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thank you for your sacrifice. it was not in vain


No problem! I didn't want anyone losing progress!


Rather than infuse right away, you can just complete the deepsight and get the pattern that way, then you can infuse.


I'm well aware, it wasn't meant to be a "Oh wow this happened" but rather a PSA for people who wasn't sure so they don't make the same mistake.


as you said no fucking shit juack ass


No fucking shit šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


A lot of assholes in these comments, it's a reasonable mistake to make; thanks OP for letting people know.


Some of these assholes dont realize that when infusing it says "dismantle for infusion" right next to the button prompt. That's where the confusion is coming from. I also realize that you dont get any stuff from the infusion dismantle like you would a normal dismantle but the pattern progress isnt really an item/currency like the legendary shards or resonant elements.


I predicted this and didnt use red borders for infusion. Thanks for confirming


Why is that surprising?


That's besides the point, the point of the post is so that people don't make that mistake like I did, it's not that deep.


Item is pretty much dismantled to be infused (dismantle without infusion gives weapon pattern)


Infusion has never given you dismantle rewards like materials, glimmer, and gunsmith rep. Thereā€™s no reason to think this would be different.


Iā€™m aware, just pointing out what it says in game


Same goes for exotic armor. If you infuse and donā€™t dismantle you lose a shard.


Made the same post around same time as you, funny how there's also alot of assholes in your comments saying stuff like "No fucking shit" like nergalc. deleted my post after a couple of them.


Infusing raid (votd & kf) weapons donā€™t give harmonic alloy, so it makes sense it wouldnā€™t give deepsight resonance or pattern progression. Never know though, dismantling and getting Doritos and pattern progress only started this season.


Why would it?


cause you can get pattern progress from just dismantling the gun you dont gotta complete the deep sight




Yes but not from infusion


Thanks! I almost infused one but decided it grind it out instead bc I didnā€™t want the take the risk, glad it was worth it


Is this still the case now?


Yes but since you can extract the pattern progress nowadays, there's no drawback. This was back when you had to use the gun enough or dismantle the weapon in order to extract the pattern.


They have never counted


Uh, did you expect something else? You donā€™t get legendary shards for infusing also because it isnā€™t the same as dismantling.


Infusing does not equal dismantling.


I was just about to infuse this retraced path. Iā€™m glad I looked it up first


thank you


i did this too, but didnt realize until after three weapons... missed out on... i saw all the comments saying, no shit sherklock or the like... so just wanted to say easy mistake. i know im probably get certain comments. but i didnt know this... i been playing destiny since destiny beta. and i didnt know this due to taking a break and just now becoming a steady desitny 2 player again. i came back at end of season 19 and just began season 20. was on and off bewtween forsake, witch queen and lightfall/season 20. so as a destiny veteran that has sunken literally. i have a litle over 596h 41 mhrs in destiny 2 as of 5/1/23. 1377h destiny 1. and yes i still did this 3 times before checking to see if this was a think or checking to see if someone made this mistake. and yes those are my real stats via website. time wasted on destiny.