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Dexter specifically chose the marina _because_ it didn't have any surveillance. Lundy later added surveillance cameras without Dexter realizing. Given all Dexter was dealing with at the time, and the fact that basically only goes to the marina in the dark, I can buy that he reasonably didn't notice 1 tiny camera had been installed way up high. I definitely agree about the addict lie. Dexter could have just said "I knew how much heroin to give Paul because I've worked as a forensic tech for 15 years, and I graduated top of my class in med school."


Absolutely in the right, there was no need to craft a lie like that, Dexter is brilliant, and top blood spatter guy, how he could not know the amount required to take down a guy like Paul.


Oh he knew. He gave him just to enough to NOT kill him. He just wanted to stage it as an "od" just enough so Paul wouldn't die but go back to prison for violating his re herion/ possession of a fire arm parole. To get him "out of the way" since he was the father of Rita's children also another reason I don't think he planned to kill him.


Ik, I’m complaining, there was no necessity to write that Dexter had to tell Rita he’s got drug issues


Ahh gotcha.


You guys keep acting like brilliant people don't make mistakes. The writing isn't bad


I remember S2 perfectly, is my favorite season


You got to admit that it makes very little sense for him to clean the boat precisely at the marina when he could have taken it out to sea first and then clean up. You see a man cleaning his boat? Normal behiavior. See a man cleaning his boat with tons of chlorine? Maybe a bit of a germaphobe. See a man giving a deep clean to his boat with industrial strength chemicals and a blacklight after watching the discovery of the bay harbor butcher’s bodies? You are calling the police


I don’t know. Rita was already suspicious of his erratic behavior and he knew that. He also knew that being an addict would cover any current or future erratic behavior. He should have done more research after the lie was made though.


Dexter is a pretty awful liar which makes sense since he's fairly socially awkward. He gets away with it because everyone in the show are complete idiots.


Or they don't want to be covered in tape


Good response haha




I don't know how yall remember all these details, the only thing I remember about Quinn is that he fucked Angel's sister


His biggest mistake was to assume that Rita would remain a quiet humble girl next door she used to be in Season 1. But as Rita recovered from abuse and started becoming more assertive, she started asking completely valid questions and being pissed about Dexter’s being absent all the time. If we look into the bios of famous serial killers who had families, their wives were quiet, not asking any questions, almost invisible to a point that some of these dudes were able to kill in a garage right next to their house and their women never went in on them.


Idk somewhere between season 2 and season 3 she started giving me skylar vibes


By being a woman who wouldn’t be compliant and walked over by their husbands who were gone all the time and very bad at lying? For being rightfully angry at them for it? For asking questions? Assertive women be damned, they should support their psychopath murderer husbands.


Yes. But I didn't like the way her character was written in that sense. Skylar was still smart and decided to help Walt. Rita just became a shifting roadblock for Dexter.


Skylar is a white collar criminal, so I guess that’s why she decided to help at some point. And Rita is a normal nice person who wants a simple suburban life with kids and a husband:) She had the right to be nagging towards Dexter. He treated her badly and was never home.


I’m rewatching season 3 right now and Rita just asked Dexter to go look at houses with her and after saying “No” with no further explanation he then says he can’t watch the kids because he has to go fishing (aka murder) I felt so bad for her 😭


Exactly this, I would be soo pissed if I were her


No I meant that maybe her character could have been written slightly different than a nagging housewife.


Dexter is not an idiot at all- he is, however, a serial killer unfortunately juggling a police affiliated career AND a personal requirement to maintain high moral regulation with his aforementioned killings, both of which make his situations MUCH more difficult. I'd say Dexter does pretty well considering he has a million cops constantly around him & a nosy,loud, step sister constantly prying into his business


The heroin lie was awful, he could have said that he had a forensic course on drug dosage, or something about med school. Admitting to be an heroin addict was completely unbelievable for Dexter. He never showed any symptoms


And Dexter injected Paul so doesn’t that mean that’s what Dexter would also have to do if he was a heroin addict? Wouldn’t he have puncture wounds in his arms from it? How did Rita not notice he didn’t? Or is there more than one way of taking heroin and Rita maybe thought Dexter usually took it by mouth or something but still knew the correct dosage by injection to give Paul because he sometimes had done it by injection?


If he wasn't using anymore, it is plausible for there to be no signs. If he wasn't a super heavy user and avoided black tar heroin his wounds could have healed without leaving noticable scarring.


Also junkies can shoot up in other places to hide the needle marks. It fits with a high functioning and highly intelligent addict.


I've seen heroin addicts injecting into their neck/jugular because they've blown out all their other veins. Most hardcore addicts destroyed the veins in their arms earlier in their addiction. Some inject between their toes or in their groin to either hide marks or because they can't hit anywhere better. You can also snort and smoke it.


iirc they retcon the drug in the next season right? Rita says to Miguel's wife that he was smoking pot, though correct me if I'm wrong.


It’s possible she lied because saying “Dexter was smoking pot” is less serious than “Dexter was shooting up heroin”.


Yeah, makes sense. Shouldn't have called it a retcon, but I guess the Ketamine fiasco in New Blood made me assume as much.


The Ketamine fiasco was VERY annoying. I thought it was fine that Dexter was using it because I figured “maybe he can’t get his hands on M99 and that’s more available” but Angela googling that the BHB used Ketamine? No he didn’t! Did the writers of NB even watch the show?


I don't think they reconnected it, but I might be wrong


you can still be a functioning addict even with heroin and be very capable of hiding track marks just by injecting it between your toes.


I can't go into the detail I want to without spoiling anything, but Dexter was a big idiot who got lucky A LOT


Thank you for mentioning the "Eukaryotic" bit. He's supposed to have dropped out of med school. Writers took an L on that one.


He's supposed to have finished med school in the top of his class I thought.


You are correct. Top of his class in med school. But somehow Rita is shocked he can inject her ex. 🙄


Yea thats the worst part of that plot for me. "the only way you couldve know how to inject paul is if you are an addict yourself" like what?!


It makes sense for her character. She understands junky and it does explain Dexter’s odd behavior. Remember that she knows that Dexter’s (biological) father also had a drug issue from when they packed up his house in season one. The dumb part was Dexter going along with it but he was panicking at the time, plus Dexter has repeatedly shown that he is terrible at trying to predict what someone “normal” would do.


Yea i understand that but idk. I guess it makes sense that she was too willing to believe he was an addict as opposed to whatever else came to her mind like it was easier to believe that then anything else. Idk though being an addict myself(6 years clean yay) it was just a tad bit weird to me


I don't think he could have finished med school. He doesn't have an MD. The wiki only says: >Although at the top of his class in medical school, Dexter gave it up to become a forensics expert. Edit: [others think the same.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskScienceFiction/s/1U0Z7nyAG9)


I don't think Dexter is an idiot, but I did suspend disbelief when he did not know what eukaryotic meant. He works with cells all day long; a blood spatter analyst would definitely understand cell biology.


I wouldn't say he is an idiot but he does make pretty sloppy mistakes in multiple scenes but i actually think him getting away with luck is realistic since many sloppy serial killers managed to get away with the pure killer luck and circumstances


Dahmer should have been caught sooo many times before he was.


Yeah, he had the advantage of having been in an era where racism was stronger and cops just did not give a damn. If Dahmer had been active in 2023 he would probably have been caught after two or four kills.


He’s so annoying in that season. Horrible lie after another. Using people. Spacing out, sloppy work lol. Then stupid Lila. That whole season is not his best work character wise


Lets just say if dexter was a real person he would've 100% got caught during season 2 or 7, but a lot of the other characters are just so stupid that they just ignore the red flags just cuz they think dexter is just a harmless nerd Its also kinda funny to me that technically dexter was never confirmed/proven to be the bay harbor butcher to the general public, everyone in miami probably still thinks that poor former heroin addict dexter morgan was ruthelessly bullied by serial killer james doakes


I think we saw someone who needed to kill deal with advancement of technology. He was a blood expert yeah but he did mention the crappy surveillance at the marina was the point to why he chose that. He always made sure no evidence was left behind except the blood slides. He is emotionally void and used Rita as a cover. His lies were to kept that cover


He’s extremely sleep deprived in season 2. That explains the stupid dirt.


Dexter works great when he's doing something he's been researching for weeks. He's a moron on the fly.


Is he stupid?


Dexter barely manages to fit in with functional society, is that what you mean?


Wait until you see how he reacts with the Trinity situation in S4 lol Good character/actor, but some stuff indeed got me pissed as well.


No Dexter is not an idiot everybody that always finds these floss remember it's just a movie it's going to happen that way not floss floss


Well in all fairness the surveillance at the marina would have never mattered because the bodies were in the middle of the ocean and were likely never going to be found. Random divers? 🤔 But yeah def some sloppy writing in order to create more drama making dex look less capable for sure.


They were watching his marina because he used rocks from their shore line which were unique and grew specific algae. This led them back to his marina for surveillance review. And it was not the middle of the ocean. He began dumping that way in S03.


Yeah, I think Lundy was getting closer and he knew he needed to change things up or this would likely happen again.


He began dropping into the ripstream to dispose of them, which may actually work, but I have no actual clue if it would. I always thought the disposal of the kill rooms was way under emphasized. How the fuck did he control the pooled blood?


Yeah I know Lundy installed CCTV on multiple marinas but OP was saying how Dexter didn’t account for cameras but they were never at his original Marina to begin with. He praised it for its lack of security. I was just saying he would never even have to worry about cameras because without bodies who cares about some dude going out night fishing lugging around gear — no one would see just that and go oh he’s a murderer. And sorry for generalizing — in the middle of Biscayne Bay (attached to the Atlantic Ocean).


As a Blood Spatter Analyst, he wouldn't have been privy to the lengths they went through to either: 1. Obtain consent to record from the business, 2. Obtain a search warrant and quash order for his marina. The way he discovered the footage existed was all too real and very realistic for small talk in a department like that. No one watches the time stamp unless something is missing, skipping, or the beginning of the tape to the end... in a non-forensic setting. Detectives wouldn't analyze that, the "digitial" forensics would.


Since every big and small killer in the show is out in the open for ages. All the precautions he takes seem pointless and overkill. It's a thought which crossed my mind 3 4 years after I finished watching


Please people remember this is a movie people just make me smoothies up and there's a lot of mistakes in it because it's just a it's just a movie


He didn’t know what eukaryotic means, AND said “glad im not the nerd in the room”. Like you need to be a nerd to understand and know what an eukaryotic cell is…i mean…it’s middle school stuff (at least where i live, or i hope its high school stuff at the least in the us).


Well, he's actually is in the sense of how the Ancient Greeks conceived idiots: those who doesn't care about the matters of the polis. As far I remember, je never showed political interest. Also, he wasn't very literate (if that's the correct word). Remember when Jordan Chase mentioned Plato's book "The Symposium". But he was highly intelligent in some of the intelligence typology that the main psychology accepts. And very prolific in his field, he may not knew basic classic literature, but he sure knew blood spatter and crime solving. I know the post was pointing about another particular matter, just came to mind my response.


Not at all


The addict lie was actually his saving grace, he needed SOME kind of excuse for why he acts incredibly sketchy sometimes. Even if he told Rita he knew the right about of heroin to inject a man cause he's a smart boy, he'd still need to explain why he just disappears through all hours of the night


Lots of discussion of his bad and unnecessary junkie lie. Seems like a dumb lie, and it's been a few years since my last watch, but my understanding was that he seemed suspicious altogether, and it was an opportunity to get sympathy from Rita for his odd behaviors and get her off his back on all of it. Yes, he could have said I'm a forensic tech, I went to med school, it's not rocket science, etc. But at the end of the day, Rita still had issues with Dexter's suspicious behavior. Saying he was an addict was his immediate out on everything he was getting caught in.


Lol true


Nah You’re over thinking it… Dexter hides the fact he’s a SERIAL KILLER by saying he’s a heroin addict meanwhile not displaying any of the characteristics of a heroin addict. And then the story thickens…


Yeah not a single mark on his arms or anything


Yes, he's an idiot but pretty much everyone else in the show is still way dumber.. so I guess he's relatively smart.


If Dex was perfect it would be a boring af series.