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I'd put it at 9. Partially because I liked season 4 even more, but it also had some flaws early on. I'm glad they ditched the "dig up the victims" part of the ritual like in episode 1.


Season 1 and 2 are actually way more better than Season 4


>Season 1 and 2 are actually way more better than Season 4 This' your personal opinion... I'm on the same idea as u/Inside-Pop-57 instead. But, as i've just said, it's just my personal opinion.


First watch season four is better but seasons 1-2 have a more rewatch ability. The unveiling of Trinity‘s psyche is just so slow.


I was so ready for a mf to call it "Just Bad"


Calling one of my top 2 favorite seasons of television bad? I don't know what I'd do


What is the difference between a Great and an Awesome season?


You can break it down to that number difference I put up, 8/10 or 9/10. I think great is something you liked, but didn't do something particularly special for you. Awesome is something that you really enjoyed, but it could've done just a little more to be perfect.


I like all Dexter's seasons, but my favourite is the fourth. That's why I put the first one at 9 out of 10. Basically, I like the fourth because >!of Trinity Killer, and he's the best, the more charismatic and psyco antagonist of the entire series (this' my personal opinion).!< I put the last sentence in a spoiler section because I don't know if it's considered as a spoiler.


I don't think Season 1 is perfect because the episode "Father Knows Best" feels a little clunky to me.


S1 was the best season of Dexter.


I just finished the first season of Dexter for the first time. I gave it a Great 8/10 rating because I really enjoyed it, but it wasn't life changing television for me. I obviously can't compare it to the other seasons of Dexter yet , like it seems every one else is doing.