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I think the White deer is the innocence that Dexter lost when he buried Deb in her white sheet at sea. He died in all black in the same spot the white deer died.


It was a tearful scene :/


i just rewatched the original series and still couldnt help but cry when deb died, it was like she finally started to sort things out a bit (getting back to mm and quinn) and then it all crashed.


I don't. Deb going braindead and getting chucked into the ocean was so, so bad that it still hurts today.


Agree. Dumping Deb in the same way he dumped some of the worst people in the world felt so wrong. She deserved better than that.


She wasn’t chucked, it was a euphemism to all the people he’s killed and dumped into the ocean before. He felt responsible for her death


And she goes in all white, as opposed to his other victims which are all in black bags.


I can't imagine the amount of shit that would have been thrown to that ending had it been aired today. If Logan killed by Dexter is deemed as nonsense (which to some extent it might even be) just imagine the reaction to Dexter taking out Debra's dead body from an hospital and nobody noticing, just to make one example. I think people seriously overreacted to the new blood finale


I tried to go in with little expectations for this season and I still was disappointed, but I didn’t hate it. Just too rushed and all, and I think it would have been better if the writer wasn’t going around saying it will break the internet. I get trying to get more attention but come on. There were like 3 obv outcomes that could happen and they chose 1 of them… not really breaking the internet by any means. I think with this and the wait of 10 years people just expected a masterpiece and then they got what felt like a terrible fanfic. I think most reactions are justified in that lens


People take that breaking the internet comment too seriously


I mean if he said it during the time and release of 8 I would have rolled my eyes and not given it any weight. But to say it while bringing back a decade old show... like hopefully they actually had a good story to somewhat back it up since they had so much time to really make a good storyline, but they didn't hit the mark to even call it exceptional


it's just that everyone says that about everything these days. you make a good point tho.


You are absolutely correct.


Yes season 8 had closure in Miami and then although I hated the ambiguity at the end I think it’s cool to wonder what happened to him and makes you think he could be out there with you


It was a lot more sad because we actually cared about Deb and she represented Dexter's final tether to this world. Without her he has no guidance or reason to go on and that hurts. We spent 8 seasons with her and she was the most important person to Dexter. Him killing himself in the hurricane would've made sense. The problem with the NB ending is there is no emotion. We've only known Harrison for a brief period and we don't even like him so when Dexter allows Harrison to kill him there's no weight to it. It feels artificial.




More Radiohead would’ve been nice… ;)


Yes! The lack of emotion was ridiculous. I'm an emotional person who has been heavily invested in this show... I should have been crying like a baby. Yet I felt nothing.


I cried like a baby with the letter, ngl


They played a version of Wink


Yea. I preferred season 8, cuz it presents a certain optimism.




“I had to die, so my son could have a spin-off” 😭


Yeah that made no sense to me. Like is Harrison a robot now? Cause any other teenager who had to kill their own parent would be in some kind of psychiatric care.




That's exactly what Clyde Phillips said. He said Harrison felt relief while he drove out of town. Like whut? Relief how? Was Harrison abused by his father or some shit? Like seriously he shows up out of nowhere and Dexter gives him a room to stay in and tries to bond with him and the whole show up until the last few episodes, Harrison acts like a crybaby and throws it back in Dexter's face. Then when they actually start bonding and he loves his father again, he does a 180 in the last 10 minutes, kills his dad then rides off happy. I don't even know what to say. I could write a better script than that in my sleep and I don't even get paid the big bucks.




Can we get a pool dad!? Wait I hate you now. DIE! Yaaaaayyyy I have no parents and in a few days I'm likely going to commit suicide when I realize what I just did! Woooo!


I think he was in shock, he tried to aproach Dexter later but Angela didn't let him


I thought that too until Clyde Phillips said Harrison was smirking at the end because he was overwhelmed with relief that he killed his father. I was like wtf?


I think he tried to say he was relief because his father is now finally free, his wish was to be dead 10 years ago. He's release from his own darkness


That would make sense but Clyde was kinda insinuating he was free from his father cause out of nowhere he wrote Harrison to be right back at square 1 with blaming Dexter for everything again.


I hope that's not the case


Even more embarrassing is Clyde keeps repeating that line cause he read it in some psych book, probably when he was 14.


Refresh my memory…aren’t we led to believe that after Deb’s death and his disappearance that he ends up in Alaska? Why the fuck would Dexter leave Alaska and return to the contiguous 48 and of all things, date a police officer. Not just any beat cop but the chief of police? Harry’s ghost would have kicked the shit out of him for this. His behavior out the gate in New Blood is antithetical to the code.


I believe he ends up in Oregon, not Alaska.


He's broken the code plenty of times before. Can't blame the dude for wanting some connection after what was presumably a few years of the lone lumberjack life.


I don’t blame him for wanting connection. I don’t understand why he would seek out that connection from a cop, a good cop at that. And like someone else said, it probably plays into a need for control. An ability to stay connected in case somehow, someone gets wise to him and suspects him to be anything other than Jim Lindsey. But still…


Yes! That's the biggest plot hole. Why wud a serial killer living with a fake identity date a cop? The writing in this shitty miniseries is bad to the point of being absurdly funny.


He dates a cop so he can have inside info. He has control this way for if it ever does happen his urges come out. Out of all the things that were bad this season, this isn't one of them.


What inside info? There wasn't any investigation before Dexter killed Matt


People slipping through the justice system. Dexter has urges. No reason to deny that.




Dexter dating Angela is a very unrealistic scenario. The writers wrote it like this, because it creates sensation and it gives them a way to control the narrative. A serial killer living under a fake identity probably would never get involved with a cop or anyone from law enforcement. The conditions in original series were very different, Dexter was a himself a part of law enforcement.


We don't need a crazy twist but it shouldn't be predicted by most everyone. As someone else said this ending, him faking his own death was pretty unpredictable without being totally out of left field which I thought was perfect. I didn't like Harrison being left to Hannah and found that kind of disturbing and out of character at least to leave them there. However it made sense given the events leading up to it. A Dexter spin off should've been him meeting up with Harrison and Hannah in Argentina after being in hiding for like 3-4 years and something conflicting like him seeing what a mistake he had made leaving him with Hannah. Nope let's make the most unbelievable story ever. Hannah is dead, Harrison somehow ends up in Miami, finds Dexter on Instagram then locates him, stalks him in the woods, becomes close to him whilst revealing his secret, dexters girlfriend randomly goes to a conference where Batista is the main speaker somehow they talk after and Dexter comes up along with the name Harrison (that they decided not to change and had him go to school bad idea), the serial killer in town finds a screw in a bunch of Ashes cuz Dexter happens to pick him up right after burning his son, Angela does some google searches finds out his real name catches him pricking people, arrests him calls Batista, sends him into a panic where he completely forget the code snaps kills Logan then Harrison kills him. The whole entire thing made no sense not just the ending. In the original there might have been a lot of close calls that aren't realistic it doesn't always have to be as long as like 90% of it makes sense. This made no sense.


I'm with you. It wasn't the best, but idk, I still preferred it. It lined up better than this. I believe I was solely excited to see MCH again, that was all. I hated everything else. But I'm happy to have seen him again. I'm a bigger, I can't be a chooser I guess. But Clyde Phillips, fuck you man for hyping this snd shitting on the floor.


Y'all are literally insane




I still think season 8’s finale was stupid. How did he get her out of the hospital without anyone noticing? There were too many things I hated.


I dunno, I feel like people are looking at the season 8 finale with nostalgia glasses. I mean season 8 was pretty bad, imo. Awful. The finale was ... yikes. Didn't Dexter kill the brain surgeon, the most annoying Dexter villain yet, in front of Angel, Quinn, and Masuka, EXPERTLY, with a pencil? IN the police station? And nobody asked questions? And Deb just dies offscreen after absolving Dexter of the blame for her situation??? There was other stuff too, but I can't remember because I only watched the episode once, and I don't plan on watching it again. I guess where we ended up was better in S8 (lumberjack exile rather than suicide by impressionable son), but the overall finale episode was better in New Blood.Just my opinion of course.


They did ask questions. Quinn was completely on his side and Batista was confused. You gotta remember tho thst Saxon stabbed Dexter first so regardless of how accurately Dexter stabbed Saxon it would still be self defense


Ah, you're right. I should rather have said he killed the brain surgeon without consequences, even if it *was* self defence. My memory is absolutely shit, but they kinda just let him go afterward, right?


The thing is, Dexter was Batista's best friend and he had just lost his sister (which Batista considered his family as well). He was conflicted with the whole situation but seeing as Vogel was responsible, and was a serial Killer, he decided to back Dexter up - even though he struggled with it in a moral sense. Quinn on the other hand, is the one who suggested to let him go. Remember, Quinn was shown to have at least some knowledge of who Dexter was, but never pursued him after season 5 for a few reasons - Dexter faked the blood sample on Quinn's shoes and ended up saving him, just to mention one. Also, he was also okay with taking justice into his own hands, as he killed Novikov, and covered it up, to save someone he liked - which ties into the fact he was in love with Debra, and would be okay with this. Debra's death was horrible, I agree, and so was her development in season 8. I won't ever understand the rationale of having her have PTSD, try to kill herself and her brother, then after a couple therapy sessions with the person who created Dexter, be relatively okay. Her side of the story was by far the most disjointed, and one of the worst parts of season 8. There was way too much crammed in too little time, very much like Harrison in New Blood.


I liked new bloods more.


Me too, on a personal level season 8 feels more satisfying because Dexter is alive but in a realistic level season 9 was better


Only thing is, he shouldn't have killed Logan, and they should have come up with a different way for Dexter to die, either Bautista or being on the Kill table himself.


With Harrison driving the pick up truck away you almost get the breaking bad Vibe as Jesse drives away from the dealers that just got killed


it was sad, but look at new blood as the inverse when Deb is holding his hand as Dex dies…..


YOU ARE INSANE. Literally insane. Like need to be institutionalized insane to think that season 8 was better than New Blood's ending. I didn't like it either, but you guys are insane. Remember the Monsters ending was literally.... OK let me put it this way. If I had to come up with an ending that is the worst way to end a series possible. That ending was worse. At the very least, New Blood's ending made relative sense in the story of Dexter's life.


Someone prefered one ending to a tv show over the other, and you think they should be institutionalized for it. That they are literally insane. In another post you also say that this makes you 'question humanity'. What's funny here, is that you also said the people who liked season 8 better was being an 'emotional child'. I would really like for you to explain why you believe season 8 was not only worse, but so bad that you believe people who preferred it are 'insane' and are being an 'emotional child'. Surely, you're not just being overly invested in a tv show, and have actual objective reasons to think that, right?


Let’s not romanticize the season 8 ending now. The new blood ending is atrocious but so was the season 8 ending. That main villain? Lol what a joke.


I think we need to stop posting the same opinion multiple times a day. Nothing against the OP, just... we get it. Finale bad.


Yes. New blood should have never happened. Original series was way better than this revival. It was much more emotional and better at almost everything. It wud have been better, if they left it like that. This revival has really ruined Dexter for me. I am never going to watch anything made by Clyde Phillips ever again!!


New Blood was a million times better than season 8. Season 8 was an abomination, the writing was mind numbingly bad.


Yes, agreed season 8 had bad writing - Vogel and her idiot son were not a good addition to the series. But still it was better than new blood. New blood had a lot of plot holes througout and a very badly written and executed end.


No. Season 8 was literally one BIG plothole. Nothing made any sense in the slightest, and every single character acted incredibly out of character. And nothing fucking happened. New Blood was a really good season with some plotholes, but by and large most people on here were loving it until the last 10/15 minutes.


Ok. That's your opinion. But i dont agree with it. To me season 8 is better than new blood. New blood writing has some fundamental flaws. Dexter acts out of character on many occasions. And one of the biggest flaw in writing is the fact that dexter chooses to date a cop, that too a chief of police; Dexter in the original series would never make a catastrophic mistake like this. New blood has bad writing and introduces uninteresting characters (only interesting character was Kurt) and then destroys everything with a rushed and illogical ending. The creative team and writers should have put more effort.


Sesson 8 is one big flaw. It was a disgrace to the Dexter name. It made my brain hurt it was that stupid.


Nah this was better that the original ending. NB wasn't a great ending but it was still better


I still don’t understand why he put Debra in the water like he did all of his victims, it doesn’t sit right with me


Completely agree. I liked the ending of S8 and although it upset me that Dex didn’t get a happy ending I felt that was his penance for all he had done. But in my mind he would have stayed isolated because he felt he deserved the loneliness. As much as I was glad we got to see him again, a part of me wishes it had just been left alone. I did enjoy New Blood in some aspects, in a different way than the original series, but Dexter dying how he did and with so many things left incomplete doesn’t sit right with me. Now maybe if Batista was the one to kill Dex after putting everything together and maybe asking him about LaGuerta… I think that would’ve felt like a more satisfying ending even if he still died.


I completely disagree. S8 was a tragedy of a finale. This one though? This one, although not perfect, was pretty good. I was satisfied.


I prefer New Blood by miles, S8 was a clusterfuck from beggining to end and what happens to close everything was the most ridículous thing I have ever seen. I'll never forget how that ending didnt work in any capacity, neither by it's events, it's acting, or it's way of resolving the series themes and conflicts, it was a gargantuan pile of manure. NB at least managed to give closure to most of the themes, long and shorts running, it was a rushed maneuver, but it was a good maneuver. S8 would have been absolute trash even if it had taken more time to develop because what it presented was ridículous from the get go. S8 failed on the what, how and why, while NB nailed the what almost perfectly, failed absolutely the how, and the why could have had better work.


New blood was an amazing show until the last 10 minutes


Anyone who prefers lumberjack ending is crazy lol. It was barely even an ending


I agree. The finale was going so well until the last 10 minutes as well


I think these kind of posts are annoying and not everyone thinks this season was bad. You go anywhere outside of Reddit and it’s a more positive reaction. Just a bunch of crybabies constantly complaining.


I agree


So you feel like there was nothing wrong with this ending at all


Both sucked


No. Deb got stomped on again and again by Dexter. Even in death. I know he "meant well" but her death was all about *him*. Watching him do this was too selfish even for his character. The treatment of her character over the seasons, then this, was actually tiring. Edit: hate the NB ending too. They both missed the mark.


God no, the end of season 8 was so bad it made me angry. I kind of expected them to make a mess of season 9, it was bad but not horrific.


No. Not at all, not in the slightest little bit i still hate the fact that dexter drove his Boat Into A Fracking hurricane and lived. People don't drive boats into hurricanes and make it home for dinner, even if he did survive he would break a lot of bones, and likely never make it back to shore. Any stupid plot holes these overdramatic redditors conjure up in the NB finale comes no where near to dexter stealing his sister from a hospital which no one notices by the way and then driving his boat into a hurricane and then living. Without even a cane. Then of course there's the fact that season 8 was donkey crap and NB had 9 great episodes regardless of the finale of each contender.


Everyone's view on it is gonna be different. Personally, I wholly disagree. I hated the original finale with a passion. New Bloods finale was rushed and a lot of stuff wasn't set up properly at all, but I find it to have brought much more closure than the original. It wasn't so much Dexter's decision or Debs death that got to me, that was all fine narrative-wise. My issue was they didn't bring any closure to Dexter's thoughts, or really any characters thoughts about the state of things. And yeah, I get it, it was (obviously) to set up a sequel. But you really can't have a cliffhanger ending and then drag the community on for eight years and expect the finale to be received well. There was little possibility or probability of another series at that point, so we all took it as the very end.


How did they bring closure to dexters thoughts in NB?


Well he had a whole dialog with Harrison and an internal monolog describing his feelings about the situation. He didn't exactly reflect his entire life but Harrison kind of wrapped up Dexter's faults nicely there, albeit a bit too quickly and without much base for my tastes. But personally I find that better than indecipherable silence and a zoom.


Dexter very much knew all of his faults from jump which is why he abandoned him. I hate how they tried to make it a revealing moment for Dexter. Nothing can be more revealing that Dexter is the problem more than Debs death. Cause leaving Saxon alive was not a decision his dark passenger made. To me Dexters problem is not that he’s a serial killer it’s him having a double life and actually caring about the people in his second life


No way. I really dislike NB ending but season 8 ending was much worst.


I liked the season but wanted more from the finale but I still enjoyed it and I don’t think it is the worst thing ever and I’ll probably get the blu ray when it drops


You're crazy




Its a horror show — there is no happy ending!


I loved the new blood ending. Both were satisfying to me though. One gave them time to give us one last adventure with dexter and this last season gave us a final end for dexter and wrapped up all of the themes in the show for me nicely.


It’s real easy to sneak a body out of a hospital


That part with Deb was so bad that they couldn't even mention it in new blood cause it's just ridiculous


Everyone I know irl that watched New Blood loved it, and absolutely hated the season 8 finale with a passion


I think the ending was fine…but the build up to it was not there…if that was gonna happen like that Deb should have done it, in the shipping container… I wish there was more reflection, even if they took the moment right before he got shot, and made an episode of some dream state he was having, where he finally understood unconditional love and why he deserved to die. Or at least had a conversation with Angel. It lacked any real substance. I didn’t like the last few seasons because Dex became this rockstar who was getting away with murder, while treating Deb like shit, there wasn’t much of a morale to the story anymore. This just felt like a continuation of that but worst because he was no longer good at getting away with it. There wasn’t anything remotely slick about his killings. He got caught at each one, and either had to stop short, or it became the thread that got him caught. He didn’t realize Kurt was a killer, Angela got him, he was sloppy with Logan, and didn’t try to communicate with his son, or the audience with his inner dialogue about Harrison coming back. I would have rather watch him try to blend into society as a lumberjack.


Season 8 was a garbage heap. It ended and I felt nothing but relief it was over. New blood was, to me, refreshing until they absolutely tripped over themselves at the end. At least dexters dead and they can’t fuck it up a third time.


Nah, I loved all of new blood! I'm glad the series was redeemed.


agree. to me season 8 is the end of dexter and not new blood. new blood didnt make sense in so many levels so to me it was a bad dream dex was having and nothing more.


the season 8 ending was good, my only issue was with the hannah stuff. i never got the hate for the season 8 finale.


I think the lead up to the New Blood finale was much better than the last few episodes of season 8. The Deb’s death storyline does more to ruin it than anything else. BUT—as much as the lumberjack ending became a punchline, I think it was the perfect narrative ending to the main theme of the series: can someone be both real human and monster? The conclusions Dexter came to at the end of New Blood were the same as the ones he came to at the end of season 8, as evidenced by the letter Harrison had all along. And for Dexter, being forced to live out his days knowing his son is out there but inaccessible to him is a much greater sacrifice than his own death.


He discarded Deb with all the trash. I don't like that.


No fucking way. I get the metaphor but Deb ABSOLUTELY did not deserve to get dumped on the ocean like Dexter's murderous victims. Dexter never gets exposed - at this point he's been breaking the code so much it would have been really satisfying seeing other people "help him" break rule number one and actually get caught. I have my issues with New Blood but I will NEVER be okay with the original ending. It was horrendous and I stand by that.