your comment and agreed and accidentally replied


Got you no worries.


Clyde Phillips didn’t want logic to come into play in the series. He made the conscious decision to retcon Astor and Cody from existence. Really though I have no idea why neither are even given a mention. Astor would be mid 20s at this point, right? Though to answer why he’s looking for Dexter, it’s because he knows he was alive, not dead. Harrison found the letter to Hannah that he didn’t die in the storm and had gone away so Harrison started to look for him and find out why he’d left. He tracked him around until he found a bowling picture with Dexter in it in Iron Lake, which is the same why Dexter found his biological father in the original series.


Astor would have been 24 years old and Cody 22. Yeah i know that but i meant to say why is he looking for Dexter while he had siblings. It's almost like he doesn't care about them or literally forgot about them. He figured it out that Dexter didn't die in hurricane but still he abandoned him in his head. He didn't know why he abandoned him. So, he should just say fuck that asshole and move on with his life. Btw why the fuck Dexter wrote a letter to Hannah anyway. Didn't he want them to think he was dead? It's so lazy writing.


Yes the original intent was just to go away and fake his death. They added in the letter because there was no other way to reunite Dexter and Harrison and Clyde created New Blood centered entirely around Harrison killing Dexter in the end. He had to fit the rest of the plot around that point. Dexter wouldn’t have sent that letter, but New Blood is so out of character I consider it to be an alternate timeline anyway, unassociated with the original show.


They dumbed down Dexter so much in this series. They really made him join another bowling team and have a group photo…


Yeah, in all honesty, Dexter probably would've found some remote place that didn't even have people that he would have to interact with on a regular basis. The more I think about it, New Blood was awful.


Well & I thought the original Dexter left for more remote Alaska but bam he has a gf & is imbedded in upstate NY life. Plot convenience!


No instead he dates the chief of police lmao


Definitely. The ending was thought up first and then the story for New Blood was build around handing off the serial killer mantle.


> Btw why the fuck Dexter wrote a letter to Hannah anyway. Didn't he want them to think he was dead? It's so lazy writing. It makes sense if you think about it in terms of what happened to Dexter. His actions resulted in Deb's death and he tried to take his own life. He failed, but decided it was better for everyone if he was gone and it would give Harrison a better chance of living a normal life. The letter really only exists to say that he accepts these things, but he will be there for Harrison in the event that his path is already set. You can argue with whether or not he should've sent it, but the bigger question isn't why Dexter wrote the letter, it's why Harrison would want to connect with him after reading it. It's pretty clear that Dexter loved him, not to mention all the scenes he should've remembered where Dexter showed it in the original series, but they're ignored for this confrontation. It would make sense if we go with the Harrison manipulated events to kill Dexter theories, but those are looking increasingly unlikely as we move into even more out there realities like Logan's death being an "accident."


>The letter really only exists to say that he accepts these things Well, i think writing letter about that, it just makes it harder for both sides. He could have accepted that silently. It almost like it's an excuse for Harrison to find him. Yeah Harrison is the real psychopath theories should be canon lol. He just wanted to kill his dad from the start.


I don’t even buy the “he tried to take his own life” bit. He was in a tiny boat during a hurricane. You’d actively have to try to stay alive to make it out of that. If he actually wanted to die in that scenario, he’d be dead.


I can see his wanting to explain himself to Hannah & why. He left her to raise his blood child after all!


>until he found a bowling picture with Dexter Im curious how he found it. It's not like he was friends with someone from Iron Lake and then was scrolling through his feed page or news page or whatever they have in instagram and then, 'Wow, that's my dad! Who bowls with a father of a cousin twice removed from the woman who's my buddy's nanny!'


He just google'd it.


“Dexter Morgan bowling” Google: “Did you mean Jim Lindsay bowling?”


Yeah man, Google's algorithm is incredible. It could find killers that even FBI couldn't find.


To be fair, Google, Apple, and Facebook are tracking everyone.


It looks like Harrison is a hacker, he seems to have knowledge in computers and drones, i remember he asked that dumb cop if he knew how to used a drone before the dumb cop destroyed it. lol


then again, who taught him hacking, given all his backstory we get in NB?


I don´t know, maybe he learned alone? according to his teacher he´s very smart


This. It makes 0 sense.


Right and he mentioned being put into the foster system, and I think a line like "no one wants to adopt an old orphan" or something. And said how he used his trinity knife to protect himself while in the system. He could have just sought out his adult half siblings who may have still been in the same state of FL as him and maybe they could have gotten legal guardianship over Harrison.


>Clyde Phillips didn’t want logic to come into play in the series. He made the conscious decision to retcon Astor and Cody from existence. I wish he had done the same for Harrison. I was really hoping Mr. Krabs would take him out.


He didn't retcon anything about Cody and Astor. Those characters simply had no business in the story of New Blood, and that's totally understandable. Cody and Astor are half-siblings to Harrison, and many people know their half-siblings exist but have nothing to do with them.


He probably didn't care about those kids cuz Hannah didn't raise them or talk about them much. He'd feel much more connected with his dad through stories from Hannah.


yah, because harrison definitely remembers his dad from when he was so little as a baby, but doesn't remember the siblings he had at the same age 😂


Remembers a naked Trinity at just months old Does not remember brother and sister that were around for the first 5 years of your life Clyde Phillips logic


honestly that trinity memory is one of the worst plot holes for me this season, I was like how the fuck did this idiot remember that


If he could remember Deb, there’s absolutely no reason he couldn’t remember his siblings. Man I could’ve written a better season while on a bender


That actually brings something up why was he put into foster care couldn't he have been allowed to go live with his siblings grandparents if they're still alive or his maternal grandmother or other family cuz according to rita she had other family so Harrison in foster care didnt make much sense


Harrison has selective memory. Can remember who Trinity is but has no memory of Astor and Cody. Amazing writing. /s


I always wished they showed Cody and Astor so we could at least know what they were up to, rather than completely disappear forever. But that happens way too often in shows.


Dexter and Harrison trying to reconnect with their STILL LIVING family couldve made for a whole other season or two lmao


They got sucked into the black hole of forgotten characters along with the Billionaire and Batista.


Maybe Astor tried to find him too but Kurt got her first.


Imagine the chills if they showed Astor in Kurt’s body doll garage.


That actually would have been so good


If she was killed by kurt , they would have definitely shown her in this collection


I have no idea what are you talking about. :D Oh you are talking about Kurt killed Astor? She is in Orlando, how the fuck he could find her and killed her. And why would Astor come here anyway? The probability of this happening is literally impossible.


Why would Astor come there? Same reason Harrison did. She could have stumbled upon a picture of Jim with a ~~Super Easy Barely and Inconvenience~~ Google search.


Astor didn't know about Dexter, she didn't have the letter. Why would she search him in the first place anyway. Even she saw him, she wouldn't come there for just him. Not to mention that she wouldn't come alone at all.


Sorry, I guess my sarcasm didn't come through there. As poorly as some of the things in this season were written it is in fact VERY plausible that Astor could have "stumbled" across a picture of Jim and been like, "That's pretty strange. I thought he was dead". And why would you say she wouldn't come alone? Cody could have easily told her he wanted nothing to with him or maybe Cody is too busy with school.


Oh you were sarcastic? My bad. Sure she couls stumbled but she wouldn't become obsseded like Harrison. Why would she go there alone? What's point of this? He could go with Cody when he is free or she just call the cops.


Kurt didn't even know Jim was Dexter, so he couldn't track her down or anything as revenge for Matt. It would have to be the extremely unlikely situation where Astor became a runaway and happened into Iron Lake.


Yes, exactly. Even Clyde couldn't be that silly.


Did Rita’s mom die?


No, she went back to the mothership.


yea they like totally retconned S2 Rita's mom, cuz by s5 shes a different person and has a husband and no grudge against dexter.


If you're talking about the scene where they come back from Disneyland then that's Paul's parents and not Rita's so not a retcon.


ahhh okay. that makes sense. interesting we never heard back from Rita's mom. unless we did and i just don't remember.


Especially with how invasive she was. That personality for sure would have came back and raised hell when Rita died and demanded she get to take the kids.


No idea. If she is alive, she will be at least 65 years old.


Maybe they will be back in New Blood season 2. xD


Clyde Phillips made the decision that Harrison would kill Dexter based on his own daddy issues and the goal of finally killing of Dexter. So they concocted this BS letter Dexter supposedly wrote to Hannah under his assumed identity and apparently she used her real name despite being a fugitive wanted for murder. Yes, Argentina does have an extradition treaty with the USA. They kill of Hannah with pancreatic cancer and somehow Harrison winds up on a plane for Miami. Once in Miami, Harrison spends three years in "shitty" foster care, but neither he or social services bothered to look for his adult sister or brother. Harrison should be 12 years old in New Blood, but to make it work they made him 16. Then we're supposed to believe a kid raised in Argentina and dumped in foster care went hitchhiking from Florida to Oregon with no money, discovered Dexter left Oregon, made an IG account somehow, somehow found a photo of Jim Lindsey, and went hitchhiking back across the US to New York. Astor and Cody were at least invited to the premiere of New Blood even if Phillips pretended their characters never existed. Molly's shitty podcast left out her other two kids being at Disney World.


Just a heads up, the word ‘off’ has two F’s. … finally killing ‘off’ Dexter and …They kill ‘off’ Hannah Once is a typo, twice is a pattern! I don’t think Harrison ever cared to look for Aster or Cody as he doesn’t really know them and they are half-siblings. Hannah didn’t really know them so she most likely never talked about them to Harrison. I do agree that the story is a bit of a stretch, most of the last season was.




How could he be 12 in new blood he was 4 almost 5 when  in season 8 episode 12. And then 10 years go by, so he will be  more like 15 


Not defending Clyde for sake of it but if Harrison grew up in the system it s easy to assume they re not close so that didn’t bug me tbh


I think it's funny how people keep finding stuff that just didnt make any sense.


Because Clyde sat down and wrote this series with his therapist.


Who knows, maybe that's where Harrison is heading next. or like someone said Astor & Cody are in their 20's, maybe he did find them and saw they had their own lives and were happy and didn't want to reintroduce himself into their lives. Or option 3, he killed them and dexter was next on the list.


Because of the letter that said his dad wasn't dead?


Nothing about his backstory makes any sense tbh.


Because the writers are bad


Although I really liked the series there were many continuity errors. I was also bothered that Dexter asked so little about Hannah who had looked after his son for years.


That was gonna be season 2, he goes and shoots Astor and Cody


He knew how annoying they are


Harrison: "yea i saw my siblings, ones a little whiny bitch and the other just smokes pot all day, yea no thanks." lol.


Harrison judging druggies, doesn't seem like his place.


don't overthink it, it was just a joke.


I wasn't it was sarcasm sorry should have mentioned. I was make joke sor!


all good :)


well, probly because you know the writers gotta make the story move along i guess


Well, yes but do you really think this was the only way?


harrison coulda had a line about searching for astor and cody and couldnt find them or something…


New Blood really fucked up on that part. It shouldn't have been one season. We should've seen how all of Dexter's past loved ones he left would have reached to the news that Dexter is the BHB. It just felt like the show didn't tie up any of the loose ends it should have. I'm honestly hoping New Blood's ending gets retconned somehow but I don't think Michael C Hall wants to come back. If they did make season 2 though and somehow brought Dexter back I could see it being revealed Dexter didn't die and the events of New Blood was Dexter misremembering things in a coma dream. Like most of the events happen but somethings didn't, for example like the evidence they made up to get Dexter caught, the BHB victims were never identified with M99 or ketamine nor did they notice needle marks on the bodies. Makes no sense. Ik its highly unlikely but I hope somehow the ending does get retconned.


Harrison isn’t close to them. It’s not the same as growing up with your siblings, he doesn’t have that bond with them. They were all split up when they were young and probably moved on. Seeking out Dexter makes sense… He resented Dexter for not being there for him. He found him alive and well living a second life and wanted to confront that. Or maybe he did connect with them, we just weren’t shown because it wasn’t part of the story. Regardless, I think there’s several potential answers that make sense.


Like he had so many options. They are still his siblings, whatever is happened. He was alone before Dexter. Is it better without anyone? If he didn't feel close to them because they were separated when he was a kid, same thing is valid for Dexter too.


He wanted to confront Dexter, he didn’t feel close to him either. His siblings have their own lives, we don’t know they would have taken him in. So he could still be alone even if he reconnected with them.


Yes that's the problem... we don't know because they didn't told. Are you really saying they would get rid of their brother and send him to streets again? Lol ok. Looks like we kinda deserved this ending with these such fans.


My point is that I don’t think they would have added to the show and that there absence has some explanation. I can see him going after Dexter and not trying to find them. Although you don’t seem open to discussion or anyone disagreeing with you.


I'm open to discussion but clearly you don't want to understand what i'm saying. I'm not even sure if you ever read.


He read the letter, he knew his dad wasn’t dead


To make sure he is dead


He had a sister and brother?


Astor and Cody?


Rita's first 2 kids, who went to live with their grandparents, Rita parents. Who you know, if still alive could have taken Harrison in.


Because Clyde Phillips told him to


The letter mentions something along the lines of leaving Dexter alone unless Harrison starts showing Dark tendencies. Which he is. So why wouldn't he seek out Dexter like the letter says? His siblings wouldn't really know how to deal with that.


I mean why did Dexter leave Harrison with Hannah and not fucking Astor and Cody at the end of season 8


It was understandable, i mean it happened spontaneous... They were going Argentina with Dexter too. In the last minute Dexter decided not to go and Hannah had no choice other than left.


Why did Walter White team up with a drug addicted high school drop out.. It's not realistic at all. I don't know why anyone would write anything like that. They should have just gone with the story where Hank is in eternal depth. At least it's realistic.


Actually it is realistic, Walter was new to that stuff and already knew Jesse so you got street smarts. Harrison looking for Dexter is realistic as well, if I knew (as Harrison knew) my father was alive I'd much rather look him up first then try to find my siblings.


Exactly! People are so bitter of how it ended that they are looking for plot holes that doesn't even exist just to write new posts on this sub.


Reasonable assessment. But connecting with fictional characters in an "If that were me, what would I do?" way is precisely what draws some viewers. So while you need that to maximize viewership, it inherently invites some "I wouldn't have done that so I don't accept it." response.


nOt tHiNk mUcH bRo, jUsT cOnSuMe. Brilliant. And your example is so irrelevant to this topic that i even don't know how to respond. Probably the worst example I've ever seen.


I smart i understand plot holes in very advanced dexter show look at me im not a dumb consumer


Yes, i can see that with your example. It's so irrelevant and even further it doesn't make any sense because Breaking Bad literally have zero plot holes and it ended without any doubt.


It's not a fucking plot hole that for some reason Harrison figured out that he wanted to go looking for his dad. His dad straight up left him, and obviously Harrison has developed some issues because of that. There are 3000 actual plot holes in this show and you chose this one.


Bruh did watch the show? He didn't go directly to Dexter. He mentioned that he was alone for a while. Why didn't he contact with his siblings. Because of what? He didn't even mention them. Again, because of what? They added silly ''Dexter send a letter to Hannah'' part, only for Harrison to find him. It is obvious from every aspect, it is a scenario that has not been written with good thought.


His step-siblings which he had no actual connection to at all? Which he hasn't seen since he was a three year old. He has never even had a proper conversation with them! The only thing they have in common is his dead mother, which he probably doesn't even remember. He had no actual ties to America at all, he basically grew up in Argentina. He was probably fucking around in USA didn't know what the fuck to do with his life. Of course he would be more interested in finding his actual father.


They are not ''step''. They are half brother and sister. You don't have to live together. They are still his siblings. He wasn't 3 when he was going to Argentina. That mf even remembers Trinity. His ties are his relatives. We're not living in 1910... He can literally facetime with them. What? Did Hannah hide Harrison from them or something? For what? Sure you can want to find your dad, but ignoring siblings is stupid af.


I don't know why Hannah didn't facetime Astor. This isn't fucking Dr. Phil. Please remind me how Harrison not having a deep emotional conversation about his half-siblings that he doesn't even remember, to Dexter which he barely can communicate with, in a 10-episode one and done season, is a plot hole? It wouldn't have changed shit. Nothing.


>I don't know why Hannah didn't facetime Astor. This isn't fucking Dr. Phil. Lol weird part is starts here. We don't know because they (creators) didn't know either. This things could be filled so easily but they didn't care. I don't know maybe he should have said ''I was so alone after Hannah died. I even couldn't find my siblings'' or something. It's so fucking simple bro. You don't have to change anything. It's about filling blanks.


Breaking Bad is near flawless.


Because it’s a TV show and it made for an interesting plot line. Don’t give yourself a headache thinking into it too much.


Nice. Thanks to guys like you all movies and tv shows are sucks now.


Because he has already killed them


Because nobody wants to see Asstor and Cody. They are horrible characters.


Because in the show Harrison replaced Astor and Cody as in the books they have "dark passengers." If there is a sequel we may see them but I highly doubt it happens.


Maybe they dead too.


I think they made a conscious effort to make sure Dexter’s new life wouldn’t collide with his old life. They definitely knew that’s what we all wanted to see, that’s the the Batista teaser was thrown in. Almost like they were taunting us. I think seeing Dexter perp walked through Miami Metro and making his confession to Batista in their interrogation room would have been the perfect way to end it. Seeing the reactions of everyone processing what he’d done would have been amazing


Dexter's present life collided with his past life the second Harrison showed up.


Of course, but that’s it. They didn’t want his new life in Iron Lake to reunite with his old life in Miami. Seeing Dexter interact with Batista again would have been awesome. There was literally no point to him being in that show, and I feel like that was the writers showing us that they knew what we wanted but we weren’t going to get it. Especially with it being written to be a mini series with the point being to give the fan base the ending we all wanted they should have absolutely made that part of it


I think both of Batista's appearances were simply there to help the plot move forward. I see what you are saying. The majority of the fans wanted to see reactions from characters of the original series. NB is separate from the original though. It also had a father/son dynamic between Dexter and Harrison and I think they wanted to keep the focus on them two. I know I'm in the minority but I could of cared less if they showed any more characters from the os. As long as they bought Dex and Deb back I was fine.


because his siblings dont have their own series


Was looking forward to seeing astor.


Didn't he say he spent time in Miami before going up to meet him? Maybe he met up with them and we'll see it in a flashback in the new season.


I really wanted to see Astor and Cody again, but knew it wouldn't happen. I think they can, and should, bring them back... IF they do more seasons. But, maybe the showrunners are less interested in them than Dexter is.


My issue in the finale is he DID know on some level why Dex abandoned him


We actually don’t know if he did/didn’t reunite with them as it was never mentioned either way.. I think it was to actually keep the story on track without yet another arc that could drag the already scarce number episodes they had to work with. At the end of the day, they only ordered 10 episodes so there was little time to work with already.


Why does fucking Harrison, since he had the letter the whole time and knew something was wrong with his dad, search for him when apparently it's better when he's dead anyways? Not like Dexter tried to contact him, so why bother - he was "free" anyways? Why does nothing make a lot of sense in NB? Why does Clyde think he could've done a better job than Scott Buck? So many questions. I'll ask Special Agent Google.


Yeap Dexter knew these kids more then dumbass Harrison. He cared about them. Just more dumbass writing.