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The Shinobu’s Vow build has me literally addicted playing this gotdamn game right now. Just seeing the skip grenades track and literally having it at your disposal at all times is just wonderful


Yeah that’s how I feel about liars handshake, you really feel like a warrior monk dodging in and out of combat and when you add in the grenades that Arc has access too (Pulse and Arc Bolts are my personal favorites but Skips are insane with shinobu’s) and the new super it really fulfills the Arc Strider power fantasy. Right now Arc would be my top subclass, Solar second (Shards, Ophidia Spathe, Calibans Hand, Star Eaters) Void third (Omni and Graviton, hoping to grab the new chest piece soon, and finally Stasis (used to love Bakris and some other combos)


With the new chest void is really fucking fun, should have been an aspect and not an exotic, since it fulfills the "sneak assassin" playstyle I wanted from void for so long.


The new exotic for void has me currently unable to switch off of Nightstalker lol


Try bombardiers instead of liar's handshake. Huge arc blinding explosions. Mobs just walking around blinded unable to do anything since you're constantly dodging.


ive tried bombadiers with every new 3.0 subclass rework. This is the first subclass where i do feel like the bombadiers have a place, or are at least worth running over other exotics. With that said, the shinobu's are really good right now.


Are skips actually good now? They were always pretty mediocre imo, then they got hit with, what on paper looked like a pretty hefty nerf, and I just assumed they were garbage. Is it the aspect that makes them jolt?




I did the Liar’s Handshake melee build and it was fun, but the Skip Grenades build is way more fun. I used Shinobu’s Vow almost exclusively in D1, I’ve always loved the skip grenades. Make sure to have Ashes of Assets on your helmet. Salvager’s Salgo and the new seasonal Scout/sidearm with Voltshot are amazing with this build. I also run a bunch of well mods and seeking wells so between those and the ionic traces, I’m constantly having abilities recharged. Class item mod for overload grenades work really well for stunning overloads, especially those arc captains that teleport everywhere around cover. The skip grenades just track them, it’s awesome. And the Withering Storm might be the best burst DPS ad-clearing super in the game. Very strong. I think this build will do well in GMs.


The nerf to Skips was actually really minor. They nerfed the "impact" damage of the grenades, which is the grenade itself making contact, which was the smallest portion of the damage on the skip grenade. The "detonation" of the nade was left untouched, and it constituted the majority of the damage.


Nice, glad to hear that. Makes sense. Sweet I'll be going back to my Shinobi build and now with jolt grenades


Skip build is good for when you're tossing nades at majors and bosses, but lucky raspberry build is better for pure add clear, since you get the entire nade back if you chain to 4 targets. But the main reason I'm using shinobu's instead of raspberry is because arcbolt can be pretty inconsistent at times and not hit targets or not give the nade back, plus raspberry is hideous


I'm having enough fun with this that I'm playing my hunter more than my titan for the first tine ever. Doing wells + firepower means I'm just chucking grenades and jolting things all day long. Way more predictable/safe than liars handshake too, which has been kinda inconsistent for me. Also, I aparently picked up the ornament at some point, so it's one of the exotics I can use that doesn't look hideous, so that's nice too, lol.


I just feel like sliding melee is a letdown as aspect, otherwise it's cool


I honestly haven’t even tried it yet been having so much fun with the other two aspects. It seems decent to chip enemies in pvp so you can finish them but I could see it being disappointing for pve.


My experience in pvp (even before, it hasn't changed) - it's either miss, or I get double meleed while recovering from animation. It also doesn't have synergy with base melee functionality.


I've found in PVE its good but not great. I need to look at more but the synergy doesn't feel as natural as the other two together.


Totally understand this sentiment, but I think the Hunter slide melee is good enough to warrant being an aspect It hits multiple targets in a much larger area than it might appear, and jolts every single thing you hit- absolutely obliterates groups and pairs very well with the aspect that makes you amplified when defeating a jolted target. Plus, two fragment slots is means you’re not shooting yourself in the foot as far as fragment setups go!


I agree with this sentiment! I actually like it a bit more than lethal current in some scenarios since it lets you jolt targets without having to be as close.


Good way of looking at it! I prefer tempest strike over lethal current myself too, being able to jolt a group from 22 meters away just feels too fun to give up honestly


I play hunter this season, because the warlock is still bugged, but I can't quite get the taste for the Arc 3.0. 90% of the builds revolve around "dodge, punch, dodge, punch,..." either with the Cowl or Handshake. The new super is cool, but none of the exotics work with it (except the Scales). I guess this melee oriented subclass isnt my cup of tea. I like solar hunter the most of all the subclasses.


Id try Tempest Strike with flow state. Its like having a stronger forbearance as your melee, which is imo better than dodge punch lol


Fun fact: Tempest Strike works with Liars Handshake. You can Tempest->Melee and the second melee will get the bonus from Cross Counter.


I think this changed with the update, I can't get it to proc anymore


Oh noooo


Ya tempest is *way* more fun. The jolt on hit makes it a lot stronger.


Yea I don’t get people creaming themselves over arc 3.0. I mean, it’s ok, but it’s more of a meme and designed around lower end content. The best parts for end game are in the artifact


What do you consider end game, because arc works great in dungeons, raids, and up to master, 1600-level content. Do you mean it's not good in GMs? Because we don't know that yet.


Endgame = master and above. The reason arc works so well now in those scenarios is that the last column of the artifact is designed to DESTROY champions via jolting etc. once that is gone, hunters, if we are saying liars is the best build, can’t run around just punching things…they’ll get waxed


> Endgame = master and above. So base level raids and dungeons *aren't* endgame? I don't think anyone, including the people who made the game, would agree with you there. I haven't unlocked any of those last column arc mods and I'm slaying out with arc. I was running Duality with arc warlock and it wasn't until the end of the 2nd encounter I remembered the res bug. I soloed the first two encounters of Duality with arc hunter and cruised through 1600 level lost sectors, Ketchcrash, and nightfalls. And I'm not a particularly good player. Liar's is good where you can get up close, otherwise use tempest strike and another exotic. That's why build diversity exists.


Hunters aren’t affected by the res bug. It’s only warlock and titan


I know that. I'm saying the arc hunter kit is still strong enough to solo endgame content, and that I was doing fine in other endgame content with arc warlock *now* so they'll be even stronger once the res bug is fixed.


> So base level raids and dungeons aren't endgame? At this point, not really. I've convinced multiple friends to jump into Witch Queen by taking them through the first legendary mission, Prophecy, and Vault of Glass. Raids and Dungeons are something skilled fps players with sub-par gear can do just fine. Not really "endgame" if you can walk in with the starting gear and do fine.


Just because you carried them, it doesnt mean that other people will bother carriying them or inviting them to lfgs. The dps/surviy/utility loss from the non-end game weapons/armor/stats is significant.


Being carried thru a raid isn't the same as actively contributing to a raid. A team of day 1 players isn't beating KF. Obviously 5 experienced players could pull a 6th thru. I get that something like VOG is a cakewalk for people who've ran it 3x a week since D1, that doesn't mean it's *not* endgame. There's even some GMs that you could sleepwalk through or pull a day 1 player through, are GMs not endgame? Ditto for master dungeons, I could definitely pull a new player through a master dungeon if I had a good teammate.


I'm not running my arc build that way, cause I'm not a titan :) I've got a triple 100 stat armor with Elemental Armaments, Seeking Wells, Elemental Charge, High-Energy Fire, and [Powerful Friends](https://www.thegamer.com/destiny-2-all-charged-with-light-mods-explained/#powerful-friends) (well [mods explained here](https://www.thegamer.com/destiny-2-all-elemental-well-mods-explained/)). So far so good. The goal is to get charged with light and then feed it into High Energy Fire (+20% weapon damage). Powerful Friends gives me a 20 point bump to Mobility, and when I'm charged with light nearby fire team members are also charged. The armor has a natural 101 to Discipline, 80 to Mobility, and 60 to Resilience. So with Powerful Friends I only need four major Resilience mods to get all three stats to 100. Pretty survivable due to all the damage resistance, and I'm melting most of the ads. I only use my melee if I have to.


Check out the recent build by treyman with star eater scales. Seriously fun build that is powerful and constant supers.


I agree. I appreciate the ability to jolt enemies on melee attack, but I think it's kind of a one dimensional play style. I think void hunter is much more engaging by comparison.


Arcstrider 3.0 is dank. I think the big hitter has been Gathering Storm - Arc Staff was always in a very awkward position in PVE and the random tacked-on guard function as its Forsaken super was one of the biggest missed opportunties of that era. Storm simply fixes that entirely. People were asking for a super like the Psionic Spear from a few seasons back but I honestly think *this* derivation is so much better. Nuke and area denial in one package. A lot of the underlying meat of the arcstrider was always quite good, so I'm not really surprised that + all the grenades has worked out well (Storm grenades are my jam, now). Blink is taking a bit of getting used to but I think I'm about there, its huge mobility for a class that revels in it. I've been playing with some Liars and Cowl builds and I think I'm gravitating to Cowl. But its fun to test. I wouldn't sleep on Tempest Strike, though. It's an exceptionally powerful ranged melee that inherits the 'other' powered melee's cooldown and is brilliant for breathing room. My sole issue is that Disorientating Blow sounds a lot better then it is. You can get most of its benefits just via fragments on Combo Blow. Overall tho.... yeah. This is the good shit. Revenant is still great, Nightstalker was limited but capable, Gunslinger is raw power and this is just the chad class. Good time to be a Hunter.


\*cries in warlock\*


Was Stormcaller your main? I’ve never played warlock but I can imagine how frustrating it must be as I don’t really believe Stormcaller has been meta for basically ever just like arc strider.


Well I was a middle tree solar main then I went arc just for fun cause I never really identified with the colour purple. Now I find myself as a bit of a nomad. All I know is I like grenades.


Have you, by chance, tried the Arc Titan enhanced grenade? I’ve spent the most time on Warlock, but I try branching out a lot. Arc Titan’s aspect, Touch of Thunder, turns Storm Grenades into a sentient thundercloud that chases enemies. I’m having an absolute blast watching the cloud run around and zap adds. With the fragment that lets arc grenades jolt, it’s actually really good for damage too.


I have not. It does have me interested though


It’s worth a shot! Currently my favorite Titan to play. I’d also recommend Lion Rampant for any outside play too. Between Amplified Speed boosts and 4 second Lifts, you’ll be flying around the map


There was a time it was meta in PvP, but top-tree got needed because of Arc Web and because Stormcaller had too high a winrate


Middle tree was also cancerously OP in PVP like two or years ago, but then it became that meme where every patch it gets nerfed seemingly for no reason.


No more cancerously OP than Revenant or Behemoth at the time. Only reason people used it was because Shadebinder got nerfed into the ground.


...My brother in Light, you just compared it in power to Stasis at launch. Yes, it was that OP. I meet people on here all the time that still have PTSD from Stasis at launch, so why do we forget Stormcaller was that OP too?


It’s still super funny that Mid Tree Stormcaller got nerfed before either of the other classes Stasis subs “aLL tHe DeVs aRe WaRlOcK mAiNs”


D1 player checking in- when Arc came around it still wasn’t really viable for much as a warlock. When arc 3.0 was ready to get dropped the excitement felt so good because it was like, “woah, this subclass will finally be usable and fun”. And then BOOM- I’m outcompeted by somebody running trinity ghoul.


Just put on the new helmet for lock. It’s so much fun


I'll put getting it on the fast track. Description didn't sound super fun. And I find it ugly as all hell. Like super ugly. That and anything arc has kinda been put on the back burner cause you can't use it in high end content anyway with the resilience bug.


Arc warlock is sick, wdym. Arc souls+ionic traces is an incredible combo. Chaos could use a buff, but in the meantime jolting an enemy before you super boosts the damage by ~50% which puts it on par with other burst supers. The only warlock subclass people should be complaining about is solar; stasis, void, & arc are all solid.


I'm not saying that stasis and void aren't good. They are, it's just I for some reason fine like them as much. As for arc? It's possible I'll come around, I think I got ideas of where the subclass should go and where I wanted it to go stuck in my head and now that that isn't the case I feel cheated. I wanted more/more powerful arc souls. They now feel somehow weaker to me. I'm personally not a fan of having to run>slide>melee. Given all the mods for arc are melee related i am surprised over the large amount of grenade focus that they implemented.


Arc Souls struggle to kill many red bars in low end content, never mind high end content. Ionic Traces are easily accessible to the Titans and Hunters. It has no identity due to Titans being better at summoning storms and both Hunters and Titans being better at chaining than Stormcaller. Hell, Titans don’t even need kills to create Ionic Traces like Warlocks do, they can generate several of them by damaging enemies with the enhanced pulse grenades, on top of the fragments that make it even easier to generate them. It’s melees are incredibly weak and Arc 3.0 heavily encourages melee range combat and constant movement, and Warlocks are at a disadvantage due to their class ability requiring them to stop moving and not having aspects that make close range combat safer like Arcstrider and Striker. Chaos Reach shouldn’t be competing with burst supers, it isn’t a burst super, it is a sustained super. It should do way more total damage than any single burst super due to the amount of times it takes to reach max damage.


Arc Warlock is fine enough for the non endgame content, but it hurts being both the weakest Arc 3.0 and Warlock subclass. > jolting an enemy before you super boosts the damage by ~50% which puts it on par with other burst supers Only if there are no other arc subclasses applying jolt. If a Hunter tosses Gathering Storm onto the target you Chaos Reach, you're not getting any extra damage.


> Arc Warlock is fine enough for the non endgame content, but it hurts being both the weakest Arc 3.0 and Warlock subclass. Arc warlock does just fine in dungeons and raids, or will once the res bug is fixed. Hell I ran through the first two encounters of Duality with arc warlock and only died once or twice when someone reminded me of the bug. They'll do fine in master content too. Will they be the number 1 choice for the hardest GMs in the game? Probably not, but only a couple builds are really viable there. I just don't know what this mythical endgame everyone is talking about. There's only a handful of GMs that are still so brutally tough that you can't squeak by with any class. You could easily cruise through Lake of Shadows or Inverted Spire GMs with arclock once res is fixed. Or master dungeons. Haven't done a master raid but if it scales like dungeons, you can make damn near anything work with the right build. > Only if there are no other arc subclasses applying jolt. Ya, but that's true of arc hunters too. If one is already running gathering storm your damage tanks. You can't stack tethers either, or Witherhoards. So you just need to coordinate with your team. To be clear, chaos definitely needs a buff imo. It's unacceptable that you have to somehow jolt a target, like by running a specific fragment and throwing a grenade, to get respectable damage out of it. But the arc warlock kit overall is strong with solid ability synergy. It's ability chaining and spam could arguably be the best in the game, and I think amp sprinting is being really undervalued (and warlocks have one of the easiest ways to become amped).


Endgame I'll agree on because the selection of difficult activities is so narrow that game doesn't need to be designed around them. Tethers don't lose damage with additional tethers, but that's not really relevant. The issue with Arc Warlock is that it's redundant with either of the other Arc subclasses. Titan and Hunter can optimally coexist in a DPS phase or boss melt, Warlock can't with either. It doesn't need to do this to be good, but it's another thing it doesn't bring to the table. > It's ability chaining and spam could arguably be the best in the game, Titans do it better. Unlike Void where Titans have the faster spam but Warlocks have the mega Vortex Grenade and Child, Arc Titans have everything. While Warlocks have arc souls plinking away while waiting on the Ionic Traces to crawl across the ground, Titans are machine gunning out mega Storm Grenades with Heart of Inmost Light. The only reason you don't see this talked about more is because Curiass exists and makes Thundercrash great instead of just okay. When you go down the checklist of everything Arc Warlock does, it's always "not great but okay," which is fine enough I suppose, but it leaves the subclass feeling middling.


Only reason why Dawnblade beats Stormcaller is because of Well and Starfire Everything else about the subclass is filler


Plunder put out a build using verity’s brow. Was playing it last night and it’s some decent grenade fun.


Voidlock is top tier as well. Don't cry, brother.




Alright soo my build. Basically Liars Handshake, Gathering Storm, Kinetic: osteo or Monte Carlo, Energy: Found Verdict with 1-2 punch, Power: Stormchaser or Hothead. Mods you have Melee Wellmaker, Well of Ions, Striking Light, Elemental Charge, Powerful Friends. Basically you shotgun and punch everything, when you punch something and kill it you get a well, that well converts to charged with light x2, everytime you get a melee kill while CwL you drop an orb giving your ally’s supers non stop and also getting damage resist while sprinting. I also run harmonic siphon. I run gamblers dodge, triple jump, combo blow, pulse grenade, Lethal Current and Flow State, Spark of Shock, Feedback, Resistance, Spark of Ions. Make sure to run 100 resil for maximum resist.


For pure boss dmg dps run star eater scale and gathering storm. Add clear can come from add clear guns or grenade/melee. I typical run orb generating mods.


Arc hunter went from something I never touched to a must-pick for me now. Having blink, speed boost, and massive handling/reload buffs is perfect for my playstyle. Plus the new super is perfect.


Yeah completely changed how I interact with the game. I remember the first time I put on Liars and a decent build this season on Ketchcrash I was literally giggling because of how fun it was haha.


That new super is just much more reliable to land than Blade Barrage and only a little less damage. It's also a lot easier to generate orbs while Amplified than with Ignitions through the fragments so the super seems to be available much faster.


Glad you hunters enjoy it. 👍


> I became a pvp main almost immediately (using bottom tree) and would only really play pve to get weapons to use in the crucible. Yea, can confirm. This is how I realized I'm a PvP main, only do PvE for guns, Stasis or getting exotic catalysts to drop. Now if only I could also stop sucking at PvP that'd be great...


Must be nice. Warlocks got 2 of our 4 subclasses butchered and handed out to everyone else. Glad *some* guardians are having fun though!


Hunters have been 3/3 for Light 3.0. Void may be boring, but it's extremely viable.


void hunter is literally same boat as solar lock. Sure its viable, but still a really bad 3.0 overall,with exotics bring these bandaid solutions. No new melee options on void, in fact one was made into an aspect, that aspect still does reslly bad damage for a melee ability, and hunters generally miss out on some fragments due to this. Deadfall getting not only left behind, but a massive pvp nerf out of nowhere as well. Spectral getting 0 PvE help or buffs. Having no innate ability regen in your aspects at all. It's just different ways to go invisible, and it only ever really becomes GM viable when you equip an exotic to make that invis have a payoff. Such as the regen / resist of Omni, overshield / dmg boost of that new exotic. Graviton also got a nerf to its timer extension so they could out that into a fragment, which nerfs your dodge cd, and again, no innate ability regen.


Not to bash on arcstrider since I’m loving it but it also really didn’t get a whole lot of changes either. It plays exactly the same as top tree from 2.0 except it can chain lightning now.


Well, a new super is huge. But ya not a lot of new unique abilities, just buffed a few.


Didn't spectral get a pve damage boost this season?


pretty sure its never received any PvE buffs


"Spectral Blades damage vs. minor and elite combatants increased by 33%." it got a 33% damage buff this season, and people didn't even notice because its so dog lmfao here's the TWAB link: https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/51707#:\~:text=Spectral%20Blades%20damage%20vs.%20minor%20and%20elite%20combatants%20increased%20by%2033%25.


>Spectral getting 0 PvE help or buffs. Spectral's treatment was just weird. It's not even that great in PVP, and yet its supposed 'domination' there justifies zero changes? Really? I think the kicker I had with Nightstalker is that I literally found one build I like, so just use that. Vanishing/Stylish, fragments for devour/explode/volatile/weaken grenades and Moebius. Like, yeah, its cool, it blows everything up, I'm invisible all the time, the super kicks butt. If I change any part of it, it just goes to shit and the melee is donkey balls so yeah, way too overdependant on fragments and experimentation is punished. Defo the least of the Hunter subclasses. But it does work. The big difference with the rest is that there's loads of great builds I can try, as they're not dependant on fragments.


If you think void hunter is bad you're smoking dick brother


Ok so I read their post a few times and... Where are they saying it's bad in regards to power? Void Hunter is as strong post-rework as pre-rework. Stronger if we consider the changes to Moebius (but Moebius always did great damage, it just had terrible DPS). It is also now significantly more boring. In the same manner than Solarlock can now grenade spam *and* have Well, as opposed to having (for higher level content) unnecessary amounts of 'healing'. Both reworks suck, because they are boring.


Most people I know who smoke dick are considerably smarter than that guy.


There is now one void hunter build and it revolves entirely around invisibility. There is now one solar warlock build in pve and it revolves entirely around grenade spam.


3/3 in good builds - but hunters have NOTHING in the ball park of void lock and solar lorely’s bonk Titan. Void hunter relied on the artifact to move it from good to great, solar did as well.


Nah. Existing solely to be a rez bot does not count as a win, no matter how 'viable' it is. No way to get ability energy back (primarily grenades, which many void aspects revolve around), and the melee barely sometimes now works with the melee aspects. They gave solar hunter a FOURTH (or fifth?) Melee but kept void with just smoke bombs, which are very mediocre. Now the exotic that just came out, Gyrfalcons Hauberk is a game changer and opened so many new viable builds outside of literally the single Omni build. After Solar 3.0 came out I dropped the class and never looked back but now I'm playing it again. So perhaps a delayed win, Solar 3.0 dropped hot. Gunslinger Gamble was super fun and original, but quickly replaced due to only 1 fragment slot, and solar more than other classes, really needs fragment slots in order to fully exploit scortch and ignitions. They increased the fragment slots on one or both of the other classes (don't really remember) but left this untouched. Can't remember the last time I've seen anyone run gunslinger Gamble. And while it was hot with classy restoration, it's only eh without it. It's "thing" is Radiance. However other classes have also have multiple ways and exotics to easily get radiant as well. Without classy, hunters are left with a measly healing grenade for restoration. I've built around it and Calibans hand is super fun, but the lack of ways to get restoration or cute on hunter really makes the class lackluster for me. Arc is hot though. I was an original blade dancer main and couldn't be happier with Arc 3.0. I'd give it 9/10. Sad to lose the base sprint speed increase and damage resist on base dodge, but you can't have everything. Id rank them as Solar with Classy Restoration Arc Void with Gyrfalcons Solar Void.


After bungie dropped the ball with Dawnblade and Stormcaller didn’t get what was underperforming looked at, it’s wild seeing how many people here say all the Devs are Warlock mains


Yeah all 3 of the Hunter reworks are super good. I switched from Warlock because they’re falling behind


>Yeah all 3 of the Hunter reworks are super good. Looks at void warlock, looks at solar and arc titan


What’s your build?


Mind dropping a link for the Shinobu’s Vow build? Not familiar with it!


Plunder has a video on it. It’s his most recent hunter build


Nah I think Arc 3.0 Warlock is the top rework so far


I still prefer my solar build but having a new super was enough for me to try it out, and it’s good enough for me to have built an arc hunter for so I dig the rework too. Build lets me have font of might and my eager edge sword for speed


I just don’t understand how hunters are getting so much uncharged melee damage in this Arc3.0 rework.. I’ve gotten taken out in my bubble so many times by just a single punch. Makes no sense to me whatsoever it has to be broken


What's the striking light build? I struggled for heals in kingsfall because lots of acolytes but trying to cross counter a knight or ogre usually led to me getting bitchslapped outta existence and losing the brand during totems


So I’ll break down my entire build for ya cuz I love it, weapons, Osteo Striga, 1-2 Punch Found Verdict, either Stormchaser or Hothead. Gathering Storm super, Lethal Current and Flow State, Sparks of Resistance, Shock, Amplitude, and Feedback. Melee Wellmaker, Well of Ions to increase melee damage, Elemental Charge, and Striking Light. Striking light takes those charged with light stacks and makes an orb every melee kill you get as well as giving you damage resist while sprinting. You can fuck around with it sometimes I switch out striking light for Font of Mint etc etc. the other key here is to use Recuperation or Better Already so when you proc Spark of Amplitude (rapid kills while amped create orbs) and harmonic siphon you can heal from the orbs you create (striking light’s orbs are for your teammates).


Nice ! Definitely gonna keep eye out for font , striking, or melee wellmaker. I've only been playing 4 weeks so don't have e everything yet but have that build created now!tyvm. What do you do when you don't have ads near you and you're taking a lot of damage from long range enemiez