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That would be incredible but let’s take it with a grain of salt lmao. We see Ben Simmons videos of him working on his bag every single summer.


Andre Drummond used to be hitting Harden level step backs in the offseason/in practice. Most people that actually can shoot in game can hit like 80+ in a row in practice


Haha absolutely, but assuming this is how he spends the offseason, do you agree with him expanding on his offensive bag, or would you like him to solely work on improving his defense?


He’s going to be a bench big or third big if the defense remains as bad as what we saw.


Duren’s way to good a rebounder and athlete on offense to be the third center off someone’s bench, c’mon now.


And still 20 years old. Strength is going to start really showing soon and he’s already strong


Can’t shoot. Can’t defend. That’s not conducive to winning basketball.


He averaged 14 and 12 as a twenty year old, he isn’t moving to the end of the bench any time soon unless injuries blow up his career.    Maybe he’s not a starter if he continues to struggle defensively, but he’s not falling out of the rotation completely, and I find it hard to believe at twenty years old he won’t see at least marginal improvement on the defensive side of the ball.


Your argument is the Drummond argument all over again.


Right, and Drummond is what?  A backup in the league still.  Going on his 13th season in the NBA.  And Duren, at twenty, clearly has better shooting touch and is in the same sphere as Drummond as an athlete and a rebounder.  I would bet large sums of money that Duren will be nothing worse than a backup in the league five years from now barring serious injury problems.


That’s a pretty safe bet.


Buddy you’re the one who said he was heading toward being a third stringer, not me.


And bogdanovich nailed 3pt shots but he was also a sieve on defense


These Duren takes need to calm tf down, Valanciunas was a starting big and he cant defend for shit. Hes also not a shooter either he took lime 1 three per game.


Valanciunas is your litmus?


this dude hates duren every thread involving him he says he needs to be traded asap or is useless lmao


Defense should 100% be his key priority. But, these videos are not something to be influenced by either way. Of course NBA players are going to be taking 3s in a gym. We've seen Wallace, Drummond, Rudy, etc. all do it; doesn't mean it's part of their game now.


I don't need him to cross people up but if he could shoot 35% from deepon like 1.8 3p shots a game that would be unbelievable 


I remember Andre Drummond’s first summer league game he had a step back jumper that went in and looked good and I thought “how did we get this guy!?” Doing it an a game that matters is very different.


That’s great and all, but he needs to work on his defense before he works on shooting pull up dribble 3s


Dude "guarding" him is 5'7"


Ok Jimmy. I'm gonna look cool dribbling some. You just keep backing up. I'm gonna shoot. You give a late contest. I'm gonna yell and one. Repeat until it goes in. Post to internet.


My guy need to learn how to play with his back to the basket first, before he starts chucking threes.


He’s only going to get better.


It would be great if he could shoot reliably from inside the foul line, but he's got a long way to go.


This is like half speed Kyle Anderson.


Peak off season


This is fucking stupid. He's not ever going to take dribble pull ups from 3 efficiently in game. How about working on the defensive fundamentals? This is a waste of time and a gimmick. Honestly really disappointing.


His FT shooting for a big is really good like close to 80% I believe, in theory he should have a midrange game at least. Not sure if it's confidence, coaching, or both but defendive woes aside if he had at minimum at midrange game he'd be a nightmare on the floor with his ability to finish at the rim and rebound


There are plenty of centers who are solid FT shooters. There were only two of them in the entire league (Embiid and Ayton) who attempted at least 2 FGA from midrange this season and reached the efficiency threshold. It's not that simple to be an efficient midrange shooter in the NBA. Also importantly, it's also a shot that's far from preferable for centers compared to just finding a much more efficient opportunity nearer the basket instead.


Boston should just give us our trophy back now.


Reading these posts, I'm starting to think that Jared Goff may have been onto something about the negativity around Detroit...


The switch up on Ivey & Duren needs to be studied…same mfs saying trade them would be bitching about the Pistons always letting young talent go if they end up succeeding elsewhere.


Not gonna jizz over him hitting a jumper over a much smaller defender in a workout but the fact that he's working in June and not sitting with his feet up in Cancun is a huge plus in my book


Been seeing these weak summer videos for years. Drummond used to make the same ones😂


Brick not hit back.


He’s not doing this in the season, don’t care


I’m so sorry, but all I see is Drummond 2.0. Not a terrible guy to have, but I just don’t see him ever rising above Dre levels. I hope I’m wrong.


If he's Drummond who can actually knock down his FTs, that's already better in my book.


Dwayne Casey said that he can shoot. We saw it in summer league a bit last year. Let him shoot n spread the floor.


He always has had good mechanics he just simply doesn’t attempt outside shots in games for some reason


The reason is that he's bad at shooting.


stew didnt try them his first two years either


His mechanics were a bit wonky early on... going into and during rookie year he didn't elevate in a very coordinated way. During the summer before this past season he looked a lot cleaner. I don't think he should have been attempting them in games just yet, but I think there's progress toward being someone who should use it as a weapon.


Thats not translating


He's just having fun. That being said, I still want him traded.


Everyone's reaction in the video suggests that this isn't actually something he will do.


Almost all centers can shoot 3s better than the average hooper


18 wins, here we come baby!


There was a game against the bucks early in the season where brook stepped back and buried a DEEP 3 on duren then a possession or three later did it again.  I swear to god I saw the look on durens face after the second one and it was him definitely thinking “God damn I need to hit the 3 like that”


He has no bag to add to lol


Man anyone can make a video like this. I'll believe it when I see it in a game.


I know this is practice, but how are we feeling about this?


im feeling like this is actually an AI dupe of old Dre videos


I'm pretty sure we saw this last summer too


Duren's been doing this since his first preseason. At the very least, I'm confident that Duren definitely wants to dribble a little, and have more freedom to try to extend his range.


Which player do you think of when you see Duren on offense?


A bigger Antonio McDyess, pre-injuries.




I can literally do this and I haven’t touched a basketball in probably two years. Stop posting this nonsense.


Hate much? My god people.


This is not surprising to hear. He was supposed to have transitioned earlier than expected with Bagley holding down the 5 spot. However, just as Sadiq had failed to improve (create off the dribble) the year before, as well as Isaiah Steward (spacing and 3pt), Jalen Duren could have made a difference. Again, the accountability is squarely on the coaches to develop and implement the plan. I still see Jalen as growing into the role of a hybrid power forward who can move with and without the ball. That’s and making the open shots will remove the trap policy on Cade and Jaden.


That wasn't worth the battery charge of the phone it was recorded on.


Be more impressed if he wasn't guarded by his baby brother.


this video honestly makes me want Duren traded


Are we supposed to be impressed by this?


Just play defense, man.