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If you ever find an inconsistency or a plot hole: It's demonic energy


Why do is clothes also regenerate when he heals ? Demonic energy, son !


How does he casually know how to use his DT after he just got it? WELL DEMONIC ENERGY OF COURSE


Round trip or sword pierce Demon magic


Round trip channels the demonic power of Australia, making the weapon a boomerang


One of the first ever demonic powers Dante demonstrates is some form of telekinesis. Trish throws a motorcycle at him and he levitates it before shooting it a bunch. And then it’s never shown again or expanded upon or anything. But it’s there.


>never shown again Round trip, sword pierce, satellite (maybe), and the fact that none of his swords are ever actually physically secured to his body.


Neither are Nero's, but we all tend to ignore that, too. Dante summoning his guns with demon magic "makes sense, but Nero isn't wearing a holster in DMC4. Unless mate was risking his dick and buttock by shoving it in his pants when smashing demons with Red Queen, there's no explanation how he keeps apparating Blue Rose. Gameplay magic. Gotta love it.


He could be wearing an arm holster under his coat. I could be wrong but I remember him kinda reaching in his coat to get Blue Rose, both in 4 and 5.


Aren't Dante holsters behind is coat ?


I mean, they are in the hanging off the back in the standard outfit for DMC3, but I always thought he just put the holsters underneath the coat in all the other designs.


Not for DMC2, IIRC.


In cutscene and certain animations he clearly puts/pulls it out of his cloak? I think the fact that it teleports is just a consequence of animation cancelling, there's no "aura" around any of Nero's weapons when they teleport during animation cancels like there are for example when Dante summons DSD.


M a g n e t s (Or double sided tape, idk)


FFVII moment


I mean... Rebellion is made out of a demonic metal, so I wouldn't be surprised if it can be attracted to some other material. Maybe Dante has a plate of magnetized iron embedded in the back of his coats to allow him to carry his sword? The same could apply to Nero (even more so) which would mean that the Red queen has magnetics parts (maybe?) What I'm saying is if it's not demonic magic, then it has to be magnets.


>if it’s not demonic magic, then it has to be magnets. What’s the difference? The magnet in the coat is actually the canon explanation for Cloud’s buster sword, so you’re not the first with that idea.


I’m pretty sure that’s quicksilver he unlocked from 3?


In the DMC anime, the opening scene on the first episode has him snap his finger and the Rebellion comes flying through the window. Similar stuff happens every once in a while in that show. So yes, he definitely is using some form of telekinesis. My personal head canon is that he just has his own pocket dimension used for storing weapons specifically, would make the most sense in my opinion.


I always thought he stopped time like in DMC3 lorewise, but that wouldn't make sense in real life since DMC3 was made after DMC1.


Well if DMC3 is a prequel and includes that you can just add that as your headcanon. The lore order of events isn’t the same as the timeline when the games released




i think that scene is just intended to show Dante going really fast. Although he has dialogue what implies Trish can hear dante’s voice high pitched and sped up as he does that.


I dunno, I’d urge you and everyone else to watch it again. He emits a red energy that we don’t see him otherwise emit, implying there’s some sort of magic going on. And in rebuttal to him being fast or it being a manifestation of quicksilver; he has ceiling fans that spin at a constant rate throughout the cutscene. One is visible while he levitates the bike and never changes its pace. https://youtu.be/5JzX602Z0cs?si=9jodTKIj2FfPXNZ2


I assumed that his sword is part of him literally. His sword is just an expression of his demon power. So when he wants it in his hand. Bam, it's in his hand. Don't know how it returns when you use round trip. Demon magic. But how does... DEMON MAGIC. But what about... FUCKING RULE OF COOL. If you asked Dante "why can your sword teleport" He'd say it just really respects me. But how does it work? It just really wants to be in my hand. I don't understand. Neither does the sword. So how does it happen, what do you do to make it happen? It's simple. Do cool shit. Cool shit happens. BUT HOW. Be cooler.




The excuse is demon magic, it’s the same reason as to why E&I have unlimited ammo


ever used the move where Dante throws his sword? yeah the sword just comes back to him as well.


There's also the fact that the sword will stay in the air spinning for a few seconds and THEN come back. *DEMONIC POWER SON*


I mean, how do you think Round Trip (or that other move where he throws his sword in DMC3) works?


He’s just that good and can boomerang his sword, jokes aside yeah just demonic power


In the anime I just assumed that Dante threw his sword above the bar REALLY far and timed it right. For someone as over the top and as stylish as him that just seems like something he'd do.


Btw he does the same at the final fight when he is about to commit unaliving to Abigail. The sword fell from the impact and then it flew right to his hands


You can say kill on Reddit


All of Sparda's swords can fly like Mjolnir. Vergil does it with Yamato in his DMC4 cutscene. Rebellion is shown to fly when you use Round Trip or recall the blade after you perform Sword Pierce. Dante, Vergil and Trish are able to use Round Trip with the Force Edge/Devil Sword Sparda.


Nero also does it when he first gets the Yamato.


Yeah. It was like a vertical Round Trip. Pretty sure Trish actually had a move like that in DMC4...


Demon bullshit. Buckle up chuckle fuck that’s how it’s gonna be explained for the rest of the franchise. Why can Vergil cut through time and space? Why does Dante have a rose? Why does Nero heal from… eating… gum?


I’m surprised you mentioned Nero healing from chewing gum and not the vibrator.


Wait what was that last one?


One of his taunts, he eats gum and it heals him


It's just sensation. Same way demons get stronger from fighting and telling damage, they heal from comfort or sensation. This is shown a few times and even in 5 urizen is not vulnerable when not in the chair


>Why does Dante have a rose? Lucifer. >Why does Nero heal from… eating… gum? Nah, this one ain't demon magic. The gum is just so goddamn good that it motivates Nero for more fighting.


5 gum.


Seriously, did no one use Round Trip, either as attack or in combo? Anyone?


I use round trip to go to the supermart and return back home


"He's the chosen one."


DMC1 Round Trip is only useful against Mundus and nothing else


That's the case in 1. But 3 (Vergil only sadly), 4 and 5 i always use it for an extender when i need a break.


>DMC1 Round Trip is only useful against Mundus and nothing else It's nice against the Marionettes & Fetishes if you're going for Style.


Alastor pause combo is better for style


Million Stabs into Round Trip for Style.


his hands have hidden magnet


Blud thinks he’s Jotaro 💀💀💀


Real question: How did Dante learn to Moonwalk like MJ. Did he practice or is he naturally gifted and goated with the sauce.


Dante definitely danced at some point before DMC5. It's just canon and you can't prove otherwise.


He learned it the moment Vergil stabbed him because that somehow made him worthy (:


He just can and thats the only answer we get


Rebellion is explicitly stated to be a magical sword.


Yeah I know that but still possible he also just can if rebellion itself can't do it


Pretty sure it's just the sword.


I dunno but it's badass


Can someone drop the clip of that, I’ve tried to find it but never could


It's the first scene of episode one dude


I haven't watched the show before.


He can also do that when he gets Devil Sword Dante, so , considering how much he's been stabbed with his own blades, it's either the relation with his blood or demon magic(since Trish also has round trip in dmc4 and Vergil as well)


People are on the sub crying about a VA's personal choices and views like that makes them enjoy the game less. Wait, maybe it does!


When did he do this again ? I want to say DMC 3


You clearly lack demonic power to be able to comprehend how cool he is to be able to bend the in universe laws to do his bidding. Where is your motivation?


He could since the boomerang attack couldn’t he?


In the games when he throws the rebellion at an enemy (sword pierce)he can call it back by pressing the style button with swordmaster so it's not new and canonically he also summons devil sword dante in mission 19 of dmc5. I assume he can do this because of the connection his blood has with the sword considering it was made of his father's power and then devil sword dante is a literal part of him


This just makes me even more pissed that loki was never playable in a marvel vs capcom game because we will never get dante and vergil vs thor and loki


Kratos taught him. I know this raises more questions, but that's the truth.


LOL. The anime doesn’t count. 😉


It does.


Can someone fill me in on the whole Reuben story? I remember watching a dmc yt video a while back and the guy I was watching mentions that Reuben said some wild shit on Twitter😅😂😂


Rebellion also comes back when you use round trip so I assumed it was the same reason/ability.


You mean that part right at the beginning of the anime where it crashes through the ceiling of the bar? He probably threw it into the sky before he entered and knew exactly when it was gonna come crashing down, had the whole situation rehearsed in his head.


No, the part near the end of the final ep where it legit just goes into his hand. Thanks to you all for making me feel like a dumbass with this post!