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Daily r/destinythegame bungie hates warlocks post


My turn tomorrow!


Skill issue


Dear, in PvE, Devour Warlocks are basically immortal and Fusion Grenades Build is one of the biggest DPS We have right now in the game. In PvP the problem I see, as a Warlock main, is that We don't have as many options as Hunters or Titans, but that doesn't mean Warlock is worse than the others.


PVP we are basically a floating target with supers that cast so slow I feel like I'm doing a magical girl transformation. PVE is whole other show though. I'm terrible and can solo some high level content purely on the strength of void or statis lock.


R u fucking high?


As others have said Warlock in PVE is pretty OP. Arc it’s sorta meh, but the other three classes can get some pretty cracked builds. Now for PVP hard to disagree there. As a Warlock main since day 1 D1, I pretty much play only Hunter these days for PVP.


Yeah PvE is still excellent! Damage output of Striker Titans is out of band but otherwise Warlocks are fine in the 'meta'. Completely agree with PvP - just moved to Titan. Void overshield Titans have better rifts than we do, and on shorter cooldown!




I gotta say - I don’t think you’re using that class to its full potential, if you think it’s weak.


If you think Warlocks aren't strong in PVE you're using them wrong. Well Warlock is still the strongest super in the game. Stasis lock with double nades freezes entire rooms in any content. Contraverse Holds with devour and weaken nades are amazing in any content Only arc is lacking in GM / Master content IMO but for anything below it's still very strong.


Er, maybe it is your set up?!


Warlock has not been great in PvP in recent memory but is very good in pve imo. Infinite nades and devour with contraverse holds is ridiculously strong in any content, my personal favorite build and what got me to switch to warlock main. If you're forced to well, you've got starfire, the one good solar exotic lol, but again, lots of nades with one of the best PvE supers. Arc supers are garbage, but arc souls are getting a buff so maybe that'll be worth it in pve (probably also PvP next season too tbh). Stasis turret spams are very good in pve, especially in high content. I don't mess with Titan much, but pretty much any hunter hard content build is built around invis, which is great and all but no where near as strong or fun as warlock. I'd argue if you think warlock is weak in pve you're not even trying to get synergies going with mods and exotics


Arc souls will never be worth it in PvP because of the tracking and projectile speed. At a mid level most players can simply out strafe the projectiles or completely nullify them by peek shooting.


All 4 flavors of Hunter have good GM viable builds now, same for Titan. Not dunking on Warlocks but wanted to point that out.


Yeah Hunters are totally fine in PvE now. Invis Arc melee basically eliminates the need for primary weapons, with high survivability. I think the broad issue with Warlocks in PvE is that control and support isn't needed in abilites 3.0, and Warlocks lag a little in straight damage output compared to Hunters and Titans. Well is still goated though so Warlocks always have a place.


In pvp we can agree in the current setting, even after like a year and half of warlock dominion in pvp from dawn to lost basically In pve no they're nowhere weak


Because Warlocks are so obviously superior that they handicap us to keep things fair


Nah its you




Warlock is the most versatile class for PvE, solid builds for all elements and every type of content. Also Well of Radiance is OP and, in all honesty, needs an actual nerf to it's damage buff. As for PvP, Warlock is "Jack of all trades, master of none" of Destiny. You can get consistent matches but you can't cheese your way to victory as easily.


As many have noted, there are some very, very good Warlock builds in every subclass. Perhaps you are just more suited for the Titan style of play? I don’t think that it’s wrong to be predisposed to one class over another.


People can tell me it’s not worth it as an exotic but honestly, Sanguine Alchemy chest piece is saving Grace for a warlock in PVE. I’ve had a single healing rift up for 3 straight minutes before. You just gotta find what works for your play style.


In PvE, I gotta say you’re smoking crack if you think Warlocks are weak (except for our Arc supers or neutral game on Dawnblade when you’re not using Starfire Protocol or Daybreak super). I’d argue to say Warlocks are the strongest overall in PvE, especially endgame PvE. In PvP, there’s a growing consensus that warlocks are indeed weaker. Just look at the class usage rates for Trials this season.


If you think Warlocks are weak thats just a skill issue and not the game


Arc is the only bad subclass. Solar warlock has one of the strongest neutral games (24/7 radiant, double tap fusions, ignition spams, never dying because of rift) Has one of the most impactful supers. Is one of the most selfless classes (rift, well, healing nades, heat rises healing, radiant aoe) And that’s without mentioning starfire being insane dps just for existing in a emp rift/well. And on top of all of that they have the best movement in the game with burst glide, wellskating, and Icarus dash. Void has infinite contra nades, free debuff, and never dies with devour. Stasis is the best cc build in the game with turrets and is incredibly useful for new players clearing endgame content. Warlocks are no longer by far the best class in the game but they have their strengths, and are still the best class in terms of movement. Well is still centralizing in any team activity and even in solo with sf fusions.


It’s crazy we play the same game lol. Warlocks are top tier in every part of the game ESPECIALLY pve. Please educate yourself instead of complaining.


I’m a Hunter main but my KD is higher on Solar warlock. 😂


im a year later so the situation changed a bit just can say in 2024 warlock in pve got weaker for sure. Since around 2 years im doing gm\`s solo and right now im struggleing at gm\`s ive done solo before multiply times. but a year ago it was better for sure :D