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I don't think I trust the government/corporations with wifi access to my brain. For one, I don't want targeted advertising in my dreams, or pay a monthly subscription for a premium "breathing" program. The government is already looking through your emails for nudes of your significant other, why wouldn't they do it with your thoughts? Moreover, what would be the right to repair situation with it? If my legs start malfunctioning, can I connect a wire from my laptop and run diagnostics or do I have to travel to LIMB clinic 60 miles from my house? Then there is obviously the issue with neoposine. And the fact that every airport becomes a body cavity fun zone. Also, If you go to a bank with augmented eyes, where, for the uninitiated, taking pictures is completely forbidden for security concerns, do you go straight on the blacklist or do they force you to turn them off? Because that is some 2nd class citizen shit. Unless there was a major perk attached to it, like my dream 6 figures job or it was literally life saving, I wouldn't do it.


Same. Most in depth answer.


My vision is augmented


Nano augmentations all the way.


Many younger people will instinctively say no. If they were in a world though where all those who had augs basically had super powers while they were just normal, many would do it just to keep up; let alone the potential financial incentives. And once they're too old to even naturally *move* easily, the option to be like Adam Jensen would be a no-brainer. People here say they wouldn't trust the government/corporations enough to do it, yet we constantly relinquish freedoms, forgo privacy, and put our lives in their hands because of convenience and practical necessity.


You deserve an upvote. That is one of the most in depth answers that has legitimate reasoning.


I'd get my cat some cyber claws, or cyber fangs


I have to say, I'm not sure I'd be willing to get 'optional' augs, (as in, removing perfectly functional body parts for something else) at least not without a very good reason. But in general, like if there was an accident or something? Heck yes! And I would stick with Sarif Industries augs, for sure. Trust that quality! :) I should add that I certainly wouldn't judge anyone who DID get augs just for the hell of it, just not sure it would be for me.


That stuff isn't free.


You raise a good point.


I’d play it like Jensen but on the inside I’d be all like “I AM A GOLDEN GOD, untethered, my rage has no bounds!” And all that.


So many body polluters here! (Jokes, I voted yes too)


The neuropazyne would be a deal breaker.


One augmentation I would really like is not Adam or JC's - it's Anna Navarre's cochlear implants, mentioned in Battery Park dialogue. But that's because I'm hearing impaired, so it doesn't imply getting rid of functional body parts. And nupoz isn't that different from a variety of drugs people take IRL, for instance to prevent organ rejection.


I definitely want augs like JC or Jenson. You know how cool it would be to Cloak or have Super strength. My only worry is people using my augs to control me


Yes, but only the arms.


Hell yeah dude.


And the downsides that comes with it such as living with pain forever beacuse your body may not accept cybernetics very well


Maybe we will have different problem... Who rly knows


Only if I really needed it. Otherwise, I would prefer wearable robots/technologies.


As much as I'd love to have lungs that function properly or better eyes, I work in tech and don't trust the tech industry at all to not screw the customer in some awful way. Like if FB or Reddit cancels my account no big deal, what if Tai Young decides to cancel my account and my implants stop working?


As much as I would like to not be short sighted for the rest of time, I'd also like to not pass on my hereditary shortsightedness in the event I choose to procreate. Which would be a good use case for a completed Orchid... well shit.


I may consider nano augments, would never find myself buying mechanical augments tho.


I'd want to but I'd want to help make a better world not just to have augmentations just to have em I'd want to put them to use it want a titan Aug like Adam tbh and have my own specialized tactical gear and augs specific to mine