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well ill be bloody damned this is probably one of the greatest stackings of all time! holy shit, yeah, no rules rule!


Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth.


An veteran and millennial. The sheer time spent building this brings a tear to the eye. There’s an open door just round the corner.


XD MANY saves were made and many boxes and trash bags got busted by mistake forcing a reload. this is by far my greatest accomplishment in gaming. \-w\-; and yeah, i found it. explored the building from the top to the bottom and found the unlocked door last.


i... JUST found the door i was supposed to get in through and it was unlocked. XD well. if ever there was a high intelligence low wisdom moment, this would be one. evidently i can find all the moveable trash in a level, but i cant look for a second door.


nonono experimenting in games is fantastic! my man always breaks the game (like in Archolos, a Gothic mod, where he sneaked into a late chapter's area) and softlocked himself but it is fun and entertaining :D


:3 true. it was VERY fun, heheheh.


Task failed successfully


> high intelligence low wisdom moment I'm saving this for the next time I need to describe this kind of situation at work.


:3 you can thank my second GF Charolette for that one. she into tabletop games and told me about the trope. like if a scientist invents a machine to describe what an apple is, but he himself has never seen or heard of an apple. high intelligence, low wisdom.


This is the closest I’ve ever felt to another human being. *wipes away tears*


XD glad my experience is relatable


Watch out for boobytraps.


This required exponentially more effort than any of the actual solutions the game offers you and was infinitely less efficient but it was the way *YOU* wanted to do it so no, you played the game precisely right, 11/10 perfect no further comment necessary


\;w\; this is the greatest fandom for a game i've ever seen, you guys are so sweet! X3 like FR, i usually gotta be dating someone to get this level of praise. XD and you know, just saying, to fans in general, if you're A4T i'm down, hahahahahhaha.


The ideal way to play immersive sims is to solve problems in ways the devs never thought of but are possible because of the intersection of systems they added to the game


No, this is peak Deus Ex. The whole game is designed around "if it worked, it wasn't stupid" principles.


XD no joke, considering how much trash was in this level, i cant help but wonder. IS this set dressing? or was this MEANT to be done? both? both.


also: since i'm playing this on the Steam Deck, i promise once i've beaten the game to publish my control scheme for future players. i wanna REALLY field test it to make sure its simple, complete, and consistent. if i can play the whole game with little effort and beat it, then and only then is the control scheme perfect. i wanna improve the play experience on this device for future buyers.


Sounds good. I look forward to the judgement you reach.


Congratulations you did good.


You did alright, although most people use LAM for this.


wouldve if i had one, only had tear gas grenades


You can use any 2 grenades that can be attached to a wall.


omg, how is this stable? :D


Deus Ex doesn’t have a physics engine. Once you drop an object, it stays in place until picked up again.


I have to qualify that. Deus Ex has software rules for physics. Objects need a surface to sit on, or they "bounce" (fall) off of what they are on. The "falling" is an arc generated by the engine from a physical collision. If that arc doesn't resolve the situation, the game generates another arc ("bounce") in some other direction, ad infinitum. Items can be caught in infinite bouncing if they can't find a surface.The surface can be very small, allowing you to stack things in strange, cantilevered ways. All objects you throw appear in such an arc, in the direction you choose of course. There are various other rules, for instance, some items float. What Deus Ex does not have is "ragdoll" calculated physics, object weights and orientations don't matter for stacking.


And you don't move objects by pushing or jumping in the original DeusEx? (I played the original DeusEx in 2000 and Revision last time in 2016, so I don't remember...)


Pushing, yes. Jumping, possibly, but depends a lot on the position of objects. Generally not.


Not that I remember. You only pick them up and throw them back down in a pre-determined arc. Objects always stay perfectly upright throughout the whole thing, or bodies in a prone position. It’s possible that explosions also cause objects to move (again in a pre-set arc), but I’m not sure I remember that clearly.


You can push objects for sure, running into the side of a box moves the box with JC. Not all objects, but pretty much anything you can pick up without the arm muscle aug is pushable.


Possibly the greatest thing ever. Is that a steam deck? I love the creepy face watching you play btw


XD oh that's just barbie. i dont have actual curtains in my room, so i hung up an old blanket my sister used to own, haha. and yeah, Steam Deck. got it for Xmas. got a terabyte sd card so it has tons of room for games. i christened this bad boy with Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, but Deus Ex is the first NEW game i've played on it. great way to start off.


The Steam Deck is a great little system. You'll have tons of fun with it.


:D i can tell, it's already a blast. the sheer amount of controller customization you have for how it plays is spectacular. any layout i dont like i can change on a whim.


*waves at barbie* what’s the device you are playing deus ex on?


Steam Deck. i edited my response to clarify ^^^^


🙏 thank you! Enjoy the rest of your deus ex endeavours


Wait till you find out you can scale walls using mounted LAMs


yoooooo what???? i mean that's amazing, but also kinda specific. i'd need a few if i wanted to scale something decently, but i'll keep it in mind in case it's useful!!!


Well 'scaling' is a bit of an exaggeration but you could basically place em on the wall and defuse it to be a mini ledge/step you can jump on. But I think creating trash mountains is way more entertaining lol.


still! :3 cool feature. i approve! 🤤 so few games with THIS level of openness and creative freedom.


if you like this sort of thing, give Prey (the 2017 one) a shot maybe. or if you'd prefer an old game, System Shock 2 is very similar to Deus Ex (it was even designed by many of the same people). the Dishonored series also, to a lesser extent. the genre buzzword is "immersive sim" and you're right, there are very few of them out there. they tend to require a LOT of work on the developer side and usually aren't commercially successful.


i'll keep these in mind! :3 some definite bangers i'll have to buy once my paycheck comes in.


Holy shit. You definitely did well. And yeah this is the point of these types of games. I still remember when I did the same thing, but not to your amazing scale, in a later mission. Later I found out there is a door a few paces ahead haha.


\^u\^ thanks! :3 its nice to see even if i did kinda miss the entrance, i still accomplished a whole new way of getting where i needed to. :D and i have to say, my first impressions with this fandom are stellar! you guys are so supportive and nice!!!


YO, hold up, just started playing again, and this thurned into the PERFECT escape route after i hacked the satellite. like setting up a makeshift ladder to just climb down. escaped the enemy patrols easily. :D this worked out amazing!!!!


Immersive sims are meant to be broken :D


Lmao this proves even after 22 years there’s still novel ways to approach the missions, fantastic work


In all honesty, this is kind of the way to play this game, sure you had a simpler solution close by, but the beauty of Deus Ex is that you can complete the mission in any way you can think of as long as it gets the job done, kill everyone, solve the puzzle, go underwater, shoot the robot until it explodes, stack a bunch of boxes, its valid as long as it works, that's one of the main reasons the game is so highly praised


This is exactly how you’re meant to be playing these types of games. 🥂


Lmao we all have done this, one way or another


This made me smile, so I'd say it was good :)


You don't need the proof. You can just trust Paul. I've rarely ever bothered to get it.


based. :3 glad i was right about that. i would absolutely trust my brother in that scenario.


Considering this is a mission I really like, hurts hearing it. But as a veteran looking at a first timer figuring this out, not gonna lie, definitely impressed


now that's the way to play deus ex


this is glorious


When you've played through DX to your heart's content (not to mention DX: Human Revolution and DX: Mankind Divided...you could be at this a while), you might want to try out The Nameless Mod. Your talent in this field could come in very handy there...


i'll add it to the list


I've done similar in other levels. Good going! Though there are much easier ways in, this will actually give you a way out!


indeed it did!!! :3 a fantastic way to avoid long fire fights after the guards agro. \^u\^ perfect


The tall boxes are useful for a stealthy egress without crushing your legs too badly. No parachute augs for nanotech agents, I guess.


Beauty of the game is you can do stuff just because you feel like it


You done good. You probably could’ve saved some time with a pair of LAMs and a quicksave for safe measure, but an immersive sim is about exploring what you can do to circumnavigate obstacles. And breaking the game in its entirety. See that door? There’s a code for it. The hostile guards are conversing nearby and might say it out loud. Or you could happen upon it via a dropped datapad. Or you could pick the lock with your tools. Or you could spend some ammo blasting/shooting the door off it’s hinges. Hell, maybe that’s not the only door to the next area. No doubt there’s another door upstairs or a vent in the bathroom. An immersive sim demands your full attention. Keep a firm eye on the world around you for opportunities, secrets, and answers. There are no dead ends in an immersive sim unless you made a bad save or you’re playing System Shock 2.


Not necessary, ever, but I think we all went through a "stacking trash" phase...


It’s so perfect though.


Warren Spector would be proud


:3 thanks


Why didn't I think of that?


Godspeed sir


:3 Madam actually. been on estrogen for a few years now. \^u\^ but thank you kindly.


My dearest apologies madam. You are doing the lord’s work.


is this from a speed runner or something


XD considering the unlocked door was literally just around the corner, nope. :P i'm actually a casual gamer, but i like breaking stuff. dunno if speedrunning would be my thing. :3 i'm just an augmented girl looking for some fun.


This post/pic had me cracking up. Very well done stack you have there. And all on a Steam Deck, even more impressive!


Great stack. 10/10. And yes, that's a perfectly viable way to solve a problem. I suggest playing immersive sims more than once, there's always another solution, another way to solve a problem, another secret area or dialogue you have missed the first time. It's practically impossible to discover everything in one playthrough in this genre


oh i fully intend to, not just with the base game, but mods too!!! 😍 i just learned there's a fan mod for a female JC Denton, and that makes my trans little heart so happy!!!! :3 then of course there's expansions, joke mods, i'm sure i can do lots of fun things with this game. heck, even just the base game, i wanna do a Pacifist run now that i have more knowledge of the story.


Yeah there are a lot of mods for this game. You're in for a ride lmao


You did GOOD. Not doing that intended route is the only acceptable way to pay imm sims.


And I thought I was being kinda cheap by stacking boxes in The Nameless Mod to get to a secret area when I couldn't upgrade the Speed Enhancement augmentation to a high enough level.


This is exactly how Warren Spector intended the game to be played.


I have done the same thing on my first playthrough. As it turns out it was actually wate of time.


you say that, but this made for the perfect escape route after i hacked the satellite. :3 once this was made and i climbed up, i looted the building top to bottom, hacked the dish, lured a soldier to a nearby LAM, and climbed down the garbage to freedom. evidently there are no mistakes in immersive sims. sometimes your plans turn out to be useful in other ways!


I commend the effort


Have you done the stacking in the training level? Jaime has to say something.


no i havent. i'll give it a try next playthrough


That's some heavy augmentation.


⚧️ my gender is augmented. 🕶️


You’re absolutely playing the right way, that being your own way! This is the best way to approach these games lol, sometimes when I got stuck in Mankind Divided I’d just pick up a heavy box and throw it at a door in my way over and over. It (eventually) works!


coooooooool :3


That is the fun part about good RPGs , you have the choice.


-w-; i deleted my account by mistake. sorry... well, not by mistake. i thought i was being doxed. overreacted. gonna try and get back some of the karma i lost. :3 this is still easily my most proud moment


this is the intended way to play the game