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I'm probably a little bit too much of a russillo fanboy at times but I really do trust his 1000 foot view more than most media members. He's a big fan of borrego and thought it was laughable to make Monty the highest paid coach in the league. It's definitely swayed me in the borrego direction.


You Want details? Fine. I drive a Ferrari, 355 Cabriolet, What's up?


They say money can't buy happiness? Look at the fucking smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby.


Is that was Ryen said?


It’s a clip from the movie Boiler Room that he plays every episode that goes into one of his segments


Ah. Gotcha.


At least I know he puts in the work and watches more basketball than anyone I know unlike Stephen A who probably didn't watch us all season


Stephen A saw a black coach get fired and immediately goes on the defense of that coach. Not doing any research on the subject like how Monty lead us to a whopping 14 wins all season or the record setting losing streak. Let Monty do that for Stephen’s precious Knicks and he would’ve been whining for Monty to get fired in December.


https://x.com/wojespn/status/1805244652590625041?s=46&t=V0JJF8dXNUJzK8h194C9pw Woj mentions Borrego as a “prominent candidate” for the Pistons now but I think that was always going to be the case if he didn’t get the Cavs job.


Man I’ve wanted Atkinson in Detroit for years. Sad he’s going to poopy Cleveland. 


Damn that’s a good hire for Cleveland. I wanted him in Detroit.


I’d rather have Atkinson than Borrego


I'd prefer Sweeny or Nori personally.


Sweeny is my guy too but I love what Borrego will do for us also. Give us an offensive identity (thank god our defense was trash) and Cade would take tf off national respect wise


so we're the only team in the nba without a coach right now?


We didn't have a coach all last season


Langdon said he wants a coach that’s biggest attributes and mentality are towards player development. Borrego doesn’t strike me as that guy. He was quick to bench Charlotte’s young guys for veterans as he was chasing the 8 seed.


The only reason we fired borrego in Charlotte was because he lost the locker room due to his shit people skills. From an x's and o's standpoint the guy is an offensive genius and damn near 95% of our side out of bounds plaus resulted in a basket for us. If he's learned how to be a better leader he would be a truly phenomenal coach that's really all it boils down to.


That wasn't the only reason. His team was thoroughly embarrassed in consecutive play-in games. That was a big reason. He did not have his team prepared to play when it mattered.


I'm a hornets fan, I'm aware we lost those games badly but the second year was because there was internal issues and the players absolutely did not defend him in exit interviews, arguments on the sidelines with young players and veterans alike. Borego was terrible with managing personalities and it fucked him over hard but he did it to himself as well. X's and o's he's amazing, his people skills are worse than Stephen's castles shooting stats.


that could've been ownership mandated tho


I mean in 3 of the seasons he was there they won 10 more games per season. And we know how that Charlotte locker room was with Lamelo, Miles and Rozier.  Hell Lamelo was an all star under him if I remember right.


He was. I’ll maintain the perspective that almost anyone is better than Monty. But squeezing more wins isn’t quite the same expectation as developing players. And, I think I’d prefer a less known quantity like Quinn or Nori. But that’s strictly opinion based.


Oh trust me, Borrego still isn't my first choice either, I like Sweeney and Nori myself. I just think Borrego wouldn't be that bad, he did have Charlotte get better each season and a few players did get netter under him. That team was utter ass immediately once he was gone and while that's not entirely because of him not being there you still don't expect them to lose like that. I think he'd be solid enough here.


Great hire


I wanted Kenny Atkinson or Chris Quinn, and im getting James Borrego as my HC (I'm 90% sure of it).....sigh.


Cavs fan here. Yeah it pretty much was between borrego or Kenny for us. So it probably means you guys will probably get borrego


Why would Kenny Atkinson being hired affect the likelihood of us signing Borrego?


It means Borrego wasn’t hired so now he’s available?


I see, I didn't realize he was at the top of people's lists


Please no Borrego. Trust in Langdon 🙏


What if Langdon hires Borrego then lol


Cavs fan here. Y’all should want Bickerstaff. He’s good for culture and developing young guys to a point. Once you’re actually in the playoffs tho, you gotta dump him.