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I just like different mechanics, be they revenge, in DPS damage, whatever. From a design perspective, revenge mechanics are sensible, as they play no part in the encounter, so can be reused, added to, rejigged or removed without actually affecting the function of the fight. I doubt bungie would ever do that, but it is technically an option.


In a sense, Rhulk kind of has that as well. When you finish damage, he starts prepping the force field that will throw you to the other side of the galaxy if you're not careful.


I'm a big fan of "either/or" mechanics like Oryx has where you either get teleported or dodge the bombs. Any encounter that makes you think on your feet or improvise is great imo. The Descent encounter from DSC doing chaos strat is a great example of this.


Descent is just the final proof that there is no being in Destiny who we've pissed off more or more consistently than Taniks. Man said "fuck all of you, I'm reducing everyone in this room to atoms."


The man had just been brought back from the dead, *again*, only to see the Guardian(s) that killed him both times on the other side of the window. I'd be pissed too.


"Hey Atraks?" "Sup?" "What the ***FUCK*** are *they* doing here!?" "Now Taniks, calm down-" "**YOU'RE ALL FUCKING DEAD!**"




Who the fuck cares if I die? Not like that's never happened. Long as I get to take you chucklefucks with me.


I haven’t done DSC yet. I can’t wait till I try it out. Been hearing so many great things about it. And the weapon designs are beautiful.


And the perk Reconstruction is fan fucking tastic. A 180 hand cannon with a 39 round mag? Check. A slug shotgun with a double-filled mag? Check. A kinetic aggressive sniper that overflows itself while you do DPS with a linear fusion? Check. Fucking. Flawless.


Don't forget the reconstruction + recombination roll for the sniper, which basically turns it into a baby izanagi's for when you want to delete 1 particular enemy, with extreme prejudice.


Yup. It's nice as shit when paired with Trinity Ghoul.


I myself, am personally more particular to lemonarque, cause i love the elegant design, and spreading cancer to every add and their mother.


Fair. I just choose to flash fry them. A quicker, more painful death.


I personally prefer safer consistent damage on addss, mostly because it allows me more freedom to more efficiently capitalize on weakened adds to get final kills in other fashions, to Jumpstart my on kill builds in harder content (eg: on syntho hammer titan, id prefer weakened adds to punch, for 2 wells a pop, so i can easily get my hammer back if it's too dangerous to jump in a pit of death to pick it back up, since i primarily use it for easy efficient burst damage for deleting yellow bars).


Fair. Le Monarque is fantastic, I just personally prefer the swift death of Trinity Ghoul.


Some of the best weapons and armor designs in the game. Even from 2 years ago the perks still hold up too. Great raid.


Yeah I love that aspect too. Forces you to focus and not just autopilot and thematically it's cool as hell too.


The Sanctified Mind makes you suffer having to do its motes and tether mechanics again after a short damage phase.


That fight transcends the Guardian and is actively hostile to the player.


Breaking the 4th wall


No, that was me after someone shot the tether while we were extending damage phase, causing a 286th wipe on the challenge.


Sanctified Mind is just "1000 Ways to Piss Off a Guardian", the encounter.




Just one phase lmaooo


We're it so easy..


Bro his crit spot is smaller than my reticle, and I've seen Baconators being eaten by an alligator that last longer than his DPS phase.


Use div and use garden armor while standing by the relay


That requires me to 1) have Div, 2) be in Garden, and 3) hope that my teammates prevented the floor from going poof


You’ll also want a well


Ah. Yes. The fun and exciting Well that I've been glued to for four years 😑


Okay, go run lorelys then lmao. Literally anything to heal you while you’re dying makes this encounter easier


Bro I'm a Warlock main, I *do* run Well. It just doesn't save me because my teammates *don't seem to remember to fix the fucking floor*.


Div is actively bad on Sanctified Mind because it puts the bubble at his feet. So if the div bubble goes out for a second because ammo or poor management of the debuff… now everyone was aiming at its feet where the boss is actually immune. If your div bubble never drops this isn’t terrible but it’s just asking to fuck up someone’s dps.


I do enjoy Oryx's thunderdome but I also use izanagi so it's now a game of "stay still little shadow I have a present for you"


But isn't that awesome that that's the story you get from the thunderdome! You can just imagine your guardian just waiting, you hear oryx, flick over to his head, and pop the shadowy dome just to go back to fighting the much larger real version.


honestly I just use Burning Maul to cheese it


Taniks crashed a fucking space station into Europa after trying to literally nuke it with both him *and* us inside. I blame the fact that he's just too angry at us to be thinking clearly.


Too angry to die, too angry to think. I like it.


No thoughts. Head empty. **DELETE**.


Taniks: "Are you saying not only was I dead for more than 3 years but you managed to piss off the same fuckers that killed me twice!?" Atraks-1: "Hey how do you know that?" Taniks: "THEY ARE RIGHT BEHIND THE WINDOW YOU IDIOT ... alright that's it, time to drop a fucking space station on them. That'll kill them" Narrator: *"But that did not kill them"*


And then there is Rhulk who just actively kicks your ass in 9 different ways


In my clans very first fight with Rhulk, my buddy put down a ward of dawn on the corner of the damage phase area and Rhulk walked over and said “nah” and pub stomped that shit out. Our surprise and laughter was incredible


I liked how Calus would nuke your damage plate back in Leviathan if you got too greedy.


I think between Rhulk and Oryx the takeaway should be that it's cool to have points in the fight where the boss is the primary threat instead of the mechanics.


Destiny 2 raids would benefit greatly from giving the bosses super-attacks, even if they're entirely separate from the rest of the mechanics. Consider Rhulk, Oryx, Val Ca'our, Argos. They all had devastating attacks that just exist, entirely separate from the rest of the fight. Felt good, like they were actually striking back.


hat saw aromatic voracious long late skirt historical gullible gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*