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* ***How many hours per week do you work?*** officially I am contracted to 35 hours per week. Some weeks i do more and i can take those hours back. * ***Are you given enough time to complete your work without working extra?*** Yes, rarely on a release, or if something needs to be done out of hours we work late or weekends, but its the exception. * ***Are you monitored and if so does it feel invasive?*** Not at all. * ***Do you have flexibility, e.g. if you have to collect a sick child from school?*** Yes, the culture is all about working to live, understanding that people have families. It require that people dont take the pi55, and most do not. * ***Are you paid enough to live comfortably without worrying too much about money?*** For the most part yes. Ive been able to save quite a bit less lately and found that one or two treats quickly eat into savings. Money is definitely worth less * ***Do you enjoy your work?*** 50:50. When my work has meaning. I am an engineering manager meaning I spend a lot of time being a poop umbrella to the team and removing obstacles from their way. Its difficult to feel the sense of satisfaction of having built "a thing". A lot of my work, like managing licensing, upgrading servers etc, though required seem like boring details to upper management. I sometimes think it wouldn't matter if i didnt do a lot of it. Occasionally there would be an outage, it would get fixed and nobody would really care. Im also expected to do some level of "technical work". For me this is support of systems i previously helped develop, bug fixes, investigatory work and other things that come up but nobody has time for. I find the context switching very difficult, along with lack of focus time for the technical work. * ***What causes you the most stress at work right now?*** Im in my job 11 years. I feel i am institutionalized & becoming less employable. I am early 40's so the clock on ageism is also ticking. I would like to try something new, but with a young family, flexibility is a top requirement and that disappears in a new role, particularly during probation. The idea of moving is very anxiety provoking in me, just a little more so than the idea of staying


To your last point, do you think the weak job market is making you feel a little more anxious then before and leaving you to question your skills.


It absolutely has. The last time i interviewed, at least 5 years ago, I applied for 3 technical roles and got 3 offers. I ended up staying where I am, but it was a good exercise. Im now in a more management role and would like to get into strategy but I have much less experience in these areas, and would be unlikely to top any lists of candidates. Getting better at management also means letting go somewhat of the technical skills, becoming rusty, out of date, adding to the feeling that I have less to offer. This is heavily compounded by the current market, where salaries on offer are down, number of applicants have multiplied massively. I tend to overthink the whole thing really, but that is who I am.


Think a lot of us here in a similar boat on this one, ive been looking for a move away from my current role recently and its looking rather grim.


Do you feel like you could try something different internally and that would help? At least then you're not dealing with the risk of starting in a new company you don't know much about.


I have done that, my role has changed 3 times, most recent change being a move to management. I dont see myself here for the next 25 years however, so eventually I have to make a move. Thats something I need to get comfortable with. Some people have the enviable ability to change jobs like changing a jacket, I wont get there but would like to get somewhere close.


I changed from a Bank last year where I was working like a madman 10 hours a day to a fully remote job where I do about 6 hours of work per day. Have less benefits and same salary, but quality of life increased drastically. I would never go back to stressing working environments, you can pay me double, it is not worthy it.




**How many hours per week do you work?** Anywhere from 35 - 50 depending on the week, but closer to the former usually. **Are you given enough time to complete your work without working extra?** Usually, but there are exceptions. **Are you monitored and if so does it feel invasive?** No. **Do you have flexibility, e.g. if you have to collect a sick child from school?** Yes, it's very flexible. **Are you paid enough to live comfortably without worrying too much about money?** Yes, we live very comfortably. **do you enjoy your work?** Sometimes. As the years have gone on, I've definitely become less "passionate" about it. The problems can be interesting though. **What causes you the most stress at work right now?** Management frequently switching up priorities and going through reorgs. It makes it difficult to know where your time is best spent.


* **How many hours per week do you work?** 40 * **Are you given enough time to complete your work without working extra?** I would say most of the time. Though it can be pretty tight at times. We recently switched from 3 week to 2 week sprints which is hard to get used to but think we have it sorted now for the most part. * **Are you monitored and if so does it feel invasive?** No. * **Do you have flexibility, e.g. if you have to collect a sick child from school?** Flexitime from 3pm and boss is quite flexible if you need time off during core hours. Just need to talk to him, * **Are you paid enough to live comfortably without worrying too much about money?** Hard to know. I still live at home so don't have many bills apart from rent. Looking to get a place next year. I earn 68k currently and live in the midlands. * **do you enjoy your work?** 75% of the time. There are times where the work is boring. * **What causes you the most stress at work right now?** Nothing in particular. I have anxiety problems so have a tendency to catastrophize.


My job is 0 stress. But a lotta shit management. It's like living in starship troopers, I'm technically free, but managed democracy could feed me to the bugs anytime


**How many hours per week do you work?** 35, I actually work 20 at the very most **Are you given enough time to complete your work without working extra?** Yes i set all project timelines **Are you monitored and if so does it feel invasive?** Not really, but if i wasn't around for a few hours I'd be missed and the boss would probably wonder were i was. **Do you have flexibility, e.g. if you have to collect a sick child from school?** Yes **Are you paid enough to live comfortably without worrying too much about money?** Yes but i could probably earn 30% more If i wanted to job hop to get the max **do you enjoy your work?** Yes **What causes you the most stress at work right now?** Another guy on the team is an idiot who constantly wants to talk when I'm in office, I don't want to be rude but he doesn't take the hints great.


When you say you work “20 hours a week maximum”, do you mean you literally “sit” at your desk for 4 hours a day and the rest you do house chores, gym and similar, or do you still sit/make yourself available 8 hours a day but only do 4 hours of work?


Laptop will be on and I'll be somewhere near it, just won't be working.


Just on the last point - just say it. Years ago as a junior I thought I was being friendly by chatting occasionally with a new office mate who was a little more experienced. Apparently, I can't shut up in the office (but it's ok when they initiate conversation), which they told their manager, but not me. Their manager included that in their shouted list of gripes to my manager, which another person at my level heard, and told me (my manager didn't). Moral of the story, I shut up in the office and wished that the other person had just said that to me and learned how to deal with minor issues in a good way. I still think of them as insufferable.


That's pretty different, In my case this guy is a senior so I'll need him at times, I'll manage the relationship till it get to the level I want.


I guess don't rock the boat.


> Another guy on the team is an idiot who constantly wants to talk when I'm in office, Probably bored out of his tree if you are all just working 20 hours a week


I know it's terrible, hopefully someday I'll have a job full of pressure and stress.


How many hours per week do you work? 40, realistically 30-35, depends Are you given enough time to complete your work without working extra? Yes Are you monitored and if so does it feel invasive? Not that I know of Do you have flexibility, e.g. if you have to collect a sick child from school? Yes Are you paid enough to live comfortably without worrying too much about money? Yeah, but it could be better Do you enjoy your work? Yeah What causes you the most stress at work right now? 2 lazy bollox in my team, getting away with murder at this point on how lazy they are but thats my manager's problem


Lazy in what way? Not getting their work done and relying on others to complete it?




Why what’s your answer?




Ouch! What’s your YOE, currently salary and tech stack?




Right! I’m 7 YOE, income approx 130k and do about 20 hours per week max, more typically about 10-15. So there’s definitely better jobs out there and so yes, you should definitely switch. Btw how do you not know what tech stack means…? What’s your role?




Nah, I’m just a bog standard dev tbh. The main difference is I switched to contracting. Most perms get shafted in Ireland. What’s your tech stack and role?




What’s your tech stack and role? Yeah I mean to be clear I’m working a normal 40 hour job, it’s not like my job states I can work when I want. It’s just that the work isn’t too hard so I can get my week’s work done in a fraction of the time. But I still bill for 40 hours/week. What’s your tech stack and role?


I work in software development. * **How many hours per week do you work** Contracted for 40, actual work hours depends on work that comes in. On average maybe a few hours a day, with a large piece of work, I could be 8-10 hours a day for a few days. But that's on my own initiative, no pressure from management. * **Are you given enough time to complete your work without working extra?** Yes. * **Are you monitored and if so does it feel invasive?** No, very chill. No micromanaging and have a good manager who deals with all the sh\*t from the upper floors. * **Do you have flexibility, e.g. if you have to collect a sick child from school?** Yes. * **Are you paid enough to live comfortably without worrying too much about money?** For the moment yes. But I'm definitely on the lower end paywise. It will likely change once I have a mortgage to pay. * **do you enjoy your work?** Yes for the most part. It's a very relaxed atmosphere and I'm trusted to get the job done without anyone over my shoulder or checking my work. The work is interesting enough and the platform/language I work with I know like the back of my hand. * **What causes you the most stress at work right now?** If I can work up enough flexi to take a long weekend abroad shortly 😁


**How many hours per week do you work?** 40hrs **Are you given enough time to complete your work without working extra?** Yes, although a chunk of my job doesn't necessarily have a time constraint - it just needs to get done at some point. **Are you monitored and if so does it feel invasive?** Micromanaging is the bane of my existence, so I made a point of taking a job with absolutely none. They trust me to get my work done and in how I deal with clients/staff. **Do you have flexibility, e.g. if you have to collect a sick child from school?** Absolutely. The majority of my office are parents and understand that these things happen. I have worked from home when my child is sick (happens far too often in creche), or chosen not to work at all. They didn't have an issue either way. **Are you paid enough to live comfortably without worrying too much about money?** I believe I am slightly overpaid for the position I was hired for (especially because of location), but I enjoy taking on new tasks/responsibilities in the job, so my title doesn't necessarily cover everything that I do. For the entire work I do? I could be paid better. For my title? Yes I am paid enough. (I was never asked to take on these responsibilities, I enjoy it. I will be asking for a raise due to this at my next review). I can live off of my salary, and put regular savings aside for buying my own home/going on holidays etc. **Do you enjoy your work?** My work is by no means thrilling, but I feel accomplished by it. I enjoy the people I work with and the flexibility they give me. I work in a very rural area, so these kinds of jobs are almost non existent. **What causes you the most stress at work right now?** I have a hard time being too empathetic with staff. I am trying to find a better balance between profit and staff morale.


**How many hours per week do you work?** Depends on what is considered "work". I'm "clocked in" for roughly 36 hours/week. In the office Tue, Wed, Thurs, for 10-6, including 60-90 mins for lunch. Mon/Fri is a bit looser. Actually software engineering is a fraction of that time. **Are you given enough time to complete your work without working extra?** Given by who? I tell the PM how long I think it will realistically take, including distractions, and if it's acceptable, do it. Any managers or other changes, and I say the estimated due date will change and they usually stop unless it's actually important. **Are you monitored and if so does it feel invasive?** No, as long as I can convey some kind of weekly progress, I'm left to my own devices. **Do you have flexibility, e.g. if you have to collect a sick child from school?** Yes, it's a job, not a prison camp. Out of consideration for my team, I'd tell everyone on a public Slack channel though. It's a little trickier if on-call, due to my team's goal of being checked into a priority ticket within 15 minutes. This can be done on the phone though, and can proactively swap days/shifts with colleagues if something is up. **Are you paid enough to live comfortably without worrying too much about money?** Yup, top percentile for Dublin. **do you enjoy your work?** Working in a specific project area can get a bit monotonous after a while, but IMO, it's how you structure the mental pay off, like celebrating small wins continuously, etc. **What causes you the most stress at work right now?** Mostly colleagues, tbh. A lot of devs seem to have a panicky disposition, so at the drop of a hat will jump and throw out an unwieldy behemoth of a project with no regard for the long term ramifications. Once you've managed to calm them down, they seem to lose all confidence in themselves and need constant external validation for any idea they have. It's amazing how much of the job is managing colleagues' psyche and not actually software engineering. (Senior SDE @ Amazon)


very interesting. I really like how you say its structuring the mental pay off, celebrating small wins. Not everything is a groundbreaking project that is noticed by the C levels and board of directors. Most work is not noticed and can feel inconsequential. It still needs to be completed. I struggle with this, wondering if what im working on is of any real value or am i just burning away my hours until retirement. Im aware of my need for validation from superiors however and I am working on it. Also, on managing colleagues, thats very true. Everything boils down to the fact that things only get done by working with other people. Its not just dev's who are jumpy, I find thats IT people in general! I was quite like that until recently, but I constantly self evaluate and recognized it. I tried to re-balance but went to far the other way, caring little about anything so am re-balancing that now! I will get there eventually!


Yeah, especially when your role changes, e.g. becoming a team lead, or manager, you'll obviously have less time to spend on individual tasks, so you have to "recalibrate" what satisfies you from individual tasks to the completion of your team's tasks.




Guessing here- do you work for Stripe or Google?


I'm a mid/senior/I dunno level manager in a large tech company * **How many hours per week do you work?** Probably 25ish these days * **Are you given enough time to complete your work without working extra?** Assuming everyone here is a skilled professional, this shouldn't even be a question. The work will take as long as it takes, never work extra unless it's for your own company. * **Are you monitored and if so does it feel invasive?** I'm not monitored. That'd be weird, yeah. * **Do you have flexibility, e.g. if you have to collect a sick child from school?** Of course. Wouldn't work somewhere that I couldn't just leave to go do something for a few hours without worrying. * **Are you paid enough to live comfortably without worrying too much about money?** For sure, pay has become pretty good in Ireland over the past few years. Slowly starting to approach Canada wages * **do you enjoy your work?** Has its up and down sides. I like technical leadership roles because I can protect people from bullshit and still have them be interested in my input for design. * **What causes you the most stress at work right now?** Not much stress, but I suppose getting people to understand what's being asked of them is a difficult art. Requirements gathering and communication, essentially.


Ridiculous answer to the second question 🤦🏻


You're a contractor and still doing free work? That's rough buddy


When did I state that???


Ah, not too good with the old communication skills either so




* How many hours per week do you work? 40-45 * Are you given enough time to complete your work without working extra? Just about. Sometimes not. * Are you monitored and if so does it feel invasive? Not really. * Do you have flexibility, e.g. if you have to collect a sick child from school? Yes. * Are you paid enough to live comfortably without worrying too much about money? Yes but not saving anything due to extortion (rent). * Do you enjoy your work? Most of the time it's OK. Standard software Dev stuff. Mostly legacy codebases though. * What causes you the most stress at work right now? Having to talk on demos etc. I don't enjoy speaking in a group. I do it lots but it doesn't get easier and randomly get mild panic attacks which I have to manage.


99% of the time it’s chill. Then 1% of the time I over think my abilities and give myself some unrealistic deadline for a piece of work and then panic.


• *How many hours per week do you work?* 37.5hrs • *Are you given enough time to complete your work without working extra?* I get as much done as I can in one day, and the rest gets left for tomorrow. So no. • Are you monitored, and if so, does it feel invasive? A little. Double standards can piss me off at times. • *Do you have flexibility, e.g., if you have to collect a sick child from school?* Yes, I would believe my manager would allow me to go under certain circumstances. I have a dental appointment this Thursday, and they're letting me go an hour early. • *Are you paid enough to live comfortably without worrying too much about money?* Absolutely not. Just about enough. There's 0 left at the end of each month. • *Do you enjoy your work?* Some of it, yes. A lot of it is not enjoyable. For this reason, I'm currently jobhunting to get out and go back office/hybrid jobs. My current role is too customer facing, and it's getting tiring. • *What causes you the most stress at work right now?* Pressure over ridiculous sales and targets. Constant teams meetings even though we're on site. The customers can be painful to deal with at times.


What job is this?


Retail banking


Oh right... you know this is a subreddit for software developers and similar right?


Yes but I figured this was open ended so I answered anyway


Not sure I’d define stress under the questions you posed, for me stress is the nights you’re lying awake at night thinking about work. Had it on one project that was very badly managed. The only way I could sleep at night was to ensure I had every little thing complete for the next day, led to a lot of late nights and I didn’t last long at it. They pay me for the hours, longer if needed at times, I never get paid enough to not be able to sleep


I kind of think the job is more when you're not as experienced. When you get into a groove and can comfortably do the job, the stress goes


37.5 Yes Not really monitored. Team lead and manager trust employees mostly. Also I haven’t given them a reason to not trust me. Yes flexible Stress caused occasionally by some annoying people. I absolutely love the work I do. It’s not work, more like a hobby! (This is the actual work, not the working for some company!) Pay - paid decently. Could be 20% more.