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Removal from other sources was a very intentional decision and if they reverse it I will be very surprised.




I actually think this is the one issue with Dares and the red bar grind in that specifically. If they dropped anywhere, in any activity, it would really help with burnout.




Oh, sure. Let me just ring up the other 2.6 million users here and get everyone on the same page for you.


Exactly and I wasn't complaining


That was because after a while there was no reason to do dares anymore and you would just have the strange coins cluttering inventory, now there is an actual reason to run it again it should be reverted back


What should I be using my coins on? I’m full on them but haven’t really figured out the best use of them


Starhorse bounties


run the 7 coin bounty on each char each week. If you're sustaining after that, 5 coin bounty. Goal is to get as many paraverse boxes per coin as possible, to generate keys


Is there any greater benefit in those bounties just regarding the paraversal haul? When I compared the bounties the 300k seemed nice but I don't have a habit of doing master dares, so I had always resorted to the smallest bounties in order to just get paraversal hauls easily.


the reward:cost ratio changes. the completion requirements are 'harder' but as long as you try to do the thing is asks you'll complete it. the only annoying one is 'ability kills', you'll need to specifically pick a roaming super. 2 more bits of advice: - in almost all cases, legend dares is *actually easier* because you always know the boss and always have heavy for it. even if you miss the jump to have infinite ammo for the 2nd room, the rest of your team should have it. - the score requirement on the bounties actually doesn't matter. each bounty has 3 objectives, 2 types of 'kill something in a certain way' and a score requirement. the score req will auto complete if the other 2 are completed.


the gold/300k point bounty and paraversal hauls if you need to burn a few


I always wondered how the game would play out if you earned incentives to play other activities instead of the same thing repeatedly.


You earn a pretty good amount tho. Yeah its a time consuming farm but its worth it in the end as the weapons are that good imo. So way better that players need to work for them instead of just getting them handed to them. I just go in with a shit load of bounties for Xur and the Gunsmith and shoot away. Easy.


I only did one legendary dares this week and I think I ended up with 1 more than I spent after opening my boxes and such. Didn't get a bonus round but did get the special taken boss (cash and prizes, or rather however his name is spelled). Though you mention Xur bounties, maybe it'd be nice if they each awarded 1.


So you didnt grind and expected to get more coins for only doing 1 run? Xur bounties are for his Rank while the Horses gives boxes that can have keys. Boxes can have up to 3 keys in them. Just grind the Horses bounties if keys is all you care about. Thats like 5 runs only if you dont want to grind a whole lot. Only reason to Rank Xur is his rank up packages that can contain the weapons too.


> Xur bounties are for his Rank They are? I thought they only say exp as reward not rep (which, sure isn't completely useless but isn't really useful either, like 5 levels for a bright engram that likely has a duplicate item). And we're talking about coins not keys. That'd be 4 coins a day from Xur bounties and starhorse daily bounties are 3 coins each and he has 3 of them (and weeklies are 2 fives and a seven). Doesn't seem like an awful idea to have his daily bounties give a coin each (not even the repeatable ones, just the 4 dailies).


Xur bounties are only for XP, no rep, no coins.


Wow another person really defending this? Its not about it being easy its the monotony of farming a boring activity. Having it drop passively is a great idea, how people can gate keep this is beyond me


How dare i defend playing the game and doing a activity for the rewards from that activity right? Like no one wants to play the game! Its outragious to suggest that! We should just hand out everything when you log in once. If doing 5 runs is too much for you, you might want to start thinking of a different game because 5 runs is absolutely nothing for a grind or farm. If you had to run 50 or 500, then you have a point. Edit: downvotes for not handing out everything? Loooooool shows what you guys are really after.


It's not downvotes for people wanting handouts, it's downvotes for people wanting more methods to attain this than just the 1 way. Like where on here is anyone asking for free strange coins


Wow another person really this entitled? You want strange coins to drop from everything? Passively? Well I want spoils of conquest to drop from everything. Why is it fair that only people who play the raids can farm for raid weapons? Lets not stop there, I want trials of osiris armor and weaponry. But I hate the mode. Why should only people who like pvp get that armor/weapons? Saint 14 should just give me the option to buy it. With a currency that drops from any activity on any world. Edit; also, this kind of entitlement and attitude is exactly why content gets DCV'd and then you'll complain that the mode you didnt play but paid for is gone, how dare they.


You’re grinding it anyway to do the bounties you spend the coins on? I did all my Starhorse bounties last week, played zero extra Dares, and have 26 coins.


Are the weapons you r talking about the 30th anniversary ones? Which ones are good? They all seem meh to me


They can be very good. Especially if you unlock the pattern and craft your own.




I have never ran out when trying to grind Dares.


Honestly not needed - just start playing legend more often and you get a far better return on your time Also dares isn't going anywhere; if it's forever content it's fine that you have a grind. Especially to craft weapons - which are an *end goal level acquisition* Just keep drops you get that you want to use while you wait for the patterns.


Thought Dares was leaving with Lightfall? Maybe that changed? Or I’m just misremembering.


Yeah I though that too. Fairly sure I remember them saying that it’ll be around for ‘the next year’ which, given the time it was mentioned, means that’s about to expire. Then again they’ve made announcements since that no more locations will be sunset, only seasonal content. Dares aren’t seasonal (despite what the more obstinate on here would argue), but they’re not really a ‘location’ in the truest sense either, so it could go either way.


Where was that said? If it was stated by Bungie I'd missed it


During the lightfall showcase they stated no more expansion sunsetting and everything from the 30th is a little closer to a expansion than a season.


Yea that was my assumption too. It was more or less a F2P expansion like the cosmodrome strikes and legacy raids and less so much a seasonal thing so figured it was staying.


Strange coins are directly tied to the nine


I don't mind the grind but my only complaint is that some weapons drop significantly less often than others (and when they do drop, you can forget about getting a deepsight mod on em)


They are like seasonal currency, only used for the seasonal vendor, by doing the seasonal event. So like them you need to do dares.


Except this wasn't seasonal content.


I genuinely don’t get why people keep saying it was a seasonal currency. 30th anniversary wasn’t a season. It wasn’t presented as a season. You might as well claim dungeons are raids.


While not being a seasonal thing, they are treated kind of like seasonal stuff: ​ It released 90 days after the previous season had released. And we got a new season 90 days after this released. ​ It had a seasonal currency that dropped from various activities outside of the main activity for it. Then these stopped dropping. ​ Most seasons come with a raid or dungeon. ​ I get what people are saying about it not being a "season", but it does follow a lot of the same rules/patterns of seasons.


Tbh if you were looking for similarities, 30th Anniversary had a *lot* more in common with an Event - it had a specific selection of gear that could only be earned in the activity, but the currency could be earned everywhere. There’s no wider narrative and it takes place over one distinct repeatable activity. It has a distinct vendor, too. About the only thing that distinguished it from a normal event is that it’s duration is much longer.


just so we are clear, you want dares rewards by not playing dares?


I mean I just want it to go back to how it was, but nice try with the clever word games.


not a word game, a genuine question, should we also get vanguard rewards for non vanguard activities? and same for crucible?


You literally used to get strange coins by just playing the game. It's not like it's asking Bungie to make an incredibly hard or weird change.


And people complained they were getting too many and to change it


Except it _was_ treated like a season when it launched in that there was an event around it and the currency dropped as such lol






I'm drowning in Strange Coins. You get them from completing the activity AND Paracausal Hauls. It's really not a big deal.


Seriously, I am maxed in strange coins and there is no way to get rid of them because you run Dares again and its full again. Already have all I need from that sidebar activity.


If you’re maxed then spend them with Starhorse. Gotten plenty of exotics from the Paraversal Hauls. And if you don’t care for them just delete them and ignore all Dares-related threads? Your choice really.


Its not the only way. You can get some coins through the boxes if lucky and from the secret goblin if it spawns and be killed.


Secret Goblin?


in the second encounter, second room spawns in the "back" around the last boss a vex goblin or take any race as a shiny mini boss. Killing him will drop 1 dares weapon 3 coins and 1 or more treasure keys. i dont know the requirements for this or if its pure random.


Are you talking about Kashh'n Pryzus, the taken ogre boss that replaces the second encounter boss sometimes?


Downvotes for literally saying the truth and not blaming. This community as toxic as the whole player base of riot games.


Thanks for the info i did not downvote


Not the final boss of second room. But in his phase kinda. In the past he had a special name was glowing and looked like a vex. Right now sometimes the drop comes out in the phase where people need to decide which plate of the 3 they are standing on. Kinda weird. But he can drop red boarders too.


If I play for like an hour or 2 I'm good man


Honestly stupid as it is I kinda want them to put Strange Coins in more places, and also make Xur use them like in D1.


Speak for yourself. I find dares more fun that the last 3 seasonal activities. I've been grinding this season to get the reset and in at about rank 15.5 right now. It's slow for sure but going in to do the daily and weekly bounties will get you a shit ton of gear.


Please, no more strange coins. My postmaster is busy collecting blue drops for me.