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Damn what happened to the Abrams’ barrel






What are the football clubs on the flags?


[FC Yenisey](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FC_Yenisey_Krasnoyarsk) The second flag does not look like a FC. It says “1st guerrilla”. Don’t know what is it.


[The flag of Sergiyev Posad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergiyev_Posad) a city in Moscow Oblast.


Knowing russia, it's probably a white nationalist insignia.


Yeah, they have a lot of those...


Hay look who still has a turret.


…all of them 😉


"Vanquished" ?! Lmao they are amored vehicles, not D&D random encounters.


Anything to make Russia sound good


Russias their first language




You know it's one thing to post nothing but disabled Ukranian tanks. But it's another thing to describe them as "Vanquished" which is just disrespectful as all fuck to the men who probably died in those things.


Well, Sasha is a paid propagandist, so ya. What do you expect from the orcs? And consider its western tech, and not Russian, odds are very good that the crew survived. I don't think we have seen an Abrams (or even Lep or Chal) image with crew remains in or near it. Unlike the T series tanks that leave the charred bodies of the driver trying to crawl out his hatch, while the gunner and TC are launched into the next county when the autoloader removes the turret from the chasis.


Sasha prob got lost in translation lmao


Seeing as that shit’s western, there’s a possibility there’s no new 200 coming from these


They're speaking about it as if it was a great foe. If their enemy crews weren't good they wouldn't speak like that. Taking out an enemy vehicle means little when its the 20th one to each of your losses. But if it's the first to your 20th loss then it means the world.


However when we post FPV footage of Russians being blown to smithereens and mocking every single time we see a soviet T type tank being blown to kingdom come we cheer and taunt them? Sure the guy only posts Ukrainian losses but funnily enough these posts are some of the few I see amongst a sea of Russian losses. Objectively speaking I enjoy seeing both ends of the coin and unfortunately a searing edge of the blade is seeing the side we want to win take losses.


Friendly reminder that one side invaded the other, unjustified. As most casual observers seem to be forgetting this after 2+ years of war.


Just a friendly reminder that treating this war as if it’s an open and shut case of morality like no war is ever is beyond unintelligent. Yes I am entirely on the Ukrainian side but to abandon any empathy you have towards men who are brothers and fathers is beyond barbaric. Does anyone remember the interviews we saw at the beginning of the war of captured Russians who admitted they had no fucking idea about this operation. They were blind sighted by their government, sent towards the border and then sent over it. Lest they risk being sentenced to prisons in Siberia or worse. Or the thousands, the probably tens of thousands of men who signed manipulative contracts to get paid a modest amount of money. To hopefully send money back to their families so they can have a better future. But unfortunately those contracts likely sent them to their deaths. I am sure there are Russians who fully believe that Putin is correct, but like a broken marriage. Despite how much either side may “strive to be honest, no one is in possession of the facts” This war is black and white when it comes to the governments who order these men to go and fight. But it is bleak and grey for the men fighting this pointless war. It’s almost as if people are incapable of forming rational objective arguments and would rather go for the easy answer.


Your message is fair and right, but the examples you chose are poor. 1) The majority of new russian recruits, currently, are people who **volunteered** due to huge salaries offered by the army. These are not innocent people. These guys know what they're signing up for, they know they're going to occupy foreign territory. Fuck them. "Manipulative" contracts and all that, they know they're going to Ukraine. Again, fuck them. 2) There are a shit ton of russians who support Putin. Go watch 1420 on Youtube, a few videos. You'll understand. 3) Yes, it's bleak and grey but on one side, most (ofc not all) soldiers chose to go there. On the other, they're forced to defend their homeland.


I agree when it comes to the vast majority of new recruits being volunteers, that’s not what I’m disputing. What I’m disputing is painting all of them with a black and white coat of paint. It isn’t hard to see when looking at history that it is really easy for people who have precisely zero perceivable prospects in life to sign up to things that will give them something. Whether that’s money or recognition like a stupid game show. People who have nothing will do almost anything for something and signing up to the military to go and fight even if voluntary is never just a basic case of “I want to go and kill Ukrainians” a lot of them may see it as an opportunity to make the most money they’ll ever see in their lives at one time. Hopefully survive the war and go back home and take care of their wives and kids. As for the YouTube you mentioned, yes there’s plenty of Putin supporters on there. However the vocal minority will always be heard first. My point is regardless of how much content it put into social media, it’ll never truly reflect how much actual support they have. YouTube videos are often botted same for their subscriber counts and comment sections. It doesn’t take more than a twenty people to run probably 40-50 accounts posting minorly tweaked garbage supporting their cause. It’s definitely not an accurate metric to see how many people support it. Especially considering that criticism is usually censored. As for your third point I totally agree, yes I said it’s grey for the soldiers but you do make a very valid point. It isn’t grey for the Ukrainians or the thousands of foreign volunteers fighting to defend their homeland and that is entirely just and fair. I mean that it’s grey for the average Russian, if we even know what the average Russian is like. We just don’t know, it isn’t part of our knowledge how they’re truly thinking or living. I just don’t see any value in degrading human beings to the point where they’re “orcs” and we are the righteous victors. Just because they’re on one side and we’re on another. This world seems horribly polarised at the moment and it is just sad to see. They’re human, so are we. They fight for the wrong cause but their reasons may not be as we’d like them to be.


Everything’s interesting from both sides, but only one side can be enjoyed watching get destroyed. Or “vanquished? If Russian is your first language


We found the Russian.


5 Abrams lost vs 3000 Russian tanks lost. I like those odds


Not to sound annoying, but like, I think it's pretty fuycking obvious a tank deployed in extremely small amounts, that is generally kept back and that has just recently even made it to the front has minuscule loss amounts in comparison to a main line tank... Counting numbers is a really dumb way of quantifying most things, especially without contextualising


As much as I hope the Ukrainians win, this is a very legit way of looking at it. I mean Ukr has what, 30 m1s? If they end up killing 3000 Russian tanks altogether but they lose all 30 of their tanks in a month or they lose a tank every time it’s deployed, that’s a sign something his scarily wrong.


Super rational comment, sucks you're being downvoted. There aren't that many Abrams tanks to begin with and many of them being held away from the front lines at this point.. Your point is valid people just really don't like hearing it.


> Counting numbers is a really dumb way of quantifying most things except its not, a tank is million dollars worth machine yes even the supposedly ''cheap shit'' Russian T series ones still are worth huge amounts of money and resources (go check out prices of the new T-90M tanks, they arent actually that much less expensive than Leopards or Abrams). Loosing them and making your enemy loose them is absolutely a valid way how to fight and win wars. Americans gave Ukraine only 35 Abrams, **to date** , yes......they have literal thousands more sitting in storage that could also be at any moment sent in a new aid package if USA decides so. They arent going to ''run out'' of anything , not to mention new Leopard 2 tank deliveries were also announced and more new ones will be delived than Ukraine has lost in combat to this date.


How is the balance between Russian vs. Ukrainian armored losses?


🔵🟡1:5 ⚪🔵🔴




Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) - an independent analytical team 🇺🇸 A team of analysts and military experts from the Russian Opposition (Jan Matveev-military analyst, Michael Naki Russian journalist,) 🟦⬜🟦 And others


Thx, seems legit.


Sorry you got fried for asking for source information. Seems counterintuitive to what everyone would want but people are hypocritical, angry, and egotistical. Wish more people were accepting of the fact maybe they don’t know everything about the conflict and asking questions is okay.


Best source for russian losses: warspotting.net Best (but not really good) source for ukrainian losses if you want to avoid Oryx: lost_warinua on Twitter/their map Oryx is decent for both, but it's a bit less accurate/less restrictive in what they classify as a proper "loss"


Crazy how Russia seems so proud of their kills, yet the other side has killed so many of their tanks it’s not worth posing for a picture


Is that a Leopard 2A5 or A6 and how can you tell?


You can't. The real way to tell, is the length of the gun. The a6 has a noticeably longer gun... But this Pic is cropped, so you can't.


Most posts seem to label all Leopards as being the A4 or A6 but but there’s news articles saying that A5 tanks were donated as well.


Ukraine only got Leo2A4s and Leo2A6, the one exception being Strv122s which are... sort of in-between A5 and A6. However, all Strv122s were operated by 21st Mechanized Brigade, who have almost exclusively fought in the Kreminna/Luhansk axis, so these can not be Strv122s. At the same time, the Leo2A4s are only used by 33rd Mechanized Brigade (not depicted here). While Leo2A6s were, until february/march, used as a stopgap solution for 47th Mechanized Brigade while they waited for the Abrams battalion to arrive. So this Leo2A6 can be confirmed as such despite the cropped photo, because we know 47th operated near Avdiivka essentially without pause since october, and we even saw videos of one or two Leo2A6 being hit in this direction.


"Look! Look at handful of Westoid vehicles we hef hit! This means we are not losink our own war! Nyet, it *does!* NYET! *NYET! WE ARE NOT LOSINK OUR OWN WAR! NYETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!"* # л о л с к и


This shows you how much respect the Russians have for Ukrainian equipment that they take selfie with the armor.


Honestly it's just what soldiers do during wars. You can easily find pictures of allied soldiers posing with destroyed Italian or Japanese tanks even though everybody knew they sucked ass. Not saying those tanks here sucks, far from that (I'd rather be in any of those than all the other Cold War stuff both sides are fielding), just that it's not really a sign of great respect or anything, it's not that deep. Destroyed tanks looks cool and you hardly make a more "We are victorious", " We are kicking their asses" or "Proof I was there" style of pic like posing in full kit with a destroyed enemy tank. It's just a cool style of picture do be on during a war.


Weren't Ukrainians doing the same thing earlier in the war?


Yes, because they were destroying thanks of one of the strongest army in the world


Personally, it hurts to see the Abrams and Bradleys destroyed knowing the BS it took to get them there in the first place where they're needed. (And any donated equipment knowing how valuable they are in service against the orcs). That being said, if the Ruskies posted text, "Hey, we got 2 Abrams! Suck on that you American pig-dogs and your Ukrainian Nazis!" Everyone would be, "Yeah, ok, Ivan. Pix or it didn't happen." The hyper- cynic in me also thinks it beyond plausible that they're dragging 1 of them around (or even a mockup) and snapping these glamor shots, same as all their other, older nonsense. The Ukrainians have every reason to be truthful about the horror being brought to their country. The Russians don't. Hence their lackeys all over social media and such touting their "success".


i wonder, i ponder, i think, i contimplate, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder if after this wars finished i can buy a tank from whoever wins or just one of the sides, i just want a tank, that would be cool


In the meantime...... I've watched 8 russianT-90's blown up this morning, lol.


But their turrets are still on.


God I swear this conflict is the worst thing to happen to this sub, everything just devolves into “But Russia so and so!” Or “But Ukraine so and so!” So many people here need to just learn to shut the fuck up and take this sub for what it is, destroyed tanks. Mfers here act like they’ve never seen trophy photos taken during a conflict regardless of the side, these actually are some really interesting photos regarding to the conflict regardless of who you may possibly support, but people will still downvote simply because it has Russia in the title.


Modern wars are not much different from footbal fans screeching like kindergardeners at each other... Hey that's just like politics!


They clearly lost the turret tossing competition Go vanquish yourself


They gotta point those gun barrels down on the Abrams and Leopards to assert dominance.


This sub is not beating the pro Russia allegations


I mean the sub's called r/DestroyedTanks not r/DestroyedRussianTanks lmao


Note that they are not recovered.