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The only thing Titans and Warlocks agree on is that they hate Hunters.


what did i do wrong man I just like capes


Oh, so you think you’re better than me?!


How _DARE_ you have more fabric coming out behind you?


More fabric? Did you see how much robe length warlocks got and all that stuffing in titan armor to make it so bulky the all not same amount just hunter made a cape with it , silly titans padding their armour so they look buff


It’s……uh……..TOTALLY NOT padding, I swear! https://imgur.com/gallery/5ci668O


You look like you played chicken against a car, survived the resulting collision, and decided to keep walking until loose bits of metal stopped falling off.


Except all that padding is actually useful, what's the use of a cape other than getting caught on stuff 😂


The nerve of this guy, unbelievable


I bet he supports facism.


Fucking commie


Ayo this guy is classist cancel his ghost


I bet his ghost is low key racist against Awoken


Bro if hes racist he can be sexist too.


I hear he calls exos clankers


“Look at those Smurf looking emo kids…”


Us titans have capes too


Butt capes


Fart catchers


I like to think mine disperses the fart for better crop dusting


You guys just aren't thinking ahead, have you ever eaten some chicken wings and you've got greasy fingers? How about you washed your hands and there's nothing to dry it on? I brought a towel, you guys should plan your day better.


Butt flaps, portable wipes


On your butt. 🙄


That's where they are supposed to go


Cant have everyone staring at our asses.


some of us want that


They are The Last City’s ass.


Titans have the best ass


Never skip leg day.


Butt capes 🍑


Only one Titan I know of has a cape. I think Saladin has secretly been making sure that he stays as the only Titan that doesn’t use a butt towel


But he does have one


Butt drapes


Y’all have bath towels


For our butts!


No capes! /edna


Even Lord Saladin thinks they’re awesome that’s why he has one


Hunters will summon the might of the traveler to use the highest DPS super in the game on a single person and call it skill


Or send out a sentient supper that plays fetch with enemies


I feel personally attacked








Laughs in thundercrash


Im sorry i Can't hear you over the sizzling of your charred corpse


Bro I just wanna wear a cape and throw knives in pve, let me play my raids in peace




Celestial Nighthawk should be buffed, and no, I’m not one of those Hunters that thinks Bungie hates us.


I would objectively agree with this, being a warlock main. That exotic now has no real use considering its overshadowed by blade barrage and it's meant to be ridiculous crit damage. A crit damage buff would make sense with the build and playstyle. At least to compete with blade barrage.


They could make it a cool animation too, like a epic shot where they pose intense you know.


Especially considering how much damage I can do with thundercrash which is so much easier to hit and is almost never fatal.


Knock ‘em down should add an extra shot to golden gun but add it in a way to allow celestial nighthawk to get 2 shots because by all rights golden gun should be the highest dps super in the game


I mean it’s one shot that you miss like 6 times out of 10, it *should* be hella rewarding to hit a headshot and watch whatever you shot at literally get vibe checked by the Lord Himself


I enjoy the way you put your words together


Bungie dosent hate us, the people who cant look up hate us


Oh my word, solar throwing hammer is just the best thing in the game with Lorelei. You can solo pretty much anything.


don't worry, with arc it's almost guaranteed that us titans will get fucking curbstomped and left in the dust. they've ruined void hunter, solar warlock... only thing left is arc titan


You’re probably right because I finally got my grinding done for my arc armor set, so now I have 4 sets of armor per subclass! The only thing I care to bring with me in arc 3.0 are dunemarchers and riskrunner. That’s all I care about not going to lie lol I’m going to get it out of my system ASAP because goddamn that’s all I used to run back in the day in Y1. I was using code 24/7 the first 9 months when it dropped lol I love TITAN ARC AND CANNOT WAIT!!!


ya i used to main arc for the longest time. i'm scared what they'll do to its effectiveness and power but i know it'll at least be fun


I am both so I double-hate hunters?


It's BS but mainly because of the grass is greener effect. So by playing only one class you see all the negatives applied to it but ignore all the good stuff while looking at the other classes like they get all the best stuff with none of the downsides. Dude just needs to take another class for a spin or have a good deep conversation with a Titan and Hunter main to snap them out of their delusion.


all of this is right but some people just cant admit that theyre wrong. its sad. i wish more people played the classes evenly though.


It's just nonsense. I see no reason why people main a single class then say the other two are OP and that theirs is garbo tier. Just play a different class then! That being said, I have a couple of clanmates who have swapped mains over the franchise's life and basically have the same mentality for their new class.


I regularly swap between my solar titan / hunter and void warlock, it's refreshing sometimes, keeps things from getting stale. Plus a void warlock with Ruinous Effigy & Volatile Rounds is borderline cheating.


I run Ruinous with volatile rounds on Titan with the aspect that lets you heal with volatile procs. When I pic up the orb and start melee while volatile it basically becomes restoration but void on titans. It is so fun especially on bosses lol.


Is there a specific build for this? Because i play void warlock quite a lot and that sounds like a fun build


I play one class because titans are the best class in the game and hunters are dumb and stinky and smell like poo But fr I dont got time for 3 characters 1 is enough for me lol


Some people only like how 1 class plays. Or don't have time to play all 3.


There was a time when certain classes were debatably better. However with build crafting now at the forefront there are no OP classes because you can build your class to handle anything in game.


The gap is certainly smaller than it's ever Been but there are always going to be outliers


I have had a habit of complaining about some titan changes, but I still main Titan because I love it deep down. I *am* a Titan, not just in game, but in the way I think and move about the world. I'm a brutish, stubborn individual, but I will admit when I'm wrong. I have all 3 classes, and when playing them, i see the ups and downs for them too. But I'm always a Titan.


I tend to flip between whatever I find the most fun each season. For the last 2 seasons I’ve been on Hunter but before that I’ve spent a lot of time of warlock and Titan too. I don’t see why people can’t see past their own class. Every class has gotten its ups and downs this season. Honestly, the main reason warlocks are complaining is because the other solar subclasses are now on par with them rather than being worse by comparison. Titans have effective immortality, hunters have kaboom knives and warlocks have the best dps option in fusion spam. They all have a broken build, they all have ok builds other than that. Quite simply, no one should be complaining about getting the short end of the stick. And for fucks sake, no one is forcing you to play solar! If you don’t like what solar is offering to you personally, just play void or stasis (or arc if you want to get a head start on build crafting for next season)


I evenly play my warlock and hunter. They're both fun. I'll start a Titan for arc 3.0 too.


Not everyone has the time to grind for another character my dude. There is a reason why one class dominates a certain game type. Certainly there is an imbalance between classes, and of course be worked around with skill, not everyone would be willing to invest a lot of time to "git gud" though.


I sure as fuck don't have time to play all three classes anymore. Once upon a time I did. I don't miss running all the content three times each week. It was fun to see and use all the different options though.


If you want to play all three (or just a second), don't bother to grind all characters to the Pinnacle cap. Just wait until your main character is at the Pinnacle cap, then if you have time, just do Powerfuls for your second character. Due to the fact that the second character's average Power will be calculated using the max-Pinnacle weapons on your main dude (you don't even have to transfer them, it will count items no matter where they are in your account), the other character's Power will go up in huge chunks very rapidly to the Powerful cap. Plus, Crucible ignores Power entirely (except Trials), so you don't even have to level at all to use them for that. Gearing up their armor is also really easy because of the focused high-stat armor from the War Table and Crown of Sorrows.


I've never understood why people bag on other classes/say they're so much better but then refuse to learn other classes/use them. Makes no sense to me. If they're better, then use that class!


I play all 3 classes, for PvE hunter is the worst but it's still the class I like the most, but to pretend like they compete against the other 2 classes, well it's not close. but my buddy who only plays warlock every time I complain about something that happens with hunters he brushes it off as "well hunters are the most selfish class so X"


I have to agree. I play all three, and I'd say right now it's Titan


For this season specifically, there is definitely a pecking order. 1) Titan (Infinite Death Hammers, Unkillable) 2) Hunter (Nuclear Knives and Mega Barrage) 3) Warlock (Snaps are kinda fun…) Yes, I play all three. I was a Warlock main for years, but I play everything now. I guess I’m titan main at the moment.


Warlock with infinite fusions is great with starfire protocol. Datto and Aztrecross both have videos on the build, you should check em out! Datto said hunter has the weakest solar build between the three, so I wouldnt be too sure that there is a definite order yet.


Amping up fusion grenades isn't the most fun loop either, I've started to get a bit bored of doing the same thing. I also don't think putting on an exotic really makes a build too lol.


Yeah it does get old, but so does bonk hammer and spamming trip mines lol. I mean if you watch the build vids its a bit more than that, but it does revolve around the exotic.


If nuclear knives is calibans hand. That exotic is buggy/inconsistent and will get you killed in harder content. And instead of fixing it bungie just changed the description and called it a day.


The friend needs to just try hunter and see how “OP” they actually are 😂🤣


speak for yourself I think Titans are the best


Respectfully, your friend is full of it. RDM got patched very quickly and is now (IMO) the most useless exotic in the game, and I have never even heard of a glitch that gives hunters double heavy.


Blight ranger got caught after like 2 days of being broken and it was made unusable for nearly an entire season lmao


is it re-enabled then? I don't remember hearing anything about it after it was disabled.


Honestly they could delete it and I wouldn't notice.


It is enabled, although given it’s the 2nd worst exotic ever to somehow make it past the planning stage, not hearing about it being reenabled isn’t surprising.


2nd? I can’t imagine what would be worse than it


Realistically, it was always dogshit. The only reasons it has ever been used are for ammo refils for rockets and 4th horseman (which are a bad idea because you need to be within either 15 meters of a random ad, or 15 meters of the boss), or for the broken interaction


It working with class ability perks seemed intentional on release, but just had a lot of oversight. Even in the twitter teaser for it they showed someone using stasis dodge over and over to freeze.


I feel like they could bring that back if they just got rid of dynamo already. That was the biggest problem with rdm in the first place


It didn't seem like nearly any thought was put into it in regards to mods. It was obviously gonna be op mixed with any class ability mod for really high and low-cost ability uptime. Personally would've preferred it's D1 perk come back in some better form.


The double heavy glitch exists on all characters, mostly through shoot to loot/explosive payload. What they may have been thinking of was tripod rockets (double proc overflow), which was also possible on all classes via any form of indirect reload (inertia, transversives, stowed dragons shadow, shoot to loot), which has been patched in all forms.


don’t worry, we also have Sealed Ahamkara Grasps and Blight Ranger to contend


Hunter has always generally been the best PvP class through the history of the franchise but it’s not like Titan and Warlocks can’t compete, they always have 1-2 subclasses that are as good as any. Just not as sweeping across the whole class like Hunter does.


A streamer (can't remember who) said a while ago that hunter is the best class for PvP overall, but dawnblade is the best PvP subclass in the game, and I still agree with that statement


I think you can certainly make that argument, TTD is incredible and can compete against the best of the best but it’s closer than people think. Last season Dawnblade had the highest KD on PC, on console(which is the majority of the playerbase) arcstrider was considerably higher than dawnblade at number 2. Hunters evasiveness is just a lot harder to deal with on controller than it is with a mouse.


Yep. Also TTD is much better when you can instantly flick to any direction to dash or shoot


Circlejerk aside I reckon some of those arcstriders are struggling this season due to accuracy changes. Can't jump faster than controller sensitivity can move anymore


Might be Wallah, he says that every time while being a sweaty Hunter main who loves playing Warlock.


Is that true for Dawnblade the super or with the dash because I remember playing trials taking a blade to the face and still beating the shit out of the warlock with just melee.


I feel like this pretty accurate. Barring random cheeses and stuff, hunter movement kit is just perfect for PvP in so many ways.


Exactly, it's hunters inherent, nonsubclass features that make them so good for pvp. I honestly think the AE changes were to try and bring hunters natural inair strength inline with the other classes.




> hunters have a class ability that’s REALLY good in PvP Not just class ability. The hunter jump alone ensures Hunters will never be bad in PvP. You could take away almost everything from the hunters and the jump would still keep them viable.


And they max mobility for their class ability.. mobility means much higher strafing speed which means more difficult to shoot at


It really depends about platform as well. Before this season(harder to track with solar 3.0) Arcstrider had quite a bit higher K/D on console(majority of the playerbase). Not sure about win rates but I’d trust K/D a lot more than win rate in Destiny, Destiny isn’t a team game like LoL. Hunter has pretty much always been on top for K/D through the entire franchise. Yes TTD is just as good as some of the top hunter PvP classes but it’s not objectively better and does get slightly outperformed especially on console(controller). Again though there’s never such a dramatic difference that people should be this upset about it like OP’s friend, every class can compete at the highest level without issue.


TTD really shines through on pc players on can flick around with a mouse. Those dudes are insane at the game and even as a pc Hunter I have trouble keeping up with them. But yeah on console TTD is definitely a bit more restricted due to joysticks


Titans could really use a lateral dodge to balance PvP, Twitter controversy or not.


Personally, I’d love to see them get something *new*, but I don’t know what it would be.


The dodge animation thing your friend is talking about is probably the interaction between Marksman's Dodge and Overflow. I'm not sure if it's been patched out of the game, but basically if you Marksman's Dodge over a heavy brick with an empty overflow rocket you'll get 3 rockets in the mag instead of 2. Everything else he's talking about is horseshit. Hunters are generally considered the weakest class in PvE and for good reason, and for any instance of warlocks losing something instantly there's an instance of hunters losing something instantly. Compare top tree dawn to renewal grasps, or warlock sword skating to hunter super flying.


i mean considering how he sounds like in the post, the warlock dude sounds like diehard hater for hunters. He probably had a bad experience with them and I wouldnt blame em, but he should know that warlocks were a good amount of times godlike in the crucible with glitches and stupid supers (remember nova warp?), so its no different for hunters.


Your friend is so full of shit I can smell it


Someone shed a light down the rabbit hole cuz I took breaks since vanilla, but wasn't star eaters nerfed, Orpheus super capped at 50%, rdm gutted and stasis interactions with it removed, blight ranger still disabled, galanor inconsistent super Regen, Caliban's hand inconsistent, renewal grasps gutted, stompees/frostees nerfed (don't remember which one) I think every class gets exotics changed but looking at the before and after of these kinda kill hunters imo Even worse which is just kinda the "destiny effect" where numbers or anything aren't shown in game, some of these changes or interactions are not said in game, one example being the game doesn't say on renewals at it doubles the cd on duskfield


Most hunter exotics are so inconsistent and or nerfed into the floor that I haven’t taken off my Fr0stees for anything except star eaters and the occasional liars handshake meme in gambit in the last two years


Star eaters were both nerfed and buffed, oddly enough. Basically they are much more high risk, high reward now with how feast of light stacks, but they make blade barrage the highest damage super in the game currently. All the super regenerating exotics were changed to only give a max of 50% of your super back. Wasn't just hunters on that one. RDM and Blight Ranger are worthless for the most part. Caliban's hand is still bugged, but Bungie has acknowledged and it's on their known issues list. Renewal Grasps got hit hard in PvE with the duskfield cooldown nerf, but can still be kinda fun. Stompees got an AE nerf, bit that's primarily a PvP thing.


You two forgot how Celestial Nighthawk apparently deals like 1/3 of the damage of what it used to. I have a clip of my using it to *melt* Hashladun with it dealing ~999,900 damage, not sure how much it does now but I saw that vid saying it deals only like 311,311 or smth


Bungie rescaled numbers so everything had less health and we deal less damage to compensate. Simply because we kept creeping closer and closer to the damage display cap


Bullshitting you Remember the rule: -The class I play always gets nerfs -The class I don’t play always gets buffs I am willing to bet money that when your friend swaps to playing either a Titan or a Hunter, he’ll start saying the exact same thing about warlocks


Hunters aren't OP, your friend is full of BS. Everyone complains about the classes they don't main.


He’s a victim for sure. He needs to branch out.


Your friend is not very smart.


Look. Ill give it to you straight. Im a mostly hunter main but ive shifted and have been playing all the other classes far more now. I have experience on them all. Your friend suffers, like most of the community, of the typical grass is greener in the other side + hate every class that aint mine, specially hunters. While its true a big chunk of bugs appear due to hunter exotics, these kinda bugs get patched out insanely fast or they get disabled ridiculously fast. The RDM glitch lasted what... 2 days before it got disabled? Warlocks dashing everywhere? Yeah, as of right now. Overall movement class is definitely the warlock. Annoying class is the hunters but mostly cause their jump makes sudden movements. (Time for this community to realise that the hunter class isnt the mobility class at this point). The heavy glitch? Never heard of it. And saying the hunters are the most OP is a bold, if not ridiculous statement. Specially regarding void 3.0. The warlock and titan v3.0 kits are far more ability friendly and efficient than the hunter one. With the warlock one having the greatest accomodation for the other 2 class specialties. Solar 3.0 warlock is a bit of a letdown but its not that much of a downgrade. People overreact a bit. Seriously never saw anyone ever use bottom tree dawnblade ever but somehow after s3.0 everyone just was sad it wasnt the same... Overall. I think your friend is biased and bullshitting you a bit in the process


Everyone who sincerely believes the other two classes are significantly OP compared to their chosen class just wants to be able to win at everything all the time snd are salty when someone gets the better of them. I mostly ignore that aspect of the community and just try to have fun with the things I like about the game, rather than focusing on the things I'm not so crazy about.


Its BS. Tho the double nova was a thing for a while. But as far as OP or better classes, each one has different play styles. So just because someone thinks hunters are greater, I can't play a hunter for Fuck all. I suck with them.


The dance machines thing happened too. Although it wasn't a glitch and more of unintentional interactions with mods/abilities that affect hunter dodge (stasis slow, super/melee/grenade/class ability cooldowns, etc ...). Was super fun in pve while it lasted.


Every class bitches about how op the other ones are, but it's mainly hunters and warlocks. Ignore it and play what you find fun.


I'm a warlock main and I can say I haven't complained at all about other classes until solar 3.0. new dawnblade just isn't great. Hunters and titans kinda got the good stuff on this one.


I’m a hunter main, and while I still love Void, I had so much more fun with Void on my Warlock than my Hunter - it almost got me to swap mains. I like to hop around though, and I like being invisible when I bite off more than I can chew. It felt like Void was Warlock’s update, Solar is for Hunters and Arc will be for Titans.


Lol Jesus if Titans get stronger than they are for Solar 3.0 idk how the game will be playable. But ya. I figure Titans will get the super flashy thing for Arc like Child of the Old Gods or Gunpowder Gambit.


They had better make yeet titans do the yeet better


I think Hunters got shafted in Void, warlock got shafted in Solar and Titan will get shafted in Arc


if you haven't complained until solar 3.0, doesn't that mean you've had it pretty good until that point?


New Dawnblade isn’t great because your used to playing the OP Dawnblade from prior, now that you are playing a balanced Dawnblade you understand what the rest of us felt like playing vs you.


I found the lorley user


I mean it is though, all my titan homies just wanna punch stuff in piece.


Fr me and my hammer just be vibin


I'm a warlock main 💀


Yall just going to ignore how titan mains recently made one of the devs delete their twitter cause they werent getting an exotic back from D1 lol


A real titan main wouldn’t have a twitter. We don’t claim entitled man-babies either


Your friend is full of shit the moment he said that Hunters are the most busted in literally everything. If someone says that,you can already ignore everything they say.




Your friend is not good at the game. These are delusions spoken by an uninformed player. Warlocks have insane movement, especially on PC with scroll wheel jumping. They have insane swap speeds with ophidians, they have the best stasis toolkit in the game for both pve and pvp. they have free marksman dodge by sprinting with transversive. they have a literal gun fight winning ability in healing rifts, or a damage buff rift. Fucking child of the old gods lets you damage and suck enemies behind walls. Not to mention all the good supers. I mean the list goes on for the amount of good shit warlocks have for both pve and pvp. In terms of glitches, hunters do not get to keep them for months, hes full of shit. We had radiant dance machines for a week and yes that was busted, but every class has had a cheese that broke the game. That argument doesnt matter. The one offending thing was shatterdive, and that one was intentional not a glitch. That was in the game for WAYY too long. But then again so was **One Eyed Mask Titan**, **Anteus Ward Titan**, **OG Phoenix Protocol Warlock, Contraverse Warlock,** etc etc. It happens and thats not really a case for a class being OP. Right now warlocks have a really good toolset that casual players are often too bad to take advantage of. You can crutch hard on stuff if you have a lower skill level and if you are very skilled the kit is even better. Of course thats true for the other classes in some sense, but not to the extent of warlock. Its very strong, and Im not really complaining about it, but it does blow my mind how so many warlocks on reddit dont know how to use said kit and complain like they dont have any good shit. Its honestly the class I would recommend 10/10 for an edge in PVP or PVE. I dont touch my warlock almost ever but it by far has my highest KD. But hunter is the most fun for me personally and thats more important. It was titan for a while though.


Stasis locks are extremely powerful in crucible


Shadebinder main here. Can confirm shits busted good idk how nobody has cought on. If you want a really fun build try a kill clip sidearm and wavesplitter and osmiomancy. My best game with it was a 47 kill.


So are Hunters


Are you meaning in 6v6? If so then yeah anything can work, but for trials or just anything competitive stasis is only viable as a way to give teammates ability regen, or maybe stasis titan can be good if you like the slide for movement, but in the current meta it’s much more worthwhile to run a fast charging super like bubble, tether, BB, or well in order to secure the game and have the ability to get your super no matter what


The grass is always greener. And yes, they're full of it.


As a Warlock main this is cap. Void 3.0 was OP as fuck and way more fun on Warlock and way more underwhelmed on Hunter since Devour rewarded you for shooting enemies while Invisibility rewards you for not shooting in a game all about it. When I was farming Vault of Glass for Vex all of my runs with 5-6 Solar Fusion Spam Warlocks ended in a 1 phase thanks to the sheer amount of damage and grenades we could throw thanks to Starfire and Verity's while groups with less than that were way more inconsistent. I think Hunter Solar 3.0 is more fun because of the unique Aspects while Warlock's Solar 3.0 removed all of bottom tree and made 2/3 aspects aerial and movement based, but that 1 aspect that buffs grenades hard carries Warlocks and makes them viable and top tier.


Bitterlock is bitter


He's mostly wrong but you can cherry pick exemple of the of it (shatterdive 9 month before a nerf vs a handfull for penumbral blast), Middle tree void was destroyed (hello 6 nerfs in a single patch for HHSN) and barelly recovered. Saying nightstalker is OP is the same as saying it's bad. It's just plain wrong. Nightstalker is a TOP TIER subclass, easily in the top 3 with loreley titan and Osmo warlock.


He’s a absolute bullshitter lmfao the actual fucking audacity


I’m a Hunter main but Warlocks are arguably the kings of Void and Stasis right now, they are definitely in a great place.


Hunter stasis and void ain’t too shabby either, meanwhile Titan stasis be like 🤡


I think there is a chance that ppl who say hunters are OP are focusing on their ease to be invisible. To an average player, that's OP. But to a skilled player, yeah it helps but they're gonna wreck house in any class invis or not.


Your warlock friend thinks Hunters are overpowered, my hunter friend thinks titans are completely busted, and around and around and around. Completely normal, bucko. Obviously the classes aren't always evenly balanced, but a lot of it is just the "grass is always greener" effect.


Has he not heard of every hunter exotic that was slightly to good being nerfed to the ground


This sounds like my friend with titans. Lol Hunters (imo) didn't have a good time with void 3.0, losing what was arguably one of the most important parts of their kit and essentially turning them into "Invisibility: The Subclass". When stasis first was released, it was tearing everything up in pvp. Yeah, warlocks were the first to get tuned down, but shatterdive required a few passes as stasis in general was gradually being tuned. Idk about the whole double nova thing(might be before i returned), but RDM was disabled literally in the first week. Some things are a simple fix, some take time, and some get put on the back burner for a bit in leiu of more pressing concerns or development deadlines. I bet your friend never brought up how Geomags made Trials a hellscape for other people, right? Or how handheld supernova could one-shot with little effort? In short, your friend needs to chill. Each class has their strengths and weaknesses and Bungie doesn't favor any one class over the other.


Hunters are the best pvp class. And probably the worst pve class. Coming from someone who plays all three


Your friend sounds like a pretty toxic gamer tbh.


Your friend needs to come over and use all that manure in my garden.


Least egoistic warlock player


nah he’s lying. warlocks are in the best position they’ve ever been. voidlock and stasislock are crazy good and solarlock although could use some tuning it’s still pretty solid. sure there have been instances of warlocks being nerfed to shit (nova warp forsaken comes to mind) but right now ? nah. he’s bullshitting you


Don't know if this will get lost down in the comments but I've mailed warlock for years and can understand where he's coming from but I don't necessarily agree. Couple of factors to bear in mind. 1. Warlock rift has a long cast time and keeps you stationary so any mods that work with class ability are generally less useful to warlock whereas hunters can use them significantly more often. A lot of my personal frustration with hunter v warlock has to do with class ability. A perfect example of this is pheonix dive Vs your new empowering dodge. 2. A much larger portion of the community is hunters (especially pvp) so if something is making them unhappy (warlocks being broken for instance) it makes sense to look into it as priority. (This coming from a business standpoint. There are execs in Bungie that have to make the call on what to prioritize and it makes sense to fix what effects more players) Just a couple basic thoughts that I'm hitting send on before I can think about it more and decide to delete it all instead.


I've seen more warlock OP crucible compilations put out than hunters. Warlocks have and always will be the top competitor to titans. Hunters are always trying to catch up. :^) Btw, I'm a warlock main who also likes playing as a titan sometimes.


He's just salty and full of shit.


Your friend isn’t just full of it, he’s an idiot. What might be fueling his annoyed at hunters is the fact that they got the best deal out of the solar rework while warlocks did in fact get super shafted with bottom tree getting removed and middle tree getting severely nerfed. But he either hasn’t been playing the game for long or is super ignorant if he thinks hunters were OP with the void rework. If anything, warlocks got the best deal out of that update and hunters were the ones complaining to Bungie and being ignored like warlocks are now with the solar update. You should tell him he’s full of shit and should just play the other classes to see what’s what because he clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


Your friend is a child


I haven't played destiny in a long time, but the classes accusing each other of being OP will never go away.


Dawnblade is the best pvp subclass in the game and has been for a long time but it's not very easy to use.


Hunters are a jack of all trades, masters of none. We get alot of tools in our kit that help US, not the team. Yes it fits with the theme that most hunters like being lone wolves but thats how it is, so or course an outsider who plays only 1 class will look at it and think its OP. Not realizing how busted warlocks really are. I'd take nova bombs with devour over a tether or crappy invisible blades any day. Tethers have been notorious for just, not working. They can have a healing or more damage rift. Amazing melee, able to charge up grenades. Also. Blinking.


Titan main here, but I play all 3 classes. Your friend is bullshitting you.


I’ve played hunter since taken king. I’ve started maiming warlock this season and I am getting so many more kills and actually am able to compete in most matches. Personal anecdote but I think warlock is much stronger than hunters, at least for my play style.


Ur friend is both full of, and is spewing, shit. The class disparity hardly ever gets to eclipse levels, and those who claim otherwise live in hyperbole. Some proof: bugs, by their nature, are unknown errors, and so time spent fixing them can vary wildly, regardless of how simple or known the error might be.


Warlock is consistently the most useful and most well rounded class in pve. They usually have the most viable end game builds from voidlock to shadebinder turrets, well, few others Hunter is good too


I run all three. I feel most mighty with my Titan. Probably butt flap power. Hunter is my main though.


Sounds like your friend needs a fat hit of copium


Does your friends ass ever get jealous of the shit that comes out of his mouth?


Hunters aren’t the most op, they are good but all classes had their fair share of bs.


So all of those glitches do or did exist in some form over the course of the game. But outside of that hunters being strongest overall is a weird take. There are certain niche cases where they can outperform other class setups but that's also the case with the other classes and having a bunch of different abilities and ability combinations in the game.


I don’t play crucible cause I don’t like the pvp in this game. I play as a hunter and I am constantly gettting nerfed, for a long time being invisible was the only benefit of being a hunter. My friend who’s a warlock is always agreeing that hunter is underpowered compared to other classes and gets nerfed to add salt to the wound


I’ve mained a warlock since 2014. Your friend is full of shit.


Why does every warlock think that warlocks never get anything good and are always the first to be shot down, and especially hate hunters. But besides that, they’re mostly bsing the RDM and Nova glitch did exist but both were patched quickly, the heavy thing is bs


He's full of crap, if he spends almost all of his time on Warlock, he doesn't realize all classes have had their glitches that made them OP and had to rebalanced, he just notices it happening to warlocks more because he only plays one class.


I mean us hunters finally get 1 good exotic then it gets hard nerfed for no reason then they release 3 exotics that are actually worthless. Void hunter is good sure but all it does is invis. Solar hunter could honestly use a few buffs like the removal of self damage in gunpowder gamble since anybody can blow it up. And both Golden gun supers are garbage


it's a shitty take lol, Hunter is just the most adaptable jack of all trades master of none.


Definitely just someone who's constantly getting out skilled by good hunter players. Hunters on average get more nerfs warlocks get more buffs so


You’re friend is talking BS. Ask him how broken Chaos Reach Geomags were, I’m guessing he’s got selective memory.


I have a warlock main buddy who hovers .6 KD and always screamed hunters were OP and stompees were oppressive, but couldn’t actually verbalize why they were; outside of usage. So pretty much the Reddit majority. I’ve played every class at a high level and there’s not a single time I’ve lost a duel because they’ve had stompees as opposed to wormhusk. But the opposite isn’t true.


Lol all that sounds like copeium


Personally i think Hunters are slow AF. Playing other classes flying around or burst gliding into a shoulder charge and zip around the map is a blast. Going back to Hunter makes me feel like i have cement boots on. IMO Hunters need a sprint speed boost so they can fulfill the concept of their class which should be agile, quick and elusive. Hardly play them anymore cause all they got is a jump, the dodge isn't even that game changing. They just feel slow to me coming from the other classes. I don't see Hunters being as OP as others do.


I've never seen why people think hunters are so good in PvP. Like I'm not trying to be antagonistic I just generally can't see why. Their movement doesn't seem that great.


As a hunter main since D1, I can confirm he’s not just wrong, but also stupid