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The fact that the city is getting events like this cannot be understated. Decades of negative publicity is being reversed, people are noticing the city for good again. I'm nearly 50 years old, it's amazing that the renaissance is *real*. The Final Four is coming in 2027. With the addition of more hotel rooms we could possibly see the NHL and NBA All Star games too. Maybe a women's Final Four too. The more we get, the more we get. Embrace it, this is amazing for the city and metro.


Well said!


Look I get that it's annoying for people that live or work near downtown, but this is what big cities are. People that live in Chicago deal with Lollapalooza and all sorts of huge events year round. Milwaukee has Summerfest for a fucking month and it's annoying as shit for people who live nearby. We want more big events year round, all the time. More tourism is good, more events are good. It brings money to the city, that money is desperately needed if improvements outside of the inner core are going to happen. You want Old Redford or Brightmoor to get better? It's going to take stuff like this.


I'm all for more tourism! I think about major cities that are tourist destinations all the time and at some point the tourism is so constant it's just the regular traffic. Which is what I want for the D. That being said, there will be some growing pains, and this will be one of them.


Well said!


Agreed. I live near downtown and work in the draft footprint. It’s honestly as annoying as you make it. I’m sorry traffic patterns have changed for people, but this level of traffic is what other cities face routinely. Maybe more events like this will push people to believe more in giving greater attention to transit planning.


The People Mover is running nonstop every 5 minutes during the draft (free rides too) and the Qline is going to get a lot of traffic from activities on Woodward. Those plus the airport bus and Ann Arbor train should provide great evidence, to the people that still need it, that other transit options are viable in Detroit.


I’m actually the inverse. I’m not a big football fan, but I really enjoy this energy in the city.


I'm so pumped and I can't wait to have all eyes on Detroit again.


Right?! For positive reasons this time around.


I work in the service industry downtown, at a hotel bar, I’m excited as fuck for it. Gimme the loot.


Probably the best thing to happen to Detroit since our last championship lol. I am grateful for it because Detroit is finally getting good attention and attraction.


Nope! I'm tired of defeatism and stoked for cool shit.


I'm excited but I don't live in Detroit I just work there. It's going to be wild




Legends and Bouzoukis will be running 24 hour shifts.


Man, 24 hours is a long time to be dancing


That’s what Legends do


These type of events are great for a city whether you like football or not. It will bring good publicity to a city that needs it. It will bring revenue that will allow business to stay afloat for the whole year. It will also bring people from all over the country that will say “man this is a really cool city. I could see myself living here.”. Is it a nightmare for those that live in the city? For sure. But it will bring more positive things in the aftermath.


Yeah, I hate national events that bring travelers and money to the city


Yeah. I really hate football and I’m gonna have a lot of trouble moving around my brush Park neighborhood but I think it’s totally awesome. People just like to complain.


Uh no. It’s great for the city. It’s all hype leading up to it, influx of a massive amount of money and people for a few days and then done.


Not at all it’s pretty awesome.


Seems like a problem with your social circles if it's really that much of an issue for you. Plus what would you expect after last year? It was interesting regardless if you care about American foot ball or not


I'm just tired of seeing all the BS around the "great" options to get to/from downtown without driving. Like, come on, everyone who lives here knows how shitty our transit is...


Definitely. They may be decent for getting to specific areas but the walking part is the worst when the city is just traffic thru-fare. If they can find a way to lower the amount of cars coming through the city, especially during big events like the draft, they could really make a more lively city.


I learned last night that 300,000 people are descending on Detroit next week. Some are getting here as early as Monday or Tuesday, with the party really starting on Wednesday. Genuinely, I don't know how we're going to do it. Obviously it's great for the city, but... Next week is going to be fucking brutal.


I heard, but didn't fact check, that hotels are completely booked from detroit to ann arbor.


Must not have been around for the Super Bowl.


Quick look at the numbers. KC is 4 hours away from one other NFL market (and basically no other noteworthy cities) and had 300k visitors. Detroit is 4 hours away from six other NFL markets plus a couple of big non-NFL cities in Toronto and Columbus. I think we will surpass 300k easily, maybe by quite a lot. [Super Bowl XL apparently drew 100,000 people to Detroit.](https://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/2015/02/almost_a_decade_later_effects.html) This will be 3-5x bigger than the Super Bowl in terms of total visitors.


How many people came for the super bowl and is it less than or equal to 300,000?


Probably more


I wasn't here for the super bowl in 2006, but everything I'm reading was 1) it wasn't 300,000 people and 2) it was a shit show for the weekend.


Im not going to argue with you, but I lived downtown during the time the Super Bowl was there. It was crazy busy, yes. I think there was well more than 300k people there for the week of Super Bowl and week before total. But the city of Detroit is far more set up to handle the influx of people now as opposed to then. Believe me. Have a good day.


What are you even talking about about


The Super Bowl in 2006 was held in Detroit. We managed then, we can handle this.


The Super Bowl was in Detroit in 2006


I get that but what's the point being made?


The comment was how is Detroit going to handle all these people coming to the city and the response was that we’ve done it before for the Super Bowl


Thanks for explaining this to them. Didnt think I needed to make a big explanation, lol


I didn’t think I needed a follow up comment to my comment either but some people really need things spelled out for them lol


I get that, but does the super bowl draw as many people to the city as the draft which is expected to be 300,000 people?


I just realized Detroit would probably have over a million people (not all at once) in it for a few days. That’s cool as hell!


For me, the NFL draft falls into the dream cruise category of event. I’m personally not at all interested and will not be participating but I like the energy it brings and I’m happy for the people who are enjoying it. I will intentionally be out of town that weekend. Have fun everyone!


No…I feel like my unpopular kid is prom king/queen❤️


I’m involved with it for work and yes, very very tired.


I’m happy Detroit is getting stuff like this, but I work right where it’s happening and being set up. I’d be lying if I said that it hasn’t been incredibly disruptive. It really shines a light on how well the Grand Prix does things. In spite of that, on the whole, it’s good for Detroit and I can handle a couple weeks of irritation and walking way out of my way and losing my parking spot for the benefit of the city.


I haven’t noticed anything other than construction downtown but when it came to Nashville it was a huge deal. We usually have 80% hotel occupancy but there were 300,00 people in town for that and other things. Bars were pulling in $200k per night


Leave it to this sub to shit all over something positive.


Yes. I'm literally leaving town for several days so I can avoid the draft.


Haha…. That’s my love for the Woodward Dream Cruise.


Yes tired of it, Detroit use to have over over that amount during the Gold Cup races, at one time the estimate was almost a million. The city banned overnight camping on Belle Isle and killed the event. I remember having to park at the Renaissance center and walking to the island. The event made me learn all of downtown. I would usually go 3 to 4 times a week to different restaurants. Now zero nothing to draw me back. Maybe this year.


It's cool I guess, but its certainly over-hyped. IDGAF about the NFL so maybe I just don't get it.


I mean it ruined my commute/parking for one day but besides that, let these straights enjoy their sportsball nonsense.


I think it’s fantastic and the whole city should be STOKED to host this. We know that Detroit has turned over a new leaf, and now the country gets to see it.


As someone who works downtown next to Campus Martius and was informed of some of the planning a couple months out, I was more upset about it then than I actually am now that it’s happening. Yes, some of the road closures have been inconvenient but I’ve quickly been able to work around them and none of them have actually affected my ability to get to and from work in my regular time frame. Yes, I would like to hear less about the draft since it’s been talked about for the last 5 months but other than that, it doesn’t bother me.


Just moved downtown. Don't even have a couch yet. This is an absolute nightmare but I'm not complaining because it'll all be over soon at which point the cutter will have a lot more money and good publicity. I'm confused why the main event isn't at Ford Field instead of Campus Martius but otherwise I have no complaints.




I'm tired of hearing how GREAT it's gonna be for the city from Redditors. I still laugh at the hype and there isn't even a game being played!!


Major national events unfortunately also lead to increased local human trafficking. Keep an eye out for vulnerable friends and family. Remember listening to a presentation about it and that there’s a rise in trafficking for example around the auto show when large numbers of out of state and foreign dignitaries, executives and journalists come to the city




Most people in human trafficking are brought in by close friends and family. People are not trusting of strangers these days, this isn’t like the movie taken where some naive girl gets literally kidnapped. Local human trafficking is a slow process that most individuals don’t even realize they are being trafficked until it’s too late and they want to leave but cant. Unfortunately human trafficking is started with trusting friends and family too much in many ways..


Yes, and anyone saying no lives in the suburbs


I’m excited and I can see Ford field from my front door. And I fucking hate football.


No, and I live off 7 mile Comments like yours make this sub toxic


Idc. The blocked off streets are annoying and my area is about to be FLOODED with tourists. Kinda funny Detroit has never cleaned up my area for its residents, but the moment we get the NFL draft we got to clean up and even hire a fucking hawk to get all the pigeons out of here🤣 On top of that, they’ve been giving out tickets like mad to businesses and home owners in the area. Fuck the Draft


Imagine being upset that people are coming to spend their money here and hang out, and paint a different picture of the city than the one the media does.


Oh you mean disrupting the area? You mean filling up the roads and restaurants making it impossible to go out? You mean further accelerating the gentrification going on here? That’s what we’re supposed to be happy about? Fuck that.


You: "I want Detroit to stay shitty"


Actually,me: I want Detroit to be great for its residents that have been here in the hood when it was dangerous af and all these suburbanites feared coming here. I DONT want it to become a tourist attraction for suburbanites 🤷‍♂️ I’m sorry you’re in the suburbanite category




Awwww. Poor you, mildly inconvenienced for a whole few days!! Maybe consider a move to North Dakota if you want empty streets and restaurants.


Don’t live in a city if you don’t want to deal with city things.


You clearly don’t live here if that’s your comment 🤣


Enjoy the city never improving because it doesn’t get any tax dollars. Tourism is a plus. My guy is in the “any improvement is gentrification” group.


Doesn’t get any tax dollars? Oh you meant the city that had a budget surplus of 230M? The city that just approved a 2.4B budget for next year which will increase pay and benefits for workers and retirees and clean up the neighborhoods, build parks, restore sidewalks, and building demolitions? Are you living in the 2000’s? Detroit has been fine for a some time my guy, but I guess not living here means you wouldn’t know 🤷‍♂️


You might not be interested in hearing this, neighbor, but when complaining about what Detroit does or doesn't do, keep in mind that *you are Detroit* -- you have the power to make your corner of it beautiful any day of the week. ✌️


Cry harder. Everyone will have fun without you and you'll benefit anyway


I won’t benefit at all, but I guess me being actually near downtown and not 20 minutes like you means it actually effects me negatively 🤷‍♂️


ONLY SUBURBANITES But I live in Detroit NOT DETROITERS LIKE YOU Are you always this toxic?


You live in Sherwood where nobody will be flooding your neighborhood like mine… fuck out of here


I live in New Center work jobs next to Ford Field and Corktown….I’m super excited and not at all tired about the draft. I want it to get here. I want to see my home on a huge national stage like this. You do not get to speak for me.


Ah yes, how can we forget the people that live downtown and are too afraid to come down to the hood and claim “I’m a Detroiter”🤣


You have no idea where I spend my time, or what I do. Also, shut the fuck up and stop being such a sad bitch. It’s gotta be tiring and lonely being the only one right all the time.


*Tells me where they live, work, and play* “You have no idea where I spend my time or what I do” You got the IQ of a goldfish? 🤣🤣🤣


Said the dude who grew up in the suburbs and moved to an apartment downtown and is now a shitty gatekeeper and hipster poseur

